If the parents submitted to LE interviews today, would your opinion change?

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Would your opinion of guilt change if the parents spoke to LE today?

  • No, I would still be firm on guilt, too little too late

    Votes: 26 63.4%
  • I might reconsider my view/undecided

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • I would switch my view to being on the fence or consider innocence.

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters
No option for me, since I'm not even sure the parents of guilty. To me, interviewing with LE again wouldn't change my opinion at all - I'd still be sitting here on the fence until we get more evidence.
Maybe I don't have a thought about that..., was just idly pondering because the thread was for those who are firmly decided that the parents are guilty and I was trying to figure out if I qualify to answer. My perception is that I don't trust DB's changing story but evasiveness about the drinking thing might explain some of that.

Things that some people have lied about in the middle of a criminal investigation include their own (unrelated) criminal activity, criminal activity by their loved ones, addictions, negligence and child abuse, affairs and other family skeletons, other people's skeletons that should not be revealed for fear of revenge... Not sure if any of that could be worse than a missing baby but even people with missing children may have selfish motivations and put themselves first.

So I could see someone making the hasty decision to lie to the first cop that comes in that they don't use drugs, they don't harbor criminals, they didn't pass out while babysitting, they don't steal, etc. to make themselves look better, to avoid getting in trouble, to look less likely a suspect, to avoid family trouble etc., not thinking that it matters because they think "it has nothing to do with the disappearance". Not realizing that it matters because being caught in any lie, however irrelevant, damages your overall credibility, and then, later, feeling locked in the position of defending the lies because they fear the consequences of confessing the fear, feeling compelled to avoid police interrogations and justifying it by telling oneself it doesn't matter "because I don't know anything".

:tyou: :goodpost: However, I have to say IF there were anything else in Bradwins' past, I think either our sleuthers, LE or the FBI would have obtained that information.

I agree. LE has not said those words in this case though.

Actually Steve Young did say they weren't cooperating. Police held a big news conference the first Thursday night to say that. They later clarified when parents and reps pushed back.
Based upon them just talking to LE? No, but if they would talk to LE and tell the truth WITHOUT their attorneys trying to pull strings, I would consider it, depending on many things, one of those things being if LE believes they are being completely honest. I have a lot of faith in LE, not so much in Debbie and Jeremy at this point.
Regardless of what we would think of them, though, they should be talking, should have been talking from the beginning without stopping, to LE and telling everything they know, doing whatever they can to stand up for Lisa and show they truly did love and care about her. Sorry but I just haven't seen it. From the attorneys they were provided, to the way they paraded the two boys in front of the camera on Halloween for the news station, all helps me decide these two are all about themselves and maybe want people to forget. Lisa who?
I wish they'd tell the truth about it all, no more half truths which is a lie, and no more telling all to LE. Just do it!
I think they forget there is such a thing as karma.


Crud. I meant *no more not telling all to LE* sigh
Actually Steve Young did say they weren't cooperating. Police held a big news conference the first Thursday night to say that. They later clarified when parents and reps pushed back.

And, we don't really need to hear the words since we know that LE often tells what they want the public to hear. In addition, we can see with our own eyes how they are not cooperating.
Perhaps a little OT, but once our family cat was missing. I had all my friends (plus their children), and, of course, me and my children posting flyers all over.

He was finally found, in great shape, in a condo (after a week). He drank from the toilet and did his business in the bathtub, so no damage was done to the condo. Of course, we took him to the vet after that. I can't even explain how intelligent this cat was.

Now, that's what was done for a CAT!! They can't even do that for their BABY!!

Whisp is right, the rules have to be changed when it comes to missing children. There is nothing, nothing as important as our babies/children.

Sorry for OT, just wanted to share, and explain the differences.
And, we don't really need to hear the words since we know that LE often tells what they want the public to hear. In addition, we can see with our own eyes how they are not cooperating.

Someone close to the case said to me today that if it were their baby missing that police would have to get a restraining order against them because they would be at the detectives doorstep and bombarding them that much in person and through whatever communications possible.

When my friend was killed, I was one of the last folks to talk to him. When a homicide detective called me that night, I wanted to do everything I could to find Nick's killer and answer whatever I could (even questions that made me uncomfortable) to help them find the killer. I realized they had to scrutinize me because it was their job but I wanted to do what they could to get them to move on not because I was worried but because I needed justice as my heart was breaking into a million pieces.
Perhaps a little OT, but once our family cat was missing. I had all my friends (plus their children), and, of course, me and my children posting flyers all over.

He was finally found, in great shape, in a condo (after a week). He drank from the toilet and did his business in the bathtub, so no damage was done to the condo. Of course, we took him to the vet after that. I can't even explain how intelligent this cat was.

Now, that's what was done for a CAT!! They can't even do that for their BABY!!

Whisp is right, the rules have to be changed when it comes to missing children. There is nothing, nothing as important as our babies/children.

Sorry for OT, just wanted to share, and explain the differences.

I actually did the same thing once with our cat. I would die on the steps of the police station begging them to do more....
Someone close to the case said to me today that if it were their baby missing that police would have to get a restraining order against them because they would be at the detectives doorstep and bombarding them that much in person and through whatever communications possible.

When my friend was killed, I was one of the last folks to talk to him. When a homicide detective called me that night, I wanted to do everything I could to find Nick's killer and answer whatever I could (even questions that made me uncomfortable) to help them find the killer. I realized they had to scrutinize me because it was their job but I wanted to do what they could to get them to move on not because I was worried but because I needed justice as my heart was breaking into a million pieces.

Yes...and that is how an innocent person acts. I hope that they found Nicks killer. That would be so heartbreaking...
Actually Steve Young did say they weren't cooperating. Police held a big news conference the first Thursday night to say that. They later clarified when parents and reps pushed back.

The last thing he said was 'I wouldn't say they are not cooperating.

I don't understand why all of a sudden young's statements are being questioned.
The last thing he said was 'I wouldn't say they are not cooperating.

I don't understand why all of a sudden young's statements are being questioned.

I'm not questioning Steve Young. I'm questioning something posted on WS :)
Well, the poll isn't really geared toward those that already believe in an intruder. The biggest criticism, absent of evidence that points to guilt outside of the dog hit, is that the parents are not doing enough to find their daughter. I'm interested to know if the parents changed direction on that today, 6 months after BL had gone missing, would those who think guilt have a different viewpoint.

Of course if you already thought they were innocent, it just reinforces your thought.

How about if we don't have a firm opinion one way or the other?
I'm undecided, because some things don't make sense to me if they are innocent, but I don't see enough evidence to make me a firm believer that they're guilty.
But I do believe there are people out there who have been so strongly accused by LE that they shut down and refuse to be hammered by them again. I believe there are people who just don't trust cops regardless.
Sometimes when LE says someone is not cooperating, it translates into they're not telling them what they want to hear. The fact that they hired a defense attorney doesn't matter to me. There are only two kinds of lawyers who work in criminal cases anyway. They sure wouldn't hire a prosecutor, would they?
And the fact that they haven't been charged yet tells me that they don't have the evidence to charge them, much less convict.
I'll wait and see. Sorry for the long post.
poll option missing for the choice: No, my opinion would not change, an intruder stole Lisa and the 3 cell phones.

I think the reason that that choice wasn't included is because the poll states that, "this poll is for those who believe that the parents are guilty" (sorry, I paraphrased that!).
Someone close to the case said to me today that if it were their baby missing that police would have to get a restraining order against them because they would be at the detectives doorstep and bombarding them that much in person and through whatever communications possible.

When my friend was killed, I was one of the last folks to talk to him. When a homicide detective called me that night, I wanted to do everything I could to find Nick's killer and answer whatever I could (even questions that made me uncomfortable) to help them find the killer. I realized they had to scrutinize me because it was their job but I wanted to do what they could to get them to move on not because I was worried but because I needed justice as my heart was breaking into a million pieces.

Exactly. That is how I think innocent people would react (note: "I" think). Now this was your friend, and I'm sure you cared for him very much. Can you imagine how you would react/act if it were your child? Your small, defenseless child?

I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing.
Kansas City Missouri Police Sgt. Sondra Zink said police have not requested an interview with Lisa’s parents since they retained an attorney, however Deborah Bradley has been in contact with police on “a few occasions” to provide information, however those leads were not successful in furthering the investigation.

Didn't see this link posted anywhere yet, but thought this was a good place to have it regardless.
Kansas City Missouri Police Sgt. Sondra Zink said police have not requested an interview with Lisa’s parents since they retained an attorney, however Deborah Bradley has been in contact with police on “a few occasions” to provide information, however those leads were not successful in furthering the investigation.

Didn't see this link posted anywhere yet, but thought this was a good place to have it regardless.

LE probably received a Cease and Desist document from the parent's attorneys, informing them (LE) that any contact with their clients must be directed to their law offices. :twocents:
To be technical, that's not really a cease and desist letter. While it's possible they could have sent a cease and desist letter, a letter stating they are representing the client and to direct communications to the attorney is pretty standard. LE works with that all the time - and directs questions, requests for proffers/interviews, and any other information to attorneys without issue. It's not a unique thing to this case nor would it really deter LE in normal circumstances. A letter of representation is pretty routine in criminal cases - a cease and desist letter is generally more of a civil litigation thing, I think.
LE probably received a Cease and Desist document from the parent's attorneys, informing them (LE) that any contact with their clients must be directed to their law offices. :twocents:

Possibly, however, that wouldn't prevent LE from REQUESTING ...which, apparently they haven't done.
so, what should the detectives do? call the house every day and ask if deb and jeremy have changed their minds re: those sought after separate interviews? should they maybe send a note with valentine's candy? with easter chocolates? with a box of franzia? should LE be expected to take time away from other duties/cases when these parents and their lawyers have made it clear they won't cooperate with this request? is LE's time not better served helping people who demonstrate they actually want help?!

imo, the onus is on the parents to say "we're here... we're ready... whatever you need... whatever you want... for lisa".

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