IL IL - Lacey Gaines, 22, Justice, 7 Dec 2009

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The way she was killed definitely says it was someone she knew; strangling and stabbing are both personal. No sign of forced entry likely means she let them in or they had a key.

They didn't bring their own weapon, and the way she was killed seems to be very angry, so I am willing to bet that the initial intention of the killer was not to kill her, at least not from the start. She may have said or done something that angered him, and he exploded.

I would be ready to hang the ex, too, but I would like to dig a little more. Sexual assault is a very common way for a man to exert control over someone, especially someone that the man feels shouldn't have been out of their life to begin with. From what has been described about him, I find it hard to believe he wouldn't assault her unless he felt he was short on time.

Were there any signs of remorse: attempts to cover her or leaving anything near her body?
ChaCha, I've heard of many illegals from Mexico getting involved with underage girls. We have a large community of Mexicans (not sure if they're legal or not) here. Whenever I go with my daughter to Wal-Mart (she looks maybe thirteen, not nineteen) they stare at her to the point where I want to poke their eyes out. I guess it's something about their culture where they don't see it as a problem, dating younger girls. you know if the parentage test had went through and what the results were ?

I believe the parentage test turned into a family court case over visitation. I am not sure what happened.

The court case was at the Markham court. You can searchand see the case if you look under Lacey Gaines defendant.

In the petition he admits having sex with Lacey while she was under the age of legal consent. He filed this petition PRO-SE in the Cook County, 6th District Court in Markham, IL.

This was stated in the newspaper article by James Pluta

I had heard this ex-boyfriend 5 yrs ago had shot a weapon at or shot someone in Schaumburg, IL. A Det Cortese from Hanover Hills confirmed this. I have asked why he was not brought up on charges for this but have not gotten an answer.

It might have been determined to be an accidental shooting. Rumor was he shot at his ex's new boyfriend. He has an ex and a 5 yr old daughter.
The way she was killed definitely says it was someone she knew; strangling and stabbing are both personal. No sign of forced entry likely means she let them in or they had a key.

They didn't bring their own weapon, and the way she was killed seems to be very angry, so I am willing to bet that the initial intention of the killer was not to kill her, at least not from the start. She may have said or done something that angered him, and he exploded.

I would be ready to hang the ex, too, but I would like to dig a little more. Sexual assault is a very common way for a man to exert control over someone, especially someone that the man feels shouldn't have been out :waitasec:eek:f their life to begin with. From what has been described about him, I find it hard to believe he wouldn't assault her unless he felt he was short on time.

Were there any signs of remorse: attempts to cover her or leaving anything near her body?

If he had become angry she would have fought back there were no defensive wounds. This was a premeditated murder. That's it. Someone wanted her found dead. Yes I agree the cutthroat and strangulation sends a message, one that they are an experienced killer who knows how to get the job done. Two they didn't bring anything with them which would tie them to the crime. Lacey was a good cook and would have had a good set of knives. Three what would be the motive for the killing?

I am not a PI and I am not a professional. But from my perspective the ex stood to loose his connection to the US, his source of income and his connection to what may be considered by some a somewhat wealthy family. This new boyfriend was taking all he had worked hard to get and keep.

I fear for my brother's family and the little boy.

Again this is all just speculation by me and doesn't reflect any evidence or police information.

What would be motive for the new boyfriend? I can think of only one jealousy and the murder is so quick and clean it doesn't appear to be a crime of passion but one that was carefully planned out and executed.
I'd like to add if you do a seach for the name of the ex. He goes by a different name and I was told was arrested under that different name in 2000 for unlawful firing of weapon in Schaumburg, IL.

The engraved wedding invites also had the first name spelled with an e instead of an o.

If anyone can help in finding information I'd greatly appreciate it.
I have been trying to search criminal records under his name, but hadn't come up with anything. That could be why.
She sounds like a very trusting girl with a big heart. I am sure she will be missed.

Yes she was extremely kind hearted. When she was 15 she went to France to visit with the family of a foreign exchange student who had stayed with her family.

It was after that visit that she went to work for her uncle's restaurant and met her ex. 10 years her senior.

A dear french friend spoke to her the friday before her murder (mon).
Lacey reportedly said she loved her current boyfriend. They made plans to all reunite sometime this coming summer.

Lacey leaves a large loving family and a large group of friends which reach around the world.

She was working hard to turn her life around after having a child out of wedlock. She spoke about becoming and interpretor for a company or teaching English. She wanted to go to college and had plans for a future.
How horrible for her and your family. When will the services be?
It sounds to me as if someone was waiting for her in her apartment when she returned from the doctor appointment. My guess would be more than one assailant. This would help to explain why she didn't have defensive or offensive wounds.

I am wondering if the neighbors saw or heard anything, but are refusing to talk out of fear. Certainly the ex would be a HUGE suspect! I also think that he would have brought help with him, knowing how well your niece could fight!

I have a feeling the phone records will be the turning point, as she had to be fearful to ask her parents to keep her son overnight.

I am very happy that she was blessed to have you as her Auntie, and pray for swift justice in the apprehension and prosecution of her killer(s).

God bless you and your family. Lacey TWA.
It sounds to me as if someone was waiting for her in her apartment when she returned from the doctor appointment. My guess would be more than one assailant. This would help to explain why she didn't have defensive or offensive wounds.

I am wondering if the neighbors saw or heard anything, but are refusing to talk out of fear. Certainly the ex would be a HUGE suspect! I also think that he would have brought help with him, knowing how well your niece could fight!

I have a feeling the phone records will be the turning point, as she had to be fearful to ask her parents to keep her son overnight.

I am very happy that she was blessed to have you as her Auntie, and pray for swift justice in the apprehension and prosecution of her killer(s).

God bless you and your family. Lacey TWA.

Very good questions, thank you. I live far away and sometimes the obvious is so obvious. Neighbors good question also I do think ph records will help. Yes I think she was fearful and that is why she left the baby with grnadmother. But fearful of what and who?
How horrible. I am so saddened to read this.

ChaCha my condolences on your tragic loss; my thoughts and prayers are with you and all of Lacey's family.
ChaCha I am so so sorry that something so horrific and tragic has happened to someone you love. My condolences on your loss and m deepest sympathies to you and all who loved Lacey. She was a beautiful young woman and mother who should be here to love and care for her son. I am so glad he was safely away at his grandparents when this happened. She will be the angel watching over and protecting her son and never really all that far from him. I hope you and your family find the justice you seek.
ChaCha--just a few weeks ago, I was clearing out old newspapers from the office (I work part-time for a library service), and I came across your daughter's story in the Chicago Tribune. I go through *lots* of newspapers at work, but that story caught my eye, and ended up reading it sitting on the floor of the office, surrounded by stacks of papers headed for recycling. It was heartbreaking. I sincerely hope that she, and her children, are doing well. I am extremely saddened to hear of your niece. Know that I am thinking of you and your family.
Being family you might not want to read this one ChaCha. Because I am going to be discussing a theory about details of the crime.

How it could happen with no defensive wounds:

Here is my thinking, whoever did this she had to have turned her back on in order for there to be strangulation and no defensive wounds. Whoever did it had to have had time to grab the weapons used in her death. If she was on the run away from them, it would be hard for them to grab the items.

But if she was talking with someone and turned her back, they could easily have grabbed the cord or rope and used it to strangle her, meanwhile grabbing for the knife that they used to cut her with. Because she didn't see it coming she was unprepared to defend herself, strangled from behind she had few points of contact with the perp and because the perp was behind her she had no targets plus her main concern would be to get the constriction off of her throat. She may have been choked to unconsiousness before the knife was used (thus no wounding of her fingers.)

Why switch from strangling to knife? My theory is that it took too long for the stranglation, they wanted it to happen quicker. There can be several reasons for that, but one is that they think they are being more merciful by making it quicker. (someone who professed to love her might use this rationale.) Other reasons of course are that they feel pressed for time, they are acting out a fantasy, or their rage, frenzy and desire to kill is not being sated fast enough.

If she was sleeping there is the question of how the perp entered the home. Did she keep her home locked during the day, when she was home alone or when laying down to sleep? Or did they have a key?

Current bf and her were arguing, and he was jealous. I hate to say this, but a woman who has lived with an abusive boyfriend will sometimes very unconciously end up with another abusive bf. The same traits in the first bf that drew her to him will draw her to the second bf. And being a second abusive relationship, the woman may be less likely to report or talk to friends about it. Because sometimes they begin to feel that maybe it is them that is at fault. She had a protective order against the ex, she was fighting the ex over the child, and still he was jealous of the ex? That leads me to believe that the current bf's jealousy was pretty irrational.

Still there is this question. If she was arguing with the current bf recently over the ex boyfriend, does that mean there was recent contact with the ex bf?
Hopefully the police will be able to obtain the information about the doctor visit. They should be able to pick up the name of the doctor from the phone records.

She went to the doctors and THEN called to ask if the child could stay on at the grandparent's house? And that was a change of original plans? Something at the doctor's made there be a change of plans?

What if she was pregnant and she came home to tell this news to the new boyfriend and he flipped out and killed her? Or, as someone else mentioned, diagnosis of an STD can cause major anger also. Did the current boyfriend also pass a polygraph and have an alibi? And how convenient that he had someone with him who spoke English when he discovered her!

To me this sounds like more of a personal killing than any kind of a "professional hit". She just couldn't fight back because she was surprised from behind.

My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to you, your family, and all those that loved Lacey. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through, but I'm here for you if you ever need anything. I pray that God will give you and the rest of Lacey's family strength to begin to heal from this horrible crime, and I pray that justice for Lacey will be served quickly.

Your in my thoughts.

Did either the current or ex have any gang affilitations and I really hate to ask but were either one involved in drugs Certain hispanic gangs are known to come after gfs, wives, and children... Moo. So sorry for your loss.

Will my friends here at websleuths help us find Lacey's killer?

My niece Lacey Claire Gaines just turned 20 on Dec 1 and was murdered on Dec 7, 2009.

There have been a few Facebook sites and a memorial site created. You may read all news so far at links on sites.
Story Link

We have a petition for Justice for Lacey at:

I am so sorry about Lacey. I read one of the articles listed and she seemed like such an outgoing girl that had so much to give and to look forward to in life. It is heartbreaking...only 20 years old and with a little guy that will grow up without his mommy. I hope the father doesn't get the baby because it sounds to me like he should be the number one suspect. With all of the domestic violence that had taken place it just seems that he is the one.

I know that the holidays are going to be really hard for you and your family. Sometimes you have to carry on with the holidays because of the children but it doesn't make it easier. Instead you just want to curl up and not get up.

You and your family will be in my prayers and thoughts. I will also pray that the person who look the life of your beautiful neice will be arrested quickly so that there will swift justice for Lacey.
Lacey Claire Gaines was murdered on Dec 7, 2009 (20 yrs old)

I appreciate any help you can give me. These are her pages. Don't be afraid to ask me questions. If I know I'll tell you.

Does anyone know how to Google Earth the apt complex?

Lacey lived in the first block of Hickory Trace Drive in Justice, IL at the:
Sunset Lake Apartments - reviews and info - even contact info,%2Bjustice,%2Bil&hl=en&gl=us&view=feature&mcsrc=detailed_reviews&num=10&start=10

This is the brother of Lacey's ex's myspace
Take a look at Lacey's my space
status: mouth so full of lies .. tend to black your eyes
Mood: stressed
Last Login: 12/25/2008
20 years old
Chicago, Illinois
United States

Lacey's Blurbs
About me:
i live in chicago with my boyfriend and my son .. i love soccer and music .. i work as a waitress but am going back to school to be a spanish teacher

Her new myspace with new boyfriend
This message she left

Crime Stoppers has offered award $1000,justice-woman-reward-1214.article
I tried to call tipline and it wouldn't take anymore calls it was full. I wanted to ask if they would print the flyers in Spanish as well as Engkish.

If you have information on this murder please call:

TIPLINE (800) 535-7867 or one of the Det on the case/

Justice Police Department
7800 S Archer Rd,
Justice, IL 60458

Det Joe Malloy

Det R Plotke

$1000 Reward To report information, call the Crime Stopper¹s hot line, (800) 535-7867
Sign the petition for justice for Lacey:

Dana does commentary and then 10 mins of next show speaks about Lacey.
The Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio:

Death (Obituary) Notice for Lacey C. Gaines

Sign Lacey's Guest Book

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