Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #43

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Jul 2, 2019
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Police searching for Rexburg children believed to be in serious danger | East Idaho News

I believe this is going to be a more complicated case than it looks on the surface. The children's mother (Lori Wallows) recently married a man (Chad Daybell) a few weeks after his wife died. It was presumed the late wife had died of natural causes but was exhumed recently and her death is now being investigated.
The new wife's husband was shot in a family argument earlier this year:

Chandler Police identify man who was shot dead during family fight

The husband and wife are not cooperating with police and have since vanished.

ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

ID - Joshua Vallow & Tylee Ryan, Rexburg, Sept 2019 - TIMELINE ONLY *NO DISCUSSION*

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This thread is dedicated to discussion of two missing kids, JJ and Tylee.

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Hey everyone,

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I am sitting here replaying what I would say to MG if I had just two minutes of her time. I feel as though she is playing victim in order to justify her willing participation in what has now turned into four murders. I am not saying she murdered anyone but I feel in my heart she could have prevented the deaths of TR and JV. If you are connected with God in any way, you understand that God would never want you to harm someone in his name or for him. There is also something called gut instinct. She knew this was wrong but I think she allowed herself to be excited and entertained by the drama of it. A real friend would say, ‘honey, your child is precious and this is all untrue, false information you are buying into’. I would never EVER be comfortable with having my friend say something that bizarre about about their own children. Who would?? It makes no sense!! Just like you would not be comfortable seeing your friend beat their child, you would do anything to stop it. I think MG mentioned she was teaching, teachers are mandatory reporters!! What Lori said about her child is obvious signs of mental instability which often leads to child abuse. I love and trust my best friend more than anything but if she started revealing the things LV revealed to MG, I would call her parents or church advisors or DHS and investigate what is really going on in her mind. Melanie, to me is a fraud! Stop acting like a victim, you foolish woman. You know what you could have done and everyone else knows too. The fact that she is getting national exposure on Dateline is shameful. She is hoping this appearance will ease her guilt and make others feel sorry for her but I hope she is wrong and everyone wonders why she didn’t do the right thing. After the call with Chad I would have called the police immediately!! Why didn’t she?! All of this is of course MOO, but I just had to get it off my chest. I hope she is haunted by the fact she could have saved those kids. She may be a good witness for the prosecution but other than that she should not get a drop of sympathy from ANYONE!!

I think you're right that she *could have* prevented their deaths, but only if she had been able to recognize what they were doing was deadly, and at the time it happened, I don't think she could. I think very few people who had her mindset would have been able to. The earliest indication would have been CV's death, but if the cops bought Alex's story, why shouldn't MG also buy it?

All of the zombies, dark and light, probations and everything else were beyond odd, and MG said she wondered about a lot of it -- but it's really no different from the young people today that practice Wicca or pagan beliefs. Angels, spirits, moon goddesses, spiritual beliefs in general are just downright odd for the most part if they're not your beliefs.

I knew from a young age that Mormons marry people who have already died because that somehow binds the soul of the dead person and saves them. Keep in mind that a lot of "otherworldly" stuff is going on in that religion, and I'm not going to judge whether a person is good or bad if they believe it. Beliefs are incredibly personal.

My thought is that MG is speaking out now because she didn't see what was happening right before her eyes and she's angry at herself and at LV and CD for putting her in that position.

But, until those two called her and asked her to lie about JJ, MG had no real reason to second-guess their lies about where the children were. And, when she got that call and the sick feeling in her stomach, she contacted the authorities.

I'm not coming down on MG because I think her reaction was one any person in her shoes might have had.

But, yes, had she been more insightful, she "might have" been able to save the kids. No guarantee, though.
I guess I have a different approach to this whole thing.
I don't believe in any of this stuff, which makes me assume the Zombie Gang don't believe any of it either. Which makes me opine that the whole zombie/end of days apparatus was just a convenient story to legitimize getting what they wanted in life. And doing that would involve killing a bunch of people. And then former lives and portals and a whole bunch of other motifs were thrown on top like embellishments, not essentials.
Maybe the problem is in my assumption. Maybe my own beliefs have given me a blind spot because I just can't imagine folks actually believing this stuff. But, yep, I see it all as a self-aggrandizing babble used to legitimize murder. A Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh type do-over. (The Rajneeshees poisoned an Oregon town with salmonella—first terrorist attack on US soil—as revenge for opposition to their plan.)
Mods, if I'm being offensive, please remove my post. But I'm really just trying to understand my own approach to this case, and it's based on not being able to believe any of this myself. I'm really fascinated that some folks come at this case from the exact opposite direction and arrive at the idea that a cluster of folks could so ardently believe in zombies etc. that they'd murder for their beliefs. I'm not saying they're wrong, just that I can't go there.
Is it possible the Zombie Gang were in both of those spaces simultaneously? Believing but at the same time using their beliefs cynically to get what they want?
We shall see how it turns out!
Like you, I can't fathom buying into the zombie thing, and I don't think Chad believed it, but I think he convinced Lori and maybe her niece, Melani that it was true. Those two females seem incredibly gullible and inundated. Chad just seems like a narcissist and a manipulator. He wanted Lori all to himself, and I think he got a sense of power when he was able to choose who lived and who died.

I think Chad is much more dangerous than almost anyone suspects.
Like you, I can't fathom buying into the zombie thing, and I don't think Chad believed it, but I think he convinced Lori and maybe her niece, Melani that it was true. Those two females seem incredibly gullible and inundated. Chad just seems like a narcissist and a manipulator. He wanted Lori all to himself, and I think he got a sense of power when he was able to choose who lived and who died.

I think Chad is much more dangerous than almost anyone suspects.
Speaking of gullible, both Melani(e)s indicated that Alex really believed in the zombie stuff.
Read paragraph 22 of the APC for Chad's arrest. A detective from the Fremont County Sheriff's Office contacted Tammy Daybell's sister to ask if she had any knowledge of a pet cemetery on the Daybell's property. Ask yourself why he would ask such a question with no foundation. This actually corroborates a rumor that is out there that there is an inside source who has talked to LE (not Chad, Lori, ZP, MG, or anyone else that has been discussed on here.)

Mods, I'm not sure if this violates TOS. I am reporting a released LE implied corroboration of a rumor rather than the rumor itself and am not naming the person who talked or the source of the rumor.
Chad texted Tammy that he buried a big raccoon with the rest of the pets on the day after Tylee was last seen. Alex phone showed he was also present. Police knew all this. They needed the location.
Evil thrives when good people do nothing. I do agree that we measure MG's reactions by our own.

I saw a recent episode of "The Hunt with John Walsh" over the weekend called "Preaching Lies" which had similarities in the way Chad was able to convince others in his beliefs.

The crimes were not murder in the show but they were serious underage sex crimes done by the preacher himself. He was able to convince the parents of the victims to allow their daughters to be in a special group that catered to him. And by the time he fled to Brazil to avoid arrest, most of the people in the group knew what was going on.

On the show, they had the audio of the day when their preacher announced the names of the young girls who were selected by him to be in this special group. It was frightening how the congregation and parents themselves were clapping and happy that their child was chosen.

John Walsh said it best in a summary toward the end of the show and I cannot remember his exact words. But it was something along the lines of.....
these religious leader monsters like this are able to convince others that not only is it not wrong but it is somehow right according to the scriptures. Using their own twisted views of the scriptures to convince others and gain their acceptance of their sick views.

One of the brave victims who was much older now and being interviewed at the end of the show I think said her Mom was still there in the remnants of the group. It shows how twisted things can get that even after formal LE charges and successful prosecution of their preacher leader, others in the group still stay there to this day.

"The Hunt with John Walsh" Preaching Lies (TV Episode 2014) - IMDb
What would be those good reasons be? Alex clearly wasn't the brains behind this whole operation. I haven't seen anything to suggest Alex did things unless Lori wanted him to do those things. As long as Chad and Lori were lovey dovey (and it would certainly appear they were while Alex was still alive) I fail to see why Chad would be afraid of Alex.
Because Alex is a killer?
I posit

- IF Any of the innocent lives of ..
Tylee or
represented ( were worth ) a steady flow of millions of dollars to CD or LV as long as that person remained alive , would that person have been killed?
I believe not.
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I saw a recent episode of "The Hunt with John Walsh" over the weekend called "Preaching Lies" which had similarities in the way Chad was able to convince others in his beliefs.

The crimes were not murder in the show but they were serious underage sex crimes done by the preacher himself. He was able to convince the parents of the victims to allow their daughters to be in a special group that catered to him. And by the time he fled to Brazil to avoid arrest, most of the people in the group knew what was going on.

On the show, they had the audio of the day when their preacher announced the names of the young girls who were selected by him to be in this special group. It was frightening how the congregation and parents themselves were clapping and happy that their child was chosen.

John Walsh said it best in a summary toward the end of the show and I cannot remember his exact words. But it was something along the lines of.....
these religious leader monsters like this are able to convince others that not only is it not wrong but it is somehow right according to the scriptures. Using their own twisted views of the scriptures to convince others and gain their acceptance of their sick views.

One of the brave victims who was much older now and being interviewed at the end of the show I think said her Mom was still there in the remnants of the group. It shows how twisted things can get that even after formal LE charges and successful prosecution of their preacher leader, others in the group still stay there to this day.

"The Hunt with John Walsh" Preaching Lies (TV Episode 2014) - IMDb

This! thank you for sharing this.

John Walsh said it best in a summary toward the end of the show and I cannot remember his exact words. But it was something along the lines of.....
these religious leader monsters like this are able to convince others that not only is it not wrong but it is somehow right according to the scriptures. Using their own twisted views of the scriptures to convince others and gain their acceptance of their sick views.
Alex only threatened the husbands when Lori was no longer happy with the husbands. There was no problem between her and Chad while Alex was still alive.
But we don't know this, do we? I do follow the train of thought that involving Chad into the burials (if nothing else) makes his ties stronger to Lori AND puts pressure on Chad to 'deal' with Tammy (for want of a better word). I do think that murder charges against Lori, will be forth coming, and soon. My worry is that the charges they are currently holding Lori on will no longer be relevant and that they will be dropped. Perhaps a crim lawyer can chime in here? @AZlawyer
Which is worse. She talked to the police after Chad called. She described him as nervous then talked to Lori but fails to tell police about the calls. She was not forthcoming with relevant information and mislead the police by not mentioning the calls. That’s a lie by omission.

What’s even worse is the defense could use this as an argument to refute her testimony. No wonder the prosecution wants to paint her as pristine.
Well, it depends. Was the call from LE an interview or was it just to establish whether JJ was there? if it was the latter, I suspect that MG was awaiting a follow up call from LE and when that didn't happen, MG followed up on her own. Don't forget, many agencies were involved and its quite possible that LE's focus was on finding JJ and Lori. I don't think the defence would be successful in refuting MGs testimony. If anything, I expect the defence to infer that MG was somehow involved in at least JJ's murder.
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