If you agree or disagree with the verdict, let us know why

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I do think the cell phone pings would have helped the prosecution make the ultimate time-line connection to KC having possession of Caylee and the car.
I noticed that, I also noticed he coughs alot...ALOT. Im not sure it had anything to do with it but I did notice it. I wondered thru the trial if its a nervous cough or if he has some physical ailment. He has also coughed in some interviews.

He had a very bad cold that I believe he caught from Ann Finnell during the Jury Selection process and was quite il but still working six days a week. What remained of the flu was his cough, which lasted throughout the trial. Very typical of the flu that has been going around this year. it leaves you with a "full" chest and a very dry throat and if you don't keep drinking water, you will have a long "coughing" fit.
I had dinner with my attorney brother tonight. he made an interesting observation and I wondered if this was an issue for anyone else.
He said part of the reason JA was not successful was because the fact that he continually kept drinking his water over and over and stopping in mid sentence to open the bottle, drink and then talk and then drink some more. he said it was extremely odd and he wonders how much it annoyed the jurors and interfered with his overall delivery. He said he has never seen an attorney do this. It was very noticeable to my brother perhaps because he does this for a living, but I wondered if it bothered or was noticeable to anyone else.
I did not watch closing arguments only listened so I cannot comment.

Well, now that you mention it lol. I think the water bottles are too casual in general for the courtroom. And I agree that LDB was the superior attorney. She brought professionalism to the courtroom.
I understand arguing about whether or not the evidence fit the crime - but I do not understand why the actual evidence is being argued. The SA had to face stringent court rules to even be admitted, and most was admitted after expert evidence given after the Frye hearings.

To argue that Dr. Vass was some unknown guy who did questionable lab experiments is laughable. The defense expert was someone who wasn't even in his league are far as credentials were concerned, let alone experience. He was a professor who claimed credit for submissions his students did, and his work certainly wasn't peer reviewed and accepted within the scientific community. Dr. Haskell, the bug expert, is revered throughout the world. His student, Dr. Huntington conducted his first experiment to argue against Dr. Haskell's expert testimony using conditions not even close to the real conditions and in the end conceded those facts. The list goes on and on. And then we have the plant expert "Dr Jane" who had never studies plants in Florida, and suggested the bones were under the leaves because a coyote buried them. I understand the expert testimony was boring and perhaps people didn't pay it a lot of attention. but in terms of fact- it is unchallengeable.

Loved your logic. Why don't some people get it, or, maybe they do but don't want to admit that FCA should have not been acquitted.
Its a thread asking for peoples opinions..asking people if they agree or disagree..some people will agree, some people will disagree. Doesnt make one opinion "better " than the other, just different, as the question asked in the thread title.
I had dinner with my attorney brother tonight. he made an interesting observation and I wondered if this was an issue for anyone else.
He said part of the reason JA was not successful was because the fact that he continually kept drinking his water over and over and stopping in mid sentence to open the bottle, drink and then talk and then drink some more. he said it was extremely odd and he wonders how much it annoyed the jurors and interfered with his overall delivery. He said he has never seen an attorney do this. It was very noticeable to my brother perhaps because he does this for a living, but I wondered if it bothered or was noticeable to anyone else.
I did not watch closing arguments only listened so I cannot comment.

I had a cousin come by the house just after the verdict and he was adamant that the PT lost in part because of the way they presented themselves.
Cold, distant, arms crossed while seated, always a scowl on their faces and yes, cousin remarked several times about JA drinking from his water bottle during closing which broke JA's rhythm.
Human beings being what we are, our attention span isn't all that long.
Jurors who have been sequestered, antsy, can't wait to go home...... all probably shortened their attention span.
Every time JA took a drink, it was long enough for these antsy jurors to lose train of thought and maybe have their mind wander.

I heard from several posts that JA was just getting over the flu and that was the reason for the constant coughing/sipping water.
I've had that nagging cough myself after a cold/flu and it's not fun.
So her studies in 1966 - that would be forty five years ago, plus some books and a chat with a friend, plus the off chance that a very very rare occurance of a coyote in this area qualifies to talk about plant root growth of a plant she was unable to identify that was growing up into the hair mat, into the laundry bag etc qualifies her as more of an expert? Then why was it that I who had actually read the evidence was cringing in embarrassment on her behalf.

And as far as coyotes? There are very plentiful in the area I live in all year around so I am very familiar with their habits. Edited to add a hint - if you love your cat and live in my area - don't let it out at night - you won't see it again.

At least she had legitimate qualifications unlike the grief counselor who thought Barnes and Noble was a peer review publication.
Originally Posted by Pita
Casey Anthony jurors still feeling effects of public backlash



This juror was an alternate. He was not in deliberations and he did not vote. However, he did go public almost immediately after the verdict was read, claiming to know why the deliberating jurors voted as they did. He wasn't in deliberations, so he couldn't know what was or was not deliberated. Yet he knew immediately!

That confirms for me that these jurors discussed this case prior to the case being given to them to deliberate!

How is that abiding by jury instructions? How is that acceptable under the Constitution that Alternate Juror RH wants us to believe he holds sacred?

This dude chose to speak to the media. His name is out there because he put it out there. I have no sympathy for his whine.
Regarding the sexual abuse allegations at this trial - they were used in the OS statements only and no evidence was ever offered.

Jose brought one thing from his bikini company days - Sex sells! All marketing and PR firms know it. Baez used it and with out a shred of evidence and if fact the Judge told Baez he could not use his OS statement as actual fact in the trial without supporting evidence, here we are post trial with people out believing this is true? He set the bait, he trolled the line and bingo - it stuck!

IMO the sexual abuse OS was a sucker punch because Baez knew people love to talk and whisper about sex. And that's all it was - a sucker punch.

And the jury bought it. Pure sleaze and an insult to anyone who has actually suffered such abuse. People should be outraged rather than supporting this rubbish disgusting statement with maybe's and what ifs!!! All IMO of course.

ITA. The X-Rated hard sell. The jury would rather believe what was in FCA's mouth, not what was wrapped across Caylee Marie's.
Originally Posted by Pita
Casey Anthony jurors still feeling effects of public backlash



This juror was an alternate. He was not in deliberations and he did not vote. However, he did go public almost immediately after the verdict was read, claiming to know why the deliberating jurors voted as they did. He wasn't in deliberations, so he couldn't know what was or was not deliberated. Yet he knew immediately!

That confirms for me that these jurors discussed this case prior to the case being given to them to deliberate!

How is that abiding by jury instructions? How is that acceptable under the Constitution that Alternate Juror RH wants us to believe he holds sacred?

This dude chose to speak to the media. His name is out there because he put it out there. I have no sympathy for his whine.

Thanks for posting that KRK. I don't doubt for a second they discussed the case before the trial.
Although this is such a tragic thing to have happen, I have to ask who has gained the most from this.

CA and GA has made a lot of TV appearances, a lot of money has been made for interviews, etc etc. I don't recall Casey making anything from this tragedy. (I do know the speculation of JB receiving monies for her defense, but Casey has not been on any cruises lately).

BBM: Casey gained her freedom, she is now hoping to make big bucks. She got off on telling lies, so she will never ever admit the truth about what happened to Caylee Marie and how she killed her. She had plenty to gain, considering what she deserved and didn't get. She can toy with people for years, dangling little teasers about the way Caylee Marie died. I do understand what JA eant - it would have been a small act of kindness if she used chloroform on Caylee Marie before she duct taped her. But, makes me wonder. Maybe she enjoyed watching her helpless child struggle to breathe. Maybe that fourth strip of duct tape was used to bind Caylee Marie's tiny little hands. She really fixed CA for choking her on June 15 and threatening to get custody of Caylee Marie.
If I go here I will vomit for days.

These whimpy whiny jurors, who SHOULD have taken DAYS if not WEEKS;
Who should have asked for clarifications as they were obviously confused about HOW to even deliberate, and WHAT to deliberate;
Who should have asked to go over testimony and evidence again;
Who should NOT have caved because of the damn peer pressure, what was this , a high school popular crowd contest???;
Who should have admitted to incompetence and burnout INSTEAD of lacksidaysically throwing out a "oh what the heck, let's get out of here. Right well then let's just pin the lies on her so you know we look like we did SOMETHING right" verdict;

I have no FREAKING words.
Sadly the more time passes, the more enraged I have become at this sad bunch of 12 cop outs.
There are simply NO valid excuses for how they neglected their duty. None.
I hope the shame and guilt haunts them forever.

ITA. My anger has not faded, and I doubt it ever will. I will remember Caylee Marie forever. And since hearing her sing on the Father's Day video whenever the word "sunshine" is spoken, or sung, my heart hurts.
I do not know why they went to another county for jury selection. It was supposedly because locals would not be able to judge KC fairly, to consider the evidence in the face of all the media hype.

I understand the necessity of an impartial jury. I understand changes of venue for certain cases. And I understand the judge wanting everything to go by the letter of the law.

But sadly, I see this as a case of jury misconduct. They were all warned NOT to discuss the case until it was given to them to deliberate, and there is just no way they abided by that warning. With the hundreds of pieces of evidence entered into the record, it is just not possible that these jurors deliberated and came to a conclusion in a matter of hours! Plus, the outspokenness of Alternate Juror RH right after the verdict shows that the jurors had discussed this case to some degree in advance of going into the deliberations room.

This needs to be investigated. To let this go not only leaves a murderer free, it contaminates our entire justice system and may compromise other cases.

It is ludicrous to think that time of death must be known in order to convict and there is no way the jury instructions stated that as a requirement. There are many cases where time of death is not known. And many where cause of death is not obvious but evidence points toward homicide, as in this case. FGS, there are convictions in cases where there is not even a body!!

The state does not get another go if they make a mistake, if they fail to do their job. But what if the jurors are the ones who failed? What if the jurors ignored the law and discussed the case prior to deliberations? I believe they did, and I think they should be made to answer some serious questions. This is too important to just let slide.

Forget about where KC is. Forget about where GA and CA go on vacation. It just doesn't matter when you consider the actions (or inaction) of this jury. They claim cause of death and time of death were not proven by the state so the law would not allow them to convict on any of the felony charges. Clearly these jurors either did not understand the jury instructions or deliberately ignored them.
And there is still no justice for Caylee Marie, who was murdered by mommy and left in the swamp, for critters to feast upon her remains. Did the jurors not even give this innocent little victim any consideration.
And there is still no justice for Caylee Marie, who was murdered by mommy and left in the swamp, for critters to feast upon her remains. Did the jurors not even give this innocent little victim any consideration.

Nope not even a little bit. They were more interested in looking at all the states witness as creepy or lying. Every witness that stood up for Caylee were all seen as shady and everyone conspired to frame KA. Justice for Caylee never had a chance.All they seen and heard was JB. I honestly believe this case has set us back many years in our criminal justice system. This jury made a whole new meaning of the CSI effect IMO.
Well, I apologize for my rant earlier but I am really angry. If KC had been convicted based on what could be seen as jury faults, you can bet your bottom dollar the jurors' actions would be investigated.

The reason that JA was coughing so badly was that Ann Finell showed up in the courtroom and spread her germs. It was rather a strange coincidence as when she got better she stopped appearing in court. JA had to show up every day, sick as he was. So this helped the DT impress the jury? If so, how hateful was the hand of fate.
At least she had legitimate qualifications unlike the grief counselor who thought Barnes and Noble was a peer review publication.

Yea, I thought the grief counselor was going to lose the whole case for the DT. All I could say the whole time she was on the stand was WOW. Just Wow.
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