IL IL - John Wayne Gacy

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
:waitasec: I don't understand people that can just up and go with no regard for their family. :waitasec:

I'm glad he's not a victim of anyone but himself.

I'm sure that sometimes the individual is just too selfish to think about the relatives s/he left behind.

But in many cases, s/he genuinely believes s/he won't be missed. IMO it usually takes more than one person to create that impression.
New York Times
November 06, 2011

Dean Lueking was reading the Chicago Tribune a few days ago — a story involving the serial killer John Wayne Gacy — when a name caught his eye.

"Beverly," he said to his wife. "You've got to see this."

The story was about Wayne Lovell, who had just been found alive in Florida after decades in which his family suspected he was among Gacy's victims, but the news that floored the Luekings wasn't about Wayne. It was about Wayne's brother, Tim.
Full article: click here
Glad to hear that some good came out of the horror. I hope the reunited family will be able to maintain some type of contact now and that the contact benefits all of them.
They called John Wayne Gacy the Killer Clown and almost two decades after he was executed, police are investigating whether the infamous serial killer may have struck in Canada.

Gacy, who lived in the Chicago suburb of Norwood Park, was convicted of murdering 33 young men and teen boys over a six-year period in the 1970s. The pudgy building contractor earned his creepy nickname because he sometimes performed as a clown at children's parties.

As part of their cold-case investigation, detectives with the Cook County Sheriff's Office went through boxes of evidence from the initial investigation. They turned up airline ticket stubs that show Gacy traveled to Canada and 13 U.S. states between 1972 and his arrest in 1978, Randy Boswell of Postmedia News reports.

Sheriff Tom Dart said Gacy's trips coincide with the disappearances of at least 27 young men in several states and Ontario.
Dozens of families, including one from Canada, have responded to Dart's request for information that might link Gacy to their missing loved ones.
I just read another one of John W. Gacys victims has been identified thanks to d.n.a. testing.

Renewed efforts to find names for eight unknown victims of serial killer John Wayne Gacy have identified one as William “Bill” George Bundy, a Chicago resident who was 19 when he was murdered 35 years ago.

I also thought that Brian Dennehy did an excellent job portraying him in the movie To Catch a Killer.
I wish the article specified when he travelled to Ontario, Canada. All we know is between 1972-78. If he only travelled here once for say, a few days ... it would limit the search criteria tremendously.
I wish they would give all the states and dates.
Did serial killer John Wayne Gacy have accomplices?

Long before Hannibal Lecter, John Wayne Gacy was the poster boy for the criminally insane. The Iowa native brutally sexually assaulted and murdered at least 33 victims in the 1970s. But now, two criminal defense attorneys in Chicago say that Gacy likely had help abducting and killing at least three of the victims, and that one or more accomplices may still be at large. Here, a guide to the new developments in this "sordid saga":

John Wayne Gacy may have had serial slay accomplices, new probe finds

'Killer Clown' who murdered 33 in 1970s Chicago may have had help, two attorneys find
Request to Search Chicago Property for More Victims of Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy Denied

Chicago - Cook County sheriff’s officials asked for another chance to excavate the backyard of a Northwest Side apartment building to find more possible victims of notorious serial killer and rapist John Wayne Gacy — but the request was denied by the state’s attorney for lack of probable cause.
Algonquin child sex abuse 
suspect is Gacy’s nephew (
WOODSTOCK – A jury will not hear that an Algonquin man accused of sexually assaulting a child is the nephew of serial killer and rapist John Wayne Gacy, a judge ruled Friday.

Raymond M. Kasper, 49, is charged with multiple sex offenses, including predatory criminal sexual assault of a child and aggravated criminal sexual abuse of a child.
Kasper was arrested in November and has been free on bond since December. Court records show that he is accused of sexually abusing the alleged victim, who is younger than 13 years old, on several occasions in mid- to late 2011.
more at link above
As far as I can remember from the Gacy case, he didn't raise his nephew. That makes one wonder about a genetic component to sociopathy, in this case being a sexual predator. Or perhaps this guy grew up under the stigma of what his uncle did and "grew into" the same type of sociopathy.

There was the case of Steven Stayner's brother become a serial killer, presumably because of the emotional trauma of having his brother kidnapped, and then later returned and being the center of his parent's attention. So perhaps predatory behavior can be a self-fulfilling prophecy, or even a choice.

Either way, interesting case study.
I worked with a guy several years ago that lived next to Gacy and he said that he was a charming guy and never suspected him of any wrong doing. Kinda like Ann Rule never expected that Ted Bundy was a serial killer. I'm betting Gacys nephew has his bad DNA.
As far as I can remember from the Gacy case, he didn't raise his nephew. That makes one wonder about a genetic component to sociopathy, in this case being a sexual predator. Or perhaps this guy grew up under the stigma of what his uncle did and "grew into" the same type of sociopathy.

There was the case of Steven Stayner's brother become a serial killer, presumably because of the emotional trauma of having his brother kidnapped, and then later returned and being the center of his parent's attention. So perhaps predatory behavior can be a self-fulfilling prophecy, or even a choice.

Either way, interesting case study.

What about Gacy's father? Is their generational child/sexual abuse in that family? Nephew's grandfather etc...?
DNA/generics maybe key. Hope scientists study this aspect.
Creepy family.
I don't remember reading anything about Gacy's parents of siblings. It would be interesting to see if he and his siblings had been sexually abused by a parent as children. But that still wouldn't tell us if Gacy's later behavior was genetic or learned. If they were molested, his nephew could also have been a victim of that molestation. Interesting to me is that I've heard of cases of child molesters having been victims themselves at one time, but the whole serial murder aspect is new. I wonder if anyone has followed the children of serial murders to see how they "turned out". It would be interesting to see the rate of crimes commit for those kids raised by the serial killer, versus the rate of crime of those who weren't raised by them, but knew about them, versus those having no idea who their parent was. Somebody somewhere must have studied that.
John Wayne Gacy was born in Chicago, Illinois, the second of three children born to John Stanley Gacy (June 20, 1900 – December 25, 1969) and Marion Elaine Robinson (May 4, 1908 – December 14, 1989).[1][2][3] Gacy was of Polish and Danish heritage. (His paternal grandparents had been born in Poland.)[4][1] As a child, he was both overweight and nonathletic. He was close to his two sisters and mother, but endured a difficult relationship with his father, an alcoholic who was physically abusive toward his wife and children.[5][6]
Throughout his childhood, Gacy strove to make his father proud of him, but seldom received his approval: one of Gacy's earliest childhood memories was of being beaten with a leather belt by his father at the age of 4 for accidentally disarranging car engine components his father had assembled.[7] He was regularly belittled by his father and often compared unfavorably with his sisters, enduring disdainful accusations of being "dumb and stupid". The friction between father and son was constant throughout his childhood and adolescence, yet in interviews after his arrest, Gacy always vehemently denied he hated him.[8] On one occasion when he was six years old, Gacy stole a toy truck from a neighborhood store: his mother made him walk back to the store, return the toy and apologize to the owners. When his mother told his father, Gacy was beaten with a belt. After this incident, Gacy's mother attempted to shield her son from his father's verbal and physical abuse,[9] yet this only succeeded in Gacy earning accusations from his father that he was a "sissy" and a "Mama's boy"[6] who would "probably grow up queer".

[ame=""]John Wayne Gacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

I don't know about DNA, my initial instinct/explainable is generational abusive behavior in general within the family line.
1. I personally know the nephew.

2. The entire family was horrified by this association then, and are stunned now it is even being brought up in what is basically an unproven domestic issue that is proceeding through the Judicial process.

3. DNA is not an issue in this case because the accused is innocent (and that will be proven beyond a doubt in court very soon). I would trust this man with both my children AND grandchildren. And I can assure you, I am not a naive man prone to trusting people (I am the parent of a molested child and I watched the perp get away with harming my child thanks to a Justice system gone awry in the State of Washington).....

4. The Northwest Herald sensationalized this story by publishing said association with JWC in their headline and in the reporter's published report (and I am convinced they did so to increase readership, because no backstory was combined with what was published). The fact this was raised in court, means the alleged "evidence" must be truly minimal or non existent.

5. The family is not creepy. The family is like any other family (except that they also were victimized by what transpired), as they live with the legacy of a sick and twisted relative.

6. The fact that I am on this website using my real name should now be evidence that the Nephew has the support of friends and relatives (and this is not blind support or naivete on our part).

7. The family is not perfect (nor is anybody's family for that matter). Supposition of the familial aspect of behavior without evidence beyond JWG's won't help in this case, but I can assure you..... that "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" aspect is curious as a conversation considering that 1 of the 2 parents that brought the Nephew into this world is not of the JWG family. Please consider that when such thoughts come to mind.......
The jury wont get to hear he is JWG's nephew. I dont believe that is something they need to hear either. I dont think the media would have known it was his uncle if it wasnt before the court already so either he mentioned it or the D.A knew somehow. From someone else hearing about it maybe . rumors ,gossip hearsay. Washington state is not where JWG grew up or commited his crime so local knowledge just isnt getting that out there like that.

All I can compare it to is no one ever hears about my "uncle Gray" because I dont want people to. So I dont talk about him or tell people he is my unlce so no one knows. I guess it isnt that way with JWG's nephew? People knew and know and talk about it so Unlce John must not be as bad as my unlce grey??? I mean at least to RK. To me he is way worse.

Anyway he hasnt been found quilty of anything yet but his charges are such that I would worry if anyone left children alone with him. So please dont do that. I am glad you support him and trust him ,but it isnt fair to children or grandchildren to leave them in someone who has been accused care just because you trust that person doesnt make the person trustworthy . Not everyone can be right about their feeling 100 percent of the time but good judgement can be used in spite of ones feelings.. JMHO.
Soulmagent: Thanks for your reply.

The jury hasn't been selected yet, so the publishing of the connection is the potential poisoning of the jury pool (so the Northwest Herald's publishing this is rather curious, isn't it)? And the fact no other local media outlet (such as the Chicago Tribune or Suntimes) having done the same (or having done a followup themselves) goes to show that the Northwest Herald jumped the shark on this one. And trust me, there will be a reckoning on that one (via legal means).

When I stated that I trust him implicitly, that doesn't mean I or any others will put him or any children in such a situation while he is being prosecuted. For all we know (and based on their actions to date), the Prosecutors are so rabid... that they would find any excuse to not only pursue him further but to also pursue those who would show such trust by a claim we were showing a lack of proper supervision for said children / grand-children. And we would not dare place our friend in the position where the prosecutors could take advantage (that would not be fair to him either). My point is.... that I am convinced of his innocence to the point I would trust him with them (a matter of fact point). :)

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