IDI Theories (intruder did it)

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So do the brother or neighbor leaving and coming back count as an intruder? Maybe the German Shepard would think of them much like the cat.

Anyone who isn't invited into the home by the occupants of the home is an intruder, imo. If there was an intruder who entered the home uninvited, and that intruder were known to the dogs, then I would certainly think it possible the dogs might not bark.
I can see them having enemies or people who may think Lisa would be better off without them.
I believe the sightings point to an intruder as does the fact mom was incapacitated (due to her own behavior yes) making it easier for someone to get in and out.

I also don't see her having the wherewithal to organize a "kidnapping" and hide a body without finally not everyone cracks but most do. Since it seems to me that if mom was involved it would be accidental or a sudden snapping, she had to pull a lot together very quickly to make it work and not leave the other kids wondering where she was.

An intruder just seems far more likely
Maybe they did not know it was overnight but were just watching and looking for opportunity. Maybe he took the phones because now a days, Most people don't have land lines and only keep cells. So he took them to keep them from calling police, Maybe this is someone they know and maybe it is someone they have never met who wanted that baby.

Parents always get the benefit from me until they prove otherwise.

I agree. I don't remember the names but there was a case not too long ago where a mentally ill man was hiding in trees and watching his victims just waiting for the opportunity to kill them. Unfortunately, he was successful. I think it was two women that he killed and then took the young girl approx 13 to his home. His apt and bedroom were filled with leaves and he dumped the bodies in a tree trunk. Who could make this up? Anyway they did find the young 13 year old alive, he is in prison awaiting trial I'm pretty sure. It does happen! Lood at the Dr Petit case in CT. How horrific is that? Dr Petit was sleeping and got bashed in the head with a baseball bat. I'm sure everyone knows that story. I think everyone is rushing to judgement here mainly due to Casey Anthony. People making fun of DB getting her hair done. Well maybe a family member did it to just help her to feel a wee bit better. They are all probably sitting around all day waiting for news and could be a family member is a hairdresser. Sorry, rambling... I think we need to give this couple a chance until we know for sure they were involved. I think it's too much of a coincidence that two different people unrelated to DB say they saw a man at the same time Little Lisa went missing walking around with a baby in a diaper. Only a mentally ill person would do this...
I agree. I don't remember the names but there was a case not too long ago where a mentally ill man was hiding in trees and watching his victims just waiting for the opportunity to kill them. Unfortunately, he was successful. I think it was two women that he killed and then took the young girl approx 13 to his home. His apt and bedroom were filled with leaves and he dumped the bodies in a tree trunk. Who could make this up? Anyway they did find the young 13 year old alive, he is in prison awaiting trial I'm pretty sure. It does happen! Lood at the Dr Petit case in CT. How horrific is that? Dr Petit was sleeping and got bashed in the head with a baseball bat. I'm sure everyone knows that story. I think everyone is rushing to judgement here mainly due to Casey Anthony. People making fun of DB getting her hair done. Well maybe a family member did it to just help her to feel a wee bit better. They are all probably sitting around all day waiting for news and could be a family member is a hairdresser. Sorry, rambling... I think we need to give this couple a chance until we know for sure they were involved. I think it's too much of a coincidence that two different people unrelated to DB say they saw a man at the same time Little Lisa went missing walking around with a baby in a diaper. Only a mentally ill person would do this...

That was here in Ohio. He'd been watching the family for a while, I believe. He even was there watching the investigations as well. I believe he took a plea, though, so the 13 year old girl wouldn't have to testify.

It's cases like that, and Christopher Abeyeta, and Riley Fox, and so, so many others that make me pause before immediately jumping to "parents did it." There have been cases with people who have stalked their victims and done things that sound like they came from a crime novel or television show. Just become someone is rare doesn't mean it can't happen.
An idea that's kinda weak, but i thought of some druggie that was chatting with Debbie earlier, and she asked him if he could find her a couple joints. He goes off to find some, but gets delayed at some party. She ends up going to bed. He comes back possibly walking in the door, calling out to her he's got it and ready to party.

He pours some wine turns more lights on, plays with the pumpkin light while waiting for her. No Debbie, so he goes looking for her turning the lights on as he goes. He finds her passed out unable to wake her up.

Maybe he's a sicko and thinks this is his chance to grab the baby. Plays with the window/screen, grabs baby. Takes cell phones incase she wakes up and calls police before he gets to planned destination. Maybe he knows of some black market for babies.
I haven't seen anything in the press that cannot be logically explained, no matter how they try to spin it. For that reason, I still feel that the parents and brothers of Lisa are victims of a horrendous crime. I do believe that the intruder is a local person.
An idea that's kinda weak, but i thought of some druggie that was chatting with Debbie earlier, and she asked him if he could find her a couple joints. He goes off to find some, but gets delayed at some party. She ends up going to bed. He comes back possibly walking in the door, calling out to her he's got it and ready to party.

He pours some wine turns more lights on, plays with the pumpkin light while waiting for her. No Debbie, so he goes looking for her turning the lights on as he goes. He finds her passed out unable to wake her up.

Maybe he's a sicko and thinks this is his chance to grab the baby. Plays with the window/screen, grabs baby. Takes cell phones incase she wakes up and calls police before he gets to planned destination. Maybe he knows of some black market for babies.

Yeah, sorry but that is very weak. Why do you think DB invited a drug dealer into her home while her husband was away?
I think once you kind of eliminate the probability that she killed Lisa and hid her very very well, you end up on the page of probably she's telling the truth, probably an intruder did it.

In cases where parents kill their children and lie about it, often something comes up pretty quickly that is a real, real red flag. A brand new expensive life insurance policy, and a family drowning in debt. A history of serious abuse. An affair where the new lover doesn't want children. No one else could remember seeing the child for quite awhile. In cases I've watched, where parents lie about killing children and claim an abduction, it really doesn't take long for one of those scenarios (or something similar) to pop up.

Nothing in this case points to parental involvement.
Yeah, sorry but that is very weak. Why do you think DB invited a drug dealer into her home while her husband was away?

Maybe the clicking sound was a lighter. Maybe JI didn't like DB smoking and this was her opportunity to do it since he was at work. Anything is really possible in this case right now.
I think once you kind of eliminate the probability that she killed Lisa and hid her very very well, you end up on the page of probably she's telling the truth, probably an intruder did it.

In cases where parents kill their children and lie about it, often something comes up pretty quickly that is a real, real red flag. A brand new expensive life insurance policy, and a family drowning in debt. A history of serious abuse. An affair where the new lover doesn't want children. No one else could remember seeing the child for quite awhile. In cases I've watched, where parents lie about killing children and claim an abduction, it really doesn't take long for one of those scenarios (or something similar) to pop up.

Nothing in this case points to parental involvement.

I also think that in a case full of coinsidenses, different people sighting a man carrying a baby in the middle of the night, is just too big a coinsidense. I believe there is a huge possiblity this could have been Lisa.jmo
One thing that makes me think it is possible an IDI...Debbie says she took the boys and ran outside to flag down the police. This is one thing the McCanns and Ramseys were criticized for doing - leaving their other children sleeping in the place where another child was "kidnapped".

I am still on the fence. I do think if an IDI, it is somebody known to the family.
Do we have a PDI Theory thread? :waitasec:

No. But there is a general theories thread:
[ame=""]Post your theory-****NO DISCUSSION**** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

I bumped this thread to the top for those who believe it was an intruder to have a place to discuss their point of view
Yeah, sorry but that is very weak. Why do you think DB invited a drug dealer into her home while her husband was away?

I just theorized that she was talking with the guy while outside, and asked him if he could find a couple joints. Not that he was a dealer and invited inside. Thanks for your opinion.
I just theorized that she was talking with the guy while outside, and asked him if he could find a couple joints. Not that he was a dealer and invited inside. Thanks for your opinion.

Has there been any evidence that she smokes marijuana or uses other drugs than Rx anxiety meds and wine?
Sorry, should I delete my posts?

it is fine... I just wanted to bump this thread up... it was on page four of the forum... and wanted people who believe it was an intruder to have a place for discussion..

as JBean posted in her opening post... what could point to an intruder?

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