If Everything Casey Said Was True... who would have to be lying?

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This is great- Thanks so much!! Could you post it over on the psych thread too please?!

It is an article that makes you think!!!

The whole june 9th date that everyone readily agreed to comes into play with that theory!
ROFL! That's just TOO funny! Wait! I'm trying for the mental picture here.........hahahahahaha!


I've had this picture in my head for some time, now :eek: This whole case is so bizarre I wouldn't be at all surprised if JB didn't come up with a similar scenario.
Hi CHilly. can you put this in the myth busters with a good link? this misunderstanding has been floating around for a long time and I would love for it to be put to bed.

Arrgg.....Let me see if I can find the video. If anyone else has it, please speak up.
uh, you , apparently have not made allowances for the extreme pressure cindy is under because of her job as a nurse of decomposition. The most trying aspect of that occupation is that she is apparently the only person in the world to hold that position.

so, you can imagine.
That's because it isn't a position; which further lends to the fact that it has been misunderstood.
In the beginning, didn't Casey say she knew where Caylee was and who had her, but couldn't tell because she feared for Caylee's life.....

Well now, Caylee is dead..... she can feel free to tell the truth or sit the rist of her sorry arse life in jail.
OMG DUDE. The Perry Mason theme has been running through my head, and a DUN DUN DUN when I see JB turning and pointing the finger. Lol! CA would pull the plug within about 10 minutes.

Not until she'd done the media circuit with all kinds of pics of the perp. (It worries me that I even think this might be a possibility.)
In the beginning, didn't Casey say she knew where Caylee was and who had her, but couldn't tell because she feared for Caylee's life.....

Well now, Caylee is dead..... she can feel free to tell the truth or sit the rist of her sorry arse life in jail.

IIRC, she said they were all in danger of being harmed by the "nanny/kidnapper". She still can't talk 'cuz mommy & daddy might get hurt! :furious::furious::furious:
Ya know, its funny how KC was protecting "whoever" from harm before caylee was found. Now that we know she is dead, and caylee cant be protected anymore, why doesnt she spill the beans to get the killer????

Oh yes, thats right, KC, you are just waiting for the darn kidnappers to knock off the rest of your family, right?? Seeing that they are in harms way.

Yep, good story Case.

Note that although KC called 911 from her parents ouse to report the protestors she never called to report the threats from the kidnappers. They never asked for police protection either or asked for a body guard.
Thanks to all for the many, many hilarious contributions to this thread. It's been a fun read.
Everyone would have to be lying. Including the most important person, Caylee and the forensic evidence her little body left for LE to find.

So poignant and so true.
IIRC, she said they were all in danger of being harmed by the "nanny/kidnapper". She still can't talk 'cuz mommy & daddy might get hurt! :furious::furious::furious:

As far as I recall, IIRC, CA asked Casey, in a jailhouse interview, if she wasn't talking because the family was in danger. Casey nodded her head. I NEVER heard CASEY say the family was in danger, but I could be wrong. . .If so, please give a link. TIA
I believe the crux of the issue is this: Casey said she worked at Universal and Zanny the nanny took Caylee, either at Sawgrass or at JBP. Other than that "I" never heard her say a another thing. Therefore, all the other "stuff" has been proffered by others, mainly family, if I remember correctly.

My opinion only
The link is ladyontheplaza.blogspot.com
Then in the search- put Cindy speaks to the media after hearing
Scroll down to video
No, what she said was, "I know that smell (I am a nurse) of decomposition." It's very clear when watching the video.

I don't understand the post. What do the (..) mean ? Did Cindy say the words "I am a nurse" or not ? If not, why were they included ?
We could probably sum it up by saying the whole rest of the world would be lying if Casey's story was true. Not only was the apartment empty, not only was there no Zanny, the friend she says told her about Zanny denies ever doing that, denies ever using Zanny as a nanny for HIS child......

Casey is a proliferate liar. But not particularly a very good one. Nothing she said was even CLOSE to the truth; most people build their lies on a foundation of fact, she didn't have a single fact in her statement.
I don't understand the post. What do the (..) mean ? Did Cindy say the words "I am a nurse" or not ? If not, why were they included ?

Hi Shaymus - I think she meant "I know that smell, I am a nurse". Meaning "I know the smell of decomposition because I'm a nurse." She just said it a little backwards. Like that. :)
If everything Casey said was true... who all would have to be lying/conspiring?

Clearly it isn't true. CLEARLY.

But since the defense doesn't seem to be changing their story, i'm curious as to who all would have to be lying to make it so that Casey wasn't.

I'll start...

"Zachary" 's dad -- about having a son.
Universal - about her employment there.
Sawgrass - about the apartment being vacant.
OSCO, Mr. Allen, Mr. Melich, FBI and the Orange Cty DA... for starters.... that's a whole lotta people....

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