Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019

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I am all for adults living the lives they wish to as long as they are not harming anyone else and they are involved in consenting relationships. With three people (connected to one of these adults) dead in a very short period of time and 2 kids missing for months, I have very serious concerns regarding the safety of these two kids. Tylee has been in a very precarious position (long custody battles, abuse accusations both ways, a determination of paternal custody, fleeing to avoid giving custody until her father died) which gives me great concern for her ability to choose to be found if she is alive. At 16/17, an adolescent's decision making is skewed anyway. Joshua has a significant disorder which means that he may or may not fully understand the importance of going against his mother if she tries to keep him hidden.

I want to believe that this woman would not harm her children but the evidence of what happens when one is in the "way" is certainly scary at this point.

Wishing that Joshua and Tylee are safe tonight.
When Charles Vallow was shot by Lori's brother the Chandler Police Department did not take it as a serious I know why. Jason Mow a member of the cult and fellow podcaster with Lori used to be a Chandler Police officer.

Cop fired for seeking date on traffic stop

I'd say 'and the plot thickens' but it was already thickening to a nice highway asphalt and then this hits the fan. o_O
Maybe some more seasoned WebSleuthers can tell me - at this stage in the investigation, will LE be tracking the children’s online activity?

The question of whether Tylee said any kind of goodbye to her friends is really good - if she knew she was being secreted to a compound somewhere, it looks she had friends online, even if not local (seems like Lori moves a lot), she’d have wanted to say farewell to - even if not explicitly. This is assuming Lori’s induction into the cult involved the kids, which I suppose is the best case scenario at this point :(

Social media and all electronic trails will be traced. Most likely by the Feds, since they have the best resources.

Usually a sudden cessation of social media, cellphone, and financial activity is a bad sign. It is an indicator of a persons life being brought to an abrupt halt. But in most cases, there is not an extreme religious cult involved, that could possibly hide children. And I am hoping beyond hope that the kids are being hidden.
Maybe some more seasoned WebSleuthers can tell me - at this stage in the investigation, will LE be tracking the children’s online activity?

The question of whether Tylee said any kind of goodbye to her friends is really good - if she knew she was being secreted to a compound somewhere, it looks she had friends online, even if not local (seems like Lori moves a lot), she’d have wanted to say farewell to - even if not explicitly. This is assuming Lori’s induction into the cult involved the kids, which I suppose is the best case scenario at this point :(

Your point about Lori moving a fair amount is very interesting. For Tylee, it seems like the posters who have been here have intimated that they lost touch in the last year or so. With Tylee (according to post here) having graduated from high school earlier, she might not be as connected to her peers as she once was AND is probably feeling more adult in the family dynamic. If the thinking of the mother was that this was about prepping and going into hiding, Tylee may very well be fully on board with the decisions her mother is making and wouldn't tell anyone where she was going. All of the prior moving of the mother creates lots of broken bonds and less of a chance that Tylee would stay in touch as she began to rely on her family more and more.

Of course, the opposite can be very true and Tylee is being forced into seclusion or has been harmed like many other people who are connected to these two adults.
I'd say 'and the plot thickens' but it was already thickening to a nice highway asphalt and then this hits the fan. o_O
We need wall to keep track of all the information, ala- Kelly Siegler. Or at least a post we can edit, so much to process and keep track of.
Thanks to all of you who continue to dig and shine the light in all those dark areas.
Just musing. September 23 was a Monday. I'm a bit anal but if you're going to pull your kid out of school, why on a monday, not friday? I'm wondering if September 23 was significant in any way.
Ok, I might just be totally wrong, but my gut is telling me that the date here is significant.

Many in these last days/end times extremist groups are trying to decipher the time periods of things in scripture, and for LDS people this is more than just the Bible. This involves the astronomy above (signs in the stars and sky), as well as the Hebrew calendar, and trying to be watchful of the various prophecies occurring. I have a mild personal interest, but it only goes so far. There is some significance to the time period that these kids vanished. I think this falls in the area of Rosh Hashanah (sp?) which is the Day of Atonement and I think the start of a new year in regards to the Jewish faith (anyone Jewish or more familiar please feel free to correct me).

In the LDS literature sept 23rd is significant as it marks a period of time with Joseph Smith Jr. that has to do with the fulfillment of some sort of prophecy. Right now it's all hitting a wall of a headache in my head, but maybe with this info someone can dig deeper into that date. It might all be coincidence, and it might not, but with these extreme prepper end times types, this kind of topic is very important to them. I hate to say what someone else has already said, that there very well may be an answer to this buried in his books. He wrote them as "fiction" because he didn't want the criticism, but he claimed to personal friends that much of this was based on what he believed was visions and NDE's he personally had.
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