IL IL - Helen Brach, 65, Chicago, 1977

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I'm not familiar with your case, but vaquely recall hearing the news you are talking of a few years ago.

Chuck interviewed a friend of mine back when Nicor was changing the gas Meters. My only impression was too makeup and the how much he looked like George Hamilton.

I have also faced Chi towns corruption having to face one of the states attys who worked with Jon Burge and the infamous Aaron Patterson case. Same States atty who charged those 7 & 8 yr old boys with murder...... We know those results, and just how quilty those boys were back then.

Dupage just about danced circles around this guy.

Very sad the statute of limitations has "run out' on on Jon Burge and Co.

Chucks last name serves him well.

Good luck with your case.
  1. There should be a word for the way Chuck Goudie operates…how about “goudieism”
    “goudieism”…”the journalistic pratice of not checking facts…concealing sources…and broadcasting lies”…”goudieism”
    in a sentence…”that story contained many elements of “goudieism”
    it’s tough legally…lots of grey areas…but the code of ethics for journalist is pretty black and white…check this out…
    Comment by Gibert — 3/21/2007 @ 8:22 am
ravin black, I sense you have gone through a lot of pain and I wish you the best! I was just making sure these ATF scum bags, Chuck Goudie moronic sicko and Joe Plemmons sick pathological liar ATF informant and demonic man who CONS so many innocent people and then screws them for money, do not get away with any more of their CONS! I really hope from the bottom of my heart that your posts are therapeutic for you!!!

Please Chuck Goudie and managers of ABC Chicago 7 News, release your report on The I-Team goes to Puerto Vallarta before the 1995 Richard Bailey trial! Put it all over the internet so the rest of the world can see what TRUE SCUM REPORTING LOOKS LIKE! Chuck Goudie you continue to amaze me with lies, laziness, pathological lying tendencies, and total disregard for ethical journalizm! You and your company do not show any ethical standards on your sick evil satanic show of immorality!!!!!

I just can not get out of my mind meeting face to face ATF John Rotunno and his wimpy partner O’Grady from Chicago, at my door step 4 years ago. They knock on my door and ask if my father was home! I said one moment please and went up to my father’s bedroom and woke him up. He got up and let these to SCUM BAGS in the kitchen to talk with them. Little did he know that they would create one of the ATF’S biggest blunders ever!!!! Lie after lie because my Father would not LIE FOR THEM!!!

Please do not forget that CHUCK GOUDIE has said for 13 Years my Father is hiding in Mexico!! Please tell me if that is true how did ATF John Rotunno and O’Grady come to my Fathers house in the U.S 4 years ago, knowing he was here and not hiding!! Did the ATF back Chuck Goudie’s many lies and then create many, many more lies of their own??????

ATF Rotunno seems to have thought he had become a celebrity and FED agent who was WAY ABOVE THE LAW!!!! He promoted himself in a book called UNBRIDLED RAGE BY GENE O’SHEA!!!

LIE AFTER LIE HAS BEEN TOLD BY ATF JOHN ROTUNNO OF CHICAGO in this book on many other occasions!!! My father will never talk to these SCUM BAGS again without a lawyer!!!

I have a lot more information on many people I have not released yet!!! Judges, lawyers, politicians, reporters, BATF SCUM BAGS, FBI agents and some more!!! That is probably one reasons the BATF have not killed me or framed me!!

I have made it very clear to the BATF scum that I have a book, tapes and much more that will be released if anything happens to my family!!!! There is no way those EVIL SCUM will get away with anymore harm to my family!!!!

Yes, I have to be a little crazy to take on these DEMONIC ATF AGENTS. But this SATANIC, MORONIC, EVIL Organization has created me as I am now!! This is my mission, which the ATF LIES and HITLER MENTALITY have created!!

I will never allow the sickos to tear my family apart with lies. We will not be collateral damage for the ATF’S personnel vendettas. ABC 7 Chicago news has help, the ATF CON and showed their true colors! Remember I watched closely when I began telling about the ATF CON, that ABC 7 Chicago news took all their reports on the Helen Brach Murder off the internet very, very quickly!! Then once I pointed out this fact they put all their SCUM , UNTRUE SATANIC JOURNALISM back on the internet!!! Any MORON can see they know that they SCREWED up and when I called them up on this, they did not want to LOOK GUILTY!!! But ABC’S management know they are promoting CHUCK GOUDIE AND ATF JOHN ROTUNNO’S lies and and they could care less as long as they make MONEY$$$$$!!!!! They are criminals as far as I am concerned. Screw what these con men can get away with when the statue of limitations runs out!

The statue of limitations for a lawsuit against CHUCK GOUDIE, ABC 7 Chicago News and ABCChicago.COM. Chuck Goudie has run out.His company have totally violated journalism ethical code of conduct!!! As I have said before I paid money to talk to a lawyer who represents these NETWORK Giants and he said ABC will milk this for as much money as they can no matter what!!! He was right on the money!! Poor Walt Disney, letting Chuck Goudie and management totally forget about what built Disney!! Oh yes Chuck Goudie has been doing DAMAGE CONTROL BIG TIME without any REPENTANCE!!!!!

This MORON CHUCK GOUDIE has no right to still have his job! Disney is screwing their company by keeping this man around! I have not heard one good thing said about Chuck Goudie. He has lied and screwed many innocent people and must step down on his own if he has any human dignity!!!!!!

Instead he goes around in a fantasy world pretending he has done nothing wrong! Sensationalist! Sicko!

Around December 1, 2007 I noticed had removed all of there stories on the Helen Brach Murder off the internet and on there web site. I waited for over a year to report this to all of you because last time they took these satanic lies off the internet I reported it and they put it back on so they would not look guilty!

Chuck Goudie and ATF John Rotunno are still at there jobs! Not surprising! The ATF love to have criminal working for them! Lets see if our new head of the Justice Department has the backbone he talks about others not having, by firing ATF agents who have broken the law and getting rid of this evil and satanic organization.

It took ABC- Disney only 3 years to remove their sick, satanic, fairytail stories( by Chuck Goudie) off the internet. It blows my mind that Chuck Goudie is still allowed to work for ABC. Standards are very low for ABC reporters these days. I guess Chuck Goudie does not have to follow the ethical code of conduct for a reporter!!!!!
I worked for Frank Jayne back then and I knew your Dad. He is a fine man and he had no involvement with this crime. I am familiar with John Rotunno also. He threatened me a few years back when they were trying to nail Frank for the arson. I have had the unfortunate experience of living at the Jayne's barn in Morton Grove and rode for him and was involved enough to know who was involved in all of the crap that went on. Cathy was like a sister to me as well as the rest of the children. I also lived on Frank's place in Elgin. And to set the record straight, Cathy could fit in the closet in Frank's office because I was there when it was built and it was big enough. She was not enormous for God's sake!
Just wanted you to know that I believe you and know you speak the truth because I WAS THERE!!
I worked for Frank Jayne back then and I knew your Dad. He is a fine man and he had no involvement with this crime. I am familiar with John Rotunno also. He threatened me a few years back when they were trying to nail Frank for the arson. I have had the unfortunate experience of living at the Jayne's barn in Morton Grove and rode for him and was involved enough to know who was involved in all of the crap that went on. Cathy was like a sister to me as well as the rest of the children. I also lived on Frank's place in Elgin. And to set the record straight, Cathy could fit in the closet in Frank's office because I was there when it was built and it was big enough. She was not enormous for God's sake!
Just wanted you to know that I believe you and know you speak the truth because I WAS THERE!!

Ilivedit, Was there ever any talk around the Jayne stables about the disappearance of these 3 women from the Indiana Dunes State Park in 1966? Thanks.
I am not aware of any talk about the dunes incident. I was a young teenager at that time, and had no clue what was ahead for me riding at Frank's stable. I started hearing things a couple of years later as I got older.
After a bit, I put 2 + 2 together, and that was very scarey. I got out alive, but it could have been a lot worse for me.
I am not aware of any talk about the dunes incident. I was a young teenager at that time, and had no clue what was ahead for me riding at Frank's stable. I started hearing things a couple of years later as I got older.
After a bit, I put 2 + 2 together, and that was very scarey. I got out alive, but it could have been a lot worse for me.

Thanks, I just wondered. Silas Jayne may not even be responsible for the 3 girls' disappearance, but there was a slight connection as 2 of the girls used to ride at one of the Jayne's stables, I believe.

Sounds like it was scary working there!
Did you read the book Hot Blood by Ken Englade. That is scary and that is not even half of what really happened. I was not afraid because I worked for Frank and all was well until I left him. Then the trouble began, but to go in to it on this site would be dangerous for me even to this day...Frank is out of jail now.
I believe the girls disappearance could definitely be of the Jaynes doing. In fact, I would bet on it. Same MO as I have seen over the years I worked for him.
I posted here though, to speak for Officer Reiter because he IS a good man. He also worked with my Uncle who was a detective on Skokie PD who knew him well.
Did you read the book Hot Blood by Ken Englade. That is scary and that is not even half of what really happened. I was not afraid because I worked for Frank and all was well until I left him. Then the trouble began, but to go in to it on this site would be dangerous for me even to this day...Frank is out of jail now.
I believe the girls disappearance could definitely be of the Jaynes doing. In fact, I would bet on it. Same MO as I have seen over the years I worked for him.
I posted here though, to speak for Officer Reiter because he IS a good man. He also worked with my Uncle who was a detective on Skokie PD who knew him well.

No, I haven't read that book. I Googled it and it looks interesting.

I know you were posting for Officer Reiter but I thought since you had worked for Frank Jayne I would ask you about the three missing women. I know it's possible that other things were at play as far as their disappearance is concerned, but when I read that two of the ladies rode at the Jayne stables, I just wondered about it. I don't know what happened to Steve Reiter either..He hasn't posted on here since April.

This case will be 33 years old next month. Helen Brach disappeared sometime between February 17 and 20, 1977. She was seen in Rochester, Minnesota on the 17th by a clerk in a store near the Mayo Clinic where she made a purchase. Then her house caretaker, Jack Matlick claimed to have been with her at her Glenview, ILL home until 20 February. His story was a rather fishy one and it kept changing.
Richard.......the mystery has been solved. They know what happen to Helen and who did it and where the body went. This case is closed.
Jack Matlick.

I agree, I've always thought it was Matlick...But in reference to ilivedit's post from last January that this case is all wrapped up, I haven't been able to find any articles that say they know what happend to Helen Brach's body or that anyone was charged with her murder.
It was actually 2 Mafia dead. Helen's body was taken to a place in Indiana and thrown in an incerator....I will post the link if I can find the info about it.
ATF John Rotunno and the ATF would have been sued for many millions and ABC DISNEY because of their reporter Chuck Goudie of Chicago ABC 7 news.
We would have had to have millions to take them to court an trial which they would of held up in court for years!
If we could have got a large law firm to take the case on a contingency basis,:banghead: ATF John Rotunno would be in jail and for serious crimes!
They only alow Chuck Goudie to do one report once a week after his 2005 scandal was reported. Now Chucky has to report close to the truth becase he has to do alot research and is closely watched over by management. He has hurt many people with
unethical reporting in the past. It is amazing they let him keep his job,but if he makes then money anything goes.
Anderson Cooper is the only one with the guts to expose a small portion of ATF CORRUPTION for many days on CNN!
If you read my earlier posts, I knew your Father and I KNOW he was not involved with any of it. He was and probably still is an Honorable man. And I get nothing but positive input about your Father from my Uncle who worked with your Father at Skokie PD. I knew your Father from my days of working for Frank Jayne. I am soooo sorry that you and your family have had to go through this. It is very sad to me that the world has come to such "greed", as that is really all it is, whether it be for money or fame....sad all the way around. All that is left to do now is to pray VERY hard for these animals as their judgment is yet to come and neither there money nor their lies will
get them any reprieves.
Please let go of it all because you know the truth. You cannot change what has happened, but know that I for one BELIEVE you and your Father and family.


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