Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #40

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Patch Tuesday

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Jul 2, 2019
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Police searching for Rexburg children believed to be in serious danger | East Idaho News

I believe this is going to be a more complicated case than it looks on the surface. The children's mother (Lori Wallows) recently married a man (Chad Daybell) a few weeks after his wife died. It was presumed the late wife had died of natural causes but was exhumed recently and her death is now being investigated.
The new wife's husband was shot in a family argument earlier this year:

Chandler Police identify man who was shot dead during family fight

The husband and wife are not cooperating with police and have since vanished.

ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

ID - Joshua Vallow & Tylee Ryan, Rexburg, Sept 2019 - TIMELINE ONLY *NO DISCUSSION*

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This thread is dedicated to discussion of two missing kids, JJ and Tylee.

The thread does not exist to chit chat about your own religious doctrines, discuss temples, tithing, BYU, physical appearance, etc. Forty seven of such off topic posts have just been removed.

Do not ignore Moderator warnings.

Stay on topic or thread reply bans or TOs will be issued.
Hey everyone,

Plunder is not an approved source here, and what is discussed in the nightly youtube chat is not held to the same TOS standard that this WS board discussion is. Please don't bring what is discussed in chat to this thread.

Please move on from discussing various personality disorders.

We do not have any VI psychologist / experts in the thread and Lori has not been diagnosed so it is really off topic in this discussion at this time and, at times, comments made are offensive to some members.
Hello all. I usually anxiously awaited someone else reply posting what I was thinking since I'm not confident enough in my memory to post. I've followed these threads since the remains were found and haven't seen my opinion or questions asked or posted.
I don't believe it was Chad who spilled the beans. If he had, I believe they would've had him at least in the back yard for further assistance. Maybe not at the digging spot, but by the barn? Back of the house? In a LEO car in the driveway at the back of the house? Which leads me to my question. If they knew or thought they were going to find something, why did they let him sit in the car alone? Wouldn't they have a fear of him bolting or trying to hurt himself? In past cases, if the beans were spilled, the spiller would be accompanying the investigators to the spot or an official would be with the spiller close by, even if as a support. Sorry if this was posted and I missed it.
Please dont be afraid to post! This forum works because we can all feed off of each other's ideas and information and yours is as valuable as everyone elses!

You make a very good point. If Chad had spilled the beans, he would have been front and center with LE pointing to where he dug. You are the first person to point out that information! Thanks! I think it is the most convincing discredit of the "Chad rolled" theory we have seen. You are obviously good at this and have no reason to hesitate posting in the future. We are all wrong some (or most) of the time. But throwing ideas out there is always good.
1) Chad and/or Lori. Some think it could have been Alex.

I am of the opinion based on their behaviour and how the bodies were dealt with that Lori murdered Tylee, and that both Chad and Lori murdered JJ. The viciousness of how Tylee's body seems to have been dealt with doesn't fit with lazy Chad nor Alex - who I think was having problems with killing Tammy and I think the kids are a shore too far for him. His other assaults and murders seem to be in their defense. Coming up with that motivation to protect children from abusive or molesting husbands isn't that hard for most people to imagine, whereas actually murdering an innocent woman and two children you've loved is. Don't see Alex being able to do it.

If Chad was challenged while killing Tylee he might have over done it then had to be a hero of zombie killing for Lori's' benefit though so I won't negate that possibility. But I think it was Lori - she is the only person to possibly harbour that level of rage at Tylee for growing up.

Tylee texted at some point that she was so hungry - I'm assuming that it is possible Lori didn't like how the extra weight reflected on herself so was starving Tylee to make her more in to a mirror of Mommy.

Whereas JJ's body seems to have had some attempt at an almost memorial style burial - possibly subconsciously done. Which certainly says some sort of regret on the part of the person burying him. I think that either Chad or Lori could have done that one.

Unless he was buried alive. While I don't really see what others see in the aerial photos ever since someone said they saw an arm up in the ground this horrible possibility has haunted me. I really hope it wasn't.

There are bricks in the photos which I keep hoping didn't come from the burial being weighed down and are just from the fire pit.

2) There is nothing to suggest how either of them died.
I'd put nothing past Lori in this with Tylee. Shooting her seems quite possible. Something that involves Tylee fighting for her life to warrant her body being treated with extra contempt.

JJ there is really nothing to give any ideas. Drowning children is common enough.

3) The children were murdered because Chad and Lori are horrible evil people and these children were in the way of their plans for personal greatness. Their deaths are tributes to Chad and Lori's willingness to take charge of the apocalypse and deal swiftly with the powers of dark spirits. Plus, they were in the way.

That's my take on it, but there is no physical evidence we have access to that would support this.
It is hard to think of this but I wonder if it may have been a Risparadone overdose with JJ, either accidental or on purpose. Around the beginning of Oct hence the need for the storage unit. He allegedly spoke to Grandma JC on 1 Oct so it is important for LE to check that out.
In China. It might have started in October in China. Why are we discussing covid on this thread? We might as well discuss alien abduction.
Because you asked for examples where it started in October and called someone's suggestion that Alex or Tammy could have died from Covid ludicrous. It is a valid suggestion as they both could have had blood clots in the lungs. You are now being rude regarding suggestions being as likely as alien abductions. Now suggestions have been provided, you don't want to discuss it.
Yeah, this was all planned, IMO
I do not think it was a coincidence at all. JMO

Melani: Alex and Zulema had been dating for several months, and Alex was very ready to marry Zulema. She was waiting until she got an answer. She knew she was supposed to be with Alex but was going to wait until it felt like the right time.

<snip> The coincidence of us picking the day right after them wasn’t planned or anything – it was just what happened. We made the decision in Arizona during Thanksgiving and said, “Let’s do it.” And while we’re there, we need a witness, and Alex and Zulema are there. <snip>
This is all my opinion and not fact:

It's just nonsense and blabber.

The first statement tells me ZP didn't wait until it felt like the right time. Something made her do it faster.

The second statement is just plain false. 'The coincidence wasn't planned'. You cannot plan a coincidence. The denial and the illogical use of the word plan flags it up as unreliable. Therefore I only have to wonder why she is going to such lengths to deny a plan.

The third statement - while we're there we need a witness and Alex and ZP are there - is planning.

I think some liars tend to talk too much to try and bury the lies, but it only reveals more material to unravel all the inconsistencies.
I still have a hard time believing Alex killed or buried these children. Not 100 percent, but these are children, his relatives. Lori and Chad have obvious motives. I don't want to believe his sister could convince him to be involved in murdering these children.
I think he was involved in Tylee's death. Because I think when MG challenged him about his belief in zombies his response that he 100% believed it could be that he had to, to justify to himself what he had done.

A vision alone doesn't imply guilt. For example, if there's no other proof that Chad murdered or conspired to murder Tammy, he won't be charged with her murder, IMO.

Having a "vision" that his wife was going to die won't help his cause because most people don't believe in visions. Added to the fact that he likely buried/killed the children before she died and he married only two weeks after her death will also work against him. He had motive and whether or not they find anything in Tammy's autopsy, he may be charged. His loony belief system will work against him -- not for him. JMOO
So when do we expect murder charges?
Yesterday please :)

Idaho Code 18-4003 – Degrees of Murder

Current as of: 2018 | Check for updates | Other versions
(a) All murder which is perpetrated by means of poison, or lying in wait, or torture, when torture is inflicted with the intent to cause suffering, to execute vengeance, to extort something from the victim, or to satisfy some sadistic inclination, or which is perpetrated by any kind of willful, deliberate and premeditated killing is murder of the first degree.

Idaho Code 18-204 – Principals Defined
All persons concerned in the commission of a crime, whether it be felony or misdemeanor, and whether they directly commit the act constituting the offense or aid and abet in its commission, or, not being present, have advised and encouraged its commission, or who, by fraud, contrivance, or force, occasion the intoxication of another for the purpose of causing him to commit any crime, or who, by threats, menaces, command or coercion, compel another to commit any crime, are principals in any crime so committed.

» Idaho Code 18-4003 – Degrees of MurderLawServer
So when do we expect murder charges?

Before prelims?

Also, someone upthread said that Chad waived his prelim hearing and would not have one. IIRC he waived his right to attend such. Two different things.

Which is correct, as the prelim was scheduled after he said such?

I was thinking he just wants to put his head in the sand and not be on internet/tv, so he wants to sit in jail and not be there... like a flamingo. (If I'm not there, it didn't happen... or I don't want to sit in the court with family members sitting on the prosecution side as happened with Colby at Lori's hearing? )

It sure would send a message if family members/others unexpectedly for him sat on the prosecution side!!


ETA: I am corrected below, with cue up on video, that he waived his right to speedy prelim! Still hoping that "significant" folks sit on the prosecution side though!!!!
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Before prelims?

Also, someone upthread said that Chad waived his prelim hearing and would not have one. IIRC he waived his right to attend such. Two different things.

Which is correct, as the prelim was scheduled after he said such?

I was thinking he just wants to put his head in the sand and not be on internet/tv, so he wants to sit in jail and not be there... like a flamingo. (If I'm not there, it didn't happen... or I don't want to sit in the court with family members sitting on the prosecution side as happened with Colby at Lori's hearing? )

It sure would send a message if family members/others unexpectedly for him sat on the prosecution side!!

My understanding is that he waived his right to a speedy prelim hearing (14 days) - not his right to attend it.

starts at 8:12 mins

I think chances are they will have to hold off on trying to sell the home for a while. Too much history known in the town. But I don’t know that they want to lose that much money by letting the bank take it back. Time will tell how long they hold out.
Any idea why they are moving out and into the house across the road? I don't understand why one would do that. Considering that bodies of children were buried there.
My understanding is that he waived his right to a speedy prelim hearing (14 days) - not his right to attend it.

starts at 8:12 mins

Ha! Thank you so very much for taking the time to post this, and taking even more time for the cue up time!

You are correct, I was wrong (many times I have been out of 7,710 posts I've made lol)

I took the time to ETA my OP so that the post doesn't have others taking time as you did to document my error.
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