ID ID - Pocatello Abductions, 1978-1983

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flourish, Post No. 39 is absolutely fascinating to read!

Thank you so much for all the enlightenment on subjects about which I know very little to nothing!!
The whole thing is sad--it seems as though law enforcement doesn't want to do their job. I still want to know, in the case of Linda Smith,what crime the family knew about that the suspect committed.

IDK...drug stuff maybe? Before the note and the son's ID of the perp they obviously didn't suspect him of murdering their daughter...How horrible for the family. You know who did it and that person in walking around scot free.
I wish we knew that person's name. Would make it a lot easier to tie to other crimes or dismiss as a suspect in the other murders.
That suspect has a myspace account and apparently has done jail time. it seems to me that the family may have been suspicious of this guy before the murder. were drugs rampant in that area then?
That suspect has a myspace account and apparently has done jail time. it seems to me that the family may have been suspicious of this guy before the murder. were drugs rampant in that area then?

If I read it correctly, the crime he was put in jail for had nothing to do with their daughter's disappearance. Then, perp (in jail) sent letter to the family that raised their suspicions. LE shows a pic of perp to witness (little brother) who ID'd him as the person who took sister.

I don't know if drugs were rampant then...just trying to think up a common crime someone would be put in jail for with info from someone else. So I can come up quickly with drugs, crime ring, chop shop, etc.
But i thought the family was suspicious as soon as the girl was taken
The suspicions of the family members should have been given serious consideration; that goes without saying. Hopefully, this guy was checked out. It would appear that the family is not satisfied with the investigation and still believes that this guy was involved. It is not unusual for someone with a beef to commit a crime out of vengeance but these rarely involve murder or sexual assaults on the children of the objects of these beefs. The one exception would be men who have been rejected by women will sometimes rape or kill that woman's daughter.
My feeling is that any "name" that came up in either the Smith or the Bringhust investigation should have checked for any connection to the other girl. The prep (and I think the odds are about 99% that it is the same guy in both cases) knew there was a 14 year old girl home that night but no adult. He would have to have had fairly close ties to know this.

Cold Case investigations usually involve reviewing all collected investigative material with a "fresh set of eyes". Sometimes new detective will notice a "connection" a predecessor missed. New technology, such as DNA can solve many Cold Cases. A third avenue is to take advantage of the passing of time. Witnesses may now be willing to tell the truth. A girl friend who provided an alibi may now be a disgruntled ex-wife, an acquaintance who feared a town bully may, 30 years later, be unafraid of a sick old man. Things change.

Another thing that changes is suspect’s criminal history. During an initial investigation, investigators look at crimes that had been committed prior to the ones they are investigating. Cold case detectives look at crimes that occurred subsequent to the crime they are investigating. My guess is that whoever killed Smith and Bringhust didn't stop there (but he might have moved out of Pocatello). I wonder how many men who lived in Pocatello at the time were later convicted of some serious sex crime. I'll bet not all that many. Has anyone checked this out?

There is a solid suspect in the Campbell/Anderson case who has never been charged. He was apparently doing time in the Idaho Prison system in 2008. For whatever reason, no information about the suspect or evidence has been released.
The cops in the lewiston and pocatello cases really dropped the ball and I am not sure it was as simple as limited resources and ineptness.
Hello, I am new to this forum, but NOT new to Websleuths. I am active over at the McStay Family and HaLeigh Cummings Forums. I just moved to Boise from Oregon and so when I was listening to Tricia's True Crime Radio and they mentioned these Pocatello cases, I had to come check it out. I want to help however I can, as my other two pet cases are slow going at the moment. So here I am:)
I am a little disturbed by the fact that the unknown girl found in Oneida county is not listed on Doe Network. In fact under Idaho Jane Does it says: 0. How do we get this poor girl listed at least?
I am a little disturbed by the fact that the unknown girl found in Oneida county is not listed on Doe Network. In fact under Idaho Jane Does it says: 0. How do we get this poor girl listed at least?

Someone needs to contact either LE or the ME for that area. And I agree! She needs to be listed! :candle:
Oh :doh: It is on NamUS and I searched it? Oh please ignore me! Too many cases on here and I don't remember what I've done half the time! :hearno:
Royal Russell Long abducted two young girls in Wyoming in 1984. They had run away and were hitchhiking. One escaped but the other, 12-year-old, Sharon Baldeagle, did not and has never been found. Long was sentenced to Life for the crime. He was later implicated in the disappearances of two girls in Oklahoma City in 1981; Charlotte Kinsey and Cinda Pallett, both 13. They were abducted from a Carnival by someone claiming to be an employee who offered them a job. They were last seen driving away with someone who looked very much like Long. No charges were brought because there was no body and only circumstantial evidence. Also, it was believed (correctly it turns out; he died in 1993) that he would never leave the Wyoming Prison system alive.

It later turns out that he lived in Rawlins, Wyoming in 1974 when Carlene Brown and Christe Gross, both 19, disappeared from the July 4th "Little Britches" Rodeo. Christie's body was found in a field south of town in 1983 but Carlene has not been found. Deborah Meyers, aged 14 vanished off the streets of Rawling on Aug 4th 1974 and Jayleen Banker, age 10 vanished from the Carbon County Rodeo on Aug 23rd 1974. Her body was eventually found in a field 2 miles west of town.

Four girls missing in a 7 week period from a town of less than 10,000 is more shocking than the Pocatello cases. From what I can tell, the first three were pretty much written off as "runaways" although technically the two 19 year-olds weren't even runaways. When Jayleen Banker went missing, it was all taken very seriously but the local police were not up to the task and there was no means of State or federal assistance at the time. It was not a news story outside of Rawlins. Long was a truck driver who was also known to work in carnivals and fairs but his name did not come up during the initial investigation .

There are ominous connections between the Oklahoma cases, the "little Britches" Rodeo case and the Pioneer Days Case in Pocatello yet I have no information that Long has ever been considered for the Pocatello case or that he has ever had any connection to the town.

Perhaps he should be checked out for any ties to Pocatello. Also, the two missing girls from Wyoming and even the two missing girls from Oklahoma should be consider as the Jane Doe who was found near the bodies of the Pioneer days victims.
Hmmm. Good work:) perhaps it IS someone whose MO are festivals/carnivals. Isn't Jane Doe Bi racial? Any of those missing bi racial?

I have found a couple of potential matches that I'm checking out. One is a missing bi racial dancer from Seattle.
Initially, Jane Doe was thought to be Afro-American but later was determined to be White or bi-racial.
My gut is that Rawlings is not connected to the Pocatello cases
My gut is that Rawlings is not connected to the Pocatello cases

My gut says it is :) Or more accurately, that Long could be responsible for the girl in the canyon. Despite her proximity to the other victims, she doesn't feel related, except maybe to the woman who was bicycling.

The "girl in the canyon" (I assume you mean the Jane Doe) was found 500 ft from Campbell and Anderson. This was no urban dumping ground. This was a very remote spot off a side road in the high desert country of SE Idaho. In this area, there are hundreds of miles of back roads, thousands of miles of ranch road and very few people to notice anything. The odds that two predators would independently choose the same dump site in such an expansive area are infinitesimal. The same perp did all three.

Jane Doe was not a local girl. She could have been a transient; a hitchhiker or something or she could have been brought there from some distant area. Her murder was obviously different from Campbell/Anderson but that doesn’t mean her killer was someone different.
We know that Royal Russell Long abducted and raped two young hitchhikers. Everything else is speculation. He has been identified as the guy who lured two 13 year olds from a carnival in Oklahoma with the promise of a chance to earn some money. He lived in Rawlins at the time Carlene Brown and Christe Gross disappeared from a Rodeo but we do not know anything about the circumstances and there is no evidence that I am aware of that Long was at the scene. Jayneel Banker was abducted from a Rodeo. The fourth girl, Meyer, vanished during a trip to the movies where she walked alone. Banker and Gross were found in similar locations outside of Rawlins having died of blows to the head. Four girls were abducted during a 7 week period in a very small town with a low crime rate. Three are closely related and the fourth (Meyer) is probably also related. Long is linked (and is generally assumed to be the perp) only by the fact that he has abducted other young girls in Wyoming, he is suspected of a crime similar to the "rodeo" abductions and, he lived in Rawlins at the time.

If, and only If, Long had ties to Pocatello in July of 1978, I would say he would have to be a strong suspect for Campbell/Anderson; pretty much the same situation as Rawlins.

For the record, Campbell and Anderson were reported to have been seen, at the Pioneer Days celebration, in the company of a young man wearing a blue hoodie and a large ring. Long would have been 43 at the time. A Sheriff involved in the 2008 investigation, reported that his "suspect" was not a Serial Killer. But, his suspect was never charged.

The dump site, particularly if the perp used it for a different victim at a different time, suggests familiarity with the area that someone "just passing through" wouldn't have.

The Bringhurst and Smith abductions were very different from Campbell/Anderson and any of the cases Long is suspected of, but that doesn’t rule him out. Serial Killers have been known to change MO's. The one significant difference between Bringhurst and Smith and all of the others is that they appear to have been directly targeted. That still doesn't rule out Long. (Incidentally, Mink Creak, where Bringhurst’s body was found isn’t all that far from the Campbell/Anderson/Jane Doe Dump site; about 25 miles).

All in all, I am not claiming Long is the "Pocatello" killer, only that he needs to be seriously looked at. He was 39 at the time of the Rawlins abductions. How long had he been "moving around" before and after that time? I would think that his movements need to be compared against know murdered or missing girls. He may have far more than he has been given credit for.

P.S. Who is the “woman who was bicycling”? Are you thinking of Lewiston?

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