GUILTY IL - Jacob Wheeler, 22, & Jessica Evans, 17, White County, 25 Aug 2012 - #1

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Interesting point C-M.

So far there hasn't been a hint of an accomplice - not that that's ruled out. There's so much we don't know.

Drunk or not, the adrenalin had to really be pumping. Sometimes adrenalin hits to the point it almost sobers people up.

So far I'm not 100% sure what he was driving. I've heard it referred to as "his car". I personally have rather labored under the assumption it was a truck of some sort.

In these parts, for people driving trucks and ATVs and RTVs a really common piece of equipment carried is a small winch. People are aware if they get stuck they can hook up the winch to a tree and lever themselves out. So a winch in that situation could've been his 'assistant'. More likely IF he was driving a truck than a passenger vehicle.

IF someone else had assisted him and LEOs became aware of that I can't believe an accomplice wouldn't have been scooped up, too, because would definitely be a flight risk.

As for Danny Coston returning to work and carrying on a normal life. That's the power of Denial, actually. Human beings hate and resist "change". So after a violent and murderous hiccup in life, "returning to normal" probably had real "appeal" to him. Act as if it hadn't happened, maybe even moments of convincing himself it hadn't happened and was a bad dream, that somehow he wouldn't be discovered if he acted normally, etc. Very likely he was working hard to push down and suppress his actions so he could present a "normal" front.
This case grabbed my attention because its not far from home. So some of you are my neighbors. :) If you have ever been to Holiday world Im only about 5-7 mi from there.
I find myself amazed they aren’t surrounded by bodyguards, although Jack is a former Green Beret.

Wait....WHAT?! Are you serious?!

Another seeming “throwaway” phrase Jack offered recently was that the information scheduled to come out in the next print edition was guaranteed to “P**s off people”. That was a real warning that it’s going to be some volatile information and it’ll very likely spread totally across the board of involvement.

Honestly, he says that pretty much every month. And are you sure that comment was regarding this case? It could have had to do with something else, like whatever is going on in Saline County.

Would love to hear what they publish. I know now a days alot of what is being printed is sugar coated so not to step on toes and tick off the advertisers. Money is needed to keep papers going. I appalled them for not being afraid to dig where its dirty and print it.

They cover crime and corruption in all of Southern Illinois. They don't sugar-coat anything, and they do tend to flavor the news with their personal opinions of the people involved at times. For those who have criticized them as "not MSM," you're absolutely right. They are not main-stream media, and they are proud of it. For those not local, though, it probably wouldn't be that interesting if you don't know the people or places being mentioned. Then again, I guess it can always be entertaining to read the dirt on others.

This thread isn't really supposed to be about Disclosure, though...
This case grabbed my attention because its not far from home. So some of you are my neighbors. :) If you have ever been to Holiday world Im only about 5-7 mi from there.

Drove past that exit today, on my way home from Louisville. I used to do research at various courthouses in Southern Indiana, including your county. :seeya:
Been Around the Block, thanks for refreshing my memories of rural IL. I grew up a couple of counties to the west of White, lived in the burbs of Springfield and Chitown. I found myself smiling and laughing reading your posts.

I disturbs me to hear of the pollution in the area. It's so sad it's allowed. I remember fishing in the LWR, as mentioned earlier, and laughed with the mention of footwear. I don't know if you were referencing split cans or broken bottles, etc, but I had a crawdaddy clamp on to my little toe in the Lil Wabash, and he wouldn't let go. I now have a forever phobia about sticking my feet in water where I can't clearly see the bottom. Little footies required. Good Channel Cat for fishing and a feature on many local menus. Yum.

The only downside of living in the area is the high humidity which is stifling and the weakened economics. All of S. IL state lines are surrounded by rivers; Missip, Ohio and the Big Wabash. There's even the presence of river smells with a storm or strong breeze blowing... especially from the south.

While I was researching the location of the bridges Coston may have used that night, I ran into someone's blog who was a "bridge hunter" via motorcycle. Telling of his adventures, he told of how, like you, the locals were very protective of their property, including creeks, waterways and old abandoned, closed bridges....and the cowpaths leading to them. BTW, your liability for an injured intruder is greatly reduced just by posting no trespassing signs. The owner may not really mind you being there to enjoy nature, but just covering his hindend should trouble brew. Of course, since meth labs, disrespect and disregard by so many these days, I'd venture to say the silent welcome would be a rarity today.

You speak well of the culture of living in rural S. Il with neighbors and everyone knowing every one...if not, then their uncle, cousin, etc. The waving is typical and it's not uncommon on a fresh, beautiful, early morning driving peacefully to town or into work to meet someone on that solemn gravel or asphalt road who will slightly lift his hand off the steering wheel for that wave accompanied by a united smile in tranquility. It's a good feeling.

S. IL is unique because it's geology. I learned to swim in a 40' stripcut that filled after being mined decades earlier a half mile...(or a few crop fields) behind my house. There are many areas to enjoy the multitude of outdoor activities. Rend Lake was a frequent trip for me as well as Crab Orchard Lake. (near SIU) I remember going to the dam and spillway area to swim...the large flat sandstones which were the beach, and I always thought....or believed, was the beginning area for the glacial dump.

Most attractions, as with any good ones anywhere, are off the beaten path via two lane highways and county roads, but it's leisurely. Just keep the farming machinery in your mind's presence when rounding that rare curve. Oh, and don't forget to visit the rivers!!! The Great River Trail for hiking, biking or just a walk. It's not just a few miles. Casinos at nighttime too.....and juke joints...depending on preference. S. IL....Little Egypt.
holly, you're entitled to your opinion, whether anyone agrees or not. We can still like you even if we disagree. In my case, I just read what you think and continue on. Something else may pop up at some point, and it will either back you up or possibly change your mind. Maybe he never meant this to happen. But that doesn't matter to Jessica or Jake. They will still be gone. Their families will still grieve for them.

What time? I'm assuming there will be no media allowed inside....????

I have a feeling he will eventually make a plea. I can't imagine the feeling he had when he realized how his life was going to change. It's so sad all the way winners in this case. I don't think he was a really bad guy.....just someone that shouldn't have had a gun at that time...and made some terrible decisions when not in the right mind to do so. No tomatoes please....:truce:
It may seem like a lull in this unfolding Southern Illinois crime.

But for those familiar with the hard-nosed journalism upon which Disclosure has laid the foundation of its very successful alternative media, prior, long-term and ongoing publishing patterns merely alert those who are aware, it’s merely the lull between the storms.

Frankly, we’ve already been given notice by the Howsers in what many may think were just little meaningless “throwaway” remarks, to which readers didn’t assign much worth nor meaning. Wrong!

Jack, who tends to respond to people on their Facebook site as well as the official Disclosure Site, last week in mentioning the vast amounts of news and information that they were sorting through, had to decide what was put online and what was reserved for the print edition. That ticked off one person who sniffed disgustedly that she guessed they intended to make people pay for the news. Well they aren’t running a charity and public service spot announcements (although they generously do quite a lot of that). But it was explained they were solidifying corroboration for information they’d received, etcetera, so no doubt have been talking to a vast number of people in this unfolding case.

Another seeming “throwaway” phrase Jack offered recently was that the information scheduled to come out in the next print edition was guaranteed to “P**s off people”. That was a real warning that it’s going to be some volatile information and it’ll very likely spread totally across the board of involvement. IMO, not surprising, for I believe we all, decent sorts or not, have our “little guilty secrets”; it’s part of the Human Condition.

I do know in the past that they have mentioned being privy to something but have actually dropped it in the lap of their attorney who specializes in publishing law before doing so. They are not a couple of bumbling hayseed hillbillies.

Over the years many angry people have promised/threatened to sue them. So far it simply has not happened. And the angry and offended never face-off with them in Court, because they’ve dotted their i’s and crossed their t’s. By huffing and puffing and screeching about suing it’s basically grandstanding behavior to try to convince family and friends of their innocent. Yet…none have been so innocent they’ve retained an attorney and filed suit – over anything.

Angela Howser in a recent podcast also presented such a “warning” in stating that what they have unearthed, in terms of what would be considered depraved behavior, would shock people to the extent of “making jaws drop”.

I’ve not been familiar with Disclosure since its inception, but have read for a few years, enough for it to “trip my trigger” (that “careful reader” shtick) to make me realize I don’t recall ever having seen “this” before. That they are issuing warnings that people are going to be angered and disturbed by what is reported – a form of “caveat emptor” – don’t even buy the upcoming copy of Disclosure if you can’t handle it!

They met some years ago, both working for the same MSM newspaper, and they recently celebrated their 12th anniversary. They are quite a pair, lol. I have come to conclude that as a publishing team goes, they have slid into the “good cop/bad cop” type journalistic routine – because it works – and very well.

I’ve long thought that at many of the MSM newspapers in the area, some flunky on staff has the assignment of clicking into the Disclosure site regularly to see what breaking news is, so if the situation warrants it, they send out their own reporter(s). In Southern Illinois there is A Great Divide. People either like/respect Disclosure or they despise it and their owners. But among the faithful are many who listen to the scanner, drive past odd scenes, and immediately they alert Disclosure. MSM doesn’t have such a loyal legion of news-feeds – for free.

I think we’re probably about two weeks’ out from the next print edition of Disclosure, which I look forward to it arriving in my mailbox. I read all their output on the internet, which is amazing coverage, but they retain a tremendous amount that goes into the print edition. Oddly enough, I’ve never seen any serious “crossover” where someone posts online something that was only in the print edition.

One thing they stand upon is the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). Those kids must be quite constantly filling out forms to get the paperwork. I chuckled to myself, because I figured in some counties, where the authorities do toe the letter of the law, when duplicating police reports, autopsy reports, and the myriad kinds of documentation which can often be accessed under the FOIA, the Top Dawg probably tells the person running the copy machine, “You may’s well set it for another copy while you’re doing it. You know the Howsers will be presenting an FOIA application to get this. May’s well have it waiting for them.”

One county at least ignores their FOIA requests…and they’ve taken it to the Attorney General. Trying to throw up roadblocks and stymie that pair is definitely a very poor and wrong attitude, for it clearly causes them to suspect there’s a lot there to hide. They have almost single-handedly brought down various crooked regimes. I find myself amazed they aren’t surrounded by bodyguards, although Jack is a former Green Beret.

They clearly seem to make better friends than enemies – your choice in how you treat them – but being friend or family cuts no muster if caught in wrongdoing. Jack wrote about his son from a first marriage charged with abusing a small child, and about a year and a half ago, Angela’s daughter, addicted to meth and hanging around with a terrible crowd, was getting her fair share of coverage in Disclosure. (There is a Podcast over on the right-hand side of their Disclosure Site where Jack interviews Jade, who has turned her life around in a beautiful 180 degree shift, and she tells her story. She’s now a prized part of Disclosure and gives testament to Jack’s view “Tough love WORKS!” (It’s worth listening to – esp. if you want to get a feel for the Howsers, who I hope someday to actually meet.

So it would seem this unfolding story has fallen from their pages, but the really nitty-gritty details will soon appear on Page One. And if their coverage of the Brandon Jenkins case is any indication (also well covered online) it’s going to run on for numerous tabloid sized pages.

BBM. Ooooooh, I knew it. I haven't even finished reading your post, but had to respond. It WILL flip lids and be :what:, if what I surmized more than a week ago is true. Will be anxiously waiting for the "bombshell".
holly, you're entitled to your opinion, whether anyone agrees or not. We can still like you even if we disagree. In my case, I just read what you think and continue on. Something else may pop up at some point, and it will either back you up or possibly change your mind. Maybe he never meant this to happen. But that doesn't matter to Jessica or Jake. They will still be gone. Their families will still grieve for them.

Like I said, no one is a winner in this case; nor am I ignoring or down playing the hell the victims' families are surely going through. I'm not defending the perp, but can have empathy for him and his vicimized family as well As mentioned also, unless he's been very lucky in the past, he's had no record of violent crimes....which very well could be the case; but many times we see here how being under the influence of a substance can negate reasoning and condone the action. I know for a fact having been in a relationship with someone who "partook" in the love of alcohol....that person was not the same when sober. Dead brain cells just don't work...ever.... and what's remaining are damaged or on the next list to be. It's still no excuse!

Again, I'm not defending Coston's actions, but more interested in knowing WHY....someone with his background, as we currently know, committed such a terrible act. As the Sheriff stated, it's a rarity when a murder is committed and the players are strangers.

A person that turns frequently to outside sources to self medicate are almost always suffering and in pain deep inside. What is the story with DC? I can abhor his actions and feel anger toward him, but as the dust settles, he's just another human being where something went horribly wrong. My anger toward him may excell upon hearing more, but again will settle. Hopefully the victims will someday find forgivenness along with their healing.

Maybe it was just a dumb, stupid, irrational and emotional mistake or maybe his neurological make-up is just geared wrong...and not normal. IDK, but he's not alone as this forum can attest and just seems to be getting worse. But hating Coston is not going to change it either.

Yes we can agree to disagree, because we dont' know where the other is apparently coming from. IMO
I'm closing this for a few minutes until I figure out what is going on with the sleuthing of an innocent person here.

I realized that Jessica had no father listed. I didn't want to come right out and say because I felt like I might have been sleuthing a victim or family member.

And you would have been, so thank you for holding back. I am shocked here - why does everyone think it is okay to sleuth the family of a victim? You all know better, so what is going on?

Not sleuthing...

Just requesting background information...

do we know if Jessica's father is still alive?

if so... Do we know where he lives? :waitasec:

NO, actually this is sleuthing of an innocent family member and is against TOS and WS policy as a victim friendly site.

Let's get back to the case and leave the family members alone, please.

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