IL IL - Barbara, 15, & Patricia Grimes, 13, Chicago, 27 Dec 1956

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I was just thinking of the rumor in their missing period that they had left to hitch-hike to an Elvis Presley concert. Even though hitch-hiking is highly dangerous for girls, if they had done that, they might have made it to the concert and might have returned chastened, but alive.

Would have been better than being stripped nude and being frozen to death.
Cold Case Spotlight

Chicago Grimes Sisters' Murders Hit 59 Years Without Answers

Monday will mark 59 years since Chicago sisters Barbara and Patricia Grimes were last seen alive.

It was just days after Christmas, December 28, 1956, when the two slipped away from the Grimes family home to see the Elvis Presley movie "Love Me Tender." Their older sister and younger brother were to meet them at the bus stop not far away from their house after the film. But the girls never showed up.

Although almost six decades have passed, a renewed interest in the Grimes sisters' murders is growing, thanks in part to retired West Chicago Police Officer Ray Johnson.

Ray Johnson's most recent post on the case:

Unsolved Chicago Grimes Sisters’ Murder is 59 Years Old
I was 10 years old and remember it well on the news at the time, both before and after they were found. Bedwell was then called Bennie "The Dishwasher" Bedwell when he was in the news. Sadly, it will never be solved.
Wow, 59 years ago today and still unsolved. Rest easy, Barbara and Patricia, so many people care about your fate and are working to bring you justice.
Sometimes I wonder if Bedwell didn't outsmart the police by making a confession then adding a bunch of spurious details so they'd think it was a false confession. That will get the cops off your back far quicker than denying that you did it because they are just going to assume you are lying in that case. A brilliant strategy and it worked if he did it. I have to contemplate this sort thing for other cases too; like Black Dahlia. Maybe police need some retraining for this sort of thing.
Chicago Grimes Sisters' Murders Hit 59 Years Without Answers

"...It was just days after Christmas, December 28, 1956, when the two slipped away from the Grimes family home to see the Elvis Presley movie "Love Me Tender." Their older sister and younger brother were to meet them at the bus stop not far away from their house after the film. But the girls never showed up.

It's been said that what followed was one of the most labor intensive missing person cases in Cook County, Illinois history, with hundreds of police officers utilized in the search and even a plea from Elvis Presley himself asking the girls to come home..."


Bumping for Barbara and Patricia. By all accounts, their mother never recovered and was a broken woman when she died in 1989.
I've always wondered why the police let the press photograph Barbara and Patricia's naked bodies and especially why they didn't put a blanket over Barbara and hide her <mod snip> from public view. Even in death, the sisters should have been given dignity.
the original news footage of the Kylie Maybury crime scene from 1984 showed Kylie's corpse lying on the ground but since standards of decency have changed in the last thirty-two years, her corpse was blurred out when the footage was reused this year.I'd like to hope that if the Grimes Sisters case had happened today that the Chicago PD would not allow press and media photographs of naked young teenage female murder victims.
In one of the oddest developments, on January 14, the phone rang at the home of Wallace and Ann Tollstan. Their daughter, Sandra, was in the same class as Patricia Grimes, and a friend. It was near midnight when the phone rang, which is always a suspicious time when the phone rings. The ringing phone startled awake Mr. Tollstan. He fumbled for the phone and picked up the receiver and asked who it was. No one on the other end responded and silence greeted him for several seconds before the caller hung up. Puzzled, still half-asleep and a bit frightened, Mr. Tollstan hung up the phone. The phone rang again anwas silence as she spoke over and over into the phone. Then, suddenly, a female and very hushed voice asked, "Is that you, Sandra? Is Sandra there?" As Mrs. Tollstan ran to get her daughter, the caller hung up and Mrs. Tollstan stood in her house convinced that the voice on the other end of the phone was Patricia Grimes.d this time Ann Tollstand answered the phone. Once again, for several seconds, there
I doubt the call was from Patricia Grimes. IMO: the sisters died on Dec 29, the day after they went missing. I personally agree with the pathologists. With such widespread media focus on the girls' disappearance, someone would've recognized Barbara and Patricia if they had been alive on January 6. Plus, where would they be?

I don't think any of the suspects listed online did it. No way Bennie Bedwell did it. Nor do I think Fleig did it; polygraph tests are not always reliable.

Whatever the case, I hope that Loretta and the girls are at peace now. :rose:
What happened to their clothes? Burnt by their killer after he forced them to strip?
In the Wiki article, it states that an official revealed that there was milk found in Barbara's stomach and that it was not believed that she drank it at home and it probably wasn't even sold at the theater. There are many things in this case that don't make much sense.
I've always been fascinated by this case, and i'm glad this thread is still active to some degree, i had my ankle operated on a few years ago, and after reading about the case, decided to "investigate" it the best i could using youtube, books, old newspapers articles, and especially anything that raymond johnson had to say (the chicago cold case detective), the big problem with this case is how it was handled by both the police and the press, not only two branches of police couldn't agree on anything, but neither could two coroners offices. the press also went down a rather extreme sensationalist route. so the case was never really handled right.

for me it was such an open and shut case, i've always believed that max fleig was the killer, he admited to it, and he also failed a poligraph, and while it's true that both of these could be questioned, he did end up in jail some years later for the murder of another girl, around the same age as the grimes sisters. that for me is too much of a coincidence. i'd really love to know why fleig was brought in, in the first place.

another thing that i came across and it has been backed up by many sources especially the main detective in charge of this, harry glos believed the girls weren't as saintly as their mother led people to believe, it was believed they spent a lot of time in a bar with much older men, that the older sister had lost her virginity before going missing, n this much more innocent time, the police didn't want to upset the mother or really pull the reputation of 2 young murder victims thru the mud.

this in turn really restricted the case investigation, because if you're scared of going down a certain path, then you're less likely to investigate certain leads. it was a mess, even when they found the bodies, there were dozens of police, reporters, even civilians, just walking around the site where the bodies were found destroying any possible evidence.

does anyone have anything a little deeper on max fleig? why he was brought it? anything?
Something i also picked up on is the curious fact that the grimes sisters AND the schuessler peterson boys both went missing after going to see a movie. exactly ten years before nearly to the day that the grimes sisters went missing, another girl in chicago went missing, again after seeing a movie, Roberta rinearson, she was found dead in cook county, she was found in almost identical state, at the side of a road, naked, and it was never solved. theres even another case,Judith Mae Andersen who was murdered in 1957, she was found dead in an oil drum just like the schuessler peterson boys, and i'm positive in the days leading up to the murder she had been to watch a picture (i read it somewhere and now cant find it), that CAN'T be a coincidence, she too was last seen very close to where the grimes sisters lived, in oak park.

6 dead kids, in close proximity, in a space of 10 years, all having been to the cinema, the same age group, was that never looked at?

Max Fleig was not among the boys.
The names of the boys involved are known and all were interviewed by law enforcement.
I have not really commented on this thread in a while. Unfortunately, many of the links to Chicago Tribune articles I offered earlier on in the thread are no longer valid as the Tribune has rescinded free access to their archives.

There is still interest in this story and things are being pursued...slowly.

There is a lot of misinformation on the Wikipedia page regarding this crime so take it with a grain of salt if you choose to read it.

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