If the parents submitted to LE interviews today, would your opinion change?

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Would your opinion of guilt change if the parents spoke to LE today?

  • No, I would still be firm on guilt, too little too late

    Votes: 26 63.4%
  • I might reconsider my view/undecided

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • I would switch my view to being on the fence or consider innocence.

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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Mar 24, 2011
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This poll is primarily for those that already have a firm belief that the parents are guilty. I'm curious to know if DB/JI went to the station today, would your opinion of guilt change to actually being undecided (or even innocent)?

Discuss away.
Definitely not,6 months too late imo.

I've given up on DB/JI but definitely not on Lisa.I will never understand how parents of a "missing" child act like that,and they wonder why people point the finger at them.

If they had fully co-operated from day 1 and were continuing to do so maybe my opinion would be different

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This poll is primarily for those that already have a firm belief that the parents are guilty. I'm curious to know if DB/JI went to the station today, would your opinion of guilt change to actually being undecided (or even innocent)?

Discuss away.

:seeya: This is an interesting topic, city !

:moo: My opinion would NOT change at all IF Deb and Jeremy went to talk to LE ...

:waitasec: It's 6 months too late ...

I firmly believe DB/JI are guilty and NO my opinion would not change if they talked to LE today. I would probably have a different view of them, but I would still believe they know what happened to Lisa and where she is. MOO
I had to say that while I believe that DB and/or JI are guilty, I still know that there is always the slimmest of slim possibilities that these two parents are truly messed up enough to have there be some reason that made them stop talking to LE other than guilt. I honestly don't know what it would be, but I know that life is so full of oddities and bizarre happenings that literally anything is possible. So, I can't honestly say "too little, too late", although I have said that several times on threads. I guess there is no way to really know until I was in that situation.
Although i firmly believe they are guilty of covering up the death of their daughter, due to negligence of some sort.

I am open to fence sitting if new information becomes available, through those interviews, answering questions with LE.

poll option missing for the choice: No, my opinion would not change, an intruder stole Lisa and the 3 cell phones.
:seeya: This is an interesting topic, city !

:moo: My opinion would NOT change at all IF Deb and Jeremy went to talk to LE ...

:waitasec: It's 6 months too late ...


As I have always said about this case, no matter what they do, it's TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE.

God bless Baby Lisa. Just hoping she didn't suffer.
If the parents "submitted" to an interview today it would arouse my attention. But if LE stated that the parents were being fully cooperative ~ I would cry for joy.

Where are you, Baby Lisa?
Based upon them just talking to LE? No, but if they would talk to LE and tell the truth WITHOUT their attorneys trying to pull strings, I would consider it, depending on many things, one of those things being if LE believes they are being completely honest. I have a lot of faith in LE, not so much in Debbie and Jeremy at this point.
Regardless of what we would think of them, though, they should be talking, should have been talking from the beginning without stopping, to LE and telling everything they know, doing whatever they can to stand up for Lisa and show they truly did love and care about her. Sorry but I just haven't seen it. From the attorneys they were provided, to the way they paraded the two boys in front of the camera on Halloween for the news station, all helps me decide these two are all about themselves and maybe want people to forget. Lisa who?
I wish they'd tell the truth about it all, no more half truths which is a lie, and no more telling all to LE. Just do it!
I think they forget there is such a thing as karma.

If the parents "submitted" to an interview today it would arouse my attention. But if LE stated that the parents were being fully cooperative ~ I would cry for joy.

Where are you, Baby Lisa?

Why? At this late date? Please, would you explain. TIA
Why? At this late date? Please, would you explain. TIA

If LE said the parents were cooperating it would mean that they felt the case was moving forward to finding Baby Lisa; that they had given them some truthful facts for LE to work with.

If the parents only "submitted" to another interview and were uncooperative, gave more evasive and inconsistent answers that could not be confirmed ~ then I would have to think their "submission" was insincere.

But the fact that they would "submit" to another interview would only be a blip on my radar unless LE confirmed that they were being cooperative.
LE will usually announce "The parents are being cooperative" even if they are barely helping. For them to say they aren't cooperating is pretty darn bad. There is no good reason for the parents of a missing child to (a) hire a Criminal Defense Attorney and (b) not talk to police. A logical deduction would be they are guilty and must protect themselves. I don't think we will see them offering themselves up for this meeting....

That benefactor could make it happen but she is in full protection mode for the parents.

Would I reconsider my decision if they were to talk? Not unless I knew what they said. The bigger question is "Why haven't they talked to begin with?"
I have a firm belief that DB's story is fishy anyway... But I guess it could be fishy even if the parents aren't guilty, if she's hiding something else she doesn't want the police or the world to know.

I always try to be open to changing my theory if significant new information comes in. It's the scientific principle I believe.
I would like to know a little more about the interviews and what took place there, which questions were asked, how they got answered before deciding what they mean to anybody's guilt or innocence.
I have a firm belief that DB's story is fishy anyway... But I guess it could be fishy even if the parents aren't guilty, if she's hiding something else she doesn't want the police or the world to know.

I always try to be open to changing my theory if significant new information comes in. It's the scientific principle I believe.
I would like to know a little more about the interviews and what took place there, which questions were asked, how they got answered before deciding what they mean to anybody's guilt or innocence.

BBM: That's the big hang up with me as well, and not only how they got answered but how the questions (?) were directed. I've been on the business end of a LDT and when so called questions are coming at you as allegations, it changes the way one responds. I would think this would be true even if you weren't hooked up to a polygraph. I'd love to see the tapes too.
poll option missing for the choice: No, my opinion would not change, an intruder stole Lisa and the 3 cell phones.

Well, the poll isn't really geared toward those that already believe in an intruder. The biggest criticism, absent of evidence that points to guilt outside of the dog hit, is that the parents are not doing enough to find their daughter. I'm interested to know if the parents changed direction on that today, 6 months after BL had gone missing, would those who think guilt have a different viewpoint.

Of course if you already thought they were innocent, it just reinforces your thought.
LE will usually announce "The parents are being cooperative" even if they are barely helping. For them to say they aren't cooperating is pretty darn bad. There is no good reason for the parents of a missing child to (a) hire a Criminal Defense Attorney and (b) not talk to police. A logical deduction would be they are guilty and must protect themselves. I don't think we will see them offering themselves up for this meeting....

That benefactor could make it happen but she is in full protection mode for the parents.

Would I reconsider my decision if they were to talk? Not unless I knew what they said. The bigger question is "Why haven't they talked to begin with?"


I agree. LE has not said those words in this case though.
I have a firm belief that DB's story is fishy anyway... But I guess it could be fishy even if the parents aren't guilty, if she's hiding something else she doesn't want the police or the world to know.

I always try to be open to changing my theory if significant new information comes in. It's the scientific principle I believe.
I would like to know a little more about the interviews and what took place there, which questions were asked, how they got answered before deciding what they mean to anybody's guilt or innocence.


Donjeta, that's a scary thought. What could she be hiding that would be worse then her missing baby. I think if that were true, and there was something else nefarious going on, we would know by now. Your thought, please.

Donjeta, that's a scary thought. What could she be hiding that would be worse then her missing baby. I think if that were true, and there was something else nefarious going on, we would know by now. Your thought, please.

Maybe I don't have a thought about that..., was just idly pondering because the thread was for those who are firmly decided that the parents are guilty and I was trying to figure out if I qualify to answer. My perception is that I don't trust DB's changing story but evasiveness about the drinking thing might explain some of that.

Things that some people have lied about in the middle of a criminal investigation include their own (unrelated) criminal activity, criminal activity by their loved ones, addictions, negligence and child abuse, affairs and other family skeletons, other people's skeletons that should not be revealed for fear of revenge... Not sure if any of that could be worse than a missing baby but even people with missing children may have selfish motivations and put themselves first.

So I could see someone making the hasty decision to lie to the first cop that comes in that they don't use drugs, they don't harbor criminals, they didn't pass out while babysitting, they don't steal, etc. to make themselves look better, to avoid getting in trouble, to look less likely a suspect, to avoid family trouble etc., not thinking that it matters because they think "it has nothing to do with the disappearance". Not realizing that it matters because being caught in any lie, however irrelevant, damages your overall credibility, and then, later, feeling locked in the position of defending the lies because they fear the consequences of confessing the fear, feeling compelled to avoid police interrogations and justifying it by telling oneself it doesn't matter "because I don't know anything".

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