Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #42

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So due process of law and probable cause aren't a thing where you live? You can just lock people up for any old reason, even without evidence?

ETA: Sorry for the wind-up but it sounds like you're saying that as far as your country/locality is concerned, it's "guilty until proven innocent", and that's not how the justice system works here. As imperfect as it is, and was in this case, it's still better than any other I've heard of.

I agree with Satchie, around here if someone is dead & you are holding the implement of that death, expect a ride in a black&white.

You may not spend the night, but you got some 'splainin' to do. Likely charges that can be dismissed with no record.

Now Arizona. Well I used to live in Arizona. Have you heard of Eloy, Arizona? Eloy is the last town in the USA to outlaw gunfighting in the streets.

Which they did in 1967.

Also, IIRC there was an officer involved in the Gilbert, AZ investigation who was involved in either AVOW or PAP or both.

Perhaps the investigation was, limited?

The only thing I can think of is no change in cell-tower + not using his phone in between. Or maybe in a clumsy attempt at masking his activity, he turned his phone off in between, or, as you're suggesting, perhaps there is more information that's not being shared because it wasn't pertinent to the warrant on the specific charges on Chad.

I'm finding this frustrating about the APCs in general -- there is a lot that's not said or explained, which I suppose is what court testimony is for, but still, it leaves many questions.
Here is an explanation of the cell pinging stuff I found online (Quora). We had it basically right:

The phone sitting inactive as he describes, there is a parameter that can be set by the carrier. It is basically an activity timer. We set ours, when I still worked for a carrier, at 8 hours. So you turn your phone on, and it pings once, to tell the network it's on,and where it is. With the activity timer set at 8 hours, unless the phone moves to another cell, makes or recieves a cal or text, or starts a data session, nothing happens. After 8 hours, the phone will ping again, then be dormant for 8 more hours.

The purpose of the timer, is to not use network resources for a phone that has been off for more than 8 hours. As long as the 8 hours hasn’t passed, everytime an incoming text or voice call comes, the network will “page” the phone, in an attempt to complete the call. If the timer expires, and the phone doesnt’t ping again, the network won’t bother to look for it. You can tell when you call it.

If you call, and the phone rings 2 times (again, a timer and paging protocol defined by the carrier. Most carriers “page” twice, before routing to voicemail, about 2 rings worth), then goes to voicemail, it is likely off, but has been off less than 8 hours. If it has been longer than 8 hours, the caller won’t hear a ring at all, the ne work knows it hasn't “pinged” at the appropriate time, 8 hours. So no network resources are wasted looking for it.

If you get 4, or 5 rings before voicemail, the phone is on, but no one is answering.

Again, there are no “standards” for how these timers are set. The standards make them available, and specifies how they work. Each carrier has internal,practices for how they are set.

The only exception to the above, is if your phone is on a border between two “location areas”, which again are the defined by the carrier according to their preferences. If so, all phones periodically rescan, periodic registration, looking to be sure it's on the strongest cell (the rescan time is also defined by the carrier). If that timer is set at let’s say 5 minutes, every 5 minutes your phone will scan a list of towers, sent to it by the network, to see if it is still on the best tower. If on one scan, tower A is strongest, it will register (ping), and the 8 hour clock starts. 5 minutes later, the phone scans again. If tower A is still the strongest, nothing happens. If for some reason (you moved the phone, even slightly) on the next scan Tower B is now strongest, and B is a different location area, it will register again, pinging tower B, and updating its location in the network. Now, if a call comes, the network knows not to look for you on tower A, so it won’t waste paging resources, it will page on tower B, and any other towers sorftware defined as being part of the same location area. So if your phone is smack dab between two towers, with nearly equal signal strength, the phone could “pimg” every 5 minutes, or whatever rescan time is set. Note that while the phone is scanning, it can’t receive calls, which is why sometimes you call a phone and it goes to voicemail, but you try a minute later it rings.

I can’t recall the IEEE standard, a group called 3GPP develops the standards.
Shooting is a man's choice of murder weapon.

Poisoning is a woman's choice of murder weapon.
I don't agree that the deaths didn't raise eyebrows. It appears there was lots of rumours and gossip, we know that from IP. But no one had any evidence, it was just rumours and gossip.

Certainly, a man shooting his brother-in-law in 'self defense' would be a big deal in many parts of the world. Police where I live would arrest him, and file major charges since he had served time in jail for tasering his previous brother-in-law. But it is apparently not such a big deal in Arizona.
Agree. The police were acting like it was a fender bender.
I went out today to run a few errands and as I sat at a red light there was a bill board that said what my new signature line is, and it could not be more prophetic for this case.

If you are uncomfortable of the truth you need to re-evaluate yourself as to why you are comfortable with a lie.
Enough said.
I really like this! Thank you for sharing!
Respectfully, I think you're reading too much into this, at least as regards JJ. First, he didn't say "let's get the Hell out of here", he was yelling at another boy to "get the Hell out of here", and it says nothing about rebelling against hyper-religiosity. If it does, then there must have been a lot of kids in my community rebelling against hyper-religiosity when I was growing up! (hint: no, we/they were just using phrases our/their parents used). Even without autism, no kid that age is thinking on a high enough level to put such an abstract concept (rebelling against hyper-religiosity) into words.

He would not be glorifying Satan as a passive-aggressive statement of his analysis of the merits of Jesus based on his mother's belief system. I mean.... c'mon. If he even said those words about loving Satan, which I highly doubt, it would not have been a statement of his position on religion. JMOO

Also: "Get the Hell out of here" was situationally appropriate. If his parents had said in a heated argument "Buzz off" or "Get off my lawn" that's what he would have said instead and he wouldn't have been rebelling against bees or elderly people.
@carbuff Yes, you are right in being more specific about the road. I guess I was writing a colloquialism for a four lane road. I do appreciate that you have clarified, because it is possible that they could cross, and easily, I just don't think it's probable. I know I'm beating a dead horse so to speak. I don't know why I can't let it go. Like others have said I just have a feeling that perhaps something nefarious happened at the BBQ parking lot that evening.

You could be right. I dunno. It would have been quite busy in town that day, with all the weekend tourists. Some things would have been closed for the season and some aren't open on Sunday anyway, but still a lot of business and a lot of people around. It's not where I would have picked for a crime, but it's not real busy either.

I don't think crossing the street precludes something nefarious from happening in the BBQ parking lot, either. Like for instance taking JJ across the street while something else happened in the parking lot? I don't know whether the known movements allow for that--there's so much going on I have trouble visualizing and remembering it all...
I'd also be interested as to what the hours where on that date. We know what they are currently but things change and many hours have changed due to Covid.
I found a picture of the Buckaroo Bills BBQ menu from 2017 on a review website. In 2017 they were closed on Sundays.


ETA: Wayback captured their website a couple times in 2016. Closed on Sundays prominent on both captures.
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If Chad were to tell that story about Alex, he would implicate himself and be in on the conspiracy. MOO. Idaho is crazy tough on conspiracy to murder.
But if Chad only found out afterwards then there was no murder conspiracy, at least with Tylee. Not saying Chad is a good guy, just saying he had every reason to fear Alex.
I don't think JJ's was necessarily planned either. Something affected Lori when she got with MG and DW and started talking and thinking about whatever they were talking about on the podcasts (would love to be able to listen to those podcasts now!)
Snipped for focus
Aren't those podcasts available? What kinds of things were they saying?
Snipped for focus
Aren't those podcasts available? What kinds of things were they saying?

I have never found a live link to the podcasts. I thought they had been taken down. If anyone knows where they can be found...otherwise, I have no idea what was said on the podcasts.
Snipped for focus
Aren't those podcasts available? What kinds of things were they saying?

Pretty much everything about Daybell and Vallow and anyone surrounding them has been pulled down or deleted. Podcasts, forum discussions, etc.

There is a tiny advertizement up in youtube right now for one of their conferences where people are telling you how they move to Rexburg to be with Chad.
But if Chad only found out afterwards then there was no murder conspiracy, at least with Tylee. Not saying Chad is a good guy, just saying he had every reason to fear Alex.
What would be those good reasons be? Alex clearly wasn't the brains behind this whole operation. I haven't seen anything to suggest Alex did things unless Lori wanted him to do those things. As long as Chad and Lori were lovey dovey (and it would certainly appear they were while Alex was still alive) I fail to see why Chad would be afraid of Alex.
Agree. The police were acting like it was a fender bender.
Unfortunately Arizona is a stand your ground state. Charles was dead and couldn't tell his side of the story. Alex claimed self-defense, but still police actions on the scene are pretty puzzling, including one cop that for whatever reason decided to clean up blood under the victim's body (which is not cop's job). I still can't figure that one out. So obviously we have a scene contaminated from the get go.
What would be those good reasons be? Alex clearly wasn't the brains behind this whole operation. I haven't seen anything to suggest Alex did things unless Lori wanted him to do those things. As long as Chad and Lori were lovey dovey (and it would certainly appear they were while Alex was still alive) I fail to see why Chad would be afraid of Alex.

Chad and Alex seemed like, in a whole 'nother life they never had/will have, they could co-star in a 60's cop buddy drama.
None of this makes sense until you think of Chad and Lori as evil monster serial killers, and then all of their actions fall into place. It's really hard to go there, but it makes sense. Believe me, coming to a place of making peace with the fact that you were close friends with a serial killer in high school is horrible, but once you do, you can see the patterns were there and the actions in his twisted mind made sense. MOO

What patterns did you see, Redvines?
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