If Casey Anthony was a man, wouldn't a death penalty verdict be certain?

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DNA Solves
First of all, the death penalty isn't a verdict, it's a sentence imposed by the judge AFTER the verdict. The jury can only recommend a sentence, they can't impose one. They could recommend the DP, and he could decide to give her life instead.
I don't think gender has anything to do with it, but Casey's age at the time of the crime might, because he may instruct them to consider this as one of the mitigating factors during the penalty phase.
Frankly, I don't understand the OP, because the trial isn't over yet, the jury isn't in deliberations yet, so it's immaterial at this point whether her being a female has anything at all to do with what they MAY decide. They could just as easily decide she is not guilty, because the state hasn't proved their case (in their opinions), and there won't be a penalty phase, she could walk out a free person. Who knows?
My initial opinion was yes, if Casey was a man it would be easier to warrent the DP.

I say that because if you look on here in many threads many opinions are the jury will not give Casey the DP because she is female and young? So what?

Does that mean if she were male, young or old there is a better chance of DP?

You know what, I have been thinking about this. I have said it myself many times. But, I remembered a lawyer telling me once that it did not go so well for defending females in capital murder cases. Reason being, you can see the premeditation, usually it is about killing husbands and does involve some time. Wonder how it appears to the jurors in this case?
I find the hypocrisy in the justice system almost comical sometimes. Let's be honest, if Casey Anthony was a man with all of this evidence against her, I think the jury would deliberate for about an hour with 1st degree murder as their decision.

Women are held to a much higher standard than, in general, men when it comes to nurturing members of their species;
especially members of their own family, triply-especially their own children.

I have lost friendships because once-friends have gone off about women who kill, how beyond the pale any females actions are, compared to males identical actions, should be exponentially condemned and punished
very much more harshly simply because they are of that one gender.

When it comes to "differences" between men and women: I must aver, no matter how high a road we try to take or even how much compassion we have
women can be just as prone to experiencing the same exact gamut,
the roller-coasters of emotions, feelings, thoughts, anger and rage just like men do.
And yes, even lust -- not only "bad" or "fallen" women but "good" women too.

Women do commit staggeringly fewer crimes than men do, and to bring up Nature vs. Nurture, what percentage of each we may never know; perhaps on the whole women just may have either a better hold upon their impulses, or more compassion, or indeed more of a nurturing nature
along of course with societal impacts of how women are expected, hence taught, to act within their group, community or country

--but the key phrase is on the whole because in all truth women are just as human as the male of the species.

In addition this society, unfairly IMO, doesn't expect men --to wit: Fathers-- to be as good nurturers as women

and that's wrong. They sure can be, and a very many are.

Men can be just as 'human' as women in the nurturing department. All those who have different expectations and stereotypes of men vs. women are basing their beliefs on pure fallacy.

So do I think that men would be more punished than women? No.
I do know that, in my experience, more than a few (of both genders) would come down harder upon women because of their gender-biased expectations.

Additionally, (long post, sorry) your final sentence regarding
The evidence against Casey makes Scott Peterson seem like Peter Pan.
is a hoot.

It is at least 50-50 probable, IMO, that Casey never meant to kill Caylee. She well may have been in the habit of knocking Caylee out with pills (Xanax/'Zanny the Nanny) &/or, if she ran out of pills, DIY chloroform which can easily cause death.
But sure, there is the chance that Casey did murder her child because, as she said: "I'm a spiteful B-word"
(Can't use that word even when it's a direct quote?)

But to say how much worse it would be for Casey to commit the one murder (yes, admittedly HER own child) compared to the two Peterson snuffed out; not only his adoring wife but also callously murdering his almost fully gestated son
HIS own child
--there were pictures of Connor: the ultrasounds. That was an obviously viable baby who was as real as any birthed child could be!

Ridiculous. Between the quality of the two children I see no major difference.


  • Motive: Possibly the same; possibly a horrifically negligent "accident" on Casey's part (which shouldn't ameliorate her guilt nor her sentence, IMO) compared to Peterson's deliberate murder(s)

  • Count: Two to One.
    The both distasteful but quantifiable difference between Murder and Multiple murder.

All MHO of course.

Edit: The Farm's point regarding youth is well taken. I'm not sure exactly how much the difference would be between a young female's verdict &/or sentence and a young males;
but I do believe on that point they would be judged differently to some extent.
And if any jurors let a girl (OR a guy!) off because of their good looks, well,
the emotional and intellectual paucity would be simply astounding.
My elderly neighbor lady referring to this case told me today, "I think her brother is the father and killed the child because he was found out." She also thinks GA hid the body.

When talking of CA she said, "That poor grandma lost her baby and they should leave hear alone!" On KC she said, " There is no telling what she went through with those perverts." She also believes KC was framed and GA and La should be charged with murder.

Just saying. :waitasec:
My elderly neighbor lady referring to this case told me today, "I think her brother is the father and killed the child because he was found out." She also thinks GA hid the body.

When talking of CA she said, "That poor grandma lost her baby and they should leave hear alone!" On KC she said, " There is no telling what she went through with those perverts." She also believes KC was framed and GA and La should be charged with murder.

Just saying. :waitasec:

Wow. I disagree with your neighbor on every count.

Casey spread her legs, apparently, for anyone who gave her a second look. I don't believe any incest has been proved whatsoever. The Anthony's may be a dysfunctional, strange family but incest isn't necessarily among their dysfunctions.
I believe Casey made up the tales of her "emotional & verbal abuse" because you just don't say No to Casey and saying 'No!' would count to her as extreme abuse. As for the allegations of sexual abuse, that gave her supreme Victim status ("I'm a victim too!" Boo-hoo-hoo) and, after Jesse Grund got wind of the Anthony's, all of them, trying to set him up for Caylee's death and nipped that in the bud she needed another patsy to ameliorate her guilt
and all who were left were the Anthonys
especially male because if she could have pinned sexual abuse on her mother, she would have!
So George was chosen as the best candidate possibly because he had the smarmiest past, hence most easily proved.
And then-present. And, I'm sure, future.

Lee is a strange one, but it seems that of all the Anthonys he has the best grip on Casey's peccadilloes and her ultimate guilt.
No, that's not saying much, admittedly.
Plus I'm sure that LE did DNA tests on both George and Lee.

George, as a former sheriff, would certainly know better than to 'hide the body', it would be an exercise in futility -- especially him not burying poor Caylee deep out in the wilderness, or letting the alligators get hold of her (sorry, I truly hate to talk like that ...poor little lost girl) but that double-bagging her as trash
as the forensic scientists said "as garbage"
and throwing her yards off the road in a suburban neighborhood, just down the road to his own house, was a recipe for finding her remains sooner or later.
I'm not sure how much credence to give 'River Cruz', with her propensity for lying, her past trouble with the law and her questionable motives; but if GA DID indeed say 'it was an accident that snowballed...' I believe either Casey finally admitted that to him (doubtful: Casey thinks herself as a Victim and Perfect) or that that's what he believes based on his putting SINdy's 'jigsaw puzzle' together.

As for 'leaving SINdy alone!!111!1' that is a JOKE.
Direct your neighbor to SINdy's former testimony regarding the computer searches and compare it to her latest.

I find it difficult to believe that any sane person would believe SIN isn't blatantly perjuring herself to try to not just save the life of her worthless daughter, but to get darling Casey off completely.

Lastly, if Casey was "framed" how did GA & LA manipulate that 'poor girl' to party through 31 days of not seeing her daughter?!

Of course your neighbor is entitled to her own opinion
just as I am
and just as each of us are.

Even if someday Casey decides to tell "the truth", we'll never know if it's the whole truth -- probably will be a partial truth mixed in with self-serving garbage

cause you know that poor, poor "Victim" Casey never has done anything wrong -- the world has done her pathetic innocent person wrong.
Oh, my heart bleeds.

God this trial, this entire episode and especially that family, makes me nauseous. I sure hope that jury sees through all the BS to the fetid, loathsome, repulsive excuse for a human being which is Casey.

And then they should go after the Anthony's --especially SINdy-- to the fullest extent of the law for their lying, especially under oath in a court of law.

JMO :wave:

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