If I Could Ask Cindy, George & Lee a Few Questions

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It is obvious that ABC own the rights to the future movie and/or exclusive interview with KC. There is always a stunning twist in a good murder mystery movie and I think ABC producers are assisting a lot on the twist -- for sensation not for justice.

While the circumstantial evidence is volumous and overwhelming I would not be surprised if KC walks on some technicality or tainted Juror.

Time seems to be healing the wound and the playing field is not only getting leveled but tilted to the benefit of the Defense and their shenanigans.

I so desperately want Caylee to get justice but as the Defense peels back the onion I think they are inevitably going to get some stuff thrown out, since there is a millionaire's dream defense team and supporting cast working to get the perp off.

They may bumble and stumble but never has there been such a broad team for an indigent guilty perp -- principally paid for by the Florida tax payers and the State (with some hidden commercial vested interest).

CA likes to claim a conspiracy theory and injustice by LE when in reality it is they/we who are being played.

I sure agree with you about ABC
Not my fave network anymore
And I agree... the people of FL have been played to the hilt byt the A family.
Have any good tips on how I can best exploit the death of a loved one for profit?

Can I have your recipe for chili?

What is your definition of a "red flag"?

Where can I get a nursing degree that specializes in human decomp?

How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?

Wouldn't really pay to ask them any real questions cause they aren't going to answer. Look at the Morgan depo. So I would use my interview time to poke a little fun....cause I'm like that I guess.
My husband and I want to know how to make $200,000 selling our kids' baby pictures.
Since this case has begun...has there been ANY interview that any of you recall, of any of the principal characters in this case that has gotten to any truth? If so...who? If not...why not?

Grieving grandparent syndrome?

I think that CA and GA get a free pass over and over and the soft gentle treatment because they are 'grieving grandparents' who have both lost their granddaughter and will most likely lose their daughter.

It is a mix of empathy / sympathy providing them a very wide latitude together with an understanding they do need to support their daughter and a desire not to alienate them (big $$$$'s) or set them off. Neutrality.

LE has provided the A's a LOT of latitude in how they have hampered and interfered in the case, choosing to leave them be to do what they are doing -- both in actions and propaganda.

The Media is always going to present more of the Defense angle, since it is those with a vested interest and stake in KC's defense that are going to use the media to spin and seed propaganda. The SA are not playing that game so it sets a perception of bias since only one side is getting the spin out.

The A's are fully and completely aware of this and are milking their plight for all its worth and more, to use it as a platform of propaganda to defend and protect KC, knowing full well they are not going to be treated harshly in interviews and the media spotlight -- so it is a golden opportunity.

Ditto for the Defense. They are using the A's since they can use them but distance themselves yet, get specific messages and propaganda out in a very effective manner. The A's are very willing to be the messenger. BC collaborates with JB.

Even the courts are sucked into imbalanced sympathy for the A's so CA brashly chews her gum in a defiant manner of, just try it -- while others get asked to remove it. Defiance.

The A's are pushing the envelope and pressing for as much special treatment and favors as they possibly can and are successfully gaining them --- so they try for more and do more to break the rules.

CA feels empowered by this and it is her personal retaliation against authority to continually break the rules and break even more rules. Take that.

The SA don't care since they are focused on their objective of justice for Caylee and they know at the end of the day .... justice will be served and the A's will become just collateral damage who had every opportunity but --- really it backfired. Let them self-destruct. Karma will self-correct things.
I could think of one , Kathy Belich, but there is no way the A's would submit to an interviewer as smart and well informed as she. Larry King is more their style- they can bamboozle him.

Interesting you should mention Larry King. I was thinking about this after the mush piece on GMA. On 12/10/08 he had them on. When people learned about this, they bomarded his message boards. As a result, he actually asked a lot of the questions that were posted on the board. He did call them out in that interview. Sure, before that he was softball and he usually is but that last one was the interview we wish they would always get. IMO
PS they haven't been back since.
Here are a few questions I have for Cindy: If Caylee was speaking in "paragraphs" by June 15, 2008 as you say, what did you and Caylee talk about all day June 15 while you drove up to Mt. Dora, hung out with the great-grandparents, and then drove home? In light of your nosiness and inability to keep quiet, did you ask Caylee what she and mommy had been doing for the last week? Did you ask her where she and mommy spent the night a couple of times in the last week? Did you ask her if she had been to any parties? Based on Caylee's answers to your questions, did you say anything to Casey that evening besides, "Oh hi. Lovely to see you. The pool's a bit chilly, let's watch TV and look at this sweet video of Caylee instead of swimming."

Why why why has no one asked these questions? We hear that Caylee was incredibly smart and talked in paragraphs, but what has anyone reported that she actually SAID?? "JoJo"?? That's not a paragraph. I used to teach preschool, and there was an incident where a 2 1/2 year old boy in my class was injured while I was on vacation. Both teachers in the room at the time denied any knowledge of the injury. When I came back, the director told me they had been "investigating." I said, "Did you ask Zack? He's pretty smart." She looked at me as if I had suggested questioning a puppy. I asked Zack, "What happened to your arm?" He said "Miss Tisha scratched me." End of investigation.

My daughter actually did talk in paragraphs at Caylee's age. She said her first sentence at 15 months (mommy socks on) and never looked back. One day the daycare called because she got hurt; needed stitches because "another child hit her". My daughter said: "so and so hit me with a block." Another time I got a note that they had an unexpected fire drill. She said "so and so pulled the fire alarm!" I also used to get good info on what her dad, my ex, was saying about me (Guess what mommy, Daddy says you're nuts!). I have no doubt that Caylee would have jabbered away on that trip to Mt Dora with all sorts of "secret" information.
I could think of one , Kathy Belich, but there is no way the A's would submit to an interviewer as smart and well informed as she. Larry King is more their style- they can bamboozle him.

So wait a minute....they only are interviewed by people they choose? If that is so....then that is the answer to this entire question... I wonder if they even get to preview the questions in order to prepare their lies...oops, I mean answers...
To Cindy:

Do you consider a "mistruth" to be on the same level as a "little white lie"?

The way you characterize your daughter's blatant lying seems as though you want all of us to excuse and gloss over her lying about the single most important event in her life. Mistruths indeed.
Do you really think everyone is that dumb?

Blaise (My question)
My daughter actually did talk in paragraphs at Caylee's age. She said her first sentence at 15 months (mommy socks on) and never looked back. One day the daycare called because she got hurt; needed stitches because "another child hit her". My daughter said: "so and so hit me with a block." Another time I got a note that they had an unexpected fire drill. She said "so and so pulled the fire alarm!" I also used to get good info on what her dad, my ex, was saying about me (Guess what mommy, Daddy says you're nuts!). I have no doubt that Caylee would have jabbered away on that trip to Mt Dora with all sorts of "secret" information.

Exactly! Just like when kids learn to walk and you need to restrain them, when kids learn to talk you want to restrain them but they jabber about anything and everything constantly.

Given how KC was so devious and secretive and CA was so controlling and manipulative I am certain that CA probed Caylee and Caylee provided a wealth of info. There was some quality time together.

I think the reason CA put off KC from getting in the pool that night, with the water being cold was that CA had an agenda to have some words with KC with Caylee put to bed. There was most definitely the most heated discussion and fight that night ever. CA had plenty of ammunition to use.

I'd love to ask CA about that fight that night........ it obviously pushed KC over the edge.
My questions would be....

1) To George: The last time you saw Caylee, you said she was leaving the house with Casey, and her hair in a ponytail. You also said that she had her sunglasses on. Describe which sunglasses they were?

2) To George: We have heard (I believe from Cindy to a co-worker) that Casey spent a lot of time yelling at you. Mainly, what was she yelling at you about?

3) To George: Do you dye your eyebrows black or are they that way naturally? (They look very nice BTW)
I'd ask:

Why weren't you on GMA begging for tips that lead to the real killer? Why weren't you on GMA asking the real killer to come forward? Why have you never begged LE to find the real killer? I think it's very telling that none of the A's have ever done this.
Mine would be: "Why is it, that every time your open your mouths, you do your best to drive another nail in ICA's coffin?"

I still believe they are actively trying to get her convicted, while spouting how much they support her.

I'd ask them: "If you could have predicted then what you know now, would you have considered the Morning After Pill?"
If Cindy couldn't even admit to herself that KC was PG (8 months-wth-talk about wearing blinders!) how could we ever expect her to admit her psycho/sociopath daughter murdered her grandbaby? Never happen

Still, I would like to ask her who she really thinks murdered Caylee and why.
If Cindy couldn't even admit to herself that KC was PG (8 months-wth-talk about wearing blinders!) how could we ever expect her to admit her psycho/sociopath daughter murdered her grandbaby? Never happen

Still, I would like to ask her who she really thinks murdered Caylee and why.

I believe she said in one of her ZFG deposition videos that she believes there's an explanation that is bigger than all of this keeping KC from revealing the truth and that KC doesn't want to expose because it would hurt Caylee and the family. (I guess when she says "hurt Caylee" she means the memory of Caylee ???)

I would love to ask Cindy:
Why don't you comprehend that being in denial and covering for KC, withholding info from the LE's investigation, and changing your stories several times are doing a SEVERE injustice to your deceased granddaughter?

Don't you understand that KC not only stole money from friends, but she also stole something FAR more important that belonged in a way to you...your grandaughter and she stole Caylee's life from her. How can you defend someone - even your own daughter - for taking such a precious innocent life before she ever had a chance to truly even live?

Don't you realize how ridiculous you sound when the facts of this investigation are all around you and nothng that Casey has said or done has been accurate or honest - that you even make up scenarios to justify why they don't make sense so that KC looks innocent? Do you think we are all that stupid? because the jury is made up of people like us...
What's the matter with you?

That's what I'd ask. Different tone depending on who I was asking. Then I'd put on my tin foil cap and armour to protect me from the answer.
Cindy, since you said on the GMA show that you can't relate to JVD Sloot's Mother, and it's not possible for you to relate to Beth H. as you stated since your daughter wasn't murdered.

Which of the following do you relate to? The Mother of: Susan Smith, Diane Downs, Kenisha Berry (Ms. Berry liked duct tape too), Darlie Router, or feel free to name another.

George, go sit in the corner please? Cindy's talking she'll let you know when you have something to say.

Yes I'm being a bit sassy but that's really what I would ask them.
-Whose ashes were you wearing around your neck at the time you stated you believed Caylee was still alive?
-Why did you not leave the house and search for Caylee?
-Who were the kidnappers who 'knew they were being watched"?
-What did you results did you expect to get from the Myspace investigations that was more important than joining search parties?
-When you traveled to different counties to 'follow up on leads' what did you expect would happen?
-Why did you think you were more capable/desirous to find Caylee than was LE?
-Why were you not searching for/appealing to Zani to return Caylee?
-Why were you coaching Casey on scenarios and putting words in her mouth when supposedly trying to get info on Caylee?
-Why was it acceptable to you for Casey to be speaking in riddles, hints, suggestions, symbolism (Zani represents whoever was watching Caylee) instead of coming out with what she knows?
-Does it make sense that Casey was keeping quiet to 'protect the family' until you called the police, then she suddenly, randomly had no need to 'protect the family' and was telling police she wanted to find Caylee as well as giving them tons of false information? Why not either keep silent or tell the truth?
-Do you think you have acted in a mature, respectable, model manner for grandparents of murdered children?
What's the matter with you?

That's what I'd ask. Different tone depending on who I was asking. Then I'd put on my tin foil cap and armour to protect me from the answer.

I think I luv you. I have my tin foil ready for every time I here one of the Ant's speak.

By the way............Where is LEE? and What does he "knows what he has done"?

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