If You Were George and Cindy

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Still, even if LE doesn't NAME them as suspects...they are considered as such by LE until they have been ruled out. Yes?

The only reason they hesitate to name them anymore is because it changes the dynamics of how they must treat them from that point on. Person Of Interest is a term coined by the media which they now use to refer to a suspect.

In my honest opinion, the grandparents are very much suspected of being involved in either a cover up or in the disappearance of Caylee. LE doesn't want to lose their "working relationship" with them right now and won't come out to say it. I don't consider it "throwing the word suspect around" tho. It is what it is.
One thing that irks me about Cindy, is how often she'll say "They should be searching for Caylee" While she spends time on news shows defending Casey's lies, eveyone else should be out searching. If I were her, I would want to be out searching. And I would tell Casey I will not come to see you until you tell me exactly where to find Caylee, dangerous or not. Maybe that's what she did, but she still expects others to do the searching when there is no place given to search.
Now, before anyone flames me, let me make it clear that, in my opinion, Casey Anthony did kill Caylee (and I don't believe it was an accident) and I am not defending Cindy Anthony at all.

But, if you have children, you know how much you love them and how much of yourself you try to install in them as they grow. Now, imagine for one terrible moment that the child you have loved, nurtured and watched grow into an adult has done something unspeakable. Something in your worst dreams you couldn't imagine...

None of us are living in Cindy's or George's shoes - what shock and horror they must be feeling right now. Most of us, I pray, will never find ourselves in that situation so I don't think we can honestly say how 'we' would react in that situation.

I have always felt that family's in this situation should appoint a "spokesperson" - someone who is NOT a family member. It would be hard enough to pull yourself together everyday in this situation, let alone have a million cameras and microphones thrust in your face everytime you walk out the door. I work in the media and I've been on camera before and I can tell you it is nervewracking as it is, without being in the situation that Cindy and George are.

As I watch Cindy and George in these interviews, I see parents who are coming to the realization that their daughter is a monster. In the beginning, I think they really wanted to believe Casey (what parent wouldn't). If the 911 tapes didn't exist, I think I would feel different, but hearing Cindy on those tapes makes me believe that she had nothing to do with this. Cindy got caught up in listening to Casey's lies.

I just don't think it's fair to ask "What would you do" because you don't really know what you would do...
I agree with appointing a spokesperson...it's kind of weird here that they didn't, and the only reasons I can think of are 1) Cindy likes talking to the media (I do agree that even in her first conversation with Casey when she said, "Which news program? I've been on four" she was enjoying it in a twisted way. and 2) they don't seem to have any friends. Which is weird. Not totally unknown, but not a sign of healthy people, either.
  • 1st thing I would have done is hire a Private Detective to help find my grandaughter & work with LE sharing info back & forth etc, regradless if lead to the my Daughter being charged.
  • I would not be visiting my daughter in jail or taking her calls from jail until I was told by LE she was cooperating with them 100%.
  • I may appear in the media/pulics eye that I "support" my daughter etc but that would only be because I KNOW my daughter would be watching & I would want her to "think/feel" I was behind her in order to get her to talk. (Probably wouldn't work, but that is what I would be doing)
  • I would be using a "spokes person" to make all family statements to the media at this point. (However I think the reason that Cindy & George are talking to the media is because they are trying to show that they are not hiding anything & are cooperating.
  • I would NOT Lawyer up - Because I would feel the minute I do then people assume you are guilty of something & hiding behind your Lawyer.
  • I would be organizing a command center and I would just start searchign areas closest to my home & then spread out from there. I would have to be doing something.
I also think some of the things Cindy says are like WTH, but I truley beleive she is jsut doing what she thinks is best & it is hard for her to accept even the possibilty that Casey was involved.

I can honestly say if Cindy & George had Lawyered up from the beginning I would have been very suspicious of there involvement.

I heard Cindy say in an interview with Greta last night 8/7/08 that if Casey is invovled in anyway she will be the first to say hay I was wrong & would want her charged an punished. (not her exact word but very close I will look for the link)

It's sad because I think they are both coming to face with the facts that they more then likely wont ever see Caylee again & their daughter maybe involved.

We know from what we have read & seen.....I mean look at the post on myspace from Cindy on 7/3/08 about Caylee being gone, which I belevie her to mean Casey isn't letter her see or be as involved with Caylee like she had been when they were living at their home......even then Cindy states about the support & love she gave & Casey stealing money etc.....we know even in the past that Cindy always, always wanted to see the good in her daughter & be ther to help and support no matter what she has done.....so I think it's going to take bit for Cindy to finally see things for what they truely are.
I would get the best lawyer money can buy, to act as a spokesman and to advise me. I would co operate 100% with LE and stay in my daughter's face until she stopped giving 'kernnals' and spilled the whole damn 'ear'. Then I would go into my room and quietly have a breakdown.
After watching this whole thing and knowing now that the Anthony's had suspicions before even calling 911, I would have not had any media inside or in backyard of my home. No interviews at all except to talk about Caylee and get her pic out there. I would have demanded and tried to organize searches for a live and a deceased child. It could have been done with no comment or have a spokesman say that if Caylee were kidnapped she could have been hurt and left someplace. I'd keep my mouth shut but every thing the Anthony's have said and done seems to be in the defense of Casey and maybe a shred of hope of finding Caylee alive, but like I said, they had suspicions of foul play from the beginning according to the documents.
I'd be demanding the truth & promise to continue to visit her & contribute to the jail account for her needs BUT that if this was not done I would never see her again or provide any money for her needs & that she would totally be on her own, which could mean using her finger & water for toothbrushing & only water for showering, etc.

I would try to understand &/or have compassion for no matter whatever happened but that if she destroyed the family's honor she would forever be disowned as that selfishness & destructiveness would have no other applicable consequences.

What I think the Hacking family probably delivered to Mark Hacking for his crimes against the lovely Lori Hacking.
I would be a basket case. I would not be able to talk to the media. My daughter would not be staying in my home unless she led me to my grandchild dead or alive the second she walked out of that jail.
I would be actively searching and putting out info on Caylee. Not just sitting at home or doing interviews, and getting mad that no one is searching for Caylee. I would want to give my daughter the benefit of the doubt, but I dont think I could continue to do so once I find out that her whole story is nothing by lies, and nothing can be accounted for.

I would probably be rocking back and forth like a crazy person. I don't believe I would be speaking to my daughter. If I did, it would be to beg and plead with her to show me what she did with the body so we could bury the baby. Personally, I believe I would try to prepare my brain for the fact that the baby was dead - and I would shove that horrible AWFUL fact in my daughters face until she told me where to find the body.

I would probably not talk to the media. I would probably not think they could help me. There is a chance I might want people to keep a look out for any signs or clues that could help, but at this point - given all the evidence - I would figure the only thing yet to happen is a jury and a judge to sign the deal.

I would be grieving my granddaughter - and my daughter - and berating myself for all the failed efforts I had made...

When my father died suddenly on a random Friday night many years ago, it was more than my 20 year old brain could fathom. Knowing droves of relatives would be coming the next day to discuss a fact I could not face, I spent the day with my best friend. Wandering through downtown streets, pretending to be a sightseer.

I heard afterward that people said it was apparent that I was unfazed by his death and paid him no respect. It took me years to really recover from the loss of my father. "People" really had no idea.

Grief has many faces.
Get a lawyer?? HECK NO!
Give me a polygraph test, take my hair and blood and do whatever you want to me as long as I am cleared so I can go out there and find my granddaughter!

Why hide behind a lawyer? Did Marc Klaas not teach us anything about the proper way to handle situations as difficult and crazy as this?? You can investigate me because I am not hiding anything at all. That is how the family should be acting, IMO.

I would not be grabbing every microphone and camera that goes by spewing lies. I would not be worried about my hair and make up or even that my clothes matched.

I would not "enjoy" my 15 minutes of fame like Grandma seems to be doing.
Couldn't agree more that is just what I would hope I would do, But when Casey was at home this past week be ******if she would not have talked to me She might have been begging to go back to jail, It would not have been go to your room and play on your computer and do your nails and makeup!!!!
I would not be talking to the media but instead on my knees in prayer. I would not allow my daughter to be on the computer surfing the net. I would have a face to face with Casey and tell her it's not time for any of us to sweep things under the carpet because sooner or later it would all be exposed. I think I would lawyer up because I have a manipulative daughter that would put all blame on us for Caylee being missing.
I don't know what I would do, because I have never been in their shoes. I think I would probably be a basket case by now. But knowing my temperament and my personality I don't think I would be directing my anger and frustration towards the media and the public quite the way that Cindy has done. I would definitely cooperate with LE in the hopes of finding my g/d. I probably would be begging the world to help find my g/d but in a pleading, hopeful way instead of ranting and screaming at reporters.
I know I would hate the media camping out in front of my house, though. I would hate the whole situation, but I would not come out in a fighting mood every few minutes and swinging a hammer at people.
Above all, I would support my daughter but not to the point of believing her lies and manipulations... I would very firmly tell her to start telling the truth and face up to the consequences of what she has done. I would let her know that she would always have my love but the support would end right here and now unless she tells the truth and tells them where the baby is.
I definitely would not be commenting to the press at all. I would have my own attorney. Casey would not be living in my house when she got bailed out. If she did live in my house I would probably be in her face 24/7 making her speak. IDK I would do everything they haven't done.
Ive spent some time with them on 3 occasions now. By them being out there and in the media, they are keeping this case alive. As bizarre as this case is, the best they can do is state thier cause and opinions. They are very media trained these days and are not staing anything incriminating, they are making us think harder about what may have happend.
Ive spent some time with them on 3 occasions now. By them being out there and in the media, they are keeping this case alive. As bizarre as this case is, the best they can do is state thier cause and opinions. They are very media trained these days and are not staing anything incriminating, they are making us think harder about what may have happend.

Media trained?????? More like snake oil salesmen! All they up to now is solicting donations for KFN !! ANd doing advance PR for CA's future "book"!!

Why aren't they begging the alleged "kidnappers" to bring Caylee back, don't harm her, etc., etc. Oh, yeah, they can't release any info they have until trial, where it will all make sense and we'll applaud KC as "mother of the year", .....but wait, they can give out some of their "leads" in the form of a presser with KFN in the background, asking for more $$ for their non existenet searches......Pleeeezeee......! MOO
Ive spent some time with them on 3 occasions now. By them being out there and in the media, they are keeping this case alive. As bizarre as this case is, the best they can do is state thier cause and opinions. They are very media trained these days and are not staing anything incriminating, they are making us think harder about what may have happend.

What???? Is this post for real? Or is the Anthony koolaid really for real?
I would admit what I was doing and make a formal public apology for scamming for money, but I'm not holding my breath that they will be that honest.

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