IF KC Were to Plea - Reactions/Ramifications?

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Legal, if she does a plea deal...........will there ever be a trial?

No...it goes to the judge for sentencing.....

The truth ever known?

Probably not

Can she write a book? make money from this?

No she absolutely cannot and may not per federal/felony conviction rules. BUT...it won't mean that her parents or the attorney can't.
I don't feel a plea deal will be offered to Casey anymore. She had the opportunity and didn't take it.

IF, by some strange twist a plea deal was offered it would have to have the stipulation of showing where Caylee is and chances of that ever happening is slimmer to none.

Whichever way this goes, the fraud charges need to go forward for Amy (and others) because Amy was a victim of Casey. If they drop the fraud charges then this would be a slap in Amy's face.

I am not sure JB can ask for protective custody permanently once Casey goes to prison. Perhaps its up to the prison on whether she needs to be protected from other inmates. I am not familiar with the prisons in Florida but there are prisons across the USA where everyone is secluded 23 out of 24 hours a day.

I don't feel the Anthony's will ever accept anything whether it be a plea deal, a conviction or if they even found Caylee's remains. It will always be spinned out of control and everything will spin far away from Casey.
OMG I was just thinking what if she takes a plea deal, tells LE she put Caylee in the water somewhere never to be found and then tells her family she is only saying that to get less jail time........keep on looking for her she is alive. We would have to hear them forever.
I've felt all along there's a plea cooking...defense hasn't even begun to prepare.

Plea: Min of 25 yrs before eligible for parole. Must disclose body. If not, LWOP. I think LE is firm on this. Possibility of Mental plea...same as above except in Mental facility.

Although I think LWOP is fitting as the sentence should fit the crime, and as long as Caylee was expected to live she shouldn't be free....BUT....if she did 25 years....kept her nose clean...did something useful and productive behind bars like speak to visitor groups such as single teenage girls who are parents or any group that would prevent this, then in 25 years I could live with springing her. But it better damn well be the most sincere and productive attempt I have ever seen..no "going thru the motions"...CONTRITE..HUMBLE....REMORSEFUL...TRUTHFUL TO ALL ABOUT WHAT SHE REALLY DID TO CAYLEE AND WHY.

Ants: They know the truth..who cares what they say? Without serious counseling, they're lives are ruined.

My reaction...nothing brings Caylee back or forgives the entire family for their actions. Sentence her to the max, but there's someone else who will determine her sentence for eternity....and no plea bargaining.
1. Legal - What would be reasonable/expected lessor charges? Would they also drop the fraud charges? Also, would JB automatically include request for permanent protective custody? I'm not sure what lesser charges would be acceptable, given the clear evidence of premeditation. I don't believe that Casey is likely to plead out. It is my impression that she believes she is in charge of these events, just as she was in control of her family. (And, really, she is. She holds the key, and she is relishing that she is in this position; I don't foresee her giving this power over her parents up, particularly now that the death penalty is off the table.)

2. Ant Family - How do you think CA & GA would react? Would an accepted plea bring them peace of a sort? Would the spin stop? I think George might be able to relax a bit in his need to shield Cindy from the "truth." (I don't think we'll ever have much more "truth" than that Casey killed Caylee.) That said, no. I don't think the spin will stop. I think that spinning is what is holding Cindy together (kind of like centrifugal force). Unless she receives serious, serious mental health care, I don't think this will change. And given the isolationist family dynamics, I really don't believe it's likely that mental health care will be sought.

3. Your Reaction - How would you feel about KC accepting a plea? Would you place any conditions on it? Would you feel as if justice has been served? I would have been in favor of tabling the death penalty in exchange for Caylee's location. At this point, however, I do not feel that a plea bargain would serve justice. The crime was coldly premeditated. I believe the plan extended far beyond what we've seen. I believe that Casey Anthony will pick up right where she left off the moment she's released from prison, and do not believe that day should ever arrive.

Can she write a book? make money from this?

No she absolutely cannot and may not per federal/felony conviction rules. BUT...it won't mean that her parents or the attorney can't.
This is one of the reasons I really hope that they are charged with/convicted of something related to the crime, so that they cannot profit, either. I know that is mean-spirited of me; in general, I believe they are grieving grandparents. But I think they are also opportunists, and likely have a, "Since Caylee is already gone and there's nothing we can do about it, there's no reason why we can't profit" attitude about the whole thing.
I don't feel a plea deal will be offered to Casey anymore. She had the opportunity and didn't take it.

IF, by some strange twist a plea deal was offered it would have to have the stipulation of showing where Caylee is and chances of that ever happening is slimmer to none.

Whichever way this goes, the fraud charges need to go forward for Amy (and others) because Amy was a victim of Casey. If they drop the fraud charges then this would be a slap in Amy's face.

I am not sure JB can ask for protective custody permanently once Casey goes to prison. Perhaps its up to the prison on whether she needs to be protected from other inmates. I am not familiar with the prisons in Florida but there are prisons across the USA where everyone is secluded 23 out of 24 hours a day.

I don't feel the Anthony's will ever accept anything whether it be a plea deal, a conviction or if they even found Caylee's remains. It will always be spinned out of control and everything will spin far away from Casey.

I totally agree Patty G.
imho, a plea with full allocution ( where the defendant stands up and discloses the full details, sorry sp and maybe the wrong word) and recovery of remains for burial and closure would be the best thing for kc,baez,le,prosecution,the a family the people of florida, and basically everyone.
( Multi-purpose thread. Hoping the Mods might let it run for a bit to see how it goes. ) :)

If KC were to plea out, I'm interested in hearing what the reactions would be on three levels:
1. Legal - What would be reasonable/expected lessor charges? Would they also drop the fraud charges? Also, would JB automatically include request for permanent protective custody?

2. Ant Family - How do you think CA & GA would react? Would an accepted plea bring them peace of a sort? Would the spin stop?

3. Your Reaction - How would you feel about KC accepting a plea? Would you place any conditions on it? Would you feel as if justice has been served?

(Be cool - this could be an interesting thread if we can keep it open.) :crazy:

Here are my answers to the questions:

1. I am waiting for the legal eagles to educate us on this one.

2. I think CA & GA will still struggle. I feel as if they will agonize, face some cruel facts, but they'll still somehow spin it a bit to say, "KC did the right thing, even though the evidence didn't support a conviction. She's doing this for our family, not because LE did a good job." And while that saddens me to believe that, it also makes me hope they'll have some closure, even if they have to spin it.

3. Personally, I don't think KC will accept a plea. I feel she's consistently presented the mindset, "That's my story, and I am sticking to it." As another poster stated on the Geraldo thread, I think she's taking it all the way.

But, stranger things have happened with this case, so I think it would be interesting to explore the possibilities. Especially from a legal standpoint.

I won't feel as if justice has been served unless a plea forces enough detail for a genuine attempt to find Caylee's remains - and many, many years in jail.

I would hope they don't make a deal as I personally don't believe in making deals with devil nor do I believe in coddling prisoners. IF they make a deal, I hope they still charge her with every crime possible including the fraud. I will never understand why we make deals. Perhaps if people were made to stand trial & do the HARD time the jury gives them, it would be a true punishment. As it stands now, no gives a rats behind because they know the can deal their way of anything.

2. No C & G will never accept a plea or a guilty. it will always be the princess was set up by the mean ole people of Florida. I can't think of anything that will give them a wake up call.

3. I am sure JB will ask for protective custody for the princess. I just hope that means isolation with no human contact forever. I want to see her go slowly mad.

I think it is just sinful the way we make deals, refuse to hold people accountable & and pat their behinds like they are newborns. We allow prisoners to sue at the drop of a freaking hat...they want a live chicken to worship in their religon, we let them have it for fear of being sued. Bull hockey. KC thought she was a smart tough girl when she killed her innocent child. Treat her like a tough girl now. There is no need to coddle this child killer & thief. I DONT WANT A DEAL. Caylee deserves better.
From what I understand, the A's would have to stop the spin to some degree because a plea agreement requires an admission of guilt. They could no longer claim Caylee is alive and I think CA would have a breakdown.JMHO..

They would say she was forced into a guilty. How many other prisoners have we heard that from? They can't accept KC is a liar, thief, child killer. I think CIndy has proven she will do ANYTHING to protect KC. She will never stop her spin. I am sure her headstone will read " KC didnt do it. Find Zannie":behindbar
If KC were to plea out, I'm interested in hearing what the reactions would be on three levels:

1. Legal - What would be reasonable/expected lessor charges? Would they also drop the fraud charges? Also, would JB automatically include request for permanent protective custody?

I would expect the offer to be the possibility of parole after 25 years. I would expect that they include the fraud charges in that time to run concurrently. JB could request protective custody but I doubt it would be honored. Also, I would expect as a condition of her plea deal that she must state for the record what she did to Caylee and where her body is. Otherwise, no deal.

2. Ant Family - How do you think CA & GA would react? Would an accepted plea bring them peace of a sort? Would the spin stop?

If Casey had to state for the record as part of the plea deal what she did to Caylee and where her body is, and Caylee's little body is discovered at that location, there's nothing left to spin and they'll have to accept the facts.

3. Your Reaction - How would you feel about KC accepting a plea? Would you place any conditions on it? Would you feel as if justice has been served?

I would find a plea acceptable provided that it was natural life and she had to allocute. That would be acceptable as we already know little Caylee is dead. Bringing her home for a proper burial is the goal. Twenty-five years served before elegibility for parole would be acceptable. Must serve full sentence. She'd be in her 40's, pretty much past child bearing age given prison life. Then, it's up to the parole board. One condition of parole would be no contact with children and must be on birth control at all times.

Interesting series of questions. Interesting answers.
Even though I understand and support plea deals to reduce costs to tax payers, I will be very, very upset if any plea for Casey does not include the location of Caylee's body. This precious baby has been disrespected so much by her entire immediate family. It hurts, because Caylee matters.
. Caylee's not garbage to be tossed anywhere at all, she's not a pawn. She was a human being, a person, and she deserves to have it known what happened, and to have her little body recovered and laid to rest with dignity and respect

I think the prosecution has enough evidence to get a conviction. I'm confident they can do it especially after finding out that no body murder cases in the U.S. have a 80 to 85% conviction rate. Caylee is worth spending the money on a trial if Casey doesn't give the location of her little body. Caylee deserves it.In regards to Caylee's family and their reaction to a plea, I simply don't care. Their refusal to fight for her is shameful. Therapy is available for them for any pain they have. My feelings are all for Caylee. I have nothing left over for Cindy or George or Lee. Unless one of them does what's right for Caylee and gives info that will lead to Caylee's location. Then I'm sure I'll feel for them.

Bold mine. ITA, BeanE, especially with everything you wrote that I bolded. Thank you for articulating what I feel so well.
IMO- I do not believe KC will plead guilty. She has dug herself in too deeply to admit to any wrongdoing.

CA will never allow KC to admit to any wrongdoing. CA needs to be seen as the grieving grandmother of a missing child.

If KC admits guilt this means CA is the mother of a child killer. This is unacceptable to CA.

KC insists Zanny took Caylee= CA is a grieving GP of a missing child.
KC admits guilt= CA is the mother of a sociopath.

No body AND full confession
No deal
Let her rot. Shes going away for life without a deal.
Time to quit playing games if she wants to do this plea.
But I dont really care. Shes done.

I've begun to re-think my statement of the plea being negotiated, in light of JB asking for video tapes..that means to me she isn't wavering...yet
I can understand, to some degree, standing by your child. As in, going to her trial, saying "no comment" to the press. In other words - not helping or covering up, but not accusing or offering much to the press either.
Here is what I dont get - what are they protecting? The clear answer is KC, or her life. But what do they really want? She is already not getting the DP. They obviously want her out of jail and back with them. Why? To look at her every day of their life knowing that she killed her baby/their granddaughter? Is that the family picture they see? Thanksgiving with everyone (except Caylee if course) around the table? I dont know what it is they want the future, at home with KC, to look like.
And what about an obligation to KC to redeem herself in some way? What about paying for her crimes/sins. Dont they, as her parents, have an obligation to try to get her/want her to come clean, for her own soul and mental health?

I dont get them at all.
I would want her in prison long enough that she could not have any other
children and heavy restrictions upon her release. She should be monitored
for several years and no quarter given for violations.
I also would like a strongly worded stipulation that she or any of her representation cannot infer , imply in any way that she is innocent, Caylee is alive or make any further degratory statements towards LE , TES , LP , witnesses, etc etc . She should be restricted from EVER being around any other children under any circumstances.

I would want the media to turn the cameras off the remainder of the family. What CA thinks about the plea after its accepted or declined
doesnt matter . Let it be ...........................

I am not sure I want the Ants to have Caylees remains, cosmically karmatically perhaps it is justice that she remains at rest in secret
where she isnt being further exploited, devalued or commercialized .

I hope if there is a plea on the table that someone gets through
and leads her to accepting it .
I am sure there are many other examples, but if you want to research a 'plea deal gone really bad' read up on the Karla Homolka & Paul Bernardo case. KC reminds me of Karla.
I am sure there are many other examples, but if you want to research a 'plea deal gone really bad' read up on the Karla Homolka & Paul Bernardo case. KC reminds me of Karla.

Canada has yet to recover from that one.
I am sure there are many other examples, but if you want to research a 'plea deal gone really bad' read up on the Karla Homolka & Paul Bernardo case. KC reminds me of Karla.

I went and looked that up the other day, because I was thinking that, too.
I was really tempted to send a link to FL SA just as a reminder to think carefully before offering any kind of a plea.
That woman should still be rotting in jail, it makes me sick.
I can only answer the last question in this thread, which only concerns my own feelings. My reactions:
Either way this turns out, Caylee will only get justice if she is laid to rest properly. With Casey, nothing would lead me to believe that justice is served, not LWOP or anything else. In her case, her breathing the air that Caylee will never breath is not fair. For Caylee's justice of being laid to rest, I'll agree with almost anything, but certainly will never feel that justice is served against this woman.
I will never see justice served against Casey for what has happened. The only thing that comes close to justice is the simple fact that she just like the rest of us will face her maker one day, then and only then will justice be truly served.
Canada has yet to recover from that one.

The community still hasn't recovered. Her parental home is mere minutes from where I live. I would have loved to have found a forum like WS during that set of trials.
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