IL IL - Andrew Freund, 5, Crystal Lake, 17 April 2019

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It is heartbreaking.! I get annoyed with the black and white thinking. I didn’t mean to offend anyone and for that I apologize. I wasn’t trying to be mean. I’m sitting on my sofa as we speak.
I'm in my bed, how many rungs did I fall on this ladder?

The landfill should be searched ASAP.
Also, if she hangs out at the club there, get a warrant and search the club! Also check the roof of the home. Check the crawl space the cistern and well if there is one. Since he was disbarred where does Sr. work? Check check check. We cannot have another Kyron Horman case. Another Caylee and Haleigh case, yet here we are time and again. Check their brothers sisters and parents homes. Murderers are often too lazy when it comes to disposal.
I'm Angry.
Does anyone know FOR SURE how long little AJ has been missing? I disregard any statements made by those responsible for his care in that house. I hope they get that mom off the streets and into rehab in time to save the one she's carrying. What a sad, sad story. It's always the little ones who suffer pure torment in situations like these. And, unfortunately, there are usually multiple helpless little ones.

Same sad story, different day, different town. Different helpless little victims. MOO
It is heartbreaking.! I get annoyed with the black and white thinking. I didn’t mean to offend anyone and for that I apologize. I wasn’t trying to be mean. I’m sitting on my sofa as we speak.

I wish I hadn't had 30 years of experience teaching Special Education, and 20 years of working in Criminal Justice, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers.

I worked at Substance Abuse Treatment facility for teens addicted to Meth and Oxy, who were either pregnant or had children under age 2. In the decade I worked there, I had the dubious task of tracking our "success", it was so dismal, I was afraid to report the actual numbers of women who stayed off drugs after leaving treatment. We had higher numbers of women dying from overdoses.

As for rehabilitation for women who abuse children, I will stand by my statement, that there is no potential rehabilitation for people who abuse children. It is not a lack of education or an anger management problem. It is an entrenched personality disorder, an absolute indifference to the suffering of another person. It is as difficult to change a pedophile, another class of criminal that I do not think can be successfully rehabilitated.
Is there any hope they have hidden Andrew somewhere hoping to get money like the in the Shannon Matthews case?

Not familiar with that case so had to do a quick Google search. My word people can be both greedy and stupid.

I suppose since their house is in foreclosure, financial gain could be considered a motive for making false claims of abduction. But then wouldn't police have evidence of an abduction or at least a threat to the public?

I brought up the possibility of someone else who was knowingly at the house that night (either someone visiting for the evening or staying there) but neither parent has mentioned anyone else being at the house that night that we know of, so I figured that was unlikely.

Andrew running away? He certainly seems to have reason to, as that household did not seem happy or healthy per CPS reports and neighbors accounts, but police said his scent wasn't found outside the house. Perhaps the weather contributed to that, but then where is he? How far and for how long could a 5 year old stay away on their own without being spotted by someone familiar with his being missing? Where are the organized searches by LE for him? They've just been focused on the house mainly.

Mom and dad were staying together at the house before he went missing but now they are staying apart from one another....why?
My theory wasn't based on judgement of drug-addicted parents, but was based on what police have told
-House is a crime scene
(They never specified if this was
BBM- Many of us commented how unusual it was to see DCFS revealing those details.
I'm sure the house was in great shape before the investifation. (Eyeroll). Did the investigators smash out the windows out too?
The neighbors said they called DCF several times. So people are more woried about Them not protecting Andrew is more worrisome than them saying anything about poor Andrews short history.
Nice try though.
I'm in my bed, how many rungs did I fall on this ladder?

The landfill should be searched ASAP.
Also, if she hangs out at the club there, get a warrant and search the club! Also check the roof of the home. Check the crawl space the cistern and well if there is one. Since he was disbarred where does Sr. work? Check check check. We cannot have another Kyron Horman case. Another Caylee and Haleigh case, yet here we are time and again. Check their brothers sisters and parents homes. Murderers are often too lazy when it comes to disposal.
I'm Angry.

ITA. Does anyone know if the father has an office space somewhere or does he only work from home? If so, hopefully, computers, surveillance cameras, hiding places at that location have been checked.

AJ’s mother attends a club. Are there any RSO’s that go there, anyone she associates with outside of the club or have they ever been to the house? Have the kids ever went to the club with her?
For those of you that followed Lucas Hernandez's case, it is bringing back a host of very sad, sad memories. We need a certain private investigator to spend some time with mom.
Yes and we need a good judge with cajones to order birth control
for this mother and father. They both need to be sterilized.
Was this mentioned before and I missed it or is this more detailed information new?

Agree. I think this is the first time that I’ve seen it reported that AJ’s scent was picked up inside the trunk of their car?
IIRC, I saw a photo of the K9’s sniffing inside of the trunk but don’t recall if there was anything substantiated.
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20 April 2019:

WATCH: Mom of missing 5-year-old boy refuses to speak, lawyers up & sobs while attorney says she ‘may be considered a suspect’

“Mrs. Cunningham doesn’t know what happened to A.J. and had nothing to do with the disappearance of A.J.,” attorney George Kililis said on Friday, shortly before police raided the Cunningham family home off of Dole Lane in Crystal Lake. “Mrs. Cunningham is worried sick; she’s devastated.”

While JoAnn Cunningham stood sobbing beside her lawyer, Killis asked the public for privacy and “compassion” for his client. When a local reporter asked Cunningham to speak, Killis said the woman would not be answering questions and instead, he urged the community to help find the little boy.

WATCH: Mom of missing 5-year-old boy refuses to speak, lawyers up & sobs while attorney says she ‘may be considered a suspect’
"Sobs" without tears. Not cooperating with investigation. Won't answer any questions, needs privacy.
Her precious son is missing, and she needs privacy. Not going public with any information that would help find him,or shed any light on the situation. Not on the police like white on rice, pestering them, bugging them, making them roll their eyes thinking her again.
He may well be involved, i'm open to the possibility. At present, however (going by the brief statements we have ) there is (again it's only my opinion) nothing apart from him using "death" makes me make him a POI.
*If* he had priors for
Does anyone know FOR SURE how long little AJ has been missing? I disregard any statements made by those responsible for his care in that house. I hope they get that mom off the streets and into rehab in time to save the one she's carrying. What a sad, sad story. It's always the little ones who suffer pure torment in situations like these. And, unfortunately, there are usually multiple helpless little ones.

Same sad story, different day, different town. Different helpless little victims. MOO
I was wondering the same thing; when was the last independent sighting of AJ? Not mom and dad, but a third person.
I do not have a particular theory. The weather Thursday night, It was extremely windy. We had a thunderstorm. Maybe that could be a reason for the dogs not picking up a scent. Like I said before, she regularly attended the club in crystal lake. I am in recovery myself. I wouldn't be caught dead at that club because of the types of people that tend to hang out there. Its not a good place. It sounds like LE might have information that has not yet been released... but since I do not have that information, my mind wonders about people they associate with and whether there are possibilities there.

Which club did she regularly attend?
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