ID - Twins Gabriel & Tryce Medrano, 3 wks, die while co-sleeping, 21 Nov 2011

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What a Kerfuffle...
Jun 2, 2010
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1-month-old identical twin boys die in Pocatello

Police in southeastern Idaho say detectives are investigating the "suspicious" deaths of 1-month-old identical twin boys whose mother called 911 to report that they weren't breathing.

Police in southeastern Idaho say autopsies found no signs of trauma to 1-month-old twin boys whose deaths have been described as suspicious.
What is it with abuse towards multiples lately??
Or is there just more multiples than there used to be because of fertility treatments (I realize the children in the story are identical and therefore not the result of fertility treatments).

I have identical twin boys and have always felt special and blessed to have them!! Even though the first 3 months were just a blur of breastfeeding and diaper changing and i can barely remember most of it.. I never wanted to hurt them... i just don't understand.. :( :(
This was not necessarily abuse.

There was no trauma... and that sounds an awful lot like the 3 month old twins from August.
We just weren't given the information at the time, but it appears everyone knew how those twins died immediately.
Those deaths were also labeled as "suspicious" with no trauma, but deemed to be accidental.

These twins also have siblings just like Noah and Moses did... we could be looking at something similar.
Even with an exhausted parent who fell asleep with the babies and accidentally suffocated them. That has also happened.
I'm not jumping to conclusions until I see a reason to be suspicious. :twocents:

The 3 month old twins from August - different case which has been deemed accidental suffocation. No arrests or removal of siblings.

3 month old twin boys found dead in home - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
again? (re: 3 month old twin boys found dead)


Authorities in southeastern Idaho are investigating the "suspicious" deaths of 1-month-old identical twin boys whose mother called 911 to report that they weren't breathing.
Lt. Paul Manning said Kiarra Kimbel, of Pocatello, made the report at 8:35 a.m. Monday.
Manning said the infants -- Gabriel R. Medrano and Tryce E. Medrano -- were rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead on arrival. Autopsies were planned for Monday evening to determine the cause of the deaths, authorities said.
The Idaho State Journal reports that neighbors said Kimbel has two other children who live with her at her Pocatello apartment. The newspaper reports neighbors said the twins were seen Sunday and appeared to be in good health. They were living in the apartment with their mother and her two other children, neighbors said.

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Police in southeastern Idaho say autopsies found no signs of trauma to 1-month-old twin boys whose deaths have been described as suspicious.

The babies were pronounced dead at a Pocatello hospital Monday after their mother called 911 to report they weren’t breathing.Pocatello Police Lt. Paul Manning said Tuesday the deaths of Gabriel Medrano and Tryce Medrano will remain under investigation pending the results of lab tests on toxicology samples, which could take several weeks.

Wow! Can't believe there is another, similar case!! :(
Yet another heartbreaking story. RIP little ones.
TG there was no trauma. I immediately wondered about carbon monoxide and the type of bedding snuggled around them. I pray there was no foul play.

RIP wee ones. :cry:
It was one month in the case of the 3 month old twins, before they came out and explained what had happened.

That case - a different case from August

I expect as long as there is nothing major here, this will be about the same amount of time.
Even if you think you know what happened and it wasn't criminal, you still make sure there is nothing in the toxicology results first.
I'm wondering if "shots" had anything to do with it. It's been a long time since my children were babies and I know the schedule for immuniations has changed.

BTW, I also have twin boys, never had a moment of stress when they were young, they were easier to raise than their older sisters.
So heartbreaking.. :( When I was an infant, a friend of my mothers had twins die of SIDs together when we were all about a month or two old. It destroyed her.
RIP little ones, prayers to the family and friends who are mourning their loss. Til I hear something to make think foul play was involved I will have this mother in my special prayers. I cannot imagine losing one child, let alone two in one fell swoop :(

ETA wondering if they were born preterm or had any health concerns from their birth as well (respitory concerns, etc.)
All we know is that they "appeared to be in good health" according to neighbors.
They appeared to arrive on time according to Mom and Dad's facebooks.
(Mom's name has been released and the babies share Dad's name. Dad has been talking about his twins on facebook since this happened and Mom has thanked everyone for the support.)

One twin appears to be smaller than the other (not uncommon with twins.)
They were born October 27.

The older siblings I am not 100% clear on. I know for sure the little girl is about 2 years old.
I know for sure there is at least one older boy, possibly two. They would be older... 6-9 years old.

Dad appears the same for all... though boy(s) could be from his previous relationship?

Either way, this still doesn't feel like foul play to me. I don't know what it is... and of course anything is possible.
But after the 3 month old twins who died co-sleeping with their 8 year old sister... seeing these boys co-sleeping with their 1 year old sister... Really made me stop and wonder if this wasn't the exact same scenario.
Police say mom Kiarra Kimbell called 911 early Monday morning and reported one infant not breathing at her Pocatello home.

First responders found both babies,
Gabriel and Tryce Medrano, non-responsive in an adult bed, Lt. Paul Manning with the Pocatello Police told the Daily News.


"It's suspicious because we have no trauma, and while they were born prematurely, the doctor says they were in good health. We have to look at it suspiciously," Manning said.

Investigators already have ruled out carbon monoxide poisoning.

Who's adult bed?

The older boy(s) sleep in a full size "adult" bed too from the pictures.
So that doesn't mean it was the Mom's bed.
This is looking more and more like another accidental suffocation....
Police say mom Kiarra Kimbell called 911 early Monday morning and reported one infant not breathing at her Pocatello home.

First responders found both babies,
Gabriel and Tryce Medrano, non-responsive in an adult bed, Lt. Paul Manning with the Pocatello Police told the Daily News.


"It's suspicious because we have no trauma, and while they were born prematurely, the doctor says they were in good health. We have to look at it suspiciously," Manning said.

Investigators already have ruled out carbon monoxide poisoning.

Who's adult bed?

The older boy(s) sleep in a full size "adult" bed too from the pictures.
So that doesn't mean it was the Mom's bed.
This is looking more and more like another accidental suffocation....

That is not the type of carbon monoxide source I was imagining-- it's known that pillows and stuffed animals made with those little foam beads can be c. monoxide hazards if snuggled too near an airway. And with two babies, I wondered about regular blankets pulled around the two, if they were facing one another. (I wasn't blessed with multiples, how do you position the infants for sleeping together?)

But, if I were investigating this, I'd certainly have Mom recreate the bedding/bumpers/blankets/stuffed toys arrangements that night.
Carbon MONOXIDE is the result of incompletely combusted fuel source - like a faulty furnace/ running a gas generator or an automobile in an enclosed space etc.
The gas carbon DIOXIDE is the end product of respiration.
That is not the type of carbon monoxide source I was imagining-- it's known that pillows and stuffed animals made with those little foam beads can be c. monoxide hazards if snuggled too near an airway. And with two babies, I wondered about regular blankets pulled around the two, if they were facing one another. (I wasn't blessed with multiples, how do you position the infants for sleeping together?)

But, if I were investigating this, I'd certainly have Mom recreate the bedding/bumpers/blankets/stuffed toys arrangements that night.

I didn't think regular carbon monoxide was an issue because the older boy and little girl likely would have had symptoms.

For some reason lately, co sleeping deaths have been all over the news. The 3 month old twins with their older sister...

3 separate babies in Milwaukee here:

I don't know why... I always thought it was instinct to not roll over on your baby and wake up if their breathing changed at all.
But maybe that instinct comes with children with special needs.

Either way, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that was the case here too. I just hope it wasn't with the older boy.
It would be horrible enough for a mother to have that guilt... a child would be even worse.

I do find it odd that she called about one baby not breathing, but they found two.
Was that a misunderstanding on the dispatchers part?
Or did Mom not realize they were both there together?
Or just realize one wasn't breathing and not think it could be both of them, so didn't check the second baby in her panic about the first?

That did catch my attention a bit... as did the 3 comments on Mom's facebook page vs the dozens on Dad's. (78 to be exact.) :waitasec:
I think it's a little unusual that the mother of two dead babies only has three condolences... but who knows why that is...
Oh, this one just makes me weep. All my grandbabies have slept in family beds. No preemies, however. My heart just breaks for this family.

Fly high sweet little Gabriel and Tryce.

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