If you agree or disagree with the verdict, let us know why

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All the items found at the crimes scene, the garbage bags, the laundry bag, and the now INFAMOUS duct tape were all be traced back to the Anthony's house..
Casey wasn't the only one to have access to all them.
Four people had access to all those items.
TWO had better access because they knew where the key to the locked shed was kept, which was where George kept the duct tape.

George and Cindy had access and also knew where the shed key was kept hidden FROM CASEY.
Lee had access all the items except the duct tape.
Casey had access to all the items except the duct tape.

Casey was able to break into the shed...that's how she stole the gas cans and that's how she had access to the duct tape.

And to add, Duct Tape was already used BEFORE Casey broke into the shed. Therefore, she didn't have access to the duct tape.
The duct tape was stored in the garage and by living in the house she had access to it too. Other then Casey NONE of them had any motive to hide Caylee's death. They actually loved her.

Was it proven that is where it was stored? Do you have a link? First I've heard that. I may have missed it. TIA.
In spite of all the games, sneakiness, trickery, by both sides, the jury still managed to look at the evidence and make the right verdict.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

Respectfully snipped.
Nope, imo the jurors made the wrong decision.
A repulsively fast decision made...........
by not questioning or reviewing any presented evidence.

A fast decision made by not re-hearing or re-reading any testimony.

A fast decision made ------------so they could get out of Dodge.
Sad sad sad.
And to add, Duct Tape was already used BEFORE Casey broke into the shed. Therefore, she didn't have access to the duct tape.

She most certainly did. The duct tape was found at the home. The duct tape was also found wound around Caylee's head 3 times.
Like the prosecution stated she had the motive and would be the only one who gained something from her death. What did her mother,father or brother have to gain from Caylee's death? They were all heartbroken. It doesn't make sense. Oh and please don't tell me she was good mother. We all know that we try to look and act our BEST in pictures and videos so her playing with Caylee or smiling means nothing.

Your right, they didn't have anything to gain from her death. However, I don't think there needs to be motive for an accident. I can only speak for myself but I don't think many think GA killed Caylee. It was an accident that was covered up. JMO
More importantly the SA should have! The OCSO should have! Not only that but they should have checked GA car, CA car, pulled phone records AND pings for BOTH CA and GA. They should have investigated the RK FIRST sighting of the remains and then MAYBE we would know if she was killed or drowned.

As to the drowning, maybe could have found proof. As to suffocation, they did have an expert that stated that there was no indication of suffocation to the inside of the skull.

Fact is, jury voted NG. And based on the trial record, drowning and molestation is part of that record. As to PROOF, not sure child molestation is going to show up in a pediatric exam unless you are asking for that kind of an exam. As to proof of Casey being molested, there's not going to be any proof. Proof of molestation is very hard to come by. As suggested on this thread, heck no one would ever be guilty of molestation cause there is no proof unless they were caught in the act or victim went straight to a hospital. Most molestation, especially incest, either goes not ever reported or at least not reported for some time. Sometimes 20 + years. All JMOO

Regarding the sexual abuse allegations at this trial - they were used in the OS statements only and no evidence was ever offered.

Jose brought one thing from his bikini company days - Sex sells! All marketing and PR firms know it. Baez used it and with out a shred of evidence and if fact the Judge told Baez he could not use his OS statement as actual fact in the trial without supporting evidence, here we are post trial with people out believing this is true? He set the bait, he trolled the line and bingo - it stuck!

IMO the sexual abuse OS was a sucker punch because Baez knew people love to talk and whisper about sex. And that's all it was - a sucker punch.

And the jury bought it. Pure sleaze and an insult to anyone who has actually suffered such abuse. People should be outraged rather than supporting this rubbish disgusting statement with maybe's and what ifs!!! All IMO of course.
I disagree, you have to prove that it was Casey that murdered her daughter at the exclusion of everyone else. That is the way the law works, you may not like it but there it is. You do actually have to prove that Casey is responsible for killing her daughter. Saying 'well, because she lied about all this stuff' doesn't cut it in a court of law.

Actually, Thanks wasn't enough. The state ABSOLUTELY HAS TO PROVE BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT! And great point you made, at the exclusion of everyone else. Something they really failed at considering they didn't even check GA/CA car for evidence or pull phone record and pings for GA or RK. GA - last person to see Caylee with Casey and RK - person who found the remains. How crazy is that. If the OCSO had done a better job to begin with, we may have never any reason to be here discussing it. And again agree that lying doesn't equal murder.
More importantly the SA should have! The OCSO should have! Not only that but they should have checked GA car, CA car, pulled phone records AND pings for BOTH CA and GA. They should have investigated the RK FIRST sighting of the remains and then MAYBE we would know if she was killed or drowned.

As to the drowning, maybe could have found proof. As to suffocation, they did have an expert that stated that there was no indication of suffocation to the inside of the skull.

Fact is, jury voted NG. And based on the trial record, drowning and molestation is part of that record. As to PROOF, not sure child molestation is going to show up in a pediatric exam unless you are asking for that kind of an exam. As to proof of Casey being molested, there's not going to be any proof. Proof of molestation is very hard to come by. As suggested on this thread, heck no one would ever be guilty of molestation cause there is no proof unless they were caught in the act or victim went straight to a hospital. Most molestation, especially incest, either goes not ever reported or at least not reported for some time. Sometimes 20 + years. All JMOO

To add, several expert witnesses testified following that testimony that trauma to the skull showing with suffocation is pure bunk. The skull is compromised of bone and is not affected by suffocation.
Actually, Thanks wasn't enough. The state ABSOLUTELY HAS TO PROVE BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT! And great point you made, at the exclusion of everyone else. Something they really failed at considering they didn't even check GA/CA car for evidence or pull phone record and pings for GA or RK. GA - last person to see Caylee with Casey and RK - person who found the remains. How crazy is that. If the OCSO had done a better job to begin with, we may have never any reason to be here discussing it. And again agree that lying doesn't equal murder.

Actually the SA did do that.
I thought you said earlier that she was culpably negligent. If so, how can you say now that the jury made the right verdict?

Would you have accepted manslaughter as a compromise?

I did say culpable negligence, but then you or someone put the definition of culpable negligence out there. I was incorrect in my idea of what culpable negligence was. I think she was negligent, in that she was paying more attention to the phone or computer than to Caylee. Just as millions of mothers do every day. Unfortunately for KC, her negligence allowed Caylee the time to drown herself.
Also, there seems to be very little interest from others to actually try to deliberate and or make compromises, so I will withdraw the offer to compromise.
Anyway, I still do believe the verdict was correct, and like pretty much everyone else, I doubt anything will change that belief at this point.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
And to add, Duct Tape was already used BEFORE Casey broke into the shed. Therefore, she didn't have access to the duct tape.

The Duct Tape was kept in the garage and CFCA was still living at home when Caylee was killed and bagged and dumped. And the duct tape was still at the home because George used it 1.5 months later to hang up his Caylee is Missing posters at the family's meet and greet donation meetings.

That's how it was identified as specifically concluded coming from the Anthony home.
Was it proven that is where it was stored? Do you have a link? First I've heard that. I may have missed it. TIA.

Asking for a link? On this thread? Wild speculation is being made on every piece of evidence disputed without a link.
Your right, they didn't have anything to gain from her death. However, I don't think there needs to be motive for an accident. I can only speak for myself but I don't think many think GA killed Caylee. It was an accident that was covered up. JMO

The accident theory makes no sense imo. Covered up by whom? The story can't just end there. What possible logic is there in covering up an accident thinking you will never have to divulge the truth about Caylee's whereabouts ever!!

Telling the truth regarding an accident would not have been any less traumatic whether divulged at the time of an accident or waiting six months. This makes no sense for an accident theory.

The only cover-up is the triple bagging and tossing by KC.

I did say culpable negligence, but then you or someone put the definition of culpable negligence out there. I was incorrect in my idea of what culpable negligence was. I think she was negligent, in that she was paying more attention to the phone or computer than to Caylee. Just as millions of mothers do every day. Unfortunately for KC, her negligence allowed Caylee the time to drown herself.
Also, there seems to be very little interest from others to actually try to deliberate and or make compromises, so I will withdraw the offer to compromise.
Anyway, I still do believe the verdict was correct, and like pretty much everyone else, I doubt anything will change that belief at this point.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

No 911 call equals no drowning ... and no one sits in jail for 3 years facing the death penalty for a drowning, especially someone like FCA who wanted her freedom so bad. And there is no compromise either in my opinion ... I challenge you to find me one case or instance where a child drowned in a swimming pool and it was made to look like a kidnapping and a murder.
I understand arguing about whether or not the evidence fit the crime - but I do not understand why the actual evidence is being argued. The SA had to face stringent court rules to even be admitted, and most was admitted after expert evidence given after the Frye hearings.

To argue that Dr. Vass was some unknown guy who did questionable lab experiments is laughable. The defense expert was someone who wasn't even in his league are far as credentials were concerned, let alone experience. He was a professor who claimed credit for submissions his students did, and his work certainly wasn't peer reviewed and accepted within the scientific community. Dr. Haskell, the bug expert, is revered throughout the world. His student, Dr. Huntington conducted his first experiment to argue against Dr. Haskell's expert testimony using conditions not even close to the real conditions and in the end conceded those facts. The list goes on and on. And then we have the plant expert "Dr Jane" who had never studies plants in Florida, and suggested the bones were under the leaves because a coyote buried them. I understand the expert testimony was boring and perhaps people didn't pay it a lot of attention. but in terms of fact- it is unchallengeable.

Totally Disagree. As to Dr. Vass and the other experts there are tons of post here on this thread that several fellow members explaining the air samples, etc. and how they were refuted. But, not alot have mentioned Dr. Jane Bock. So thought I'd contribute.

First this is from cross exam. by JA:
She is from Colorado. Florida was the site of her PhD and has had individual research projects in Florida. Got her PhD in 1966 from UC Berkley. PhD work was looking at the distribution of water hyacinths up and down the state. She also studied the food habits of the tortoise in Florida from 1980 to 1990. She was also friends of Robert Long who wrote the first book on flora in Florida. She has used field guides to become familiar with thousands of plants in Florida in general, not for this case. [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=141241"]Dr. Jane Bock testimony (PhD in botany) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Second, JA stated the hip bone was under 4" of MUCK and she suggested that a dog or coyote could have buried it, they do you know. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5sx9QSp0sE"]‪Jeff Ashton Chuckles at Dr. Jane Bock‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
If I go here I will vomit for days.

These whimpy whiny jurors, who SHOULD have taken DAYS if not WEEKS;
Who should have asked for clarifications as they were obviously confused about HOW to even deliberate, and WHAT to deliberate;
Who should have asked to go over testimony and evidence again;
Who should NOT have caved because of the damn peer pressure, what was this , a high school popular crowd contest???;
Who should have admitted to incompetence and burnout INSTEAD of lacksidaysically throwing out a "oh what the heck, let's get out of here. Right well then let's just pin the lies on her so you know we look like we did SOMETHING right" verdict;

I have no FREAKING words.
Sadly the more time passes, the more enraged I have become at this sad bunch of 12 cop outs.
There are simply NO valid excuses for how they neglected their duty. None.
I hope the shame and guilt haunts them forever.
According to the press conference with the major investigative team, they started by investigating Zenaida Gonzalez - based on information given to them by Casey. When they were able to prove that all of the information given to them by Casey was not factual, they expanded their investigation.

They stated that they eliminated nobody and it was through following the evidence that they concluded Casey was culpable. If you read Lee's deposition (w/ Baez and Ashton present) you will gain a full understanding of Casey's 1st story (actually she changed her story with Lee).

If the evidence had pointed to George Anthony, I feel certain that the Grand Jury would have issued a bill of indictment against him as well. The fact that after a review of material evidence in the case, the indictment was sent down for only Casey Anthony (and on 3 very serious charges) is very telling.

By all accounts, the investigation was exhaustive and thorough. To throw out a bunch of maybe it was..., maybe it was... is to pretend there was not a complete 3 year investigation into the facts of the case.

Nobody had any interest in pointing the finger at Casey Anthony at the beginning. At first it was a kidnap investigation. Why? Because that is what Casey stated. Then it was a investigation into the death of Caylee. There are 3 options: suicide, accident or unlawful death. The facts of the case led an impartial investigative team (which included both Orange County, Orlando LE & the FBI) to conclude homicide and the facts of the case led to Casey.

To suggest otherwise is specious speculation. If some believe that the burden of the prosecution was not met, that is their right. To throw out a bunch of speculative nonsense (including unfounded psychological assessments) displays a complete disregard for the facts of and basis for this case.

I disagree that it was an exhaustive investigation before Casey's name came up, and that no one wanted to point the finger at Casey in the beginning... unless you're referring to the beginning by before the first 12 hours of Caylee being reported missing.

Casey Anthony was arrested within 12 hours of this case opening. 12 hours. I'm just not buying that LE did an exhaustive investigation and they were led to Casey.
The accident theory makes no sense imo. Covered up by whom? The story can't just end there. What possible logic is there in covering up an accident thinking you will never have to divulge the truth about Caylee's whereabouts ever!!

Telling the truth regarding an accident would not have been any less traumatic whether divulged at the time of an accident or waiting six months. This makes no sense for an accident theory.

The only cover-up is the triple bagging and tossing by KC.


I see what you are saying but the same can be said if it was a murder. None of it makes sense, the truth was going to come out either way. Did she think she wouldn't have to ever divulge the truth about Caylee's whereabouts even if she was murdered? Either way she was covering it up.
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