Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #38

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and wasnt there some trip to disneyland???
with lori??
think it was in melani G interview.

hoping the statement from the son (dad met a widow....blahblah)was sincere and not lie spinning to cover his fathers behind.

which for that to be the case the trip to disneyland and nice lady cookie making session where lori spin.


They didn't go to Disney. Chad and his kids vacationed in California over the Thanksgiving weekend and they went to Knott's Berry Farm (an amusement park). Lori may have been there with them, although we are waiting on confirmation she was actually there. She told MG she was going to CA with Chad and his kids but, strangely, she wasn't in the vacation photos we've seen. If she was there and avoided being photographed on purpose, it makes me think they were intentionally trying to keep Lori and Chad's marriage a secret from the outside world. It's the same as Chad not acknowledging to police that he was married to Lori when police came to do a welfare check on JJ. Chad acted like he barely knew Lori and tried to drive away. Now that we know the kids were buried in Chad's backyard it makes total sense why they tried to keep their relationship hidden from police. I really wonder when Chad's kids first met Lori. I think the statement about them having cookies with her after Tammy's funeral and being all accepting of Lori as their dad's new woman was likely a fabrication from Lori to MG and an attempt to make the situation seem benign.

I have also wondered about the psychology of these two long ago, and my opinion stayed the same basically, so I'll just quote:
"I think two of them have synergy. One is creative and weak, another one not very creative but definitely *very* active in pursuit of her goals and charismatic. Lust and common goal to compensate for their feelings of inferiority brought them together. Chad received justification for his longings, I am sure its LVD who made him believe he should take active steps; and LVD received reason to justify her actions based on Chad's "visions". If they did not meet or were separate, probably there would be nothing to discuss JMO" (ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #28)

One thing I would add, is that we don't know CD became criminal "overnight". IMO there could be other unidentified crimes during his sexton past
I know how CD became a criminal overnight. He is totally P Dubbed by Lori.
-That video of Lori, during her first appearance in court after returning to Idaho. VERY smug, almost prancing in her orange and white striped jumpsuit , as she passes in front of Kay. At the time, I thought she was acting like, "I know where they're hiding, I know where they're hiding !"

And at that time the police had already searched Chad's property, so Lori was probably convinced they had gotten away with it.
I have also wondered about the psychology of these two long ago, and my opinion stayed the same basically, so I'll just quote:
"I think two of them have synergy. One is creative and weak, another one not very creative but definitely *very* active in pursuit of her goals and charismatic. Lust and common goal to compensate for their feelings of inferiority brought them together. Chad received justification for his longings, I am sure its LVD who made him believe he should take active steps; and LVD received reason to justify her actions based on Chad's "visions". If they did not meet or were separate, probably there would be nothing to discuss JMO" (ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #28)

One thing I would add, is that we don't know CD became criminal "overnight". IMO there could be other unidentified crimes during his sexton past
I know how CD became a criminal overnight. He is totally P Dubbed by Lori.
I am thinking about who is controlling the dynamic between CD and LVD and the need for the kids to become zombies.

IF what LVD told MG is true about chad’s list and zombies it sounds to me like HE was first to call someone that. So I’m wondering why the kids. Could it be as simple as he didn’t want kids around? He wanted to do whatever he wanted with LVD and not take care of kids? I mean if Tylee was a threat with what she knew she certainly lived for a some time with that knowledge.

So my question: what was CD like as a dad? Was he involved or was that TD? Was he always in office writing, blogging, messaging on his forum and going off to speaking engagements? Is it possible that TD was the epitome of a mom? I think so. I think CD controlled the narrative based on his WANTS, not fears of what Tylee knew.

I’ve said from the beginning when I looked at CD’s books that this was a man that didn’t value his wife in a way that an uber relegious man would. He showed signs of lust imho as he referenced old girlfriends and taking them to the cemetery for dates. Then throw in staying at a woman’s home while her husband gone as a married religious man. Inappropriate without even knowing the truth. I truly think his lust, “thrill seeking fantasy” and possibly his dislike of kids in general, are his only motives for the kids becoming zombies. I would also wonder if underneath this persona of man is an angry, possibly abusive husband and father.

I have another theory on the reason the wording of the sealed warrant was changed. I do believe that someone felt their life was threatened and that would be the neighbor Price who reported the bon fires. It was not just 1 house on that street that Daybells' lived in but 2! Mr. Price was surrounded by avid CD supporters who were hell bent to be mean and angry to anyone who would question Chad's morals and behaviors.
It doesn't mean that someone in the circle flipped - only that someone (maybe from community not just family or friends) felt their life was in danger.
What if it was info gathered from an unwilling source? Intercepted communications?
Agreed. Its something deeper

I do remember him (ZP's son) saying that on the 911 call. I listened to it as soon as it was released.
I remember that as well. From 911 call recording .
So did I. I heard him saying there were feces on the ground, but I didn't hear any reference to foaming at the mouth.
I remember hearing it as well. I’ll go back and look.
Thank you! I am just trying to follow along and gather in all the info that this amazing site is providing and taking in all the insights.
Honestly I’m 5 days into having the dreaded Covid-19 (Only moderately)and grateful I stumbled upon this site. I’ve been privately obsessed with the case lol... and now I’ve got good company :)
Oh no @Michael0808 I'm sorry to hear you're not well. I hope it's a mild case and you'll be feeling better soon! It's great to have you spending time here with us!

He definitely poisoned her or injected her with something as she slept. IMO :(

I am looking at her smiling face in the picture and reading about how much she loved her children. Breaks my heart![/QUOTE]

Tammy could have ingested a poison in in food or drink too, probably over a time period.

Below is a link on gemstone toxicity.....lists the gem and toxicity level

Gemstone Toxicity Table - International Gem Society - IGS
Friends of Tammy Daybell express concern over her death | East Idaho News

Can someone with a medical background explain why you would have “pink” foam coming from your mouth after death? Why pink?
Was she poisoned?
Article states several people questioned why her funeral was rushed and why Chad insisted on no autopsy and now wonder what happened to Tammy. :(

whew..this is a new piece... I feel certain that LE must have had this all along though. I guess since we have our kids found, some of the stuff that should no leak will!!

The only comment on the above mentioned article was one person mentioning that "foaming" is often the result of cardiac arrest after an overdose.
I have another theory on the reason the wording of the sealed warrant was changed. I do believe that someone felt their life was threatened and that would be the neighbor Price who reported the bon fires. It was not just 1 house on that street that Daybells' lived in but 2! Mr. Price was surrounded by avid CD supporters who were hell bent to be mean and angry to anyone who would question Chad's morals and behaviors.
It doesn't mean that someone in the circle flipped - only that someone (maybe from community not just family or friends) felt their life was in danger.

I don't think that's it. If it was, I don't think the neighbor would be telling people 'it was me, it was me.' And if he was, that would negate the need for secrecy, not cause an amended complaint to be filed upholding secrecy.

I just looked at the Idaho rules that spell out what a judge must consider in choosing to seal a search warrant. Risk of harm to another person is one reason, and it may be the reason the judge chose. "Harm" as a legal term encompasses a lot of things - not just necessarily physical harm. However, because the public right to information about court proceedings is also considered an important interest, whatever harm means would have to be judged to be severe enough to outweigh the public's right to know. However, with Chad and Lori both in custody, and Alex deceased, you'd have to wonder who the court would think would be doing the harming at that point.

The other factor that seemed plausible to me is the one that involves jeopardizing the right to a fair trial. Not Chad's trial I'm guessing, but possibly Lori's. People were wondering why Lori's lawyer's car was supposedly seen at her facility the morning the house was being searched. The Idaho rules also say that a hearing will be held before the sealing of a document. However, they say that in the case of a warrant, a judge can choose on his own to seal it temporarily, until the warrant has been returned, and then notify any parties who may have an interest to weigh in on whether the warrant should remain sealed. Given how connected Chad and Lori's cases are, my guess is that Lori has an interest. I think her lawyer asked to see the warrant and probably made the argument that it would jeopardize her right to a fair trial to make whatever is in there public at this time. My guess is that the judge was persuaded by this argument, and that is the reason behind the changing of the "may be harmed" to "will be harmed" by the release of the search warrant.

See Idaho Court Administrative Rule 32, Section (i). Read under number 1) and also under number 2), letters D and E. at this link: I.C.A.R. 32. Records of The Judicial Department - Examination and Copying - Exemption From and Limitations on Disclosure. | Supreme Court

TLDR - inquiring minds will have to wait a while, because Lori.
I am so sorry - I think it came from the inside poster's post last night. Honestly, I am not sure but it might have been @Redvines. Maybe I better not post and just read for a bit because I have incorporated info from "locals" into info from MSM in my brain at this point.
You have every right to question me on this and I am hopeful that if I am wrong locals can correct me.
Again - my apologies.

I believe it was @RexburgSleuth who said that according to the family, that the children moving out of the house was planned. I did not see if he/she said anything about Emma moving In though. And it was the neighbor who said Chad sat in his car for hours while the police searched the property. I believe he said that in his interview with one of the reporters. MOO
There could be a local statement of condolences accompanying information about memorial services for people who know the children or wish to honor their lives. I wouldn't be surprised by that. On the other hand, "the Church" is unlikely to address this in any other way than to adjudicate their membership at some point, with or (much more likely now) without them. That will happen quietly, no announcement is likely on that either.
I keep thinking they have learned a lot over this year too, the Church, i mean. I understand how things would come out subtly, but I bet they will be coming out with something stonger than they ever have. This is a large contingent of secretive stuff out there...not just our little group. imo,, moo I have seen some nepharious websites not even subcription demanding that have huge followings. I know, quite speculative, but "it" is out there....

Interestingly, the Deseret News, which is owned by the Church, published an opinion piece on the case today. This quote ends the piece:

“Civic duty entails an understanding that while crimes target specific victims, they also victimize all of society while mocking the rule of law. That is never more so than when children, the most vulnerable among us, are involved.”
I am going to stumble over my own words now... When I refer to her as a "bad seed", I really mean forever and always manipulating, and cheating others out of a normal life; using others; often for money to live higher and higher.

BUT I do feel she also believed her spiritual **** was giving her purpose and protection... from her base lds, and then the evolution of the elevated cult transition.

Her religiosity makes her different, imo, from other devious female-killers who are only out for the death or the money, and are cold as rocks. She's becoming cold as rocks, but I think in her crazy belief system she thought she was going to be like... i dunno...Snow White or something.

I just wanna say I absolutely love you.

Snow White, the bad seed. She ate the whole apple. :)

There's one thing (of many!) that really upsets me...

-That video of Lori, during her first appearance in court after returning to Idaho. VERY smug, almost prancing in her orange and white striped jumpsuit , as she passes in front of Kay. At the time, I thought she was acting like, "I know where they're hiding, I know where they're hiding !"

But they were already dead, and buried, in Chad's back yard by then. Just so, so horrible. I can hardly wrap my mind around it..:(
Yes! This is the same disturbing image that ran through my mind yesterday. Lori smugly bouncing out of the courtroom, swinging her hair with that smirk on her face all while knowing exactly what happened to and exactly where Tylee and JJ were; gone forever. Heart wrenching.
whew..this is a new piece... I feel certain that LE must have had this all along though. I guess since we have our kids found, some of the stuff that should no leak will!!

The only comment on the above mentioned article was one person mentioning that "foaming" is often the result of cardiac arrest after an overdose.

Acute Pulmonary Edema
I just realized in Chad's bail hearing that his attorney said the night before the search warrant was executed the police were at his house & he planned to turn himself in! They would not go to his house to talk to him knowing he has an attorney without his consent.

I think this strongly suggests that Chad Daybell is the informant.[/QUOT

Could this mean that Chad physically showed them (walked outside and pointed to) the location the night before the warrant was served? Maybe pointed to where the cadaver dogs should start searching the next day? If it was under cover of night, and no one was paying attention, that could be why they were so certain to tell Nate what they did.
I would really love to know what LE went looking for in their search warrant of Lori's parent's home - and what they found. Very close in time to the second sealed order and finding of the kids.

I agree. Quite the coincidence. Maybe there was something in their telecom history (phone, computer, etc) that helped in obtaining the search warrant of the property.
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