If You Were George and Cindy

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What???? Is this post for real? Or is the Anthony koolaid really for real?
There's a sucker born every minute and I think the majority of them must live in Florida from what I've read. Do you have to be gullible to live there or something?
Ive spent some time with them on 3 occasions now. By them being out there and in the media, they are keeping this case alive. As bizarre as this case is, the best they can do is state thier cause and opinions. They are very media trained these days and are not staing anything incriminating, they are making us think harder about what may have happend.
They also LIE at every opportunity. Cindy needs to go back to work and support herself and her family and stop relying on other people to take care of them. They can still have their vigils. Their PI is allegedly working for free. Their attorney is working for free. So they need to support themselves and stop collecting money for searches they are not conducting.

It also might be a good idea for them to stop associating with convicted felons.
If I were ga and ca we would not be having this conversation because kc would have had to kill me to leave the house with Caylee on the 15th of June. And kc's a#$ would have been kicked out on the street that night, with court proceedings started the very next day to gain full custody of Caylee.
I'm sorry if this is for real/ I would go visit my daughter and tell her that she has to tell the truth because we are. I would go directly to le and tell everything that I know. I would take a lie detector test after answering any and all questions from le. I would tell all of Orlando we will come and search this weekend with TES please come out and help us.
I'm sorry if this is for real/ I would go visit my daughter and tell her that she has to tell the truth because we are. I would go directly to le and tell everything that I know. I would take a lie detector test after answering any and all questions from le. I would tell all of Orlando we will come and search this weekend with TES please come out and help us.

It IS possible to love your child and still condemn what they did. I guess Cindy doesn't know that yet.
what would you be doing?

I understand standing by your child, unconditional love. BUT I really believe I would be in hiding and whenever I came out for whatever reason the only words leaving my mouth would be, "No comment."

I'm sorry, but I have to post the first thing that came into my head when I saw the thread title.

If I were George and Cindy, I'd have grabbed that child (KC) by the throat and made her life HELL until she told me where my grandaughter is. Of course, that's just me and I do have a bit o' PMS working on me right now.
There's a sucker born every minute and I think the majority of them must live in Florida from what I've read. Do you have to be gullible to live there or something?

Actually, yes. I had to drink special kool aid and take an exam--just to be sure I was gulllible enough to live here in Florida.

The koolaid was quite refreshing after I spent 10 hours in the woods last Sunday with sticks, thorns all over me and rattlesnakes 3 feet in front of me while I searched for this missing baby.

So, riddle me this...perhaps now I undestand why, upon asking fellow searchers if they were 'Websleuthers' the rolled their eyes and looked at me with disgust.

Were you there last weekend?
I would:

Tell LE everything I know, daughter involvement or no;
Keep my mouth shut when it comes to the press;
Do everything humanly possible to search for my granddaughter (live or human remains)
Stop bad-mouthing people who are actually out there searching for a body (at least they are searching).

I would not:

- Write a book, sell pictures or stories in order to profit off a family tragedy.
- Associate myself with so called "charitable organizations" who are only out to profit from a family tragedy.
Now, before anyone flames me, let me make it clear that, in my opinion, Casey Anthony did kill Caylee (and I don't believe it was an accident) and I am not defending Cindy Anthony at all.

But, if you have children, you know how much you love them and how much of yourself you try to install in them as they grow. Now, imagine for one terrible moment that the child you have loved, nurtured and watched grow into an adult has done something unspeakable. Something in your worst dreams you couldn't imagine...

None of us are living in Cindy's or George's shoes - what shock and horror they must be feeling right now. Most of us, I pray, will never find ourselves in that situation so I don't think we can honestly say how 'we' would react in that situation.

I have always felt that family's in this situation should appoint a "spokesperson" - someone who is NOT a family member. It would be hard enough to pull yourself together everyday in this situation, let alone have a million cameras and microphones thrust in your face everytime you walk out the door. I work in the media and I've been on camera before and I can tell you it is nervewracking as it is, without being in the situation that Cindy and George are.

As I watch Cindy and George in these interviews, I see parents who are coming to the realization that their daughter is a monster. In the beginning, I think they really wanted to believe Casey (what parent wouldn't). If the 911 tapes didn't exist, I think I would feel different, but hearing Cindy on those tapes makes me believe that she had nothing to do with this. Cindy got caught up in listening to Casey's lies.

I just don't think it's fair to ask "What would you do" because you don't really know what you would do...

Well spoken, or should I say well written? I agree with you. I can say well I would........but I have not been where they are and the gods willing, I will never be. Tell you something, 3 days before the latest search - and I knew I was going to be at the search center helping out - I was coming back from somewhere and saw GA at his 'center'. He was there by himself, no one else around. I pulled in and went over to him. We spoke for 2 minutes - I said, I am so sorry for what your family is going through and no matter how it turns out, I hope you all find some peace. He said "Thank you very much" and gave me a hug. Thatpoor man is in agony and it is written all over his face. I got back in my car and came home - and I found myself crying as I drove off. They did not ask for this Hel* no matter what their family life was like.

So what do I think they should do - survive this the best they can and hope that the future brings them peace of some sort, at some time.
I cant say what I would do since thankfully Ive never been in the situation they are in and I pray I never am.

When I try to imagine myself in thier shoes, I would say, after beating the truth out of my daughter and she still didnt tell me, I would make sure she didnt stay one more day in my house because Id end up choking the cr@p out of her on a daily basis. (and before anyone says anything about violence not being the answer, blah blah, trust me, I know this, I have never even spanked my own child) But it comes down to if I thought for one minute my adult daughter murdered a baby, yes, you would need to pull me off her. There are no words to describe what I think should be done to anyone who can kill thier own a child. The thought of showing love, providing a home or food for someone that could do this would make me physically ill.

Once I made sure the suspect was out of my house and hopefully in the custody of LE I would be out there searching any and every place that I could think of that she could be buried and I would be pleading with LE to help me. Going on tv or doing interviews or talking to anyone who wasnt an immediate family member or close friend would not be an option because the rest of my days when not looking for my Granddaughter's body and when not looking for answers would be spent laying in bed crying, a blubbering mental mess, not only for the eventual loss of my child but the obvious death of my Grandchild.
I'm sorry, but I have to post the first thing that came into my head when I saw the thread title.

If I were George and Cindy, I'd have grabbed that child (KC) by the throat and made her life HELL until she told me where my grandaughter is. Of course, that's just me and I do have a bit o' PMS working on me right now.

You got that right!! And I certainly wouldn't be calling her "sweetheart" in a phone call to the jail right after she was arrested and my grandchild was still MISSING! :furious:
I would hope I would realize how important it would be to get to the truth. Right now CA is trying to save her daughter but if you think ahead what would happen if KC was found not guilty and released. Would I be prepared to live with a daughter that refuses to tell the truth. Would I be willing to live the rest of my life not knowing what happened to my grandaughter. I can see some awful things down the road for the A's if this were to happen. As hard as it might be I would hope I would be strong enough to seek out the truth. Ca doesn't realize the prison she is creating for herself by not pushing KC to the wall and find out now what happened...
Ive spent some time with them on 3 occasions now. By them being out there and in the media, they are keeping this case alive. As bizarre as this case is, the best they can do is state thier cause and opinions. They are very media trained these days and are not staing anything incriminating, they are making us think harder about what may have happend.

Ive spent some time with them on 3 occasions now. By them being out there and in the media, they are keeping this case alive. As bizarre as this case is, the best they can do is state thier cause and opinions. They are very media trained these days and are not staing anything incriminating, they are making us think harder about what may have happend.

I'm sorry to say but this sounds as if they are trying out all sorts of theories to see WHICH will have the best chance in front of Casey's jury.

Cindy & Jose have been saying for MONTHS that they already 'know' what happened BUT they can't tell anyone until the trial.

Enough with the Casey defense & let's see some ACTIVE SEARCHING FOR CAYLEE.
Actually, yes. I had to drink special kool aid and take an exam--just to be sure I was gulllible enough to live here in Florida.

The koolaid was quite refreshing after I spent 10 hours in the woods last Sunday with sticks, thorns all over me and rattlesnakes 3 feet in front of me while I searched for this missing baby.

So, riddle me this...perhaps now I undestand why, upon asking fellow searchers if they were 'Websleuthers' the rolled their eyes and looked at me with disgust.

Were you there last weekend?

I was there...
Ive spent some time with them on 3 occasions now. By them being out there and in the media, they are keeping this case alive. As bizarre as this case is, the best they can do is state thier cause and opinions. They are very media trained these days and are not staing anything incriminating, they are making us think harder about what may have happend.

Huh? I clearly do not understand this post! It's contradictory to what I understand about the Anthony's actions over the past few months . . .
Ive spent some time with them on 3 occasions now. By them being out there and in the media, they are keeping this case alive. As bizarre as this case is, the best they can do is state thier cause and opinions. They are very media trained these days and are not staing anything incriminating, they are making us think harder about what may have happend.

Thank you for sharing that, Erica. Sorry you were jumped on.
I don't KNOW what I would do...here's what I HOPE I would do...

I hope I would be appreciative of everyone reaching out to help, regardless of whether or not they shared my beliefs about what happened to Caylee.

I hope I would cooperate with LE to the best of my ability, and not bash them, accuse them of not doing anything, and criticize their tactics.

I hope that I would have a friend that was good enough to tell me that I need THERAPY, and I hope that I would take that advice.

I hope that I would advocate for my 2 year old grandchild and not my pathological liar of a daughter.

I hope that I wouldn't allow my daughter to continue to run the show.

I hope that I would do everything in my power (including no longer enabling/supporting liar daughter) to get the TRUTH and find my grand child.

I hope that I would be able to see the facts, as they have been presented, and work in a PRODUCTIVE way to bring my grandchild to rest...
Something that stood out to me in Casey's interview with LE, when they were sitting in the office at Universal, was that Casey stated that she was "petrified" of her mother's reaction to Caylee being missing. Also, wasn't it discussed or rumored that on Sunday, June 15th, Cindy had actually put her hands around Casey's throat and tried to choke her? That could certainly make Casey petrified of her mother, especially if Casey were to confess doing harm to the grandbaby that Cindy basically raised as her own.

If I were Cindy, I would somehow get word to Casey that no matter what happened, I would not be mad at her, that we would get through it together, that i love her unconditionally, but that the only way for us to ever have a solid relationship would be for Casey to tell the truth. I would make sure that she knows that she has nothing to be "petrified" about as far as my reaction goes.

I don't think that Cindy has the fortitude to hear the truth from Casey or she would have already spoken those words to her instead of trying to cover for her. I firmly believe that Cindy knows that Casey did something to Caylee, she just doesn't know what, and she would rather go through the rest of her life not knowing than to hear/know the truth from her own daughter.

May Caylee Marie rest in peace. I know she is in the arms of angels.
Something that stood out to me in Casey's interview with LE, when they were sitting in the office at Universal, was that Casey stated that she was "petrified" of her mother's reaction to Caylee being missing. Also, wasn't it discussed or rumored that on Sunday, June 15th, Cindy had actually put her hands around Casey's throat and tried to choke her? That could certainly make Casey petrified of her mother, especially if Casey were to confess doing harm to the grandbaby that Cindy basically raised as her own.

If I were Cindy, I would somehow get word to Casey that no matter what happened, I would not be mad at her, that we would get through it together, that i love her unconditionally, but that the only way for us to ever have a solid relationship would be for Casey to tell the truth. I would make sure that she knows that she has nothing to be "petrified" about as far as my reaction goes.

I don't think that Cindy has the fortitude to hear the truth from Casey or she would have already spoken those words to her instead of trying to cover for her. I firmly believe that Cindy knows that Casey did something to Caylee, she just doesn't know what, and she would rather go through the rest of her life not knowing than to hear/know the truth from her own daughter.
May Caylee Marie rest in peace. I know she is in the arms of angels.

I totally agree with this!

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