Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #44

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Jul 2, 2019
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Police searching for Rexburg children believed to be in serious danger | East Idaho News

I believe this is going to be a more complicated case than it looks on the surface. The children's mother (Lori Wallows) recently married a man (Chad Daybell) a few weeks after his wife died. It was presumed the late wife had died of natural causes but was exhumed recently and her death is now being investigated.
The new wife's husband was shot in a family argument earlier this year:

Chandler Police identify man who was shot dead during family fight

The husband and wife are not cooperating with police and have since vanished.

ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

ID - Joshua Vallow & Tylee Ryan, Rexburg, Sept 2019 - TIMELINE ONLY *NO DISCUSSION*

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This thread is dedicated to discussion of two missing kids, JJ and Tylee.

The thread does not exist to chit chat about your own religious doctrines, discuss temples, tithing, BYU, physical appearance, etc. Forty seven of such off topic posts have just been removed.

Do not ignore Moderator warnings.

Stay on topic or thread reply bans or TOs will be issued.
Please stop discussing the Release Lori social media account. It is NOT an approved source in this discussion and posts have been removed.

Thank you.
JR is not a POI/suspect here. Please stop discussing her.
Hey everyone,

Plunder is not an approved source here, and what is discussed in the nightly youtube chat is not held to the same TOS standard that this WS board discussion is. Please don't bring what is discussed in chat to this thread.

Please move on from discussing various personality disorders.

We do not have any VI psychologist / experts in the thread and Lori has not been diagnosed so it is really off topic in this discussion at this time and, at times, comments made are offensive to some members.
Hey everyone,

Due to a busy workload behind the curtain today, there is a delay in getting to all the Alerts that have come in. In the meantime ...

Rumors are NOT allowed. You can't make a post and say to the effect "I know it's rumor, but ...."

Also, do NOT sleuth anyone on a witness list. If their name is in MSM, you can discuss and speculate on what is said about them or what they have said in MSM, but you cannot sleuth out their personal information and post about it here.

Posts such as above have been Reported ... do not discuss them. Just give me time to get to them. It will happen, just can't guarantee when :)

Thanks for your cooperation.

There seems to be some confusion and concerns being expressed about Timeline posts not being linked in the Opening Posts.

Mods, Admins, Coordinators ... we've all had discussion about this over the last year and we just don't know why or when members started requesting WS staff to make all these additions and changes to the Opening Posts of new threads. We are a very limited staff and this is something members have historically done on their own that doesn't create any extra work for WS staff.

It is a very simple system that was set up years ago and has worked well in the past. We don't need to duplicate effort or reinvent the wheel here.

In each forum, i.e. "Located Persons Discussion", members will see at the top of the page, a sub forum called for example "Located Timeline and Media Links"

As you can see, any member can start an appropriately titled new timeline thread within such a forum and make or copy their Timeline posts and all subsequent revisions or updates into that thread. It can be titled something like Vallow & Daybell Media, Maps & Timeline (or just Vallow & Daybell Timeline thread if they want to keep it separate and apart from Media and Maps). If the thread gets titled Media, Maps and Timelines, all members have to do is use the search feature within that thread for the word Timeline. That's what these features are for.

When a member has created the Timeline thread, WS staff link it ONCE in the Opening Post and it never has to be changed again, regardless of whether it's 1 or 100 new discussion threads for any given case.

If there is any question about the above, please contact any Mod or Admin and we'll be glad to clarify.

If nobody else is going to do it for this case, when one of us gets time (not sure when that will be), we will set up the timeline thread for you in this case and copy all of Gardener1850's timeline posts into it. We will update the link in the Opening Post and it will never have to change after that.

Truly hope this clarifies.
This post lands at random.

TOS requires that links be provided to support what you state.

Members are entitled to ask for a link. If/when they do, please provide the link rather than tell them to google it themselves.
Teachers from JJ's Gilbert school speak up:

Apparently JJ WAS told that Charles died. On his last day of school he came to school upset about it. Lori told teachers that Charles committed suicide and that the family was moving to California for her job.
******** starred by me because I cussed a lot about this.

ETA why did no one listen to CV?!
I'm curious if she will have to pay back that SS money she received after the kids were (gulp!) killed. Not like she has any money now, but, still. Also, I saw listed on that witness list that someone posted here, I believe that one of the witnesses is a Social Security Investigator. Will she get SS fraud charges tacked on to her list of crimes? JMO
One license plate at a time.
I bet he told it to all the girls (he found attractive).

I'm sorry but I've got to ask the women here, LDS and otherwise - If a man you just met told you that he was married to you in a past life, wouldn't that just be all kinds of creepy on so many levels. As a guy if a woman said anything like that to me it would be a total turnoff and end to any interaction with her!
My understanding is that it was 11 days between the first call from LE regarding if she had JJ, and when she met with them again for full interview.

I get in the middle-ground-weeds on this little issue. I do not blame her for waiting a bit to get back to police.

BUT, 11 days.... how much soul searching did she really have to do?
I don't think many of us believe that she has "totally rewound" her far-out beliefs. I still always think (and it was verified with her tone and comments in the interview with Nate) that she was more concerned about her own potential legal problems rather than the true welfare of the children.

We have had some good back and forth about LE probably glad she is out babbling. Maybe part of their thinking is that with Melanie talking more, maybe Lori will try some vengeful actions.... I feel Lori would protect MBP, but not MG.
I don’t think MG did any soul searching at all. I think she went to the police only after her boyfriend told her to. IMO he likely threatened to break up w/her or go to them himself if she didn’t. She’s just as self-serving as the rest of them.

I'm sorry but I've got to ask the women here, LDS and otherwise - If a man you just met told you that he was married to you in a past life, wouldn't that just be all kinds of creepy on so many levels. As a guy if a woman said anything like that to me it would be a total turnoff and end to any interaction with her!

This isn’t an LDS issue at all imo. And they hadn’t just met if you’re referring to CD and LVD. And I think this runs a bit deeper than what you’re asking women to answer. Jmo
I'm very concerned that will keep prosecutors from being able to get murder convictions against anybody else. It's not good enough to say "One of these people did it," they have to prove a specific person did it. They might get conspiracy and/or accessory charges but not be able to pin the actual deaths on anybody.

Conspiracy to commit murder charges are punished as severely and sometimes worse than straight murder charges. And we don’t know if they will charge capitol murder. People who have hired helpers to actually kill their spouse or business partner often get much harsher sentences than the killers.
Conspiracy to commit murder charges are punished as severely and sometimes worse than straight murder charges. And we don’t know if they will charge capitol murder. People who have hired helpers to actually kill their spouse or business partner often get much harsher sentences than the killers.
If you look at the inside of one of those 2-door Wranglers, it doesn't take a contortionist to get from a seatless rear cargo area to the driver's seat in a big hurry. That doesn't prove it was one person, but it's not impossible.
Yes, it's possible someone (Alex) acted alone. I'm just saying that if Melani helped, there wil be damning digital evidence soon. My gut tells me she was the getaway driver and was smart enough to not have her phone with her. Which means I have some interesting theories about the babysitter...
I'm sorry but I've got to ask the women here, LDS and otherwise - If a man you just met told you that he was married to you in a past life, wouldn't that just be all kinds of creepy on so many levels. As a guy if a woman said anything like that to me it would be a total turnoff and end to any interaction with her!
And I’m also a bit confused. Because you presented to me as a woman. Please delete if not ok
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