ID ID - Lewiston Civic Theater Murders / 5 Related Cases

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Based on the footage I’ve seen the area is very creepy. I would have thought and felt the same as you’ve described. There is just something about it that makes me extremely uncomfortable.

I think Jackie is one of a kind and someone I would be honored to meet.
Thank you, Trinitee. Honestly, would not have ended up at the back door if I could've helped it. I did want to laugh a bit about my misadventure however. Which is why I wanted to describe my experience in depth, just to let people know what that area is like. Not sure if I was just emotionally exhausted, since I was told prior to my visit that my mother was close to death or I was picking up some sort of "haunted space" vibe surrounding the area. I would still say it is a very creepy area at night. Creepy as in something out of an August Derleth or H.P. Lovecraft story.

My sister and her husband live in Lewiston. He grew up there. I texted her yesterday and she said about the stairs, "It is spooky around there, especially at night. I remember those stairs when I first moved here, and Randy said it was always creepy." I believe my sister has lived there since the late 1980s.

My sister worked for the Public Defenders Office in Lewiston many, many years ago, and she says Jackie Nichols is her hero (the detective from Asotin County featured in "Cold Valley"). I did not know this, but Jackie was also involved in the Rachel Anderson case. I'm not sure whether my sister has met her in person. I'll ask her today. I think she said she had met her, but that could just be wishful thinking. I think Jackie Nichols is awesome. :)

"Cold Valley" was one of the best shows I have watched in a long time (I bought the streaming video on Amazon and have watched it several times!). Jackie Nichols is so good - I would watch her in anything. Then you have Kristina Nelson's cousin, I think it was, who did her own sleuthing and found several other murders that look like they are tied to the same suspect. So much good stuff. I sure hope the FBI finds something!
Google Maps
GOOGLE Maps Satellite view of the former Lewiston Civic Theater, now condemned, at 800 6th Ave. If you GOOGLE the address now, it will take you to 832 Main St, which is its current location, but not the theater Kristina Nelson and Jacqueline Miller were familiar with when they were alive.

I was trying to map out the girls line of travel, but I couldn't find the Theater's prior address in any of the articles about the murders so I ended up trolling GOOGLE Maps Satellite view in the area of Normal Hill until I found it. I think the address is mentioned in "Cold Valley" but I couldn't remember what it was and hadn't had time to watch it again when inspiration struck :p. (I still haven't had time, but will soon.) I distinctly remember Jackie Nichols negotiating the stairs with a flashlight (and maybe production lights) and then turning them off so the viewer can see how truly DARK the location is.

I THINK this is the bottom of the stairs the girls took (although this is broad daylight, obviously).
Google Maps

This route would have taken the girls through or around Pioneer Park. Following the sidewalk takes you to F Street and Main Street is the next street over. Again, will have to rewatch "Cold Valley" for exact locations. I do recall the grocery store is no longer there.

"Cold Valley" was one of the best shows I have watched in a long time (I bought the streaming video on Amazon and have watched it several times!). Jackie Nichols is so good - I would watch her in anything. Then you have Kristina Nelson's cousin, I think it was, who did her own sleuthing and found several other murders that look like they are tied to the same suspect. So much good stuff. I sure hope the FBI finds something!

I gotta agree with you, Wilma_W. I was also thinking it was the best thing I'd seen for years, true crime or otherwise. I plan on buying a copy too. :D
Madison Moore, she was male until about year and half ago. Her twin btother has also wrote and filmed what he saw. Aaron and David Taylor.

Madison Moore and her brother contacted law enforcement and their stories did not line up.
Thank you, Trinitee. Honestly, would not have ended up at the back door if I could've helped it. I did want to laugh a bit about my misadventure however. Which is why I wanted to describe my experience in depth, just to let people know what that area is like. Not sure if I was just emotionally exhausted, since I was told prior to my visit that my mother was close to death or I was picking up some sort of "haunted space" vibe surrounding the area. I would still say it is a very creepy area at night. Creepy as in something out of an August Derleth or H.P. Lovecraft story.

My sister and her husband live in Lewiston. He grew up there. I texted her yesterday and she said about the stairs, "It is spooky around there, especially at night. I remember those stairs when I first moved here, and Randy said it was always creepy." I believe my sister has lived there since the late 1980s.

My sister worked for the Public Defenders Office in Lewiston many, many years ago, and she says Jackie Nichols is her hero (the detective from Asotin County featured in "Cold Valley"). I did not know this, but Jackie was also involved in the Rachel Anderson case. I'm not sure whether my sister has met her in person. I'll ask her today. I think she said she had met her, but that could just be wishful thinking. I think Jackie Nichols is awesome. :)

Detective Jackie Nichols is a force and she is keeping these cold cases alive.
Google Maps
GOOGLE Maps Satellite view of the former Lewiston Civic Theater, now condemned, at 800 6th Ave. If you GOOGLE the address now, it will take you to 832 Main St, which is its current location, but not the theater Kristina Nelson and Jacqueline Miller were familiar with when they were alive.

I was trying to map out the girls line of travel, but I couldn't find the Theater's prior address in any of the articles about the murders so I ended up trolling GOOGLE Maps Satellite view in the area of Normal Hill until I found it. I think the address is mentioned in "Cold Valley" but I couldn't remember what it was and hadn't had time to watch it again when inspiration struck :p. (I still haven't had time, but will soon.) I distinctly remember Jackie Nichols negotiating the stairs with a flashlight (and maybe production lights) and then turning them off so the viewer can see how truly DARK the location is.

I THINK this is the bottom of the stairs the girls took (although this is broad daylight, obviously).
Google Maps

This route would have taken the girls through or around Pioneer Park. Following the sidewalk takes you to F Street and Main Street is the next street over. Again, will have to rewatch "Cold Valley" for exact locations. I do recall the grocery store is no longer there.

I gotta agree with you, Wilma_W. I was also thinking it was the best thing I'd seen for years, true crime or otherwise. I plan on buying a copy too. :D

Civic Theater 800 6th ave in google maps, look at next building over (tall one) that is it. That is where it was then as well when Kristina and Jacqueline were murdered.
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After watching I was a bit disappointed. Many things left out and acting like the stairway was so scary was bit dramatic. That was 35 years ago, that area has aged.. People were not that scared, especially if there was 2 of you. Virtually no crime so you did not have guard up like you would now.
I remember watching police pull over brown van's going through town..
After watching I was a bit disappointed. Many things left out and acting like the stairway was so scary was bit dramatic. That was 35 years ago, that area has aged.. People were not that scared, especially if there was 2 of you. Virtually no crime so you did not have guard up like you would now.
I remember watching police pull over brown van's going through town..

When you are you nothing scares you and are reckless if you were alone or with another person. No one thinks that a serial killer could live in a small town.
It's interesting how different Kristin's case is though. So many serial killers in that area during that time period. I read that the Mollala Forest Killer Dayton Lee Roger's was born in Moscow, Idaho. He could have been active in 1981, he was convicted for crimes in mid 80s in Oregon. It's not hard to think he might have been in the area when Kristin was killed, and was more the stature of the guy the witness saw run down a biker around that time. Plus, witness said Oregon license plate...Dayton Leroy Rogers - Wikipedia
Saturday April 4th at 7PM CST a live Q&A will take place on Facebook about the Lewis Clark Valley Serial Killer with one of the victim’s cousin. Calls will be taken during the event, as well as live messages during the event. Voicemail questions can be asked prior just call the phone number and leave a message. Live Q&A Session with Gloria Bobertz
I sure dont see any problem linking all of the murders to one killer.

Sorry to throw my opinion out there, but the problem is justice. The eye witness's description doesn't match the POI. In fact, I think the witness himself may have killed Kristin David. He contradicts himself in his own story. He claims that he didn't get a good look at the guy's face, yet he remembers the guy had a "big-*advertiser censored* grin on his face". Based on the witness's description the guy had a full mustache and beard, saw the grin through that and didn't get a good look at his face. He remembers fine details like the Oregon license plate and that the back tire of the bike was still spinning. Also, he claims he thought that the guy had knocked the girl over with the van, the girl was unconscious, the guy had a "big-*advertiser censored* grin", yet he thought the guy was going to help her. Reasonable doubt against LV? Yes
I’m glad you said something about this, I usually have a Golden gut when it comes to people, I just always have, for example my sisters long time friend and guy friend, she introduced them, I said from day one that despite his upbringing and education that he creeped me out, that there was something off about him and for years wouldn’t interact with him. I went as far as begging my sister not to allow my niece and nephew around him even after he was married with kids of his own, sure enough, he was arrested for an ungodly amount of male child *advertiser censored* that for a lot of he stared in, filmed it in his own home and kids bedrooms with, get this, the juvenile kids he was the therapist for...he actually worked for the state with a local PD...anywho...all that aside, my point is, I have a pretty accurate gut feeling with people and that farmer gave me the creeps. I think if he didn’t do it himself, he is covering for who did. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if there was vehicle or a few bikes buried on his farm. Plus, think about it, if police are out there searching for a girl, it buys him time and gives him credibility. Plus, who doesn’t stop as a witness and offer to flag down an officer or get their names back then so they could call someone? It just doesn’t buy into the whole friendly small town let’s help each other out sort of attitude. Even today if I saw a girl down on a bike and a man with a van hovering over her, I would stop to ask if they needed aid or gather names to call an ambulance etc. there’s just something off there, maybe it’s that he never really called or maybe he was looking for a small minute of fame or maybe he knows more than he’s said because he’s connected to the actual killer somehow as like a parent in law or cousin or who knows. Not to mention he says about how old the guy is and I’m sorry but if I don’t see a dudes face I can’t say for sure how hold he might be...something smells fishy with that

Sorry to throw my opinion out there, but the problem is justice. The eye witness's description doesn't match the POI. In fact, I think the witness himself may have killed Kristin David. He contradicts himself in his own story. He claims that he didn't get a good look at the guy's face, yet he remembers the guy had a "big-*advertiser censored* grin on his face". Based on the witness's description the guy had a full mustache and beard, saw the grin through that and didn't get a good look at his face. He remembers fine details like the Oregon license plate and that the back tire of the bike was still spinning. Also, he claims he thought that the guy had knocked the girl over with the van, the girl was unconscious, the guy had a "big-*advertiser censored* grin", yet he thought the guy was going to help her. Reasonable doubt against LV? Yes
Did anyone ever see if there was anything missing from the homes of either of the two girls (step sisters) who were killed in regards to the Civic Theater Case? Or look to see if something may have been planted there?

A few things strike me as odd:

• What girls go out to do laundry and go to the store to get groceries without their purses? It was said their purses and billfolds were found at their home but...if this perpetrator has a history of breaking and entering, it wouldn’t be all that far fetched to assume he may have even gone into their homes to put what would have been evidence otherwise back where it wouldn’t be as suspicious. Does anyone recall seeing them with their purses, groceries or laundry out before they disappeared? Items that were then found at home after they were gone? Or things that would have been with them? These items may be the key.

• Same goes for Steve, it’s said his car keys and wallet were found at his residence...what guy goes out and parties and has his girlfriend drive but not at least keep his wallet on him to pay for stuff or to show ID or his keys which I would think may even have a key to the theater...if he didn’t lock the door or unlock it after leaving, then how did he get back into the building? Were the doors usually locked? Wouldn’t he have asked the guy helping him make props if he’d still be there to open the doors later if not? Meaning this person would have been very much awake and the last person to see him? Was this person supposed to take him back to his place to sleep after or pick up his vehicle? Does the gf remember if he had these items on him last time she saw him or if he mentioned anyone else being at the theater or getting a ride the next day?
were his janitorial keys ever found? Did he often leave his clarinet there? Was it tested for dna or prints?

Toni Tedder has been linked to the Lewiston Civic Theater Murders, and some news on her case. Well, in a sense "news". LE is bringing fresh eyes to the case: Cold Case: 1990 homicide of Clarkston Teen reexamined
Sorry to throw my opinion out there, but the problem is justice. The eye witness's description doesn't match the POI. In fact, I think the witness himself may have killed Kristin David. He contradicts himself in his own story. He claims that he didn't get a good look at the guy's face, yet he remembers the guy had a "big-*advertiser censored* grin on his face". Based on the witness's description the guy had a full mustache and beard, saw the grin through that and didn't get a good look at his face. He remembers fine details like the Oregon license plate and that the back tire of the bike was still spinning. Also, he claims he thought that the guy had knocked the girl over with the van, the girl was unconscious, the guy had a "big-*advertiser censored* grin", yet he thought the guy was going to help her. Reasonable doubt against LV? Yes
I did find his story a little odd as well for some of those reasons, but also for others. First of all, that's a serious injury and a weird scene to see on the side of the road. With such a scene, why didn't the witness stop to help? That seems overly callous/ intentionally negligent for someone who is claiming to have been concerned enough to have a bad feeling about it and then call it in later. Usually if people are that concerned at the scene, they stop to at least ask and see if they can help. People don't always stop to help for various reasons (depending where you are or where you live) but if someone is visibly hurt in a rural area, people usually stop to help in my personal experience because there is so little around in terms of resources. Also, most small towns (much like this one) brag about that kind of unified and helping hand mentality. So, already he's going against that grain. Explaining away that he felt that the guy in the van was going to help her on his own was a bit off in my opinion. Accepting that someone is going to handle an unconscious/injured person on their own with no help (when they could easily receive help from passerbys) is strange. And, you mentioned the "big grin", which also caught me off guard that he noticed that but not having seen the POI's face. Aside from the important reasons you pointed out, a grin is an inappropriate reaction to have to someone who is seriously injured that you are supposedly helping...that's a reason for this other guy to stop and help if I ever heard one. He had two excellent reasons to stop and he didn't. Perhaps he panicked...but being a rural farmer: farmers aren't faint of heart. That doesn't seem like it would fit, either. I don't know, totally possible he was just scared and had nothing to do with it. But I agree that there's some iffy story telling happening there regardless.
This is my 1st post, sorry if it's not in right place. This is the only thread I've seen Diane Taylor mentioned. I saw on YouTube channel faces of the forgotten that Dianne was exhumed around April this year but cannot verify it anywhere else. I have not seen any other information about her on websleuths. Am I looking in wrong place? Probably.

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