IL IL - Helen Brach, 65, Chicago, 1977

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This will go down as one of the ATF's biggest blunders ever!Using Joe Plemmons to reveal how Helen Brach was murdered!

This would be Joe Plemmons 3rd major murder trial that he is the main informant. A man who has clearly been a pathological liar all his life!

He is good friends with ATF agent Rotunno. Joe Plemmons has worked with the ATF for about 13 years. He has been paid alot of money by the ATF.

I have pointed out clearly that Joe Plemmons has lied to the Chicago Tribune by saying he never stole money from people who did not have alot.When he stole $58,000.00 from a couple who borrowed the money. The couple said it took many years to recover from being conned by Joe!

Joe Plemmons and ATF Rottuno from my research appear to birds of the same feather!

Thank God we might be only a few years away from being able to see clearly who is a pathological liar by a simple brain X-Ray.

I think a unwritten rule in the ATF for all agents is if you get caught framing someone. You must lie and deny. Never admit when you are caught in a lie. ( Lie and Deny)Never admit you have lied. Lie & Deny.:sick:

Joe Plemmons has gone by at least 3 to 4 alias's in the past. He has been a con man all of his life. In his interview with Chuck Goudie he sounds very unsure about the 2nd time asked if he would stand by his testimoney in the Richard Bailey trial!

If I began writing to all of you everything I know about this Con ( Fabrication ) the ATF has created. I am sure many of your jaws would be dropping!

I am sure some of you think I am crazy. I am also sure that a majority of you would completely understand why I am doing this, if you knew exacltly what has taken place in the last few months in my life.

ATF Rotunno has been relentless in creating his lies about the Helen Brach Murder being Solved. So for the last 9 plus months I have been relentless at uncovering this CON! God Bless America!
Re: Helen Brach murder & Joe Plemmons
Posted: 19 Oct 2005 10:10 PM Reply Advise
This will go down as one of the ATF's biggest blunders ever!Using Joe Plemmons to reveal how Helen Brach was murdered!

This would be Joe Plemmons 3rd major murder trial that he is the main informant. A man who has clearly been a pathological liar all his life!

He is good friends with ATF agent Rotunno. Joe Plemmons has worked with the ATF for about 13 years. He has been paid alot of money by the ATF.

I have pointed out clearly that Joe Plemmons has lied to the Chicago Tribune by saying he never stole money from people who did not have alot.When he stole $58,000.00 from a couple who borrowed the money. The couple said it took many years to recover from being conned by Joe!

Joe Plemmons and ATF Rottuno from my research appear to birds of the same feather!

Thank God we might be only a few years away from being able to see clearly who is a pathological liar by a simple brain X-Ray.

I think a unwritten rule in the ATF for all agents is if you get caught framing someone. You must lie and deny. Never admit when you are caught in a lie. ( Lie and Deny)Never admit you have lied. Lie & Deny.

Joe Plemmons has gone by at least 3 to 4 alias's in the past. He has been a con man all of his life. In his interview with Chuck Goudie he sounds very unsure about the 2nd time asked if he would stand by his testimoney in the Richard Bailey trial!

If I began writing to all of you everything I know about this Con ( Fabrication ) the ATF has created. I am sure many of your jaws would be dropping!

I am sure some of you think I am crazy. I am also sure that a majority of you would completely understand why I am doing this, if you knew exacltly what has taken place in the last few months in my life.

ATF Rotunno has been relentless in creating his lies about the Helen Brach Murder being Solved. So for the last 9 plus months I have been relentless at uncovering this CON! God Bless America!


Posts: 20
Member Since: Sep 26, 2005

Re: Helen Brach murder & Joe Plemmons
Posted: 27 Oct 2005 12:27 PM Reply Advise
I was not planning to writing more about the Helen Brach Murder being Solved.( the CON )I was going to let the legal system take over.But a new interesting developement has taken place.

I want to make it clear that this is just an observation.Something I have noticed happen on October 25, 2005.

Doing a Google search key words ( helen brach murder or helen brach murder and joe plemmons )About 90 days ago all of WLS TV and Chuck Goudie reports on The Helen Brach Murder is Solved had vanished.

Suddenly on October 25, 2005 Chuck Goudie's Jan 1, 2005 report using my father's name illegally has reappeared!

These stories had been on every major search engine for 8 months straight. Then around September 1, 2005 I began letting people know that the Helen Brach Murder being Solved was a Con. ( Lie ) Then over a one week period when you hit an ABC Chicago news link, it would say page cannot be found.( On every link that used my fathers name )

Then around the 2nd week even when you hit ( cached ) these same links using my fathers name began to not be found.

This all happened while I was revealing the lies that Chuck Goudie,the ATF, Joe Plemmons had created.

I also pointed out on September 16, 2005 that if people did not believe me,then why had all the stories with my fathers name being used illegally suddenly vanish of these search engines.

On September 26, 2005 all of a sudden Chuck Goudie's March 31st story appeared once again on MSN. I figured then that happened because WLS TV and Chuck Goudie did not want to look guilty.

For those of you who have not heard about WLS TV and Chuck Goudie's report about 12 years ago ( Chuck Goudie and the I-Team go to Puerta Vallarta, Mexico )I will give you details of one of the worst news reports ever done.( It is full of lies and misinformation!)

Chuck Goudie went to Puerta Vallarta to interview my father. My father said he did not want to talk to Chuck Goudie. Chuck Goudie paid Mexicans to get information about my father.

Friends of my father kept watch for when Goudie was gone. My father went to look out the sliding door of his condo too see if the I-Team had gone away. The I-Team got a picture of my dad peaking out.

Chuck Goudie used that picture in his story saying that my father was hiding in Mexico. He also used that same picture this year saying he was hiding in Mexico.

Chuck Goudie paid a Mexican man money to say some very untrue and disgraceful things about my father on TV. That man worked for the condo and was fired.

Chuck Goudie said that I was a college student living at his house in the U.S. Another lie. I was 34 and long out of college. At the end of Chuck Goudie's newscast he said " I would sure like to see his Tax returns. " Well my friens my father had already been audited by the Goverment!

My whole family was totally outraged by Chuck Goudie's horrible report, which was full of lies!

We figured it would all go away because we knew it was a bunch of lies!

Chuck Goudie has had a grudge against my father for all these years because my father did not give him an interview!

Then the ATF's and Joe Plemmons lie was told to Goudie.( HE ATE IT UP! ) Chuck Goudie is the ONLY reporter who has used my father's name in the news this year!

The Chicago Tribune said that his name should not be used because he has not been indicted!

Goudie used my dad's name over, over and over on T.V. His first story on Jan 1, 2005 The Helen Brach Muder has been Solved ran on every newscast 2-3 days.

Goudie said: " Ten years ago the I-Team located Reiter hiding in Mexico. Reiter returned home in 2003 to pick up his ailing wife. It was the last time he was believed to have been on U.S soil."

First of all I have proof that my father has been in the U.S at his home every year! In 2003 when Goudie says he was here just to pick up his ailing wife. In 2003 my dad was at his house in the U.S for 4 MONTHS.Goudie is a terrible investigative reporter and a liar!

In 2003 Chuck Goudie went to many of our neighbor's houses, stirring up trouble for my father! Telling some of them that my father killed Helen Brach! We have a next door neighbor for 39 years who is outraged that Chuck Goudie came up to his door to make accusations obout my father.( FOR GODS SAKE, MY FATHER HAS NEVER MET HELEN BRACH!! )

WLS T.V has 2 tapes by Goudie on the Helen Brach Murder which have not been aired! Hummm! I wonder why!

Chuck Goudie, Joe Plemmons and the ATF have created a NIGHTMARE for my family! My mom was in tears often when she was here! I work in the horse business and since Jan 1, 2005 and have gone to work many days knowing that some people think my dad is a murderer.

These liars need to be exposed so they never hurt innocent people again!This is about personal Vendettas. These people are sick!
Re: Helen Brach murder & Joe Plemmons
Posted: 27 Oct 2005 11:15 PM Reply Advise
I am certain about 3-4 months ago the ATF intimidated, threatened and or payed off my fathers first lawyer!

His lawyer and wife had uncovered many lies created by the ATF, Joe Plemmons and Chuck Goudie. The whole Con was being uncovered!

So it looks like that lawyer was handled by normal ATF methods. Why if the ATF is honest would they do this?

By the way my dad's former lawyers wife was a lawyer and her father was a former ATF agent.He taught her alot about the ATF and how to investigate.

She knew exactly how the ATF operated and uncovered their Con quikly!

When this woman was a teenager. She was on a vacation with her father ( an ATF agent ) and my parents in Mexico a couple of times.This was well before Helen Brach vanished. My parents fell in love with Mexico over 30 years ago.

My fathers lawyer thought I trusted him. I was very careful what I told him for many months. One day I told him we need to get the truth out fast and he agreed.

He told me one day in my kitchen about his wifes father. ( the former ATF agent ) He said that after his wifes father retired from the ATF that he made alot of money in stocks or something to do with meat.He said it was all honest. But the ATF tried to frame him but they did not get away with it!

Remember my fathers first lawyer's wife was a criminal lawyer before but not now. Well thats another big story. We will not get into that now!

When I was a child I hardly ever saw my father. He was always working many jobs to make a good future for his family! He was a great policeman for 28 plus years!

When he was a boy he had wonderful memories of riding horses. So after many years of hard work and rarely ever having fun, he went to ride horses at a stable by our house.

He loved jumping horse and even showed allitle.He began socializing some with people at the stable.

A few years later he became a horseshoer part time. Then he retired from the police force and was shoeing horse's for many years full time.This greatly supplimented his pension from the police force!

Joe Plemmons said my father was paid 350 thousand to 750 thousand $$ to kill Helen Brach!

Well my friends, I know my fathers finances very very well. I have never seen any extra money!All the money my father has is from him working very hard!

Chuck Goudie, The ATF and Joe plemmons have CONNED the world!

I have just begun to expose their lies.There are many more lies that the ATF, Chuck Goudie and Joe Plemmons created that I have not told you yet!

Chuck Goudie and the ATF are abusing their power massively!It is about personal vendettas. Chuck Goudie's vendetta against my father is from not following up his information! He has a personal grude against father. He looks like a puppet for the ATF!

The ATF's vendetta is wanting the Helen Brach Murder Solved and framing Frank Jayne and my father to get their obsession resolved!

The ATF think they are above the law! So they can brake the law to frame who ever they want!

I had a cosultation with a lawyer who represents 2 news stations. This lawyer told me that WLS T.V and Chuck Goudie will MILK THIS STORY NO MATTER WHAT TO MAKE ALOT OF MONEY!

It is a disgrace to the American people to let the ATF, Joe Plemmons, Chuck Goudie use us for their personal aims.

I will do everything in my power to make sure this kind of NIGHTMARE never happens to another innocent family!

As the ATF already knows I am worth much more to them alive than dead! They know I have very extensive writings and tapes in many many places that will be released if anything happens to me!

Thank God I have some other very wonderful people who have greatly helped me research this CON! The ATF has no clue who they are! God Bless America!
In addition to what you just said, LLDM, it is probably a good time to point out that "investigative reporting" has a down side as well. In the rush to get the scoop on a new story, or get the most "in depth" information, hyperbole gets the headlines, and accuracy is definitlely in the grey area...especially during the sweeps.

Not everyone is a fan of reporter Chuck a few excerpts from the pages of bloggers and such..

Chuck Goudie of Channel 7 Eyewitness News (the Chicago ABC affiliate) was tracking the killer Andrew Cunanan a few years ago, and located the flophouse room the guy had been renting. Instead of calling the police, he started rifling through things, drawers and such, possibly disturbing evidence. His latest bit of sweeps-related stupidity came in May 2001, when he went to Las Vegas to cover the story of an 11-year-old Indiana girl who ran away with her 28-year-old school principal. After the pair had been found, Goudie weaseled his way into the motel room the pair had last rented. The police had gone over it and the motel had cleaned it. But Goudie found a condom wrapper in the garbage can, and almost went nuts on the air, proclaiming loudly on camera that somehow the police had missed this "key evidence" while sweeping the premises. It turns out the pair had never even entered the room. It also turns out that the principal had in fact been having relations with the girl, and Goudie made sure to turn up the volume on the sleazier side of the story. Also, while the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers finally stopped printing the girl's name and picture (having done so originally only to possibly help in locating her) in order to avoid any further invasions of privacy, Goudie's station and others continued plastering the poor girl's face on the screen.
Whiz Bang's website of Correct Opinions

And then there are the lawsuits for libel due to disagreement of the facts Goudie has reported...

Pet Crematory Lawsuit

And finally there is the whole issue of deliberate leaks, and who gets them and how accurate they are...

At one point, Channel 7’s Chuck Goudie appeared to put out inaccurate information he had gathered regarding the investigation of Lead 80. Zuley, who knew Goudie from contact in Chicago, offered to call Goudie to straighten out the facts. He was roundly told to keep out of it.
From the beginning, key members of the command had chosen favorites among the press corps to leak information to. Jay Levine was consistently stroked by the Task Force and was also liked by Bratcher—they had other favorites too. Goudie was not one of the chosen. Goudie had taken a very hard line toward the Task Force and was therefore widely detested by the command. One witness close to the Task Force told us, “they hated Goudie and posted his picture up on the wall next to the mug shots of wanted criminals.”
Zuley’s attempts to provide Goudie with correct information were heavily criticized by management members of the Task Force, and Chief Bratcher maintains that Zuley was in fact fired from the Task Force for leaking to the press. Information on lead 80 did not reach the media, however, until September of 1993. Zuley had left the Task Force in February of that year.

Illinois Police & Sheriff's NewsJohn J. Flood & Jim McGough
2615 W Peterson Av
Chicago. Il 60659

How are you involved in the hunter/jumper world, and is it true that Plemons and Hansen killed Brach or is that just a cover story?
I have been a Farrier for 15 years. Matlick was one of the killers and possibly Joe Plemmons. Also I feel there is a good possibility that a Fed agent that Helen contacted had something to do with her vanishing!

I really do not know for sure. I do feel certain that Matlick was one of the killers.

The are some real funny things that have happened by the Feds over the years. So my feeling is that some people who long ago investigated Helen Brach vanishing found the answer and got paid money to keep it secret

Follow the MONEY! Follow the MONEY! Follow the MONEY! $$$$$$$
Posteddocument.write(''+ myTimeZone('Tue, 13 Sep 2005 08:21:13 GMT-0700', 'Sep. 13, 2005 11:21 AM')+''); Sep. 13, 2005 11:21 AM Sep. 13, 2005 11:21 AM

There is an on going investigation and new ones. My only plan was to stop the oneside relentless lies from being said! They are attempting to frame people and they thought from all I have seen and learned that by putting my Father in this would make things go better. As I have said before it appears that all of the people who have investigated what happened to Helen Brach, most think it was Matlick but the never got enough evidence and the feds want Frank Jayne so bad no matter what. Which I told you a federal agent said on tv a few years back on Tv we will get him on something, put him in jail and he will tell us what he knows about Helen Brach Murder! At that time they said it was Bailey who killed her. They said since Jayne was a close confident of Bailey when he is in jail for a long time he will tell us what we want about Bailey to lessen the jail time on himself. Then came along the real big lie of Joe Plemmons saying 10 people where involved in killing her.They wanted the Helen Brach murder solved so bad they gave Plemmons immunity from shooting her and most of the people Plemmons said killed her are dead. That leaves Pleemons with immunity from the murder. My father,Matlick and Jayne. They know that Matlick will never talk to anyone unless he has to, they have the Jaynes painted so bad by media and books about the Jayne Gang ( HORSE MAFIA) and my Father who 12 years ago never said anything about the most stupid News story maybe ever put on TV. So they figure they would get a trial for The Helen Brach Murder and paint my Father as a bad cop who was around the stable alot and close to Jayne. The jury would see all the stories about Frank Jayne and paint a picture as is written in books about his uncle Silas paying off policemen and if you ever saw Matlick (He looks like a murderer) . Then they would come up with their eviedence which looks as far as my Father is concerened of alot of really criminal figures who have been paid money, let out of jail, given money for their drugs, kept out of jail and some paid alot of money to say what the Feds wanted to here to go along with there fabricated story! I know what they have been up to and it is very very sick looking! We have uncovered many lies and have people that will testify about these lies. So the only people who would be testifying for the prosecution would be patological liars,scum, covicts and drug addicts.ect.... My Father has many people who would of testified for him who are almost all very good people who have never committed a crime. At this point if they indicted my father and had a trial they would look like Morons. But Joe, the media and the Feds seem to only be interested in sensationalism and not THE TRUTH!!!!! In truth at this moment their plan has been uncovered. I have been showing you that through the comuter it is amazing how much info anyone could get to see exactly how they disgrace to our country ivestigation has been put together. I feel the key to all of these lies was they never in their wildest dreams knew about me! Remember 12 years ago my family was totally disgusted with that news report about my Father but we figured it would go away so the Feds figured our family would not figure out their lies. Never in there wildest dreams did any of these people figure I would relentlesly uncover their plot!!
The feds have changed so many times who they thought killed Helen Brach and have spent 28 years spending possibly 100s of million and the only way they can save face or look great is to convict someone for her murder. So here was a new plan to get anyone and then some who they ever had a thought might have been involved.Using Joe Pleemons is a joke so it is posible also they just wanted to stir things up. Sling mud out there and wereever it stick go.They had know right to USE MY FATHER THE WAY THET DID. THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED SO THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN TO ANY OTHER FAMILY EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since WLS T.V and their lawyers want to act like low lives and continue to bash and innocent family with their lies on the computer. I feel I have no choice but to point out more of Chuck Goudie's lies and poor reporting! ABC 7 I-Team learns identities of people ...

This story was put on T.V on March 31, 2005 at 1000 pm. Chuck Gowdy went way over the top with this being his last story aired on T.V!

Chuck Goudie's Jan 1, 2005 story was aired for 2-3 days on every news cast. The headlines said The Helen Brach Murder Mystery has been Solved!

The link above aired only on One Newscast at 1000 pm and 1000 pm only! I feel the reason for only airing it once was because I was so OUTRAGED at this being the most ONESIDED REPORT and had already done some research. I called the I-Team at obout 1045 pm on March 31, 2005 ( I have a recording of the message I left )

I said on the phone that the story they just aired was the most oneside story, full of lies and misinformation!

I continued by reading off a document which said many things about Joe Plemmons being paid by the Feds, working for 13 years very closely with the Feds. Being a con man all his life and going by 3-4 alias's in the past!

I also said I can not believe that you could air a story that has no mention of what a pathiological liar Joe Plemmons has been all his life. ( I would like to remind you that on April 10, 2005 the Chicago Tribune did a more balanced report showing that Joe Plemmons was a CON man all his life and that nothing will come of this! )

I also told the I-Team about Chuck Goudie's terrible report 12 years earlier ( that Goudie has totally screwed up on! )

I also told them to please tell Mr. Goudie to stop calling my dad on the phone and sending him Fed- Ex's trying to intimidate my father!

I said the Chuck Goudie is the Last Reporter On This PLANET that my dad will talk to!

I also E-Mailed a couple of Chuck Goudies bosses ( which I have records of ) in the next few days telling them some of the Lies and Misinformation Mr Goudie is putting on T.V!

Well my friends WLS t.V only aired their March 31, 2005 broadcast one time on T.V. This was completely different from their other broadcasts they aired many times! ( But they had to make their MONEY $$$ so the continue to run these lies all over the computer!

I have documentation showing a Fed -Ex that Chuck Goudie sent to my Father in Mexico! Giving my dad one last chance to give his side of the story. Chuck Goudie ( Mr Arrogant) wrote down the future stories he would be broadcasting on T.V!

Chuck Goudie did not stop there. He called my father on the telephone. My Mom answered and Chuck Goudie asked to talk to my dad. My mom not thinking clearly and very angry ( hearing Chuck Goudie's voice said hold on ) gave the phone to my father. The only think my dad said to Goudie was " You stop using my name on T.V. " and hung up on the jerk!

Chuck Goudie began bashing my father worse then ever, with words lies and pictures on T.V putting my dad in the worst light possible!

There are more stories Chuck Goudie had prepared to put on T.V but they have never aired on T.V any of these new stories on Helen Brach. I wonder why!!

Did their lawyers tell them no? Did Chuck Goudie's bosses say no?

Why have WLS T.V and their lawyers not taken these Disgraceful reports off the computer?

Does WLS T.V have no HEART? Do they only care about making money?

Do they not care they have created a Nightmare for my family?

Do they not care they have affected my fathers income and myn?

What do they care about besides money?????
Posted by Steve on October 30, 2005, 4:38 pm, in reply to "Re: Helen Brach Murder ( NEW EVIDENCE )"

Since WLS T.V and their lawyers want to act like low lives and continue to bash and innocent family with their lies on the computer. I feel I have no choice but to point out more of Chuck Goudie's lies and poor reporting! ABC 7 I-Team learns identities of people ...

This story was put on T.V on March 31, 2005 at 1000 pm. Chuck Gowdy went way over the top with this being his last story aired on T.V!

Chuck Goudie's Jan 1, 2005 story was aired for 2-3 days on every news cast. The headlines said The Helen Brach Murder Mystery has been Solved!

The link above aired only on One Newscast at 1000 pm and 1000 pm only! I feel the reason for only airing it once was because I was so OUTRAGED at this being the most ONESIDED REPORT and had already done some research. I called the I-Team at obout 1045 pm on March 31, 2005 ( I have a recording of the message I left )

I said on the phone that the story they just aired was the most oneside story, full of lies and misinformation!

I continued by reading off a document which said many things about Joe Plemmons being paid by the Feds, working for 13 years very closely with the Feds. Being a con man all his life and going by 3-4 alias's in the past!

I also said I can not believe that you could air a story that has no mention of what a pathiological liar Joe Plemmons has been all his life. ( I would like to remind you that on April 10, 2005 the Chicago Tribune did a more balanced report showing that Joe Plemmons was a CON man all his life and that nothing will come of this! )

I also told the I-Team about Chuck Goudie's terrible report 12 years earlier ( that Goudie has totally screwed up on! )

I also told them to please tell Mr. Goudie to stop calling my dad on the phone and sending him Fed- Ex's trying to intimidate my father!

I said the Chuck Goudie is the Last Reporter On This PLANET that my dad will talk to!

I also E-Mailed a couple of Chuck Goudies bosses ( which I have records of ) in the next few days telling them some of the Lies and Misinformation Mr Goudie is putting on T.V!

Well my friends WLS t.V only aired their March 31, 2005 broadcast one time on T.V. This was completely different from their other broadcasts they aired many times! ( But they had to make their MONEY $$$ so the continue to run these lies all over the computer!

I have documentation showing a Fed -Ex that Chuck Goudie sent to my Father in Mexico! Giving my dad one last chance to give his side of the story. Chuck Goudie ( Mr Arrogant) wrote down the future stories he would be broadcasting on T.V!

Chuck Goudie did not stop there. He called my father on the telephone. My Mom answered and Chuck Goudie asked to talk to my dad. My mom not thinking clearly and very angry ( hearing Chuck Goudie's voice said hold on ) gave the phone to my father. The only think my dad said to Goudie was " You stop using my name on T.V. " and hung up on the jerk!

Chuck Goudie began bashing my father worse then ever, with words lies and pictures on T.V putting my dad in the worst light possible!

There are more stories Chuck Goudie had prepared to put on T.V but they have never aired on T.V any of these new stories on Helen Brach. I wonder why!!

Did their lawyers tell them no? Did Chuck Goudie's bosses say no?

Why have WLS T.V and their lawyers not taken these Disgraceful reports off the computer?

Does WLS T.V have no HEART? Do they only care about making money?

Do they not care they have created a Nightmare for my family?

Do they not care they have affected my fathers income and myn? What do they care about besides money?????
midnight rider

There are some very serious crimes the ATF, Joe Plemmons and Chuck Goudie have commited!

The ATF by messing with my fathers first lawyer and fabricating the Helen Brach Muder Mystery being solved has created obstruction of justice, slander, libel, defamation of character, invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress and some more!

I am not a lawyer but have study the law some. I think it is a crime to falsely accuse someone of murder!

I thought it was very interesting that a jury had awarded a former Chicago policeman 6.6 million $ because he was set up by the FBI.

This story aired right in the middle of Chuck Goudie's show! This law suit was only against 2 FBI agents. He will next be going after the FBI!

Steven Manning was on death row for 8 years. 2 FBI agents fabricated the story to put him away!

The FBI and the 2 agents deny it!( sound familiar lie & deny) They never admit their lies. They LIE & DENY, lie and deny!

There are some similarities and differences in the Helen Brach Muder LIE.

Steven manning was an informant for the FBI and stopped giving them the info they wanted. He alss in the past had commited some crimes.

On the other hand my father has no arrest record at all! He was a great cop for 28 plus years. He has caught murders while Joe Plemmons was conning and stealing and probably murdering people fo all these years!

Joe Plemmons arrest records is way beyond what you can immagine. The ATF is keeping a man out of jail who continues to hurt people!

Posted document.write(''+ myTimeZone('Mon, 29 Aug 2005 19:16:34 GMT-0700', 'Aug. 29, 2005 10:16 PM')+''); Aug. 29, 2005 10:16 PM Aug. 29, 2005 10:16 PMWow! That is a fascinating tangent to this story and could totally explain why Goldy if he is who he says is defending his Dad who was just maybe a cop in a small town and with a family to support afraid from the get go.

I didn't need to sign up for anything to get on the article. It does create a larger perspective than just crooked horse traders taking advantage of old widows. And inthe context of the times it sounds very plausible.

I had not realized the relationship of Silas Jayne to those boys.

Radio Talk you're right; I have no way to be sure of who goldy might be. BUT I have a Hungarian gypsy intuition and I think he's real and in pain. It might be one of the good things we all do in our lives if we can help him to get this all into perspective.

Battle Scarred Veteran and Expert Thread Killer

Posts: 10294 | Location: The top of Schooley's Mountain, NJ | Registered: May. 15, 1999lyrical
Working Hunter
Posted document.write(''+ myTimeZone('Mon, 29 Aug 2005 19:45:52 GMT-0700', 'Aug. 29, 2005 10:45 PM')+''); Aug. 29, 2005 10:45 PM Aug. 29, 2005 10:45 PMHere is the story Goldy was referring to when he spoke of the ex-cop who had been framed by two FBI agents.

Jury awards $6.6 million to man 'framed' by FBI
'It's a long, long way from Death Row.'
By Matt O'Connor; Chicago Tribune staff reporter
January 24, 2005

A federal jury today awarded nearly $6.6 million in damages to former Chicago police Officer Steven Manning, finding two veteran FBI agents framed him for a Cook County murder that put him on Death Row.

The jury also held that one of the FBI agents also framed Manning in a Missouri kidnapping case. Manning spent 14 years in prison before both convictions were overturned and the prosecutions were dropped.

The damages could go even higher. U.S. District Judge Matthew Kennelly, who presided over the six-week trial, is yet to rule on whether the United States shares responsibility with the two agents for malicious prosecutions.

"It's a long, long way from Death Row to complete vindication,'' Manning said after the verdict.

The jury deliberated for 6½ days before finding FBI Special Agents Robert Buchan and Gary Miller liable for Manning's wrongful conviction in the 1990 murder of trucking firm owner James Pellegrino. Buchan was also found liable in the Missouri kidnapping case.

The jury also found the two agents had intentionally inflicted emotional distress.

Manning claimed in his civil suit that the agents had a grudge against him and framed him for the crimes. The charges surfaced after Manning, who had been an informant for the FBI, filed a civil harassment suit over his treatment by the agents when he tried to stop working in that role, said his attorney, Jon Loevy.

"It's a very unusual thing that the jury would find FBI agents framed somebody not just once but twice for capital crimes," Loevy told reporters outside the downtown Chicago courtroom where jurors returned their decision.

Federal officials this afternoon issued a statement saying they "respect the jury system, the work of this jury and its verdict.'' But they said they remained "confident that the agents who were sued did not engage in any misconduct in this matter.''

U.S. Atty. Patrick J. Fitzgerald and Richard K. Ruminski, acting special agent in charge of the Chicago office of the FBI, said they would have no further comment.

Both Miller and Buchan remain with the bureau, according to FBI spokeswoman Cynthia Yates.

In closing arguments Jan. 11, a federal prosecutor lauded both Buchan and Miller as dedicated, law-abiding FBI agents.

In a fateful decision, the FBI used a notorious informant named Tommy Dye to try to elicit evidence about the Pellegrino murder while Dye and Manning were incarcerated in Cook County Jail.

Dye asserted he had captured a confession by Manning on a hidden recorder, but when nothing was audible, he claimed that the confession came during a two-second inaudible portion of the recording.

He claimed Manning had grabbed him by the arm, bent him over, put a finger to his head as if it was a gun and said, "This is how I killed Pellegrino."

A Tribune investigation in November 1999 examined Manning's conviction as well as prosecutors' use of jailhouse informants and found both were deeply flawed.

Manning was taken off Death Row in 2000 and finally freed from prison in February 2004. His civil suit had sought damages of more than $20 million.

Reality is something you rise above -Liza Minnelli

Posts: 416 | Registered: Feb. 20, 2000Snowbird
Posted document.write(''+ myTimeZone('Mon, 29 Aug 2005 20:02:09 GMT-0700', 'Aug. 29, 2005 11:02 PM')+''); Aug. 29, 2005 11:02 PM Aug. 29, 2005 11:02 PMWow! this fits with the public scenario that the purpose of Joe Plemmons confession was to get Bailey out of jail.

That's weird if the evidence was compelling enough for the jury why wouldn't the FBI dump those two guys instead of giving them applause.

Yes! I can imagine that goldy would hope his Dad got the same treatment and there were millions in damages.Especially if this seems to be a pattern with our new and better FBI.

lyrical that's a heck of a good cross reference between you and LLDM I think we have our own whodunit team going.

Battle Scarred Veteran and Expert Thread Killer

Posts: 10294 | Location: The top of Schooley's Mountain, NJ | Registered: May. 15, 1999lyrical
Working Hunter
Posted document.write(''+ myTimeZone('Mon, 29 Aug 2005 20:35:51 GMT-0700', 'Aug. 29, 2005 11:35 PM')+''); Aug. 29, 2005 11:35 PM Aug. 29, 2005 11:35 PM
That's weird if the evidence was compelling enough for the jury why wouldn't the FBI dump those two guys instead of giving them applause.
Wow, that's very interesting Steve. I'm sorry for the pain your family has experienced and I hope the truth does come out some day.
Chuck Goudie has been involved in the Helen Brach Murder investigation for years with the ATF.

Chuck Goudie knows exactly Joe Plemmons arrest record ( Which is very extensive )Why has Chuck Goudie never in any of his articles went into Joe Plemmons cons and life of crime?

Joe Plemmons has been a pathological liar all his life. Why has the reporter ( Chuck Goudie ) who has by far written the most stories on this case in 2005 never mentioned Joe Plemmons past? ( The Chicago Tribune has )

Why will Chuck Goudie not take off the computer the many many lies and information he has reported in his Jan 1,2005 and March 31,2005 stories?

Why does Chuck Goudie not care that he has created a NIGHTMARE for my family from his lies and personnal vendetta against my father who has no arrest record ever?

Why does Chuck Goudie not care that my father has never met many of the people that Joe Plemmons says he has?

For example my father has never met Helen Brach, Joe Plemmons or Matlick!

Chuck Goudie and WLS TV actions are Anti- American!

I sent them a letter asking to please take off the computer these lies about my father! Do you think they care or have taken action to remove these disgraceful articles?

Chuck Goudie has violated a court order from a very respected judge!The judge said that my fathers name was not allowed to be used in media!

It appears that Chuck Goudie wanted to only get the EXCLUSIVE STORY on the Helen Brach Murder and following the law did not matter!

Screwing a family also did and does not matter!

This is only a little glimpse into the PANDORAS BOX the ATF and Chuck Goudie have created!

If WLS TV do not care about my family, why should I respect them?tiger2
Training Level
Posted document.write(''+ myTimeZone('Tue, 29 Mar 2005 13:32:11 GMT-0800', 'Mar. 29, 2005 04:32 PM')+''); Mar. 29, 2005 03:32 PM

Well, I personally have to take exception to the statement that Plemmons has "been clean for 30 years". My family fell victim to one of Plemmons schemes..and not for a small sum of money. He essentialy was part of our family for 2 years. None of us, not me, my family or my best friend (who he spent every day with) had ANY clue what he was up to. That is, until he left in the night with a trail of lies and fraud schemes behind him. HE IS GOOD AT THIS! That's why you like him Millie.

He, and his lovely partner Donna Smith, who now teaches small children at a barn in Atlanta by the way, then set off for California to set up the same fraud. That's when the FBI caught up with him and cut a deal for his testimony in the Brach murder (oh yeah, he seems to have left out a few details). That was in 1983 and 1986, approximately. My math may not be the best, but that's less than 30 years!

I am all for rehabilatation/forgiveness, etc. Here's a good example of the repentance Plemmons has shown. I ran in to him at a local horseshow about 6 years ago. When he saw me, he walked up with a big grin and a hello. When I was not cordial, he told me to "f" off. This from a person who swindled a large sum of money from us. Not too much remorse here.

I think sociopath is a very apt descirption. Why does he come forward about the murder now? One word...Attention.

He will continue to operate as he always has until people in the industry become wise enough to see beond the smile and the poor me stories. I certainly hope the latest revelations will help.
FBI Corruption
[size=-1]FBI Corruption. This site and everything I do is dedicated to my dearest little
buddy, my son, Matthew Chelton. Matthew was judicially kidnapped on June 5, ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages[/size]

[font=arial,helvetica]FBI informant system called a failure
House report finds no prrof against Bulger
By Ralph Ranalli, Boston Globe Staff, 11/21/2003

Ending a two-year investigation into the 40-year history of the FBI's organized-crime informant program in New England, a congressional committee has branded the program as "one of the greatest failures in the history of federal law enforcement" and has vowed to turn its attention to nationwide FBI management practices.

The report by the House Committee on Government Reform charges that, as a result of the ultrasecret informant program, FBI agents became corrupt, encouraged perjury in death penalty cases, let innocent men languish and die in prison, and allowed people to be murdered, all in the name of protecting informants.

The report states that continued vigilance over the FBI's use of informants is essential in an era "when the United States is faced by threats from international terrorism, and a number of law enforcement tools are being justifiably strengthened."

"The results of the committee's investigation make clear that the FBI must improve management of its informant programs to ensure that agents are not corrupted," the report states. "The Committee will examine the current FBI's management, security and discipline to prevent similar events in the future."

The report also states that the committee failed to substantiate allegations that one of the probe's key witnesses, former Senate president William M. Bulger, received any favors from the FBI or used his power to punish those who investigated his informant brother, South Boston underworld boss James "Whitey" Bulger.

It does, however, allege that some of William Bulger's testimony before the committee was inconsistent with the testimony of other witnesses.

Titled "Everything Secret Degenerates: The FBI's Use of Murderers as Informants," the report also faulted the US Department of Justice for not doing more to aid the congressional probe and obstructing its work.

"Throughout the Committee's investigation, it encountered an institutional reluctance to accept oversight," the report states. "The Committee has concluded that the Justice Department failed to take responsibilities to assist Congress as seriously as it should have."

The critical report is the latest fallout from the Boston FBI informant scandal, which has been unfolding for more than five years. Related events have included the imprisonment of a decorated former FBI agent for racketeering, the release of innocent men who were wrongly imprisoned for more than 30 years, and protected FBI informants and witnesses being exposed as serial murderers.

The scandal prompted Janet Reno, in one of her last acts as US attorney general, to adopt tough new informant guidelines in January 2001. Among other changes, the new rules gave Justice Department lawyers a role in monitoring the FBI's use of informants.

In response to the report, an FBI spokesman in Washington said yesterday that, under Director Robert Mueller, the agency has not only embraced the Reno reforms, but has gone beyond them to completely "reengineer" the agency's informant programs with improved training, record-keeping, and accountability.

"When Director Mueller was brought on board, his intent was to change the direction of the FBI and move it into the 21st century," spokesman Edwin Cogswell said. "While the FBI recognizes that there have been instances of misconduct by a few FBI employees, it also recognizes the importance of human-source information in terrorism, criminal, and counterintelligence investigations."

In making its case against the FBI's past practices with informants, the 141-page report went back more than 40 years, focusing on the efforts of agents to recruit and protect informants and witnesses with violent and murderous pasts, such as underworld hit man Joseph "The Animal" Barboza.

To illustrate, the report recounted a tape-recorded conversation between Barboza and New England mob boss Raymond L. S. Patriarca in which Barboza said he planned to kill a rival by burning down his apartment building, even though the man's mother was likely to be inside.

The FBI later used Barboza as a witness to frame four men for the 1965 murder of small-time criminal Edward "Teddy" Deegan. Two of those men died in prison, while the other two, Joseph Salvati and Peter Limone, have been released in recent years after spending more than 30 years in prison. Part of the reason they were framed, the report concluded, was to protect other FBI informants.

"The use of murderers as government informants created problems that were, and continue to be, extremely harmful to the administration of justice," the report states.

While also extremely critical of the Boston FBI's use of two other informants who have been charged with numerous murders, Stephen Flemmi and James "Whitey" Bulger, the committee was less harsh with Bulger's brother William, who has long been rumored to have had a closer relationship with his criminal sibling.

The committee appeared to take at face value William Bulger's representations under oath that he did not use his power to punish law enforcement authorities who pursued his brother, or to aid FBI agent John Connolly, his brother's chief handler with the bureau.

"This is an exoneration," William Bulger's attorney, Thomas Kiley, said yesterday. "This report gives the lie to all of the street legends that people have passed along forever."

Kiley called it unfortunate that the committee spent so much time pursuing his client that it may have distracted them from their legitimate inquiry into FBI wrongdoing.

"All we are is a sideshow to a very critical report on the way that the FBI conducted its business over the years," Kiley said.

The committee report does say that it was "concerned about the factual accuracy" in two areas of William Bulger's testimony, including his assertion that he was not contacted by the FBI about his fugitive brother's whereabouts until years after he disappeared in 1995. That testimony was contradicted by the statements of retired FBI agent John Gamel, who told the Globe that he had spoken with William Bulger shortly after Whitey Bulger's indictment in January 1995 on racketeering charges.

Overall, the report called the informant scandal the inevitable result of the government's use of an "ends justifies the means" approach to law enforcement.

"No one disputes the proposition that destroying organized crime in the United States was an important law enforcement objective," the report states, referring to the use of Irish gangsters to inform on their rivals in the Italian Mafia. "However, the steps that were taken may have been more injurious than the results obtained."

Police/Prosecutor Misconduct
Truth in Justice
The FBI's Secret Scrutiny [size=-1]The Washington Post established their identities -- still under seal in the US Court ... FBI rules established after the Patriot Act allow the letters to be ... article/2005/11/05/AR2005110501366_pf.html - Similar pages
A New York FBI agent, Jerome Sullivan, a 25-year FBI veteran, who headed an organized crime squad that arrested John Gotti's heir apparent, was indicted on charges of stealing more than 400 hundred thousand dollars, including mob money he helped seize. [Chicago Tribune, 6/27/97]. He later pleaded guilty to embezzling more than 400 hundred thousand dollars from the Bureau, some of it money used for undercover work, as his gambling debts mounted. [Chicago Tribune, 1/29/98.]

A Brooklyn Federal Court juror who voted to acquit mafia boss John Gotti five years previous was convicted of agreeing to take a 60 thousand dollar bribe to throw the case. [Chicago Tribune, 11/7/92.] Played down, on the other hand by the Bureau, was a situation where a local reputed mobster somehow arranged to sit on a federal grand jury in Chicago investigating organized crime. After his presence was "discovered", the grand juror problem seemed to fade away to the dark hole of monopoly press never-never land. [U.S.versus Robert Girardi. Chicago Tribune, 1/19/94. Girardi was from the Berwyn-Cicero mafia enclave adjacent to Chicago.] It was a highly sensitive matter for the Bureau. Why? Because, as is little-known, the Northern District of Illinois which includes Chicago, is about the only Federal District in the U.S. where the FBI hand-selects the persons who become grand jurors and trial court jurors. So, it appears plain that the FBI put the tainted juror in place. There were to follow investigations of what indictments were "tainted" by Girardi being on the grand jury. Nothing has been publicly disclosed as to what criminals were thus turned loose by "defective" indictments caused by FBI corruption. And if someone gets framed by the FBI, an FBI-selected trial jury would most likely find that person "guilty". You can see why the Justice Department has such good results in persecuting persons in the corrupt Chicago federal courts.

The press fakers, at the behest of the FBI, ignored the documented items in the undisputed federal court record in Chicago showing massive Bureau corruption in the 25 million dollar robbery of the Purolator Vault, in 1974.[The Marzano case.] With the "counting machine" help of the reputed mobster-linked Amalgamated Bank & Trust of Chicago, top FBI officials arranged to falsely label the rip-off as just 2 million dollars which the Bureau with the then U.S. Attorney Jim Thompson recovered from a basement. The 23 million dollar difference reportedly financed the political ambitions of "Big Jim" who went on to become, for 14 years, Illinois Governor. He is a Rockefeller family puppet. Being cheapskates, they financed his "career" with stolen money. According to undisputed federal court records in the Marzano case, a senior FBI inspector reportedly helped arrange to make the 23 million dollar difference disappear from government records. He was allowed to take an early retirement and moved away to the West Coast. Jim Thompson more currently has been head of the huge worldwide law factory, headquartered in Chicago, Winston & Strawn. As we showed in a one-hour public access Cable TV Show in 1994, Thompson's law firm has a secret internal unit reportedly in the worldwide dope traffic, for the Rockefeller family, and not in the law business. Off the record for fear of their lives, several employees of the law firm confirmed to us the validity of our TV Show contentions.

Cynics say Chicago is somehow moreso than New York, a Rockefeller/CIA enclave and is exempt from real scrutiny by the U.S. Justice Department and their illegal step-child, their "no charter to exist" Federal Bureau of Investigation. Visit our website for details of the Rockefeller hospitals in Chicago reportedly in the selling of human body parts harvested from doomed political prisoners in mainland China. Our series, "Red Chinese Secret Police in the U.S." More on the real "Pizza Connection" coming. Stay tuned.

Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV Show, "Broadsides", Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before sending FAX, call.
Consider also, there are allegations of corruption within the ATF.
On Jan, 10, this year, the television program "60 Minutes" interviewed
three female ATF agents stating they had been sexually harassed by
fellow ATF agents.

According to the television program, ATF Agent Bob Hoffman said he
has verified the complaints of one of the female ATF agents. Hoffman also
told "60 Minutes" "In my career with ATF, the people that I put in jail
have more honor than the top administration in this organization. I know
it's a sad commentary, but that's my experience with the ATF."

ATF Agent Bob Hoffman tells the TRUTH! VERY RARE!
There are 5 people I personally know who the ATF and FBI have attempted to frame over the years. Only 1 of the 5 were sucessful. I have proof that the sucessful frame up by the ATF was achieved by special Agent John Rotunno of the ATF, Chicago.

The ATF is making a laughing stock of the Chicagoland court system! I trust ATF agent Bob Kaufmans words on the T.V program "60 minutes" that all of the criminals he has arrested have more honor than the leaders of the ATF!

One of my friends who the FBI tried to set up, who by the way is one of the most honest people I have ever known!

My friend had a business that a few counterfiet bills passed through. He was accused by the FEDS of being involved in counterfeiting! For 2 years he had this lie the FEDS had created hanging over his head.(Another nightmare created by my dear FEDS)

One day my friend was talking with one of the FEDS and mentioned how can you be so cruel to create this lie about me. The FEDS response was " We are the good guys. Who do you think they will believe?"

Oh my friends I have awakened to an evillness much greater than I thought existed in the Chicagoland area!

Chicago is so corrupt I am now sad to say this is my home town! The ATF & FBI have made a joke of our court system. Hand picking jury members, paying juriors,lawyers, and judges. No wonder the ATF & FBI have such a high conviction rate!

I love my country and do not want to see it destroyed by politicians, newsmedia, lawyers, judges, ATF & FBI who only care about power & money! A good start to stop this corruption would be to terminate the ATF and take the best of this EVIL AGENCY and put those people in the FBI and Home Land Security.

I am sure that most of you have enough problems in your own lives and I know you do not want to take a stand to stop these EVIL,egotistical and power hungry ATF agents from being Above The Law ( like their MENTOR J. Edgar Hoover.) But if you look in the future about 5-10 years and see that with modern technology the ATF & FBI will have your house completely monitured. They can watch you and your family in the bedroom or washroom. With the stories of child molestation by the FEDS and all the other Evil acts. Will you feel that your family is safe?

I hope many of you will fight for your Civil Liberties which the Politicians are giving away to the FEDS! Come on! Like the FEDS did not have too much power before 9-11. If the FEDS were not spending so much time and money on framming people maybe 9-11 would not have happened! HELLLLOOOOO!!!

God Bless America!!

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