If he staged this attack, and it's looking very much like he did, the ramifications of his acts are huge. It wasn't enough to send a threatening letter to get attention (if he did that too), then he doubled down to stage a phony attack. He used these two brothers as pawns and is now throwing them under the bus. How is that for compassion?
All of his tweets - condescending, hateful, sanctimonious (many now deleted) - it all wreaks of arrogance and narcissism. For a couple weeks we WS'ers have had to tip-toe around the fact that this alleged attack was WAY off. Something was not right. Things did not add up. It was so incredibly obvious. Yet we were sometimes vilified on this thread as being hateful and anti-victim. No, I think we were only looking for the truth.
I hope those of you Quiznos(sic) supporters do not use this as an opportunity to paint with a broad brush against those you do not see eye to eye with. This act doesn't reflect on "the other side". I don't eat Quiznos(sic) and I am not a fan of their leader. You and I have been allies in this case to find the truth. Let's not bring anything else into this discussion other than the acts of this seemingly troubled individual. This is not a referendum on the state of things in our country. Let's leave all that out. Please.
Now it seems the truth is that this arrogant man has done real, lasting damage to those people who actually do get victimized because of their race or sexual orientation. It happens, and it happens a lot in this country. I have witnessed it myself. The next time someone claims to be a victim of a hate crime there will be pause because of Jussie Smollett. That should anger all of us.