IL IL - Helen Brach, 65, Chicago, 1977

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Geoffrey Fieger Talks about FBI Raid
Detroit Now [font=verdana,sans-serif][size=-2]Thu, 01 Dec 2005 10:57 AM PST[/size][/font]
Attorney Geoffrey Fieger told 7 Action News that he is outraged about a raid that was conducted on his offices by IRS and FBI agents. Only 7 Action News had the only cameras rolling when the agents carried out boxes of evidence.
Sun-Sentinel [font=verdana,sans-serif][size=-2]Sun, 04 Dec 2005 0:20 AM PST[/size][/font]
WASHINGTON · Officials at the FBI mishandled a Florida terror investigation, falsified documents in the case in an effort to cover repeated missteps and retaliated against an agent who first complained about the problems, Justice Department investigators have concluded.
[font=arial,sans-serif][size=-1]FBI botched terror probe, tried to cover it up, draft report says
Salt Lake Tribune [font=verdana,sans-serif][size=-2]Sun, 04 Dec 2005 0:22 AM PST[/size][/font]
WASHINGTON - Officials at the FBI mishandled a Florida terror investigation, falsified documents in the case in an effort to cover repeated missteps and retaliated against an agent who first complained about the problems, Justice Department investigators have concluded. In one instance, someone altered dates on three FBI forms using correction fluid to conceal an apparent violation of federal [/size][/font]
[font=arial,sans-serif][size=-1]FBI mishandled Florida terror investigation: NYT
RedNova [font=verdana,sans-serif][size=-2]Sat, 03 Dec 2005 8:26 PM PST[/size][/font]
NEW YORK (Reuters) - FBI officials mishandled a Florida terror investigation, falsified documents to try to cover mistakes and retaliated against an agent who complained about the problems, The New York Times reported in its Sunday edition. Citing a draft report of an investigation by the Justice Department's inspector general's office, a copy of which was obtained by the newspaper, the Times [/size][/font]
I feel that Joe Plemmons is a murderer being protected by the ATF! This man is so EVIL and has worked as an ATF informant for 13 years. Joe Plemmons should be prosecuted now and put in jail!

Joe Plemmons is a patiological liar with an Evilness unmatched. He is so good at Conning people comming across as a good person but I have information on him that clearly shows he is very very sick!

The USEF of the horse industries needs to take action quickly to ban his participation in the horse industry!

The ATF is as EVIL as Joe Plemmons and are protecting Joe Plemmons so he can frame innocent people to make the ATF looks good! Very very evil things are happening in the ATF & FBI and if USEF and ATF and the Legal System do not prosecute this man there is no telling how many more people will suffer like my family from Joe Plemmons SICK ACTIONS!

Here is a perfect example of how the FBI a couple of years ago was caught using and informant the same way the ATF is using Joe Plemmons!

Former FBI agent H. Paul Rico reminds me of ATF Agent John Rotunno in his disregard for the law.Here is a true story about how honerable FED agents are!

He was unrepentant and arrogant with conressional committe investigating the case of four men jailed for decades. ( For a murder he did not commit ) The stunning injustice, the cogressional committe charged, ( was orchestrated by FBI Agents to protect the Real Killer a PRIZED INFORMANT.)

" What do you want tears?" sneered retired FBI Agent H. Paul Rico, when asked how he felt about the wrongful imprisionment of one of four Joseph Salvati for mor than 30 years!

The FBI was protecting their informant. The informant was the real murderer and the FBI knew it and knowingly frammed others for their main scum bag informant!

Does this sound familiar? Do you think the identical thing is happening with the ATF's main scum bag Joe Plemmons?

This link is a must read for those of you who care about your country!

Break Seen in Fight on Corruption in Boston FBI
[size=-1]The stunning injustice, the congressmen charged, was orchestrated by FBI agents
... comment in May 2001 during a congressional hearing into FBI corruption. ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from [url][/url] ][/size]
I have not written anything for about 4 weeks because I have been watching the storm build on the Bush Administration scandals. President Bush is being accused of violating the 4th amendment, by illegally spying on Americans.
I have personally experienced my phones being tapped, house bugged with listening devices, the FEDS monitoring my computer and some FEDS following me. A lot of evidence has been uncovered that the NSA has been used illegally.

I have said before that the Patriot Act needs to be reformed to save our civil liberties. In June 2005 my father was told by 2 lawyers not to return home from Mexico because the ATF or FBI could put him in jail, without even being indicted. With the Patriot Act they could stop him from seeing a lawyer for a period of time. He was told that everything looked clear in regards to all the lies that the ATF, the reporter and Joe Plemmons had made up. But the FEDS could use their new scum tactic of using the Patriot Act on people who are not terrorists.
So my father who has heart problems and his medical care in Illinois had to pay for medical care out of his pocket. This medical care in Mexico is inferior so his life was at risk. There was no chance that he could trust the ATF to follow the law after all the lies and illegal tactics they had already used to try and frame him.

It is very scary that there is a lot of proof that the CIA is torturing people around the world. On Dec18, 2005 “ 60 Minutes” TV show did a big story on the proof they have that also the CIA is out of control.. There is a lot of evidence building that the CIA is in drug trafficking in a huge way. This helps fund a lot of their illegal activity, in the U.S and around the world. I would imagine also pads a few CIA agents pockets. We have a huge amount of clear evidence of CIA corruption.

On Jan 1, 2005 the ATF and ATF Rotunno, Chuck Goudie, and Joe Plemmons gave my family a New Years present that created a nightmare for my family! The Helen Brach murder solved (CON) was created, many, many lies and misinformation where reported by Chuck Goudie on Chicago channel 7 news. I feel a responsibility and satisfaction to return the favor and wish these liars a Happy New Year in 2006. The difference is that lies and misinformation were told to make a name for some a carry out personal vendettas. All I am doing in 2006 is telling the truth about unbecoming human behavior that tried to destroy my father and his family! Criminal behavior!

On Jan 1, 2005 Chuck Goudie Chicago channel 7 news, ran the story Helen Brach murder mystery solved. This story ran on every channel 7 news segment for 2-3 days. Illegally using my fathers name. On Jan 6, 2005 Chuck Goudie did a story Helen Brach murder mystery: Mob Hoodlums carried it out. Again using my fathers name. A respected issued a court order that his name was not allowed to be released! The Chicago Tribune said my fathers name was not allowed to be used because he was not indicted!

So now we have Chuck Goudie calling my father a murderer for 3-4 days on many newscasts. Do you think it stopped there? No. On Jan 7, 2005 Chuck Goudie went on channel 11 WTTW “ Chicago Tonight” to bash my father once again. There where also reruns of this show on Jan 8. ( Goudie Attacked My Father Every Day For One Week. Millions Saw His Show Of LIES & MISINFORMATION. )
Here is some of what Chuck Goudie said on Jan 7 Chicago Tonight show from a transcript:
Chuck Goudie: “He was in cahoots with another guy who was a formers Skokie Police officer who is now living in Mexico. Both are alive. The FEDS believe both of them are right for indictment at this point. They both hired a couple of former mobsters one by the name of Victor Spolatro, who comes from an infamous Chicago family who is now dead himself. He was involved in getting Brach’s body down to Indiana.”
Talk show host, Joel Weisman: “Many people have investigated this, both in the media and law enforcement. What kind of comfort level do you feel this is the end of the case?
Chuck Goudie: “The experts who have spent the last 28 years looking at it are comfortable that, the informant who had direct knowledge of what happened and who came forward within the last 3 years is right on.”
(It sounds as if Chuck Goudie is an ATF & FBI spokesman!)

Remember Chuck Goudie had worked on the Helen Brach case for many years with his ATF buddies. Chuck Goudie knew all about the informant Joe Plemmons past crimes. Chuck Goudie knew Joe was a career con man, paid informant by the ATF for 13 years, had gone by at least 3-4 alias’s, this being his 3rd major murder trial being an ATF informant, a pathological liar all his life, was paid $5800.00 for his testimony in 1992 in the Ken Hansen Murder trial, being paid by the ATF $61,000.00 and getting a hernia operation paid for his helping the ATF in the Hansen and Bailey trials. Only God knows how much the ATF has paid Plemmons for. They probably have so much on Plemmons that he will lie for the ATF for the rest of his life! Joe Plemmons has swindled many people and who knows how many people he might of killed over the years! Who knows how many more crimes Joe Plemmons was never caught for!
Come on lets be serious for a moment! How is it possible that Chuck Goudie never informed us of Joe Plemmons past crimes and rap sheet which seems endless? This could create suspicious looking motive by Mr. Goudie!

Please do not forget about the worst investigative report I have ever seen. Chuck Goudie and the I-Team go to Puerta Vallarta around 1994. This story is full of lies, misinformation and became a personal vendetta against my father. Mr. Goudie used some of the lies from that story in 2005 and added some new whoppers. For example: Mr. Goudie filmed my parents getting into their car at their place in Skokie, IL and said on Jan 1,2005 ABC I-Team report that in 2003 he came from Mexico just to pick up his ailing wife and that it was believed that he has not been on US soil since. “There you go again” Chuck: Well my friends my mother had opened heart surgery in 2003 and my father was in the US for over 4 months. For 12 years Chuck Goudie has been saying my father is hiding in Mexico. BIG LIE! My father has been in Skokie, Illinois every year of his life until 2005! The only reason he has not come home this years is because of his lawyers saying the ATF could use the Patriot Act against him.
Goudie has an amazing way of putting such a special spin on things! I suspect that Chuck Goudie’s laziness and poor research have contributed to many other nightmares for other people, over the years.

I refuse to watch Chicago’s channel 7 news as long as Chuck Goudie works there! I will not support someone who destroys innocent people to make a name for him self! Never once apologizing to my father or family for many lies and misinformation he told millions of people! The only way this man will learn humility is to be punished for his actions! If I owned his news station I would have fired this man long ago! Instead he gets awarded. This man has too much power to hurt people! Someone in the media told me that when they are at parties with him, many people snicker behind his back. Many in the media do not approve of his style of reporting. Please GOD send this man far away from Chicago! He is the only reporter who was totally involved with the ATF from the beginning one of their biggest blunders ever!

A lot of people planned on making money, becoming famous, being or staying in political office for solving the Helen Brach murder. The ATF, Chuck Goudie and Joe Plemmons would all stand to gain a lot by making this con work.

I have a few reasons for continuing to inform you about this disgraceful scandal by the ATF. : 1) To protect my family. 2) To protect others from FED corruption. 3) To get more people to investigate this crime created by the FEDS. So people will see clearly as I do how many people would have gained and are involved in this crime, including a politician who I will not name.

I know that others are now investigating this evil conspiracy and many new things are being discovered. More and more people are seeing clearly what happened when ATF Rotunno and Chuck Goudie got a little too excited about taking their personal vendetta against others. Many more people will soon see that the Helen Brach murder investigation will go down as one of the FEDS biggest blunders. Also from these peoples research other surprising names will appear that have been involved in the Helen Brach Cover Up over the last 28 years.

Remember Helen Brach was very, very wealthy and many secrets are being kept to hide the names of those who gained from her death. Follow the money! Follow the money! Follow the money! Have a wonderful new year! God Bless America!
It is sad but true that many people will believe the first story they here on T.V. or in a newspaper. Even when a lot of evidence appears later to prove it was a lie. I have no doubt there are many people who still believe Chuck Goudie’s reports on the Helen Brach murder investigation’s being solved. Even with overwhelming evidence that proves he has reported many lies and misinformation from incompetence. The reason I understand this is because I use to trust what was reported on T.V. and in newspapers as being true.

Before the 1995 Richard Bailey trial, my bubble was burst from Chuck Goudie’s story, “I-Team goes to Puerto Vallarta!” I heard many lies and misinformation in this one report. Since this experience, I always look at the possibility that many reporters lie, are lazy and often do not follow up on leads. They love to sensationalize to make the story look better instead of reporting the truth.

I feel it is time to tell some new details and review some others so you can see clearly how the ATF, Chuck Goudie and Joe Plemmons created this con. They did it to become great men, carry out personal vendettas, to make money, make a name for themselves and to help some politicians.

This disregard for the law by the ATF, Chuck Goudie and Joe Plemmons was carried out because the ATF figured they could not lose. If the con worked they would have solved the Helen Brach murder. Chuck Goudie, the ATF, Joe Plemmons and a politician would have gained a lot! If it did not work, the ATF figured it would just die and go away. It was clear to the ATF that the Jaynes were pinned by negative books and media stories. They often exaggerate, lie and sensationalize unproven stories that have been told. First, Joe Plemmons has worked with the ATF for 13 years and was told exactly what to say by the ATF. Matlick the other murderer never talks to anyone. All the real evidence clearly points to Matlick being the murderer. There are many, many facts that show that Matlick was the murderer and the ATF & FBI know this! The ATF decided that they would get Matlick with their new massive amount of lies and also put away others because they can and often do get away with setups


If you knew every detail and saw all the proof it would be crystal clear that the ATF created crimes against my father. They will be prosecuted by the law! They figured my father would not say anything because he did not say anything in the 90’s about Chuck Goudie’s disgraceful and fabricated report about him. So the ATF looked at their con as if they could not lose. No one would expose their scandal, con and criminal behavior.

At this point ATF Rotunno and Chuck Goudie are really sorry that they publicly released their lies. Not in their wildest dreams did they expect to be exposed for their lies! I have spent many thousands of hours researching their BLUNDER. Some other very wonderful people have been amazing at helping me research this FANTASTIC SCANDAL!

I am sure that some of you wonder why I continue to write on the computer and not just go after them through the legal system. At this time the Supreme Court of Illinois is investigating some of our findings!

The time has come to share with you about how many laws protect large television network stations from the average people (laws which must be changed!). These companies keep merging and getting larger and larger and can tie up civil law suits in court for many, many years! Only the largest law firms represent them and will not represent the little people unless you pay them at least $500 per hour. Goudie and his bosses know this and the majority of what he said, was told to him by the ATF. Even though he lied and misinformed many, many times, I will now explain how he felt he would get away with this in the legal system.

If the ATF, Goudie and Plemmons had done this to Oprah’s father, rather than my father, there would have been big law suits and criminal charges against most of them! No doubt, some of the ATF agents and Joe Plemmons would have gone to jail! But ATF Rotunno and his buddies know all about how to lie, cheat, con and break the law and never get prosecuted. So it is clear they would have never tried these SCUM TATICS on someone like Oprah’s father!

We have a very good case against Goudie. If the ATF did not scare, intimidate and or payoff my father’s first lawyer, a law suit would have been filed by now. My father’s lawyer told me many times that the ATF hates him and are very, very mad that we have uncovered their CON! The ATF has tapped our phone conversations, used listening devices and intercepted e-mails from my father’s lawyer to Mexico. They saw and heard that their con and scandal, which they created, was about to be exposed

Now here we are in late 2005. Chuck Goudie’s first story was on Jan 1, 2005 and there is a statue of limitation of filling a law suit that expires on Jan 1, 2006. (What a stupid law, only one year from when Chuck’s first story aired!) Another law to protect these network giants!

When we were clear that my father’s lawyer was no longer with us because of the lying, unethical ATF who think they are above the law, I searched for a good medium size law firm with 15-60 lawyers that could handle a law suit against a large network station. The largest firms generally do not handle plaintiff liable suits and this case is too big for a small firm. It would be too hard as I found out for a small firm to stop ATF Rotunno and his buddies from obstructing justice!

We needed a law firm that was willing to go deep into their own pockets to cover expenses upfront. Looking at a couple of other cases against network T.V stations the cases were tied up in court for many years. We have a very good case. The problem is there are not many law firms who handle plaintiff liable cases against network giants. If we were rich we could have had a lot of firms who would have taken my father’s case. The cost would be $400 to $500 an hour. We were looking for a law firm on a contingency basis. My father is on a fixed income and I am not wealthy. So the laws protect unethical reporters that are with large networks. However all of you can act as our court and jury and help my family stop this kind of behavior by uncaring large corporations.

Chuck Goudie and his bosses knew after my call to the I-Team (on March 31, 2005 at 10:45pm) that they made a major mistake. I left a message on a recording about this being the most one-sided report. There was nothing mentioned of con man Plemmons’ arrest record and years of working closely to the ATF. Also I clearly pointed out Goudies’ lies and misinformation years before. I said to please tell Mr. Goudie to stop harassing my father with phone calls and fed-ex’s. I said he is the last reporter on this planet that my father will talk to! I also e-mailed some of his bosses and very nicely asked them to stop Goudie from creating all these lies! Please!

However, they kept all of this trash, and sick reporting on the internet for over a year now. I think they did this because they thought they could get away with it and make more money; they do not really care that human beings are maligned by their reporter and the ATF.

Couldn’t they have at least apologized and treated my family like human beings and have taken this scum reporting of the internet??? After all, I made it clear how many lies and misinformation were in these stories!

I want all of you to know that my father has never met Helen Brach, Joe Plemmons,(murderer) Matlick,(murderer) or the Spilotros (murderers). That truth alone proves that the ATF and Joe Plemmons have committed a crime, using my father in their con to make money and look good. God knows what these scum wanted by their evil actions. My father has never been arrested for anything!!

The Richard Bailey trial was held in 1995. Shortly before, Chuck Goudie and the ABC I-Team went to Puerto Vallarta to talk to my father. My father told Goudie on the phone that he would not do an interview. Goudie would not take no for an answer. Goudie and the I-Team were all over the building where my father was staying. Also, Chuck was paying Mexicans for info about my father. People who worked there said that he was an arrogant jerk! Some of my father’s friends and workers were keeping watch to see when the jerk left. My father took one look out his sliding door to see if the I-Team was gone and they got a film of him peeking out. They used this clip in their newscast and said my father was hiding in Mexico. What a big lie! He only lives there part of the year. There you go again, Chuck! They also used this same clip for their Jan 1-3, 2005 broadcast, saying again that he was hiding in Mexico!

Goudie was not going to leave Puerto Vallarta without a story; even if it was all lies! Well Goudie’s lies did not stop there. He paid a Mexican to go on his broadcast who said senior Lee gets drunk in the morning at his condo. Then at noon, he stumbles down to the beach to sleep it off. Then he goes back to his condo to get drunk again, and on and on with disgraceful lies. Goudie probably flipped him $20 or $50. My whole family and friends saw this report. We said what a low life, sick lying person this reporter is! This sick report went on to put my father in the worst possible light possible! Goudie said I was a college student living at their place in Skokie. Another LIE! I was 34 and long out of college. At the end of the fairytale, the worst broadcast I ever saw of Goudie's, said: “I would sure like to see his tax returns.” As former President Ronald Reagan use to say: “There you go again,” Chuck. My father was already questioned and harassed by the FEDS, and was AUDITED. His finances were all in order. He worked very, very hard all his life for what he has! Why didn’t Goudie get an academy award for this performance?

As stupid as it looks in hindsight, our family said nothing at the time. We felt it would all go away including the moron who created it! Goudie was nothing but a lying, lazy sensationalist! He was not willing to leave Mexico without a great story. Even if it was only a fairytale he created

Our real nightmare started on Jan 1, 2005.When Goudie aired on every newscast for a few days. The headlines were “Helen Brach murder mystery solved”. I will start with a quote from this report and then I will clearly point out many lies and distortions by Goudie. I will continue to show you exactly how the ATF concocted their lies.

Here we go with more of the ATF, Goudie and Joe Plemmons lies. Chuck Goudie’s first report on Jan 1, 2005 was “Helen Brach murder mystery solved.” Chuck Goudie said, “Sources working the case say evidence given to prosecutors also directly connects. . .” (my father’s, full name) “ with former Skokie police officer to the murder.” Ten years ago, the I-Team located my father “hiding in Mexico.” My father ”returned home in 2003 to pick up his ailing wife. It was the last time he was believed to have been on U.S soil.” There you go again, Chuck! (2 BIG LIES BACK TO BACK!)

On a Jan 6, 2005 broadcast by Chuck Goudie: “Helen Brach murder mystery: Mob hoodlums carried out crime.” And, “a well-placed informant has told agents from the U.S. Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau that in 1977 Victor Spilotro made arrangements to sneak Helen Brach’s corpse into the Inland Steel plant in East Chicago, Indiana. Authorities say Mrs. Brach was thrown into a blast oven and cremated.” Goudie says, “a well placed informant has told” the ATF. (Please, tell me how Joe Plemmons was a well placed informant in 1977, when Joe was not working with ATF until the 1990’s? Please tell me how he can be the ATF’S main informant in the 1995 Richard Bailey trial, saying that Bailey offered Joe Plemmons $5000 to kill Helen Brach, and now he totally changes his story in 2002. Now saying - sorry, my story has totally changed! Me and nine others killed Helen and I get immunity from the murder! I get lots of money from the ATF and I will write a book and make lots of money off solving the Helen Brach murder mystery! On April 10, 2005 in the Chicago Tribune interview Plemmons talks about writing a book.

If you examine what Plemmons says in the Richard Bailey trial, he changes his story a few times in that trial! There you go again, Joe. Caught in another lie! You pathological liar, low life scum!

Also some people who have investigated the Indiana steel mill lie, say it is almost impossible to sneak a body into the steel mill without some people seeing you. ( The ATF got the idea about Helen being incinerated in a steel mill from a 1991 story that a psychic said this was how Helen was killed!) Huuummmm!!!

Chuck Goudie’s next newscast on the subject was on March 22, 2005: ”New twist in Brach murder case.” Said Goudie, “The ABC I-Team has an exclusive interview with a federal informant who says he shot and killed Helen Brach.” Also, “Richard Bailey did solicit you?”

Responded Joe Plemmons, federal informant, “Absolutely without any doubt in this whole world.”

A few questions later Goudie ask Plemmons, “Why should people believe what you say now in light of what you said in the Bailey trial.”

Plemmons replied, “I think that everything I said in the Bailey trial was transcript and I think I would stand by it.”

Con man Joe sure expresses a lot of doubt about the truth of his testimony in this last statement! It is very difficult for this pathological liar to remember all of his lies that he must have practiced over and over again in his head!

Chuck Goudie never even questioned Joe about his life of crime! Chuck will win an academy award for not informing his readers at all about Joe’s evil criminal past! Do you think Chuck is working for the public or the ATF? With this interview and all the years Chuck has worked with the ATF & FBI on the Helen Brach case, this is all we get out of an “exclusive interview” with Plemmons!! There you go again Chuck!

Chuck Goudie’s last telecast about this topic was March 31, 2005: “ABC 7 I-Team learns identities of people reportedly behind Helen Brach’s murder.” Goudie described, “It was a frigid February day in 1977 that would be her last on earth. The informant told federal agents -- and the agents now believe -- that the beginning of the end for Brach that day was at the hand of a. . .” (my father). My father “was frequently a Jayne bodyguard and close ally. In the federal report, Plemmons said that Jaynes paid. . .” (my father) “between $350,000 and $750,000 to beat Brach unconscious at her home in suburban Glenview. Then he says” (my father) “rolled her up in a blanket.”

There you go again, Chuck, Rotunno and Plemmons! First of all Chuck Goudie reported on Jan 6, 2005 that my father was a look out. Now he says he is the murderer. Please Chuck, which story is the truth?

These morons say my father was a bodyguard! These liars have a great imagination! They got this story from books written about Silas Jayne. That Silas had a policeman working for him.

Please Joe tell me why I have never seen any evidence of $350,000 to $750,000 he was paid! I know my father’s finances inside out and there is no evidence of any money my father has gotten except from working many jobs for many years. You should try this Joe, working hard for your money. Instead of stealing, murdering and lying for the ATF for your money! It is called an honest living. Something you have never done!

After over 28 years as a great policeman, and working many extra jobs, my father did well. Then he worked many years as a horseshoer, which pays well. This greatly supplemented his pension. The ATF, FBI & IRS have already checked this out!

Like I have said before the ATF has fabricated this story to solve the Helen Brach murder! The ATF knows that Matlick was one of the killers. They probably know that Plemmons was a 2nd murderer, and they are hiding information about Federal agents who made money by keeping the truth of what happened to Helen Brach secret! It looks very suspicious that some of the Federal agents who have investigated this murder mystery over the last 28 years are working for Brach Candy Company, after retiring from the FBI!

The ATF & FBI are experts at setting people up. They pay drug addicts to support their addictions, pay murderers, career con men, let people off crimes, get them out of jail and pay them money to lie to say exactly what the FEDS want to hear to frame people! I have lots of evidence that proves this!

***first name

During the 1995 Richard Bailey trial, Judge Shadur sealed the Santiago Proffer and said that Kathy Olsen’s testimony was not credible. She was paid by the Feds at least $5,000 for her drug addiction and much more to lie about conversations she said she overheard about Helen Brach being killed. She heard this conversation while hiding in an office closet at a horse stable. Well my friends this closet was much too small to hold her then 300-pound body!

I called the I-Team March 31, 2005 at 10:45pm and sent some e-mails to Chuck Goudie’s bosses the following few days, telling them about Chuck Goudie’s lies. No more broadcasts have aired on their station about this topic since. There are two broadcasts in the ABC archives which have never been televised. One was with Kathy Olsen. Why have they never aired this? I know why! They knew that the ATF had in some way set Chuck up. Chuck Goudie was no longer allowed to report on this case! I figure by now they got it that Chuck Goudie had screwed up BIG TIME!

Goudie was an ATF Puppet! I nominate Chuck Goudie for an award. The worst investigative reporter in Chicago for the last 2 decades!! As I told you before I will not watch ABC-7 news until Goudie is gone and all of his trash reports on Helen Brach are taken off the internet and their website! It might take ABC losing 30,000 to 50,000 viewers to do this! Only then when they have lost enough money will they care! Why would they care if Chuck Goudie totally screws an innocent family and creates a nightmare for us?

“Imagine what would happen, if it was allowed that one could make up any story to get an enemy put away in prison for life, with no repercussions, no accountability or consequences to the liar. In fact, sometimes these people are rewarded with cash and IMMUNITY. This is like a true sociopaths dream.

The court system would not only be not very effective, it would become a laughing stock.

Remember some of these people have used people all their life and nothing has really happened to them. I don’t think the court system should be allowed to be ~used~ to apply punishment for someone’s personal vendetta.”

In Chicago, the FBI is lobbying big time! They invite judges, lawyers, politicians and the media to their shooting range and then wine and dine them! No wonder our court system and media are corrupt and the ATF & FBI have such a high conviction rate in Chicago!

They hand pick jurors, and pay off judges, juror members, lawyers and politicians! The media get great news leads from the ATF & FBI. An investigative reporter’s career is greatly enhanced by not telling the truth about ATF & FBI corruption! The media is scared of the Feds and wants to make money and a name for themselves by being Fed Puppets!

It is too bad we do not have newspapers in Chicago like the Washington Post & New York Times. For Gods sakes we desperately need honest reporters with some backbone, if we are to change Chicago from being the most Corrupt City in the nation!!

This week the FBI is asking for more FBI agents in Chicago, to fight corruption. Does the FBI expect us to trust them to self-clean their own corrupt organization? What we really need is to clean up ATF & FBI corruption. That’s the biggest problem we have in Chicago! God Bless America!
I think I remember a Jane Does body being exumed in Cook County Chicago to see if it was Helen ?Does any one know when this Jane Doe was found and anything about this Jane Doe?


Suzanne: I have brought this up 2 times many months ago in my writings. I do not have the dates or great detail about this. I heard that a body was found in Cook County.She had her fingers and teeth missing well before DNA testing was available. I have said before if this body is dug up now and tested for DNA and found to be Helen Brach, Joe Plemmons will go to jail! His stay out of jail free card will have expired! His con will finally be dead!
The FEDS cover up of who killed Helen will be over and I would not be surprised if an FBI agent along with Matlick and Plemmons are convicted of her murder! I feel this is a real dangerous subject because at least a few people know or knew what really happened to her. They have been paid alot of money and or killed to not let the truth be known.

Please anyone who has information about this mysterious body come forward! Lets get the truth out. You can remain anonyomous.I feel the Helen Brach murder has already been solved but only a few know the truth. It looks like the Feds are just using her to set people up and carry out personal vendettas.
Follow the money!
During my exhaustive research of the Helen Brach murder investigation there is a clear pattern that I see. ATF Rotunno is an expert at deception to support his theories. Before ATF Rotunno leaked the Plemmons lies to the media he was heavily promoted as a great man in a book called Unbridled Rage by Gene O’Shea.(I want to make it clear that all I say about Gene O’Shea and his book are just my and a few others opinions.)

I feel that this was part of Rotunno’s plan to win public opinion of what great work he had done of getting people convicted for murders. Then his new fabricated story would carry more weight. In Unbridled Rage a lot of stories about Silas Jayne and his family are told by Rottunno and other law enforcement agents. After all the lies I have pointed out about ATF Rotunno’s disregard for the law and lying, do you believe his stories?

Rottuno paints a picture to support his con. Gene O’Shea appears to be his P.R. man. Not once throughout this book does he say anything negative about Rotunno. It appears to me and a few others that O’Shea has a hidden agenda in writing this book!

He really sucks up to Rotunno a lot. I and some others are very, very suspicious of Gene O’Shea becoming Illinois Gaming Commissioner. Did Rotunno or his ATF buddies have something to do with Govenor Blagoavich appointing him to be Illinois Gaming Commissioner?

He was a reporter at the Daily Southtown newspaper in suburban Chicago while working very close to Rotunno then he becomes Illinois Gaming Commissioner. Very, very interesting! I think this should be investigated! What do you think?

In the 1995 Ken Hansen murder trial, Hansen’s defense attorney O’Donnell says as Gene O’Shea writes in O’Donnell’s opening statement, “The state’s case was nothing more than fabrication, woven from lies and stories of paid witnesses who were working hand in hand with federal agents to rebuild the tarnished reputation of the Bureau of Tobacco, Alcohol and Firearms, O’Donnell said.”

“An unholy alliance was created a few years ago, that alliance was between William Wemette, a man who has to please people who pay him money, provide him housing, give him free telephone service, and a unit of government called ATF,” O’Donnell said. “The ATF in 1993 was probably the most discredited law enforcement agency on the face of the earth after the Waco disaster and Ruby Ridge. They desperately needed to seek to rehabilitate their image before the public.”

William Wemette was and FBI informant from 1971-1989. Then the ATF gets new information from him in the 90’s about a murder that happened in the 50’s. Very, very suspicious looking! Maybe another ATF setup! What do you think?

O’Shea writes about the 1995 Bailey trial, “Judge Shadur found that Bailey had conspired to murder Helen Brach based on a “preponderance of evidence.”

This is just from Joe Plemmons testimony! Bailey was convicted of stealing from rich woman. But to sentence him for conspiring to kill Helen Brach on Joe Plemmons word alone looks real weird to me!

O’Shea writes, “On a moment’s notice Rotunno would find himself switching gears from a suburban family man with a wife and three daughters to his undercover persona as a ruthless drug dealer who “moved” truckloads of marijuana. Gang members came to admire Rotunno, nick naming him “Red” because of the government-issued undercover hot rod he drove, a fully loaded red Mustang.”

So Rotunno is a trained liar. I bet he is so good at lying that he could look you in the eyes and make you believe his lie. He can probably lie constantly to a lie detector and pass the test!

O’Shea writes, “Rotunno, with all of his years of undercover work, had honed his instincts, and trusted them. His intuition had gotten him out of a jam on more than one occasion; sometimes he just knew he was right about a suspect or theory.” “Like many lawmen, Rotunno was very good at reading personalities. He often relied on his internal lie detector when sizing up witnesses and informants. Rotunno was also a guarded individual. He rarely shared his opinions or true emotions, and when he did, it was only around those he trusted. Rotunno’s guarded demeanor would pigeonhole him as “bad cop” in an interrogation situation.”

So once Rotunno creates a theory he will do whatever it takes to support his theory. In the Helen Brach murder investigation, he has lied and fabricated evidence to support his theory. He thinks he is above the law. He has broken the law over and over. Why should Rotunno be able to break the law and not be fired and prosecuted?

Remember ATF Bob Hauffman saying on Jan 10, 2005 on “60 Minutes” that he could substantiate one of the three ATF woman agent’s claims that ATF agents sexually harassed them. He went on to say that all the criminals that he has put away in his career, all of them have more honor than the top official in the ATF! He said I know this is a sad commentary but that is my experience as an ATF agent! How can we blame ATF Rotunno? He is just following their example!

Re: Helen Brach murder and ATF corruption (none / 0)

Gowdy, it would help if you could condense your writings instead of going on and on like the unibomber manifesto. I'm very familiar with this case and these guys. I had a family member murdered by the horse mafia. Who is your father? Why won't you mention his name?

by Slapmaxwell on Sat Feb 04, 2006 at 12:25:12 AM EST
[ Reply to This | none123 ]

Re: Helen Brach murder and ATF corruption (none / 0)

Slapmaxwell, I am really sorry to hear about your father. My heart goes out to you and your family! Please forgive me if I am wrong . I am suspicious that you could be an ATF agent trying to sabotage the truth from being told. My intuition and gut say that this is the 3rd time ATF agent John Rottunno is desperately trying to derail my exposing the truth and exposing all the lies he has created.

Slapmaxwell, it is no secret who my father is. Just read Chuck Goudie's fairytale stories on Jan 1- Jan 6 or March 31, 2005 and he tells you my father's name. I refuse to use my fathers name because his name has been used on T.V. and the internet over and over by only one person for more than a year! You can even see a picture of him which says Reported murderer over his head! His name has been used illegally by Chuck Goudie and Chuck Goudie only. He has not been indicted and has never been arrested for anything. As the Chicago Tribune reported it should never have been used. Also Judge Shadur had a court order saying my father and other names should not have been used, let alone used on countless newscast and put all over the internet by that great investigative ATF puppet reporter!

ATF John Rotunno is a trained liar. Sometimes for good reason but in this case he was trying to become a great man in solving the Helen Brach murder. I have him caught in so many lies it is pathetic! My intuition tells me that two times in the past he has come on the computer beginning his talk with lies to throw people off, that it is really him. One time he said Joe Plemmons never said he shot Helen Brach and that years back he owned 2 horses at a Morton Grove stable. The next time that he was a good friend of Matlick's daughter. Why can't he come on the internet and talk to us by telling the truth? I know why because he is caught "RED" handed and he needs to desperately con all of you to make me look like the con man. It has not worked at all!

So Slapmaxwell, if you want to talk more about what happened to your father and want us to trust you are who you say, tell us your name and other proof and I would love to listen. Please excuse me if I am wrong but I have seen how deceptive the ATF can be. It has been a nightmare for me and my family for some time. I have been very sad hurt that the ATF can be so cruel and uncaring. They do not have any credible evidence to say what they have said.If they had done this to me and I had a lot of money, I would have put these criminals where they belong. In jail! After all if you look on the internet I have used my real name and e-mail. I have been contacted by people who are totally outraged by this scandal! I have researched this case so much and will not allow ATF Rotunno, Joe Plemmons and Chuck Goodie get away with this disgrace to our nation! Remember my father has never met a lot of these people that they said he did. How could he have killed Helen Brach without ever seeing her? If Rotunno keeps playing games with me I might be encouraged to show you more proof that I have of his life of crime. We might overturn some of his other great setups! I am so sure I have caught the rats. I would love to have a public debate with ATF Rotunno, Joe Plemmons and Chuck Goodie! I will debate you all at the same time if I get equal time to the 3 of you. This will be an experience you will never forget! The public will see the truth destroy your lies!

Renee Bruhl, Patricia Blough, and Ann Miller, disappeared from the Indiana Dunes State Park in Indiana on July 2, 1966. (See Thread in this forum on The Indiana Dunes State Park Mystery July 1966: Three missing women). There is some reference to a possible link to this case. Do you know of any, or have any opinion on that?
Who is your father? How has he been framed? Sorry, but I just don't want to read all the posts and all the links in all the posts.

I too, think that Matlick had something to do with the whole thing. Anyone who would lie about where she went, taking her to the airport, forge checks and all the other stuff he did, is not some rube houseman.
I think he was paid to be hush-hush, set the bait and to destroy the evidence. Bailey is also involved and is where he belongs, IMHO.

Ernie Rizzo worked on the case for a while, paid by the lawyers of the Humane Society or whatever group or her lawyer maybe? I met him during his investigation after my family wanted to know what was being done etc.
Then he had to go on a "federal vacation" for a bit and we lost touch. Then I moved home to Ohio.

I would love to see this solved.

steve reiter said:
I have been a Farrier for 15 years. Matlick was one of the killers and possibly Joe Plemmons. Also I feel there is a good possibility that a Fed agent that Helen contacted had something to do with her vanishing!

I really do not know for sure. I do feel certain that Matlick was one of the killers.

The are some real funny things that have happened by the Feds over the years. So my feeling is that some people who long ago investigated Helen Brach vanishing found the answer and got paid money to keep it secret

Follow the MONEY! Follow the MONEY! Follow the MONEY! $$$$$$$
steve reiter said:
Slapmaxwell, it is no secret who my father is. Just read Chuck Goudie's fairytale stories on Jan 1- Jan 6 or March 31, 2005 and he tells you my father's name. I refuse to use my fathers name because his name has been used on T.V. and the internet over and over by only one person for more than a year! You can even see a picture of him which says Reported murderer over his head! His name has been used illegally by Chuck Goudie and Chuck Goudie only. ...
Quite frankly, I find this whole thread difficult to follow. Probably because of all the supposed killers and conspirators. The above post indicates that your father is included in the ABC I-Team expose as one of the ten persons mentioned. I find it unusual that you refuse to state your father's name. I looked for the picture of him mentioned and could not find it. Below is a link to the 31 March 2005 article referenced.

This article lists the following persons as responsible for the death of Helen Brach:

Joe Plemmons - horse trainer/informant
Silas Jayne
Frank Jayne, Jr.
Jack Matlick
Lee Reiter - Skokie Police Sergeant
Curt Hansen - stable worker
Ken Hansen - stable worker
Tony "The Ant" Spilotro - mafia
Victor P. Spilotro - mafia
Unidentified woman


ABC 7 I-Team learns identities of people reportedly behind Helen Brach's murder
by Chuck Goudie
March 31, 2005 - Federal law enforcement authorities say it took ten people to pull off one of Chicago's most mysterious murders-the long unsolved disappearance of Helen Brach, heir to the Brach Candy fortune. The ABC7 I-Team has learned the identities of those people that federal agents said are responsible for Brach's death.

Helen Voorhees Brach was put to death by people she knew and once trusted, according to one of the ten alleged participants who has admitted involvement and is now cooperating with authorities. It was a frigid February day in 1977 that would be her last on earth. The informant told federal agents -- and the agents now believe -- that the beginning of the end for Brach that day was at the hands of a Skokie police sergeant. A policeman, two mobsters, some powerful horse owners and their stable hands and Helen Brach's Butler were behind the murder of the candy heiress. That's the story according to horse trainer Joe Plemmons, whom federal agents say has unlocked the mystery of Helen Brach's disappearance.

When the I-Team talked to Plemmons a few weeks ago in Florida, he declined to name names. In law enforcement reports filed in federal court had the names Plemmons provided blacked out. However, the I-Team has reviewed a clean copy.According to the un-redacted ATF report on the Plemmons' interviews:

The Reported Masterminds:
Silas Jayne and his nephew Frank Jayne, Jr. According to the interviews with Plemmons summarized in the ATF's report, the notorious Jaynes had Brach murdered to prevent her from exposing how they had cheated her out of millions of dollars during crooked horse deals. Silas Jayne is dead. Frank Jr. is serving an Illinois prison sentence for arson and has always denied any role in the Brach murder.

The Butler:
Jack Matlick, Brach's trusted major domo betrayed her, according to Plemmons. Authorities believe Matlick drove Brach home from a physical at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and put her in the hands of her killers. Matlick lives in Butler, Pennsylvania, in a senior citizen building. When the I-Team paid him a visit recently, Matlick refused to comment and slammed his front door.

The Reported Killers:
There were two actual killers according to the interviews summarized in the report: then Skokie Police Sergeant Lee Reiter and the informant, horseman Joe Plemmons, himself. Sergeant Reiter was frequently a Jayne family bodyguard and a close ally. In the federal report, Plemmons said that the Jayne's paid Reiter between $350,000 and $750,000 to beat Brach unconscious at her home in suburban Glenview. Then, he says Reiter rolled her up in a blanket and that Frank Jayne Jr. and a stable worker transported her to a Tinley Park horse stable.Plemmons told authorities that he saw Brach's battered body in the car trunk and thought she was dead until she moaned. Plemmons says stable workers, brothers Ken and Curt Hansen, were with him and that Curt pointed a shotgun at him, handed him a revolver and forced him to fire two shots into Brach through the blanket. Ex-policeman Reiter now lives in Mexico and has always denied any role in the Brach murder.

The Reported Disposal Team:
According to Plemmons, the disposal team included himself, Jayne Jr., and the Hansen brothers, along with two members of the infamous Spilotro organized crime family. Plemmons says Tony "The Ant" Spilotro and his brother, Victor P., arranged for the cremation of Brach's remains inside a northwest Indiana steel mill. A blast furnace is where Plemmons said he and the Hansen brothers tossed Brach's body as Frank Jayne Jr. happily looked on. Curt Hansen is dead. His brother, Ken, in prison for killing three young boys, denies a hand in the Brach killing.

The Mystery Woman: The tenth alleged Brach conspirator was a woman and she is not identified in the report because Plemmons says he doesn't know who she was. She remains a mystery to law enforcement but is believed to have used Helen Brach's return plane ticket from the Mayo Clinic that day in February 1977, when Brach was being driven to her death. Brach's body has never been found, nor has any weapon. The Cook County state's attorney is still trying to figure out what to do with this new information.

Richard said:
Quite frankly, I find this whole thread difficult to follow. Probably because of all the supposed killers and conspirators. The above post indicates that your father is included in the ABC I-Team expose as one of the ten persons mentioned. I find it unusual that you refuse to state your father's name. I looked for the picture of him mentioned and could not find it. Below is a link to the 31 March 2005 article referenced.

This article lists the following persons as responsible for the death of Helen Brach:

Joe Plemmons - horse trainer/informant
Silas Jayne
Frank Jayne, Jr.
Jack Matlick
Lee Reiter - Skokie Police Sergeant
Curt Hansen - stable worker
Ken Hansen - stable worker
Tony "The Ant" Spilotro - mafia
Victor P. Spilotro - mafia
Unidentified woman


ABC 7 I-Team learns identities of people reportedly behind Helen Brach's murder
by Chuck Goudie
March 31, 2005 - Federal law enforcement authorities say it took ten people to pull off one of Chicago's most mysterious murders-the long unsolved disappearance of Helen Brach, heir to the Brach Candy fortune. The ABC7 I-Team has learned the identities of those people that federal agents said are responsible for Brach's death.

Helen Voorhees Brach was put to death by people she knew and once trusted, according to one of the ten alleged participants who has admitted involvement and is now cooperating with authorities. It was a frigid February day in 1977 that would be her last on earth. The informant told federal agents -- and the agents now believe -- that the beginning of the end for Brach that day was at the hands of a Skokie police sergeant. A policeman, two mobsters, some powerful horse owners and their stable hands and Helen Brach's Butler were behind the murder of the candy heiress. That's the story according to horse trainer Joe Plemmons, whom federal agents say has unlocked the mystery of Helen Brach's disappearance.

When the I-Team talked to Plemmons a few weeks ago in Florida, he declined to name names. In law enforcement reports filed in federal court had the names Plemmons provided blacked out. However, the I-Team has reviewed a clean copy.According to the un-redacted ATF report on the Plemmons' interviews:

The Reported Masterminds:
Silas Jayne and his nephew Frank Jayne, Jr. According to the interviews with Plemmons summarized in the ATF's report, the notorious Jaynes had Brach murdered to prevent her from exposing how they had cheated her out of millions of dollars during crooked horse deals. Silas Jayne is dead. Frank Jr. is serving an Illinois prison sentence for arson and has always denied any role in the Brach murder.

The Butler:
Jack Matlick, Brach's trusted major domo betrayed her, according to Plemmons. Authorities believe Matlick drove Brach home from a physical at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and put her in the hands of her killers. Matlick lives in Butler, Pennsylvania, in a senior citizen building. When the I-Team paid him a visit recently, Matlick refused to comment and slammed his front door.

The Reported Killers:
There were two actual killers according to the interviews summarized in the report: then Skokie Police Sergeant Lee Reiter and the informant, horseman Joe Plemmons, himself. Sergeant Reiter was frequently a Jayne family bodyguard and a close ally. In the federal report, Plemmons said that the Jayne's paid Reiter between $350,000 and $750,000 to beat Brach unconscious at her home in suburban Glenview. Then, he says Reiter rolled her up in a blanket and that Frank Jayne Jr. and a stable worker transported her to a Tinley Park horse stable.Plemmons told authorities that he saw Brach's battered body in the car trunk and thought she was dead until she moaned. Plemmons says stable workers, brothers Ken and Curt Hansen, were with him and that Curt pointed a shotgun at him, handed him a revolver and forced him to fire two shots into Brach through the blanket. Ex-policeman Reiter now lives in Mexico and has always denied any role in the Brach murder.

The Reported Disposal Team:
According to Plemmons, the disposal team included himself, Jayne Jr., and the Hansen brothers, along with two members of the infamous Spilotro organized crime family. Plemmons says Tony "The Ant" Spilotro and his brother, Victor P., arranged for the cremation of Brach's remains inside a northwest Indiana steel mill. A blast furnace is where Plemmons said he and the Hansen brothers tossed Brach's body as Frank Jayne Jr. happily looked on. Curt Hansen is dead. His brother, Ken, in prison for killing three young boys, denies a hand in the Brach killing.

The Mystery Woman: The tenth alleged Brach conspirator was a woman and she is not identified in the report because Plemmons says he doesn't know who she was. She remains a mystery to law enforcement but is believed to have used Helen Brach's return plane ticket from the Mayo Clinic that day in February 1977, when Brach was being driven to her death. Brach's body has never been found, nor has any weapon. The Cook County state's attorney is still trying to figure out what to do with this new information.

If I guess the right name, do I get a prize?

I pick "Brach murder" for $800.
"Steve Reiter's father"

KK-"Who is Lee Reiter?"

I still would like to know how no one saw them at a blast furnace. Those factories are never unguarded. That and ten people, eleven since I believe Bailey is in it too, is a lot of people to "trust". They do sound like quite a mix, especially the Hansen guy who is in prison for other killings.
But, why wouldn't he just own up since he already is in prison? Thought of the death penalty? Fear of a prison "accident"?

I read the link, thank you Richard! Much of it does make sense, including the fact that Matlick was painting after Helen Brach disappeared and got new carpet too, or got it cleaned......

I do think she took the plane home from the Mayo and did not go by car. I believe Matlick picked her up at the airport, drove her home and she died soon after that or was a prisoner in her home. She was a "phone" lover but never called anyone after she got home. That makes me think she wasn't home long, or at least able to use the phone. Matlick said Helen Brach went out with Bailey on that Sunday. I think that was the day the body was removed, though I think she was incapacitated before that time. Saying she went out with Bailey was the perfect cover for a strange car being there. Then the forged checks by Matlick, which he lamely tried to explain away and the fact he says he took Helen Brach to the airport in a Jeep and not one of her nice comfie cars, leads me to feel in my heart that Matlick was always right in the middle of it all.
Chuck Goudie

March 31, 2005 - Federal law enforcement authorities say it took ten people to pull off one of Chicago's most mysterious murders-the long unsolved disappearance of Helen Brach, heir to the Brach Candy fortune. The ABC7 I-Team has learned the identities of those people that federal agents said are responsible for Brach's death.

Related Links

Yes Suzi , you get the prize. You are right on the money!

Richard, all you have to do is hit ABC 7 Images and you will see the picture of my father you could not find.

The only reason I do not use my fathers name is out of respect. Chuck Goudie has shown no respect for my father by illegally using my fathers name over and over again on T.V. and the internet!

Since ABC 7 news and Chuck Goudie continue to have their fairytale on the internet for some sick reason using my fathers name, I will use there stories without using my fathers name to expose their lies.(CON)

I feel the biggest problem with this whole Helen Brach murder CON is that most people believe all the stories they read in the books and newscasts about Helen Brach and people connected. I used to be naïve also until Chuck Goudie’s I- Team goes to Puerto Vallarta was aired in the 90’s which had no truth except Chuck Goudie was where he said he was and my father was there. Besides that it was a complete fairytale!

So if you want to trust the ATF & FBI and other law enforcement stories in the books written. Be my guest. But you are just being suck into a lot of lies and fabrications to help the feds become great people in setting people up. Sure there are some truths but remember the feds are trained liars! If the feds would spend more time going after criminals with real evidence, instead of lies which create investigation of their cons. Then the feds have to spend a lot more time and money to lie and setup the people uncovering their cons.( It gets real complicated all the lies they create and then cover ups!) In reality if the feds would be honest maybe they would be able to have enough man power to stop terrorism!

Do not be surprised if the feds plant something illegal on me or do voiceovers on my conversations. (To make a conversation something other than what really happened) God knows what they might do. Anything to make themselves look good instead of protecting us!

Again Suzi, you along with many others are understanding how this Helen Brach murder investigation has evolved. Scandel, cons, coverups and 29 years later and maybe $ billions of taxpayers money spent. The ATF goes after their glorious CON instead of protecting us from current real threats!

  1. <LI id=comment-140>I worked for the Jaynes’during the 60’s and seventies. Knew them all well.

    I believe Cathy olsen…….she is not the only one who heard things they talked about.

    just my 2 sense

    Comment by me — 2/9/2006 @ 12:55 pm
  2. Judge Shadur threw Cathy Olsen’s testimony out of court in the Bailey trial saying it was not credible. She was to large to fit in the closet that she said she over heard this conversation. She was payed lots of money for her drug addiction by the feds and also given other things by the feds. After Joe Plemmons lie of 10 people involved in the murder she tried to make money and said she saw the murder happen in the same office. She was not going to let Joe Plemmons make all the money! So here we have another person who keeps changing their story to make money! This also was found to be totally a lie! That is why you have not heard about it.

    So how credible is that? The feds can get people to say anything they want if the price is right!

    Comment by Goud Pierce — 2/9/2006 @ 9:17 pm
In addition to other evidence that Helen Brach's houseman had something to do with killing Helen Brach.( public records show that at least $100's of thousands of bearer bond were missing.) Who knows how many priceless items were taken from her house during the weeks Matlick did not report Helen Brach missing!

Here is some interesting information of a white-gold ring with a large red stone. Joe Plemmons reportedly pick it up when Helen Brach was being transfered into another car and still has it. Was that ring hidden by Joe Plemmons for 28 years after he and Matlick killed her or did a fed agent give it to Joe . A fed agent who knows what really happened to Helen Brach because he was involved in the murder and hid the ring for 28 years. Then knowing that no one suspected that a fed agent was involved brought the ring out to give to Plemmons to make their con look more convincing. I really think the FBI, ATF and Ernie Rizzo know more than they are telling us!

The person I am about to post some information also said that he was told by a person who investigated Helen Brach's murder for years (and it is not Ernie Rizzo) said that the FOX IS GUARDING THE CHICKEN COUP! Hum!

Training Level
Posteddocument.write(''+ myTimeZone('Sat, 17 Sep 2005 05:27:58 GMT-0700', 'Sep. 17, 2005 08:27 AM')+''); Sep. 17, 2005 09:27 AM Sep. 17, 2005 08:27 AM
Maybe he is already investigating this Helen Brach Murder investigation! I have not gotten a response back from him. Also others know that I have attempted before this thread to put the truth out. I am sure there are many checking into this story!!
One other thing,I sort of remember seeing this article before, but forgot to mention it! They may have a ring with a large red stone.It might be said to be alleged potenitial evidence!

Sun Times Article !!!!

In 1977, on her last day alive, candy heiress Helen Brach was beaten unconscious at her Glenview home by crooked horsemen.

As they transferred her from the trunk of a Cadillac to a station wagon that would carry her to an Indiana steel mill, she moaned and they dropped her blanket-wrapped body.

One of the men was ordered at the barrel of a shotgun to finish her off with a revolver. He fired two bullets into the blanket and her body "jumped." The horsemen then hauled her to a blast furnace where she disappeared forever.

That's the chilling account one of the horsemen gave last year to Cook County prosecutors and a U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent, court records show.

'Now you know everything'

The man -- granted immunity from prosecution by State's Attorney Richard Devine's office -- confessed he shot Brach and witnessed her body go up in flames in a steel mill off Interstate 65 near Gary, Ind.

"Now you know everything that I've had to live with all these years," the man told authorities in a meeting in a Pennsylvania motel room in October.

The Chicago Sun-Times is not naming the man because he is not charged with a crime.

Sources said investigators have gathered physical evidence and witness statements that corroborate what the alleged killer told them.
Among the potential evidence is a white-gold ring with a large red stone the informant said he found on the ground after Brach's body was transferred to the station wagon. A source said the informant is believed to still have the ring.
Judge Shadur threw Cathy Olsen’s testimony out of court in the Bailey trial saying it was not credible. She was to large to fit in the closet that she said she over heard this conversation. She was payed lots of money for her drug addiction by the feds and also given other things by the feds. After Joe Plemmons lie of 10 people involved in the Helen Brach murder she tried to make money and said she saw the murder happen in the same office. She was not going to let Joe Plemmons make all the money! So here we have another person who keeps changing their story to make money! This also was found to be totally a lie! That is why you have not heard about it.

So how credible is that? The feds can get people to say anything they want if the price is right!
The ATF Under Fire ( The Leader of the ATF, MR. CORRUPTION HIMSELF!)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The recently departed director of the federal agency that regulates firearms and explosives is guilty of severely mismanaging government funds and misconduct during his tenure at the agency.

As head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Carl Truscott misspent federal dollars, committed travel abuse, engaged in improper hiring practices and created a hostile working environment. Details of his tumultuous two years as head of the agency are revealed in a scathing, 173-page report published by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General.

Among Truscott’s wrongdoings is improperly hiring an unqualified former Secret Service colleague who was eventually awarded with a bonus and pay raise by the former ATF director. Truscott also committed travel abuse by taking lavish trips to London, Ottawa, New York and Boston and he spent $100,000 on unnecessary gym equipment as well as thousands more on decorating his office.

Truscott also ordered 20 staff members to help with his nephew's intricate high school project, wasting the agency's time and violating ethics rules. The project consisted of a documentary about the ATF that took 10 months to complete and the report says using agency resources was one of Truscott’s many lapses in judgment.

The former director was highly regarded in law enforcement circles when then Attorney General John Ashcroft appointed him to run the ATF in 2004. He was a former investigator for the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety and a longtime U.S. Secret Service agent who had been based in New York, Los Angeles and Washington DC. Amid controversy, he resigned as ATF director in August.

One political blog says there is no shock in this news since the ATF has a history of corruption and incompetence as well as a record of hiring people rejected by other federal agencies, often for failing the psychological screening process
May I please ask did anyone find out any more on the Jane Doe mentioned earlier that might possibly be her.If this Jane Doe is not helen then she is someone and someone must care of what became of of this person.Maybe they can find out who she is.

I did my best to warn all of you about the ATF & and the FBI abuse of the Patriot Act! Now the truth has come out. Major abuse by the FBI illegally taking away your civil liberties! The head of the FBI says he and many of his agents are guilty. They promised not to do this.

Chicago heads the list of 4 cities of FBI illegal activity. I think many people should pay for these crimes, including the President!

Here is a link to show more and more people are coming forward to reveal scum activity by the demonic ATF! - Convicted Police Officer Says He Was Framed By ATF God please protect are country from these evil people!

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