Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #14

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Exactly. I also believe that may be Chad on the storage facility video of the two men wheeling kids bikes into the locker on Oct 28th. He can't realistically claim ignorance of the children's existence, can he? But I wouldn't be surprised if tries to say that. MOO.
IMO Chad could have been the man with Lori in the Nov 24th video, but for the Oct 28th visit with Alex I'm thinking Melani's new husband. His kids could have been using the bikes.
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I don't believe it was just a few hours here and there but a full blown affair facilitated by the conference and meeting opportunities. There was a time when she and Tylee left for two months early in 2019. Some of that time they were at AC's and Tylee mentioned being there alone with the baseball bat. They were also in Hawaii some of that time too so I do believe Chad was likely in Hawaii too at that time. He is also seen putting children's bikes in storage. He must have known about the killing of Charles, the attempt on BB's life and he would definitely know now if he didn't know back in Sep/Oct/Nov. He only had to Google her name also.

I completely agree. No way he did not know. He may have said she has no minor children because he knew and considered TR and CR adults and knew JJ was adopted. But he knew. If he didn't then he definitely knew by 26th November when the FBI came knocking. MOO

It wasn't the FBI on 26 November, just the Rexburg PD.

I agree, at some point he has to have found out or realized at some point between September and November. The kids toys and bikes would, at a minimum, have requried Lori to come up with some wild story that couldn't have been too credible to explain those things if he asked (and I would assume he would if he had been told or thought she had no "minor children"). When LE came to do the welfare check on JJ, even if he really didn't say anything, he'd have had to have known at that point.

But prior to Lori coming to Rexburg it would have been easy for Lori to keep him in the dark. How often do you think they were seeing each other with him living in Idaho with Tammy? I'm not saying he did or didn't know, only that it is possible that he didn't.
I had also thought Chad probably had never met the kids, but it just occurred to me, what if the kids disappeared BECAUSE they (Tylee in particular) met Chad, and not in an ideal way. What if she walked in on something she wasnt supposed to in September, and had to be hidden so they wouldn't be exposed for the hypocritical frauds they are? And then it just spiraled downward from there to TDs death, the kids possible murder, ACs death. Moo.
ETA: Just to clarify, I do believe Chad was fully aware that Lori had children.
But Lori was a widow by then and Tylee wouldn't have known that Chad was still married. Even if she did, I doubt she'd go out of her way to let Chad's family know about it. IMO Tylee was loyal to Lori. Besides that, other people might have seen Chad with Lori before Tammy died. We'll see if any come forward.
All of the deaths around these two are seriously creepy.
I bet this has been discussed already but, at this point, I can't remember everything. Did Chad's children know he married Lori? And did they know when they got married?

I believe his children may have been told he got married to Lori after it happened. No source for that, however, it's just my opinion based on some of the early insider posts. And we know his kids were not in Hawaii with them when they got married. Chad and Lori were wandering around 2 days after the wedding looking for a place to rent and talking about how they both had adult children back on the mainland that might visit them in the future. MOO.
BBM. Anything she tells the news or a reporter can be used against her in court. She can lie to the LDS leaders all she wants and they might not be able to testify against her if she claims a clergyman–communicant privilege: Priest–penitent privilege - Wikipedia

Making a claim to a congregation is probably not protected. And if "LDS leaders" are saying things on her behalf, it probably is not a confessional type thing, but more like, "They have a right to attend church here. Leave us alone". (although they aren't saying this that's my impression) MOO
But Lori was a widow by then and Tylee wouldn't have known that Chad was still married. Even if she did, I doubt she'd go out of her way to let Chad's family know about it. IMO Tylee was loyal to Lori. Besides that, other people might have seen Chad with Lori before Tammy died. We'll see if any come forward.

I'm wondering how loyal Tylee really was. While I don't disagree with you at all, I do wonder.

The aunt has said there was tension between Tylee and Lori.

Lori asking the dog trainer to lie to Tylee about a new home for Bailey.

I know this is also teenage behavior.

Tylee didn't want to move to Idaho.

At some point, she had to have figured out most people aren't like her mother. But what did she do with that information?

I'm seeing signs that Chad is starting to crack under the pressure. It's a small snapshot but I think it's quite revealing.

It's not that he doesn't hold the door or check to see that Lori gets in behind him, it's the way he is not walking with her. I think it shows she's not number one in his thoughts, and my guess is he's starting to combust because he's not in control of the media. Feeling impotent is the word that is coming to mind. I think the church is about finding nice people who can get the message out for him that what's in the news is not true - and I think it's becoming apparent he is really really dependent on external validation and support. I hope it means they are arguing already, because he will be thinking of his survival I would think. I hope media keeps up the pressure while LE sort themselves out.

He looks pretty mad here too, in the shot with Nate Eaton-


Nate Eaton - Reporter

Yes, he looks mad in that photo! But he's looking at Lori, not Nate. Maybe gauging her reaction to Nate's approach. Nate just introduced himself, then the photo, then Nate asking "Can you tell me where your kids are?" as they start walking.

Question for those who were at funeral or related services for Tammy (@RexburgSleuth @Randocalrissian ): Did Chad already have his "new" haircut then? I noticed he's sporting it in his Hawaiian wedding photos Nov 5. I'm wondering if he essentially left town and turned into a new person, or if he's had that haircut for a while and the original photos we saw of him were just outdated. I'm trying to wrap my head around how abruptly he changed after Tammy's death of if it was more gradual. Or perhaps the haircut changed in early Sept when LVD arrived? It might give us an inkling (albeit circumstantial) that they were seeing each other already, and whether or not he may know the actual details of the kids' whereabouts? Would love any insights.
He appeared exactly like he normally looked at the funeral services in Utah.
All new look. Not so much a new haircut, but a hair grow! His hair at the memorial and before was as you've seen in the driver's license photos (much like Nate's as well): very short cut. In the photos of the family vacation he had started to grow the top out, but not gone full grey as in the Hawaii video (see attached taken at SLC Airport Gate D7 not sure if Nov 27 or Nov 26, likely not Nov 28. removed people in background unrelated to case.). I do wonder if it's stress or sun that's helped him go grey.

There are a few plants in Hawaii that are extremely common and you can extract extremely powerful drugs from. One that comes to mind is Angel's trumpet (datura). You can make scopalamine, atropine, and various other drugs from it. One of those is belladona which paralyzes your pupils in the dilated state. It is also a poison.

I have it on my property. One day a few months ago I was working in the yard, mostly weedwhacking and chainsawing. I was wearing safety glasses. I felt a sting in my eye at one point like a bead of sweat got in my eye. My vision in that eye got blurred. I was almost done so I finished up, assuming it was just dirty sweat. I took a shower then looked in the mirror and quickly noticed one pupil was fully dilated and the other was normal. Differential dilation can be a sign of a serious head injury so I was briefly freaked out. I got a flashlight and checked my pupil response and that pupil was unresponsive to light. I vaguely remembered that belladona can do that and wondered if datura did as well. A little googling and I found medical reports about it. So I rinsed my eyes out and waited. It took about two days for everything to return to normal! My exposure would have been incidental because I was not working on a datura plant.

Symptoms of datura poisoning can include very dry throat, loss of balance and coordination, tachycardia, and it can lead to death. Wasn't Tammy coughing (dry throat), fell out of bed....

And here's the fun part - when bees make honey from datura flowers the honey contains the toxic compounds.

The plant is a common source of poisons used for suicide in Europe.

That's just one of literally millions of plant species here that could potentially yield an unusual poison. Given the knowledge of some of our POI's associates in areas like this, they could easily have extracted some novel compound that might not even be tested for.

If Chad (or Lori) was a regular in Hawaii they could easily have gotten ahold of some. It is an extremely common plant and grows wild all over the place.
Or if Lori had lived in or gone to Hawaii for an extended period beforehand, she could have figured out how to get rid of Tammy by doing some research. Oh...wait. She could have.

The Chad I thought I knew would be horrified to be seen negatively. I would think he would consider ending things if he saw no way out. But he does not seem to be the Chad I knew, so now I have no idea.
@Randocalrissian You and me both, brother! This is all new Chad.

Does anyone have a picture of them in the store shopping? I'm not finding it in the link, unless it has been taken down. Also If I remember correctly, medicine bottles or containers were in the list of seized items from the Daybell home/property, so hopefully since she was sick there may have been evidence in those!! It's too bad the search warrant was so long after her death, because that left lots of time for him to rid the home of any evidence. Does anyone know for certain where Chad vacationed with his family over Thanksgiving? If I were LE I would be investigating there too!! Honestly so many twists and turns in this case it is crazy!!
Not the shopping trip, but here's Chad on vacation. See below.

Also, I meant to say Tammy's hair might reveal sedatives. I suppose that depends on whether it had happened before or it had a chance to work through her system into the hair follicle.

They used that science in a case I followed before but the victim had been sedated over several months and the levels of sedation built up gradually.

Here's a link that might shed further light on this -
Hair Analysis in Forensic Science - Houston Hair Transplant | Dr. Jezic
If that could have been prolonged exposure and the "paintball gun" attack was planned to trigger the poison, then I think we might have a chance with hair follicle analysis.

Yes, and why not wonder about all those children's scooters and everything on the porch if she has no children?
I'm on the fence about CD meeting the kids. LV is a world class liar. TR is 17, has finished school, divorce documents say she is emancipated (I have no idea what that means legally). JJ is not her biological child, so if she says she has no minor children there is a grain of truth under the bed of lies.

As far as toys, scooters, kids clothes that CD encountered, that is just another lie away from explanation. MB lives next door and has 4 kids. If we leave out the fact that MB does not have custody of her kids why wouldn't CD believe MB's kids come visit auntie Lori?

FWIW I don't believe what I have just said is true, but it could be. MOO
I've posted a theory on how Chad could have missed seeing the children's toys on the front porch:
ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #12

It doesn't explain how she kept them from his knowledge in the repeated interactions of the events and podcasts leading up to their disappearance, but that could just be Lori lying. Remember the Nov 27th call from Colby to Lori about the PD looking for them at his house? Her reply "'I got it, I'll take care of it... Love you and that was it". If she was with Chad at that very second, there's no way she has to explain that response whereas, anything of their live existence would have drawn more questions from Chad. She hangs up. She can quickly think up anything to tell him about Colby. No worries. It keeps the narrative "Lori has no minor children".

On another topic, I see that Rexburg Police Dept is looking to hire a new full-time police officer:
Rexburg Police Department

I wonder if someone left the RPD and they are hiring a replacement or if that means they are adding an additional officer (growing the police force) due to the extra workload of investigating the missing children? I hope it's the latter and that they have someone working on this around the clock along with the FBI. We might not see much movement but that doesn't mean they are not doing anything to try to locate the kids. MOO.
I hope they're really good. I can only imagine how busy our LE are right now!


  • 01 Chad.jpeg
    01 Chad.jpeg
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On another topic, I see that Rexburg Police Dept is looking to hire a new full-time police officer:
Rexburg Police Department

I wonder if someone left the RPD and they are hiring a replacement or if that means they are adding an additional officer (growing the police force) due to the extra workload of investigating the missing children? I hope it's the latter and that they have someone working on this around the clock along with the FBI. We might not see much movement but that doesn't mean they are not doing anything to try to locate the kids. MOO.

Nope. It's because we have so many people, mainly from California, moving to Idaho. This is a per-capita hire and has nothing to do with the investigation.

Making a claim to a congregation is probably not protected. And if "LDS leaders" are saying things on her behalf, it probably is not a confessional type thing, but more like, "They have a right to attend church here. Leave us alone". (although they aren't saying this that's my impression) MOO

Wait, you think the LDS leaders said something like that on Lori and Chad's behalf to the congregation? Would they really bother addressing Lori and Chad's presence there? :eek: I really don't know anything about how the LDS church is run but in my church anyone is free to attend and it likely wouldn't be brought up from the pulpit at all if some suspected criminal talked to the pastor privately and said he wanted to start attending church (unless said criminal had just recently converted and wanted to be baptised, share a testimony of his conversion, etc). The way it was told in the press is that Lori and Chad were seen talking to the leaders and someone overheard Lori and Chad telling the leaders they wanted to attend there and that it was all lies and one-sided in the media. We don't really know what else she may have told the leaders. Plus that statement from an anonymous source is hearsay that I wouldn't expect to stand up in court-- unless the church member who overheard it came forward to testify, but even that seems iffy on if the judge would allow. MOO.
Nope. It's because we have so many people, mainly from California, moving to Idaho. This is a per-capita hire and has nothing to do with the investigation.

Is there a particular draw to Rexburg from California? I know about BYU but anything else?
Cheap housing. Wonderful climate! Ok, at least one of those is true
Nope. It's because we have so many people, mainly from California, moving to Idaho. This is a per-capita hire and has nothing to do with the investigation.


No, most of them are not from California. More are from California than from any other state (about 21% in 2016, the first year I found data for, of new Idahoans coming from elsewhere in the US). That's a lot, but 21% is a lot less than 50%. That said, I'm sure you're right, that the new hire is due to increased population.
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Cheap housing. Wonderful climate! Ok, at least one of those is true

The article I found that looked at immigration from other states indicated that most of the population growth was into "urban areas" saying that the 9 urban counties grew more, by percentage, than rural counties. I'm not sure what counties they consider to be urban and if Madison might be one of the smallest urban counties in their definition or one of the largest rural counties, but I'm guessing rural.

That said, the obvious draw of Rexburg is Mormons coming to school.
ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

Here's one place talking about Tammy being found on the floor. Look for Maxxer's post.
"I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now."

I have to look at Chad's behavior from who I knew him to be. If he was the loving and caring husband and father of nearly 30 years, he doesn't go back to bed while she's coughing and vomiting until he's certain she is okay. Even then, I would think he would be sleeping light enough to be awakened by her falling either out of bed or after getting up in the night. The sound of Tammy's body falling in the silence of night should have awakened him. There's not a lot of traffic in the area at night, it gets really quiet. It was late October. No air conditioning needed. I don't think Chad had a CPap Machine or anything to drown out the sound of her coughing and vomiting or getting out of bed and falling.



Chad, why didn't you hear your loving wife? She was your biggest supporter and defender. Why didn't you hear her in her hour of deepest need?
The article I found that looked at immigration from other states indicated that most of the population growth was into "urban areas" saying that the 9 urban counties grew more, by percentage, than rural counties. I'm not sure what counties they consider to be urban and if Madison might be one of the smallest urban counties in their definition or one of the largest rural counties, but I'm guessing rural.

That said, the obvious draw of Rexburg is Mormons coming to school.

I would say "all of the above" as well as politics and cheaper taxes from everything that's been mentioned. The influx of Californians and others into Idaho is a source of great ire here in Idaho since it made housing prices skyrocket and practically stopped renters from ever being able to become home owners. The topic is on the news even more than the missing children here, specifically because it's such a high emotions piece and gets people arguing. Car stickers with "Go back - We are full" are not an unusual sight.
I'm wondering how loyal Tylee really was. While I don't disagree with you at all, I do wonder.

The aunt has said there was tension between Tylee and Lori.

Lori asking the dog trainer to lie to Tylee about a new home for Bailey.

I know this is also teenage behavior.

Tylee didn't want to move to Idaho.

At some point, she had to have figured out most people aren't like her mother. But what did she do with that information?

IMO Tylee didn't have anywhere to go. If she was really emancipated, she'd have stayed behind in Arizona. Lori managed to alienate her from her father (her aunt didn't see any mourning after his death) and I'm sure she was on Lori's side when Charles was shot.
It wasn't the FBI on 26 November, just the Rexburg PD.

I agree, at some point he has to have found out or realized at some point between September and November. The kids toys and bikes would, at a minimum, have requried Lori to come up with some wild story that couldn't have been too credible to explain those things if he asked (and I would assume he would if he had been told or thought she had no "minor children"). When LE came to do the welfare check on JJ, even if he really didn't say anything, he'd have had to have known at that point.

But prior to Lori coming to Rexburg it would have been easy for Lori to keep him in the dark. How often do you think they were seeing each other with him living in Idaho with Tammy? I'm not saying he did or didn't know, only that it is possible that he didn't.
I think they met for podcast opportunities from 2017 onwards. In 2019 she must have seen him a lot more. The 54 days she was MIA at the beginning of the year then after July when Charles had been killed there was nothing to stop her really. In less than two months of his murder she was in Rexburg. She attended Tammy's memorial where family would have met her. Within two week they were married. You think September was the earliest he discovered she had children and several dead/ex spouses. It's possible but he would have known about CV's killing though, surely then would have found details of Jj in the obit at least.

This really brings it home how fast it all went down. Poor Charles was dead less than 2 months when she moved to Rexburg, then poor Tammy was dead only two weeks before the Hawaiian wedding to Chad.
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