IL IL - 75 Women in Chicago Strangled / Who is the Chicago Strangler, Serial Killer?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Warning: Long post... but, it really made me think. *With permission of the author.

Victims: Years Apart, Feet Away

Fifth City Triangle


Charlotte Woods aka Charlotte Day, aged 42, was only the second victim in the string of unsolved strangulation murders beginning in 2001. On March 28, 2001 Ms. Woods body was found in vacant lot at 3432 W. Monroe. She had been strangled.

Two years later and only 950 feet away, the body of Lucyset “Mary” Thomas was found on an abandoned garage floor at 3522 W. Jackson. She died Oct. 20, 2003, at age 38. In addition to strangulation, Ms. Thomas suffered blunt force trauma to the head.

Three years later and a mere 750 feet from the location in which Ms. Thomas was found, and completing this small triangle was 34 year old, Kelly Sarff. Ms. Sarff’s body was found on September 24, 2006, in the basement of an abandoned building at 3512 W. Monroe. Her cause of death was strangulation.

Humboldt Park Duo
Velma Howard, 50 and Catherine Satterfield Buchanan, 58 both suffered the same fate.
Mrs. Howard was found in an alley, wrapped in a blanket at 622 N. Homan in the Humboldt Park neighborhood. She died Feb. 21, 2014, due to strangulation.

Ms. Satterfield Buchanan was found laying on the street at 3506 W. Huron June 22, 2017. 750 feet and three years apart, another fatal strangulation.

Not alone in Albany Park

On August 25, 2002 Loraine Harris, 36, was strangled and left to die in a dead end of an alley at 5059 N. Ridgeway.

Seven years later and barely 800 feet away Vanessa Rojakovich, 32 was found on the bank of the north branch Chicago River near 5100 N. Central Park Ave. On December 9, 2009 she was found suffocated from a plastic bag that was placed wrapped around her head.

More examples lead to more questions
In the Back of the Yards neighborhood, victims Bessie Scott aka Coleman, Judith Wilson and Mary Ann Szatkowski share a small area of less than a thousand feet apart. The length of time between the killings of Bessie and Judith to Mary Ann is 5 years.

Four years separate South Washington Park neighborhood victims Ethel Jean Amerson and Teresa Bunn. The space between their discoveries was approximately 1000 feet.

If there is a serial killer in Chicago who is disposing of bodies in geographical clusters… What makes these areas desirable to him that he would dispose of bodies in such close proximity, even though the years have passed?

Though the areas aforementioned are high crime, prostitution and drug areas, it is strange that he would dispose of so many bodies under 1000 feet of each other. If he is a serial killer, is he keeping them close so he can covertly visit these dump sites during the course of his regular work day?

Geographical Pattern of Unsolved Chicago Strangulations

Created by LavenderPineVanilla using Google Maps
In general, people are often repeat behaviors. “Creatures of habit,” as the saying goes. And as with anyone, if there is in fact a serial strangler in Chicago, it is possible that a repetition compulsion can be found. A line is formed between one dump site to the next, and so on for each year. Based on this, a pattern has appeared over the past 17 years.

What does this pattern tell us? Maybe nothing…Or maybe you can use Rossmo’s geographical profiling algorithm (CGT) to narrow down the the home location of the potential serial strangler.

If you’re not a mathematician, then perhaps, it can just suggest the buffer zones that serial criminals implement to keep their anonymity. A serial murderer would not live close to or along those lines formed in their repeated pattern of behavior.

Stalking the local bars for victims?
Is the possible serial strangler meeting his victims in bars…

One of the most recent victims of the suspected serial strangler was 21 year old, Diamond Turner. She was found dead in a dumpster, having suffered blunt force trauma and asphyxiation when a plastic bag was placed over her head. Diamond was last seen at a neighborhood bar, Red’s Lounge on S. Stony Island.

Back in 2001, Elaine Boneta, was found strangled blocks from her home at 2645 W. North Ave. Strangely enough, Elaine’s apartment overlooks the local bar located next door.

2003 victim, Rosenda Barocio lived on the 5100 block of S. Cicero Avenue. Could she have walked the mere 600 hundred feet down the street to “Angie’s” neighborhood bar?

And finally, Dellie Jones, 33, who lived near Augusta Avenue and Cicero Avenue. In one minute, she could have hopped down to the corner of her street to get a drink at the liquor store. Old Chicago liquor stores nearly always had a bar in the back for the neighborhood patrons.

There are potentially more victims who’s circumstances put them in close contact with the neighborhood bar. More investigating must be done, however, to lend credence to this theory.

But…this possibility does potentially explain the anomalies of victims found in and near their homes. And more specifically, that not all victims were prostitutes.

Commonalities in the cluster

Analyzing time, types, and victim parallels
  • pie_f03ca36.png

    Number of incidents per month

Looking at the numerous women who are considered, by the Murder Accountability Project, as potentially victims of a serial killer…what is it that links them?

The average age of this cluster of unresolved murders is 36 years old. Could this perhaps tell us that the murderer may be within the same age range of his victims? Perhaps, in his 30’s to 50’s?

76% of the victims are Black, 22% are White, and only 2% are listed as Hispanic. As with most criminals, they often reflect the racial profile of their victims. It is likely then, in this case, that the perpetrator is black.

According to data, the month of August has the highest number of incidents during the last 17 years, with no incidents happening in the month of April. The heat of the summer seems to bring out the worst in this potential serial killer. What is the trigger about the month of August that brings about this nightmarish behavior? It is also, very interesting that the there are no incidents reported in the month of April. Could he be so preoccupied with his work, for example, as a tax-preparer or does he normally go on vacation during April, akin to a spring break?

In relation to the cause of deaths of these unfortunate women, 94% were strangled, followed by 6% of the victims succumbing to asphyxiation. In addition to strangulation, some of the victims, a full 8%, suffered blunt force trauma to the head. And in further ghastly actions, one person was dismembered and another was set on fire.

So many unanswered questions remain in relation to the type of weapon used in the
course of these strangulations. Was there rope used? Was it only hands? Was there a knot tied?

More details, however, are in the public domain regarding the asphyxiation of 3 victims. Of which, all suffered the same terrible fate of having a plastic bag over their heads.

Strings and couplings…
Consecutive attacks form aggression outbreaks

When it comes to the dates of these crimes, some have striking routine about them.

These unsolved strangulations form a pattern of aggression outbreaks. As previously stated, over the 17 years of unsolved strangulation murders, August was the month with the most recorded incidents.

But, what is more interesting, is that there are several back to back or consecutive murders. In August, 2001 Winifred Shines and Brenda Cowart were found merely 20 days apart. Both victims of strangulation and both left outside. Winifred, 33, was the first victim that hot August and was left in the alley in back of Stop & Buy Clothing Store. Less than three weeks later, Brenda, 52, was found in a vacant lot by a passing citizen.

The next year, in 2002, another hot August and another repeat. However, these two victims were for the first time white. Jody Grissom, 19, was found on August 14, 2002 left between two garbage cans in an alley. And 11 days later the body of Loraine Harris, 36, was found at the dead end of an alley. Both had been strangled.

2003 saw an escalation of this coupling pattern. Attacks within the same month increased. Not only were there two victims in the month of August, but in May and October also.

On the same day, May 20, 2003, Tereka Jones, aged 30, and Linda Green, aged 42, were found strangled to death 8 miles apart in the south side neighborhoods of North Lawndale, and Greater Grand Crossing.

In August 2003, two days, and less than two miles separated the strangled bodies of Rosenda Barocio, 20, and Latonya Keeler, 30, who were found in alleys near the North Lawndale area. The neighborhood where only 3 months earlier, Tereka Jones had been found.

21 year old Latricia Hall, was the first strangulation victim in the month of October, 2003. Five days later, Lucyset (Mary) Thomas, 38, was found in an abandoned garage. Conspicuously, Lucyset (Mary) was the first victim that suffered, along with strangulation, blunt force trauma that led to her death.
Back to back strangling victims were found again in December 2005. Yvette Mason, aka Melinda Jackson, 35, and Shaniqua Williamson, 40, bodies were found separated by only 5 days and just a mile apart.

The last in the series of two victims in the same month, ended with the discoveries of 21 year old Theresa Bunn, and Hazel Marion Lewis, 52, in November 2007. Both woman’s bodies were found within 5 days of each other. The increased violence, often seen in serial killers over time, is noted with the horrific burning of their bodies.

The significance of the monthly coupling of strangulations, may perhaps, offer an insight into the workings of a potential serial killer. Also noticeable, with this pattern is the duplication of method of disposal, and the increased violence toward the bodies of these women, i.e., blunt force trauma to the head and setting the victims bodies on fire in garbage cans.

I believe there may be multiple serial killers responsible for these killings. Strangulation is often a preferred method of killing used among serial killers. It allows the killer to exert ultimate control and power over their victims. It is also a way for these individuals to get sexual gratification.

After reading about the DNA evidence it does not convince me that the crimes are not connected. The information provided by the police doesn’t identify where on the victim’s bodies these DNA samples were taken from.
According to this article, the CPD was going to look into Michael Johnson as a potential suspect in the unsolved murders. DNA linked him to the strangulation murders of a few women.

Suspected serial killer charged in women's murders | ABC7 Chicago |

Another person they were going to look into was Darren Deon Vann. He strangled and dumped multiple women’s bodies in abandoned structures in Indiana.

I haven’t been able to find any follow up information though.
Oops, wrong post. I couldn’t delete it.
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Killers know abandoned homes make the perfect place to permanently silence their prey. They know no one steps foot inside the buildings for weeks, months, even years. By then, critical evidence is overlooked or destroyed.

In fact, this is a 27-year pattern that has been repeated over and over.

The Murder Accountability Project in Alexandria, Virginia has been tracking these violent crimes.

Each dot on their map show where women, mostly Black women, were beaten and strangled to death. Some were left in buildings, some in dumpsters, others were dismembered.

Fox 32 News talked to one of those families about the anguish and the never-ending questions of who did it and why.


More of this very important story at link:
the North side is VERRY neighborhoody is a weird place for a young woman to be strangled and thrown in the river where people go kayaking and is dotted along with nice homes on the riverfront .. boats...huge old trees
and you can see that you would not just walk down to the river's edge so she probably was tossed off the bridge
You can easily walk to the river's edge without a camera or soul seeing you throughout Forest Glen Woods or LaBaugh Woods. I used to play in those woods all the time as a kid (and partied there after hours as a teen). From the woods it is not a long float to where Ms. Rojakovich was found.
I don't know... thats kinda far down and if you want to drop a body? she died from asphyxiation and was wrapped in plastic..
maybe it could have gone down in the woods. wasn't she closer to Foster? Indian boundary park? hmmm yeah I never hung out over there too much...but I do have a friend with a house there on the water.. Maybe she was actually killed in someone's home over there..or an apartment..perhaps drug down to the water at night.
She was found on the 5000 block of Central Park. As you can see from the maps, that's around 6000 ft (at least); or barely over a mile, to discreet dumping points in the woods. Not saying that's where she was killed, just that it would be super easy to dispose of someone in there. And that river, while not wide, does get fairly deep and the current is fast.
From LaBagh to 5000 Central Park Ave.JPG
From LaBagh to 5000 Central Park Ave in feet.JPG
Also, just checked the weather around the time Ms. Rojakovich's body was recovered (Dec 9 2009). It was mostly in the mid to high 30's and there wasn't much snow yet. Certainly the river hadn't iced up yet that year.
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I feel like she was wrapped in plastic because she was put inside a car, otherwise..why not just toss her in? for instance if she was murdered in the park would you bother moving her? would you bother wrapping? Even if it was done to disguise the didn't have to be plastic.. and you could probably tell it was a body in there if you saw it .I think she was brought in a car and disposed of.

I guess I think they stopped at a bridge probably around 4 am and when nothing was coming they hefted her over the side and took off.

the saddest part of this case is Vanessa didn't even get so much as a blurb in the one followed family came out..we don't know the time of's an outrageous murder of a young woman...tortured and asphyxiated with
her mouth and airways blocked, thrown in the river like trash..and nothing.

I feel like she was wrapped in plastic because she was put inside a car, otherwise..why not just toss her in? for instance if she was murdered in the park would you bother moving her? would you bother wrapping? ... I think she was brought in a car and disposed of. mOO
I agree with that, that she was killed somewhere, wrapped, and transported by car. The only reason I think she wasn't tossed over a bridge, as opposed to being brought to the woods, is because there are street cameras all over the city, and human witnesses at all hours (you said yourself that elsewhere there are houses along the river). It's certainly possible she was just shoved off a bridge, I just wanted to point out that it would equally possible to use the woods. You asked why no one saw her dumped, and I'm speculating on why that might be.

We are in complete agreement that this murder, as with all the Chicago murders of women, should have gotten more attention and inquiry.
I agree with that, that she was killed somewhere, wrapped, and transported by car. The only reason I think she wasn't tossed over a bridge, as opposed to being brought to the woods, is because there are street cameras all over the city, and human witnesses at all hours (you said yourself that elsewhere there are houses along the river). It's certainly possible she was just shoved off a bridge, I just wanted to point out that it would equally possible to use the woods. You asked why no one saw her dumped, and I'm speculating on why that might be.

We are in complete agreement that this murder, as with all the Chicago murders of women, should have gotten more attention and inquiry.

as a lifelong northsider I found this case near my home very disturbing, also the proliferation of cameras wasn't as dense
when this case happened..the victimology, the horrific disposal of her body in the river. she graduated from Lane Tech Highschool so obviously a bright young woman. No details or explanation for her death.
as a lifelong northsider I found this case near my home very disturbing, also the proliferation of cameras wasn't as dense
when this case happened..the victimology, the horrific disposal of her body in the river. she graduated from Lane Tech Highschool so obviously a bright young woman. No details or explanation for her death.
just adding there was no commentary from her family either, no platform created for them and I wondered one came forward to advocate for her.
as a lifelong northsider I found this case near my home very disturbing, also the proliferation of cameras wasn't as dense
when this case happened..the victimology, the horrific disposal of her body in the river. she graduated from Lane Tech Highschool so obviously a bright young woman.
Me too. Grew up in Jeff Park (near Norwood and Desplaines where some other infamous crimes were the talk of the day). I attended Lane as well but quite a few years before Ms. Rojakovich.

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