Found Deceased IL - Benedetta 'Beth' Bentley, 41, Mount Vernon, 23 May 2010 #4

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So scary to hear that, but then again, the astrology charts said death as well. I sure hope that isn't true.

Thanks for sharing that info with us. Not everybody believes in psychics, but I have seen several over 20 years and they have always been dead on with stuff, 3 different psychics all questioned me about something that happened to me, that not a single soul in the world knows about, but they did. Weeeeeeird!

IMO from dozens of posts on the prior threads....
I think this is exactly why there is a completely separate thread for astrology related questions & answers. The specialists & experts there can help anyone figure thoughts, feelings & what someone is being told and those here on the main threads can keep discussing facts, ideas, opinions and theories. I try to keep in mind BB & JW's family, relatives & their close friends & associates are on WS. We don't victimize the victims. There are many people that just read here, and many that may be waiting to be verified. There are many that can't post because of other challenges WS is working on. IMO I think Cubby, Tricia and the Terms of Service have made the victimizing & astrology rules pretty clear.....
Whoever is going to search anywhere, it might be a good idea not to broadcast here where you will be searching. If sleuthers are closing in and if the perps are reading here, then they will be getting very nervous. Take plenty of support and protection with you. Also, think ahead of time exactly what you will do, if you do find a body or any evidence (purse, clothing, etc.) Know exactly where you are. Pre-program town and county LE numbers in your phone (or call 911).
It's the only one I have. I guess we could say they were running drugs in a rental car, I don't really have anything to support that, though.

Well, I hope I have been helpful and not too *****y. I am going to be signing off of WS. I hope that more facts come out that are helpful. Eventhough I don't believe in psychics, I hope one leads in a direction that garners helpful information. I wish you guys all the luck in the world. Some of the posters here are very sharp and I was very impressed with their skills.

I hope the resolution comes soon, it is really hard on the family (and me as a friend), and I hope that solution is that Beth returns.

... I keep in mind some of us never have or quit reading that astrology thread because we not only don't believe in psychics, we also don't know who THEY are & their credentials. When their findings are not based on forensic solid evidence, their credibility is further reduced. ...

Information from psychics shouldn't be automatically discarded because they don't have a law degree or a Ph.D. from Harvard. So far, everything that has been done has not found Beth.

Suppose, just suppose, that a psychic reading, mental telepathy, super consciousness, whatever, did result in a walk through woods and Beth was found. The non-believers would find some reason to discount the "urge" that resulted in a right turn, instead of a left turn, that led to the body.

Let's continue to think of possibilities and slow down on slashing anyone's ideas.
... There was one post that said BB was pregnant, and a post that said that she wasn't. Could either provide some evidence of either, besides she looked like she gained weight in pictures?

In a post in Thread 3 I asked, What if Beth were pregnant? It was a question, not a statement.

Paschein stated that Beth is not pregnant.

I wondered just when Beth had told Paschein that she was not pregnant, but I didn't ask.
The car was rented to cover the story that JW and BB were going to Madison, WI to visit JW's sick mom or grandmom (when they were really going to MV). This was done to mislead SB, as to where the girls were going.

This is contradictory information from what has been previously posted on FB and WS as to why the car was rented and that SB knew they were gong to MT. What source do your facts come from?


And perhaps they were fighting a lot before BB disappeared. Which doesn't make my hair stand on end.

What if there are no beans to spill, ...then it will be unlikely that someone will spill them.

None of these reactions are indications of guilt. The are ambiguous indications, and not really that helpful.


If you know who I am, you know I am not upset, at all.

All I was saying is that associating those actions with guilt would be a stretch. For example, people say that SB is not "yelling" enough. If he were "yelling" too much, there are those who would say that he is yelling too much. I don't think these types of analysis help drive the solution to this case, and serve as a distraction. I think there might be a solution here ... but it is just out of reach, which is frustrating to me.

People who make pro and con arguments, test our theories and make us think. I think spending time about whether a person is acting one way or another, which is different than we would expect isn't going to lead to a solution, but rather to a discussion about how we feel about a person acting a certain way, or how one should act. Neither gets us closer to a solution.

The other day, I said I thought I knew who you were, which was simply because one of your opening statements was something to the affect, I think I can pretty much figure out who most of the people on here are. Cubby has already put up a post saying this is against WS policy so I am not going to discuss who I think you are because it's really not important and I want to follow the rules.

With this being the fourth thread on this case, and tons of people who have given their input, we are no closer today to a solution than we were on day one. That is very sad. I believe if Beth wanted to take off, that was her decision but in the event that she is no longer alive, it is nothing but non stop pain for her family, because the not knowing is what hurts the most.

I do not agree that associating actions with guilt is a stretch. There are experts and specialists who study "people's actions" because they study behavior of, for example, murderers, serial killers, etc and they collect data to see what actions/traits are in common with murderers and serial killers. Profiling. Although we are not experts on WS, there are many people on here who have posted comments and provided information, even books and articles, for example, on sociopaths. And even if you don't agree, people's actions are important when solving a missing persons case or a murder case. When LE is interrogating someone, besides collecting evidence, they absolutely take into account their behavior, their actions, their words, their change of stories etc to piece together the puzzle. So I disgree that some of the discussions on here aren't possibly going to bring us closer to a solution.

You cannot deny that because JW was the last person to see Beth, she is unfortunately, in a bad position and yes, there are people who may think she is involved in Beth's disappearance. I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that. The truth is, we don't know for sure what happened to Beth. But on WS, all types of theories are discussed and as more information is presented, it gets the wheels spinning with new ideas. Some believe in psychics, some believe in astrology charts, some just get a feeling, it's all good. There is nothing wrong with that. Beth's case has not been handled like most typical missing persons cases. That in of itself has generated so many questions. There is nothing we can do about it. People will get upset, people will form their own opinions. I am one for being open to everyone's opinion.

You are talking about us all working towards a solution. Yet, you said yourself, you don't have a solution either. There is so little to go on. We can just sit around and wait to see if Beth comes home one day or, maybe she'll possibly even call somebody. But I agree, some sort of search should have been conducted by now, because if Beth is no longer with us, then without some more action from the LE, we will never know what happened to Beth.

Everything here is just my opinion, with no intentions of making anybody mad. Peace out.
IMO from dozens of posts on the prior three threads....
I think this is exactly why there is a completely separate thread for astrology related questions & answers. The specialists & experts there can help anyone figure thoughts, feelings & what someone is being told and those here on the main threads can keep discussing facts, ideas, opinions and theories. Please keep in mind BB & JW's family, relatives & their close friends & associates are on WS. We don't victimize the victims. There are many people that just read here, and many that may be waiting to be verified. There are many that can't post because of other challenges WS is working on. My sister was banned because she used my other laptop and it looked like I was wearing "different hats" from the same ISP. There have been people blocked for providing information that could appear as rumor or sensationalizing.
IMO I think Cubby, Tricia and the Terms of Service have made the victimizing & astrology rules pretty clear.
I keep in mind some of us never have or quit reading that astrology thread because we not only don't believe in psychics, we also don't know who THEY are & their credentials. When their findings are not based on forensic solid evidence, their credibility is further reduced. When astrologers charts are based on a flimsy timeline of possible facts from a FB social networking page on the Internet & fueled by newspaper & media stories as fact, I really don't see how you can come up with such a fatal & final diagnosis & sign your name (username mind you) to it.
As another example, my husband was murdered. If I had believed psychics, astology & the "facts" from hundreds of newspapers around the world, he wouldn't be dead anymore-what a novel concept!! I wonder where he's been this whole time.
Now, photos & video footage are a whole different story, what you see can be alot more valid. A credit card being used without a matching signature does not tell us the cardowner was there or used it. I could look enough like my girlfriend with a $5 box of dye to pass for her drivers license- but rarely do you have to show an ID to use a D/C card. A phone call made does not mean the owner of the phone dialed it. This is complicated enough without adding another dimension or two.
Maybe it's easier to read & believe when it sounds positive or its what you want to hear (i.e. hey you Scorpio person, you're going to have a great day! But you Capricorns are going to have a bad day)
If you don't know the exact time & location, I find it rather far fetching to guesstimate everything, then bank on & share the results. I can't for the life of me GET how the day/time/location of your birth, a thought, or the exact point of time someone thinks was the last time a person was allegedly seen at a place that later it was found never happened, can conclusively come up with any accurate visions. If you see a forensic astrologer over there that has followed this case and all the threads since day 1 that has some hope BB is alive, let me know & I'll apologize profusely and be willing to read it again. If an astrologer comes up with a location that could be checked, let someone of authority or Crimestoppers know right away.
I'm wrong alot & will admit it. Please let us believe Beth is alive and there is hope until we're told otherwise by LE or her family. She's alive until she's found or someone fesses up to the crime, and everyone is innocent until they're found guilty or confess their crime.

Schwabie, you are right on so many points. I do agree with what you say. I know there is a seperate thread for astrology & such. I have NOT contacted any psychis regarding Beth's case. I just commented on someone else's post who happened to write that she talked to two psychics. That is why I stated I know a lot of people don't believe in psychics, I know there are tons that are fakes but maybe a few who are gifted and have a true talent. I can't prove that though. It's just my opinion. My experience was convincing because 3 different woman all knew one thing about me that nobody else knew, I'm not getting into specifics because it doesn't matter. Sorry if I offended you in any way. I never tried to victimize Beth in any way, I know her. I'm sorry to hear about your husband.
I think I am missing something. I do not understand why a rental car being used would make it be easier to pretend to be going to Madison? How could useing a rental make it appear someone is going a different place? I'm not trying to be snarky, I just really am confused.
I sure wish beth were home, now.
Why is all the defense up as far as RR is concerned?

One could also ask, why all the interest in RR and NR, all of a sudden?

It would seem to me that people are defending RR, as some here seem to be almost positive of his involvement in a heinous crime that may or may not have even happened, in their opinion, of course.

So far, although nothing is impossible... I haven't seen anything to even suggest BB is no longer alive.

Another thing to consider... Dead things smell bad.

An 8 week old human body, in the heat of the summer, could be smelled for quite some distance... even in a shallow grave. This sounds like a fairly active, if rural, area.
One could also ask, why all the interest in RR and NR, all of a sudden?

It would seem to me that people are defending RR, as some here seem to be almost positive of his involvement in a heinous crime that may or may not have even happened, in their opinion, of course.

I do not agree with your first statement. The interest in RR and NR is not "all of a sudden". The interest has always been there, however very little information has been coming out about these two. I find that extremely odd considering that they were staying at the last known-verified location of BB and were vacationing with her all weekend. And yes, in my opinion, they have been overlooked. And I wonder why?

Hmm, a women they partied with all weekend disappears and they have nothing to say? Nothing to contribute in her search? Why is that?
The other day, I said I thought I knew who you were, which was simply because one of your opening statements was something to the affect, I think I can pretty much figure out who most of the people on here are. Cubby has already put up a post saying this is against WS policy so I am not going to discuss who I think you are because it's really not important and I want to follow the rules.

With this being the fourth thread on this case, and tons of people who have given their input, we are no closer today to a solution than we were on day one. That is very sad. I believe if Beth wanted to take off, that was her decision but in the event that she is no longer alive, it is nothing but non stop pain for her family, because the not knowing is what hurts the most.

I do not agree that associating actions with guilt is a stretch. There are experts and specialists who study "people's actions" because they study behavior of, for example, murderers, serial killers, etc and they collect data to see what actions/traits are in common with murderers and serial killers. Profiling. Although we are not experts on WS, there are many people on here who have posted comments and provided information, even books and articles, for example, on sociopaths. And even if you don't agree, people's actions are important when solving a missing persons case or a murder case. When LE is interrogating someone, besides collecting evidence, they absolutely take into account their behavior, their actions, their words, their change of stories etc to piece together the puzzle. So I disgree that some of the discussions on here aren't possibly going to bring us closer to a solution.

You cannot deny that because JW was the last person to see Beth, she is unfortunately, in a bad position and yes, there are people who may think she is involved in Beth's disappearance. I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that. The truth is, we don't know for sure what happened to Beth. But on WS, all types of theories are discussed and as more information is presented, it gets the wheels spinning with new ideas. Some believe in psychics, some believe in astrology charts, some just get a feeling, it's all good. There is nothing wrong with that. Beth's case has not been handled like most typical missing persons cases. That in of itself has generated so many questions. There is nothing we can do about it. People will get upset, people will form their own opinions. I am one for being open to everyone's opinion.

You are talking about us all working towards a solution. Yet, you said yourself, you don't have a solution either. There is so little to go on. We can just sit around and wait to see if Beth comes home one day or, maybe she'll possibly even call somebody. But I agree, some sort of search should have been conducted by now, because if Beth is no longer with us, then without some more action from the LE, we will never know what happened to Beth.

Everything here is just my opinion, with no intentions of making anybody mad. Peace out.

I couldn't agree more!! Everyone is intitled to their opinion and no one should be naysaying anyone else! Many don't believe in psychics but there are plenty of cases that they have assisted on and been very helpful..some are better than others but I feel since there is nothing to go on ANYTHING helps!! I also agree on the not posting search info on here..if anyone plans to search the reno house and area PLEASE be careful and go in groups. I wish you luck!!
Information from psychics shouldn't be automatically discarded because they don't have a law degree or a Ph.D. from Harvard. So far, everything that has been done has not found Beth.

Suppose, just suppose, that a psychic reading, mental telepathy, super consciousness, whatever, did result in a walk through woods and Beth was found. The non-believers would find some reason to discount the "urge" that resulted in a right turn, instead of a left turn, that led to the body.

Let's continue to think of possibilities and slow down on slashing anyone's ideas.

Points well taken, thank you. I'll slow down. If any of these methods do, infact, find BB I'll eat my opinion on the spot.
The car was rented to cover the story that JW and BB were going to Madison, WI to visit JW's sick mom or grandmom (when they were really going to MV). This was done to mislead SB, as to where the girls were going.

Do we know that BB told SB they were going to WI, or was WI just what JW told another man in her life?

Also, and this is for everyone, do we know for fact that BB 'hid' her car in JW's garage that weekend? As far as I know where BB's car was that weekend was just speculation.

My thoughts on why there has been no 'foot search'. This is simply my opinion based on the many many cases I have followed here at WS. In order to do a foot search evidence needs to exist on where to start a search. Just an overall search of an enormous area in Mt. Vernon and Centralia is far too expansive, not to mention costly. If a phone, her purse or bag, or some pc. of evidence was found that would be a start point for an area to search. As of right now, nothing has been found to indicated where to begin a search.

IMO, what should be happening is to get the word out in the Mt. Vernon area requesting residents keep an eye out for anything unusual and to check their own private property and to call LE if anything unusual or out of the ordinary is found. Instead of complaining no search is being done. More people aware of Beths case and more people keep an eye out is far more productive and helpful than complaining about what is not being done.

There is a finite amount of resources which can be used for a foot search so rather than the 'throw it against the wall and see what sticks' approach with a foot search, evidence needs to be uncovered to determine a likely or possible search area.

Another thought on a previous comment about decomp smell after 8 weeks. I'm using this as an example only. In April of this year skeletal remains were found in DuPage County in the unincorporated Wheaton area at Herrick Lake. The skeletal remains were found in a wooded area very near the main entrance to the forest preserve and very near (2 lanes) Butterfield road. This entrance is directly across the street from a subdivision with single family homes. The area the body was found was not in view of the homes a few hundred feet away because of numerous evergreen trees blocking the view of the road.

Still.......the remains were found literally within a few hundred ft of a large subdivision of homes AND the parking lot of a frequently visited forest preserve. One would think, the smell would be horrendous and so very close to were people walked, opened their windows, bbq'd and spent time in their yards. But these remains lay their long enough to become a full skeleton.

I am still perplexed on how these remains lay there so long before being discovered, ( it is estimated 2 years or more IIRC ). The only thing I can come up with is perhaps people dismissed the horrendous odor as a decaying animal rather than a person. Even though I have heard the odor from human decomposition is unique, unforgettable and different from that of an animal. The majority of people have never smelled human decomp. and may dismiss the odor as being stronger due to the extreme heat we have been experiencing this summer.

On a bit of an OT note, it was a situation such as that where a local who joined WS led to the recovery of missing Robert Hall Sr. A bright local WS'r noticed what looked like a thin branch sticking above a frozen pond. It ended up being the antennae of Roberts car. LE was notified and found his car with his remains in a frozen pond. LE had dismissed Roberts case as being willingly missing.

These, imo, are all the more reason it is so very important to get the word out and continue to request people be on the look out for anything unusual. That would help to leading to the recovery of Beths remains if she is no longer living.

Another thought.

Respectfully. Why is the reward for Beth so low?

Beth comes from a family and life style where money was no object.
IMO, IF foul play were involved 5000 is not enough to make anyone talk. 30 to 40 thousand is a far greater incentive for someone to spill what they know.

30,000 for Tionda and Diamond Bradley who went missing from a very rough area of the south side of Chicago and whose (I believe) family relied on state assistance. ( )

40,000 for missing man Ibrahim Nofal from Orland Park (,lockport-missing-man-reward-071810.article )

10,000 reward for John Spira's case. ( )

50,000 reward for missing Bradley Olsen from DeKalb/Maple Park ( )

30,000 for missing Rachel Mellon Skemp (Bolingbrook, IL ) ( )

I just don't understand it. Why if there was money for expensive tastes, friends, vacations, weekend getaways, partying etc. is there so little available for a reward for Beth?

JMO respectfully.
Another thought.

Respectfully. Why is the reward for Beth so low?

Beth comes from a family and life style where money was no object.
IMO, IF foul play were involved 5000 is not enough to make anyone talk. 30 to 40 thousand is a far greater incentive for someone to spill what they know.

There is a greater reward, 30,000 for Tionda and Diamond Bradley who went missing from a very rough area of the south side of Chicago and whose (I believe) family relied on state assistance. ( )

40,000 for missing man Ibrahim Nofal from Orland Park (,lockport-missing-man-reward-071810.article )

10,000 reward for John Spira's case. ( )

I just don't understand it. Why if there was money for expensive tastes, friends, vacations, weekend getaways, partying etc. is there so little available for a reward for Beth?

JMO respectfully.

Cubby that is a very good point. It seems it would be a greater amount, that makes a better chance of one given up the truth!

If lets say there were two or more people involved and lets just say one of those two didn't actually take place in whatever happened, but maybe was just there would they be entitled to the reward if they told on the others?
I don't know what perimeters rewards are set up and how it is determined who may qualify for a reward. I just know that 5000 is incredibly small in comparison with the 5 Illinois missing persons cases I added in my previous post. I am sure there are more examples those 5 are cases I recall of the top of my head.

Respectfully. A comment was made on Beths missing FB group - if one wants to get the word out they gotta do it themselves. I respectfully disagree.

Has SB contacted any of the organizations available for assistance to the family of missing persons?

Project Jason

CUE Center for Missing Persons

I value and appreciate the help Beths friends want to offer, however they are unexperienced at missing persons cases and there are organizations available to assist and provide family support. Is SB utilizing any of these organizations?

WS has some additional listings in our Lighting the Way Home area of the forum.

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