IL IL - Lacey Gaines, 22, Justice, 7 Dec 2009

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ChaCha - Please accept my condolences on the loss of your neice. After reading everything you linked it sounds to me (MOO) that the perp is either the ex-boyfriend or the new boyfriend. I also agree with the member here who thought that the ex-boyfriend may have hired someone to murder her. It is suspicious to me, though, that the new boyfriend says he found her, as so many times the person who "found" the murder victim turns out to be the perp. Just my thoughts - I hope the PI can uncover the info that leads to a break in arresting Lacey's killer.
1/2/08 Lacey had her baby boy, around 8 PM. in the Kankakee Hospital 8 lbs. 3 oz

Baby's name - *Obit
Wedding invites -father's name is hyphenated using both Baby last name and his last name from Petition with the 1st name changed (1st vowel to an "o")

1) Why is baby's last name different than fathers?

2) Why does father use different names on wedding invitation and petition for parent?

3) Does father need to prove who he is and his parentage of baby to either gain or sign over legal custody?

4) Will father just say it's ok no need for paper, you can raise baby just let me see him. Can Lacey's family request legal guardianship with court without father's signature? Where is legal guardianship filed?

5) Why falsely list fathers name on birth certificate? To possibly help father avoid paying child support? Does birth certificate require proper ID from father?

6) Why would father need to establish parentage if his name was on birth certificate.

7) Why did father plead with Lacey to not go to court? Yet he then petitions court for parentage?

8) Could father fool the family court and get visitation - by using a different name? Hoping his status as illegal alien will protect him?

9) Did Lacey know the father wouldn't want his true ID exposed and she felt this gave her the upper hand? It's been reported Lacey wanted new boyfriend to adopt baby - why did she think this was not only possible? But also probable?

10) On the petition for parentage - the last motion was STRIKE FROM CALL on 9/25/2009 - Why? Did a party not follow court instruction? Why?

11) What ever happened to the possible shooting in Schaumburg, IL (5 yrs ago). Has anyone see a mug-shot of perp? Perp supposedly charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon - he shot his girlfriends boyfriend or shot at him. Perp allegedly used an alias to avoid the prosecution and ran once bail was granted.


1) Could ex have known Lacey could remove all contact with his son and in fact replace him with new boyfriend? New boyfriend would then be the recipient of all favors from Lacey's family, as well as his son? With Lacey gone ex's position in family is reinstated.

2) If Lacey's family seeks legal guardianship of baby. Does father still need to prove parentage to sign over his parental rights? Can he sign guardianship papers and not have to prove parentage and once again use alias? Does ex really want custody of baby or just access to him and thus have control and still be given many favors by family?

3) Family thinks like US citizen. Will they allow visitation because they think father can get custody of baby?

4) Is this a motive for murder.

Only other motive I could come up with was jealousy by new boyfriend.

More questions?

Lacey was a fighter, it has been reported there were no defensive wounds. Both ex and new boyfriend would have known this. A stranger would not have known Lacey was a fighter. In person at first she could appear shy. Why no defensive wounds?

Murder serves a purpose of self gratification.

What say you?
I am a never married single mother in IL, so I will try to answer your questions as best I can, where I can. I am going to add my answers in color so they are clearly seperate from your questions.

I have some questions, so I will add them below the quoted post with my answers. (leaving quotes off purposely).

1/2/08 Lacey had her baby boy, around 8 PM. in the Kankakee Hospital 8 lbs. 3 oz

Baby's name - *Obit
Wedding invites -father's name is hyphenated using both Baby last name and his last name from Petition with the 1st name changed (1st vowel to an "o")

1) Why is baby's last name different than fathers? Legally, She can give the child any last name she wants.

2) Why does father use different names on wedding invitation and petition for parent? ???? Can you share the different last names on the forum? Did you? I have not read all the posts.

3) Does father need to prove who he is and his parentage of baby to either gain or sign over legal custody? Illinois is a default state. What that means is an unmarried mother automatically has sole physical and legal custody of her child. If a father wishes to establish paternity, and paternal rights, he must either sign what is called a VOP or voluntary acknowledgement of paternity or he can request a DNA test. When a DNA test is done, the parents being tested must show ID to prove who they are, and the testing facility, in our case was at a hospital, takes an instant photo of those being tested to prove who was there. Our DNA test was done by DNA diagnostics which is an approved DNA center by Cook County. By establishing paternal rights, this does not affect custody or visitation. It simply grants the parent paternal rights. Which, in the event one parent dies, the father has first rights to the child, unless there is reason the courts see that he should not have primary custody. Once paternity is established the fathers name is added to the birth certificate. It is against the law in Illinois ( and I believe many other states) for an unmarried woman to add a fathers name to a birth certificate unless the father either signs the VOP, or paternity is established via DNA testing. Until either is done, the fathers name remains BLANK. (My original copy of my sons bc had no fathers name listed). Child support enforcement normally does this, or the father can request it be done once paternity is established. Establishment of paternity does NOT grant the father physical or legal custody of any kind. If he wishes to seek any kind of physical or legal custody he must petition the courts to seek such.

4) Will father just say it's ok no need for paper, you can raise baby just let me see him. Can Lacey's family request legal guardianship with court without father's signature? NO Where is legal guardianship filed? Not sure, but I believe that must be done through the courts.

5) Why falsely list fathers name on birth certificate? Who is listed as the father? To possibly help father avoid paying child support? Was there ever an order for support? Does birth certificate require proper ID from father? Yes, unless it is done via the VOP. However the VOP form for Illinois -which a mother receives from the hospital when she is unmarried- or she can get another from the court if she filed for child support- requires a witness signaturefor both the mother and fathers signatures. I don't recall if the witness address is required, but I believe it is. I still have a copy of our VOP, if you have any questions about the form. ( we did our own DNA test, because the courts were so slow and then signed the VOP, which is why we did both.)

6) Why would father need to establish parentage if his name was on birth certificate. In Illinois, he could not be on the birth certificate unless he signed the voluntary acknowledgement of paternity or established paternity via a dna test.

7) Why did father plead with Lacey to not go to court? Yet he then petitions court for parentage? Could it be he pled for her to not take him to court for child support but still established paternity? Paternity could be established, without an order for child support - I think. All he had to do was sign the VOP and then his name would be added to the Birth Cert. It would not automatically establish child support or any rights other than parentage rights.

8) Could father fool the family court and get visitation - by using a different name? Hoping his status as illegal alien will protect him? I think, that anyone wishing to establish visitation, would have to have the same name on the birth cert. I'm confused without further details/info on the various names. However, as I said earlier, I have not read the full thread.

9) Did Lacey know the father wouldn't want his true ID exposed and she felt this gave her the upper hand? It's been reported Lacey wanted new boyfriend to adopt baby - why did she think this was not only possible? But also probable? If she wanted new boyfriend to adopt baby, the courts would still require she make attempt to contact birth father. Even if she claimed birth father unknown, she would have still legally had to make attempts by giving a great amount of personal info via classified legal ads in the paper. IF no one claimed paternity after a certain amount of time, the courts would then allow someone else to adopt the child. It's actually quite sad in a way and protective of fathers rights. Especially in rape cases that were never reported - but that is a whole other direction. The courts would require she prove due diligence to find the birth father and get his permission to allow an adoption.

10) On the petition for parentage - the last motion was STRIKE FROM CALL on 9/25/2009 - Why? Did a party not follow court instruction? Why? Perhaps the father did not show up for court to follow through on establishing paternity? I will have to look more into this.

11) What ever happened to the possible shooting in Schaumburg, IL (5 yrs ago). Has anyone see a mug-shot of perp? Perp supposedly charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon - he shot his girlfriends boyfriend or shot at him. Perp allegedly used an alias to avoid the prosecution and ran once bail was granted. I did a little looking into this awhile back and was unable to find any info regarding a shooting in Schaumburg, but IIRC you said that happened in Hanover Park. Perhaps that is why I found no info since I searched Hanover Park? Can you give us any more info to search regarding the shooting in Schaumburg? Or was that posted earlier?


1) Could ex have known Lacey could remove all contact with his son and in fact replace him with new boyfriend? New boyfriend would then be the recipient of all favors from Lacey's family, as well as his son? With Lacey gone ex's position in family is reinstated.

2) If Lacey's family seeks legal guardianship of baby. Does father still need to prove parentage to sign over his parental rights? Can he sign guardianship papers and not have to prove parentage and once again use alias? Does ex really want custody of baby or just access to him and thus have control and still be given many favors by family? Repeating an earlier question, was paternity ever established?

3) Family thinks like US citizen. Will they allow visitation because they think father can get custody of baby? If paternity was established, the father has automatic right to custody as the remaining parent, unless he is proven an unfit parent. I asked a Wheaton attorney about this when my sons father was still an absent parent who was a stranger to our child. He said no matter how hard my parents fought and how much money they tossed at the courts to fight it, unless my sons father willingly agreed to relinquish custody to them, they would have NO chance to win if he was a fit parent.

4) Is this a motive for murder. Could be, and would not be the first time.

Only other motive I could come up with was jealousy by new boyfriend.

More questions?

Lacey was a fighter, it has been reported there were no defensive wounds. Both ex and new boyfriend would have known this. A stranger would not have known Lacey was a fighter. In person at first she could appear shy. Why no defensive wounds? This was someone she knew who took her by surprise. :(

Murder serves a purpose of self gratification.

What say you?

Answered best I could above, and did include my questions above where they pertained to your questions.......
Ok, I went back to the link to establish paternity.

Non-IV-D means the request to establish paternity did not come from the child support agency.

The stike from motion means the person wishing to establish paternity never followed through.

So the question remains, was paternity ever legally established?

Can you say who the baby is with now or have you? If it jeaprodizes anyones safety, please do not post it publically. Send me a PM. thanks!
Ok, I went back to the link to establish paternity.

Non-IV-D means the request to establish paternity did not come from the child support agency. The petition shows he paid to file it.

The stike from motion means the person wishing to establish paternity never followed through.

So the question remains, was paternity ever legally established? I don't know. From the looks of the case online I'd say no. But no one has ever questioned the fact he is the father.

Can you say who the baby is with now or have you? If it jeaprodizes anyones safety, please do not post it publically. Send me a PM. thanks!

Thank you very much Cubby
the only way you will know if he has legally established paternity is to request a current copy of the childs birth certificate to see if he is listed as father or not. Usually, the father petitions the county to add his name after he establishes paternity, or if paternity is established through the state when filing for child support sometimes the county goes ahead and has the fathers name added.

We don't see that Lacey ever filed for child support through the state.
We don't see that father ever established paternity via online cook county court records.
That leaves me to believe he has not, but your family still needs a current copy of the childs birth certificate to see if father is named or left blank.


(eta, I have no clue who did in my case, I do know that the birth certificate I have for my son reads ammended with the month and year we sent in the VOP and my sons fathers name was then added to the BC. Just adding to help clarify things for you Cha Cha)
Thank you Cubby,

I am not a PI nor do any of my questions meant to be harmful in any way. I am only trying to look at this case and ask for help from all of you.

I greatly admire and appreciate all you do here at Websleuths.

Let me know if you think of anything else.

Does anyone know anything about how cell phones are used in solving crimes?

Or has anyone ever heard of a similar murder?

I know you have many dedicated members.

I am touched by your courtesy and kindness.

God's Blessings,
YW Cha Cha. I am more than happy to share the knowledge I have gained as an SP, and what I have learned here at WS from the many wonderful people I kind of took it upon to be an understudy... and just watch and learn. I'd rather share it, and save anyone else the time..... or at least help with direction.

Cell phones, they would check the pings to see if the POI was in the area at the time a crime was committed.

ETA: I didn't think any of your questions were harmful..... I was just thinking outloud to perhaps keep some information off a public forum if it might harm your family, or the investigation in any way. I don't want to post names or too much personal info that might cause someone unintended harm. It was just a reminder to be cautious....
I sent you a link to a possibly similiar case here at WS ChaCha (Tori and Dean)

The only other thing that I can think of regarding the paternity link regarding court to establish paternity, is both parents agreed to sign the VOP and send it into the state, that would negate the need for further court proceedings. BOTH parents must sign a VOP and both parents signatures need a witness signature, signed and dated. The state would have a copy on file..... and I don't know if you could get it, but perhaps the detective investigating the case could and see who witnessed the signatures for both parents.. that might help? At least to prove their were no fraudulant signatures?

They may have gone that route, especially if dads name is on the BC.
Lacey's son turned two on Jan 2, 2010. He will grow up never knowing his mother, he will wonder who killed her and why. He will be haunted by the fact if there is no conviction.

Right now police have a strong suspect but no arrest has been made.

Please light a candle and say a prayer for the detectives to catch Lacey's killer. Click Here

Click here to see petition for to help solve the murder investigation of Lacey Gaines.
Lacey's son turned two on Jan 2, 2010. He will grow up never knowing his mother, he will wonder who killed her and why. He will be haunted by the fact if there is no conviction.

Right now police have a strong suspect but no arrest has been made.

Please light a candle and say a prayer for the detectives to catch Lacey's killer. Click Here

Click here to see petition for to help solve the murder investigation of Lacey Gaines.


If Lacey could talk...

My name is Lacey Claire Gaines I just turned 20 yrs old just 6 days before I was murdered. I left my body on earth and my murder left my son with out a mother and my family in danger.

I was not murdered for money, nor for sex, or passion, but a cold blooded, calculated and premeditated act of a killing machine carrying out murder against someone's mother and family.

The police haven't been able to solve my case enough to be actually prosecuted. They say they have a very strong suspect, someone I definitely knew. They say he had the opportunity and means but not enough to convince a jury of guilt. You see they cannot convict merely on means, motive and opportunity, but must provide convincing proof of means used, and opportunity actually acted upon by the defendant charged.

The secret to solving murder is in determining three things, the 'Holy Trinity' of detection: Means, motive and opportunity.

Means' is the easiest of the three to determine. By 'means', I mean how the murder was carried out and usually an examination of the body will tell you this. Lacey was strangled and stabbed.

How was it accomplished? Lacey was a fighter this was known to all all who knew her but to a stranger she would appear to be shy and reserved. Why no defensive wounds? Was she drugged or surprised. Someone planned Lacey's murder and carried it out carefully. What tools were used and where did they come from? An extension cord and kitchen knife from Lacey's own home.

Why the overstatement of death by strangled and stabbed (throat slashed). To be certain the job was complete? No question she would be found dead, in her home>

Opportunity also means being in the right place and time to commit the murder. We know where and when the dirty deed was committed. You can eliminate anyone with an alibi. Unless it was a hired hit.

Motive' answers the 'why' question. Why was Lacey killed?

Motive can be both the easiest and hardest of the Holy Trinity to solve. Sometimes there are lots of people with a good motive to kill, and sometimes it can be hard to find anyone with any kind of motive at all.

So, the first thing you should ask is 'Who benefits?' Who has the most to gain from the victim's death? And if it's not immediately obvious, the you are going to have to talk to everyone.

Ask everyone you know ... Who do you think killed Lacey? Someone will have a clue as to the identity of the murderer, but without asking absolutely everyone, you might never know.

Who Murdered Lacey Gaines

By Cherry Gaines Simpson

This is my beloved niece Lacey Gaines. She was murdered just 6 days after her 20th birthday on Dec 7, 2009. She was strangled with a cord and her throat was cut with a 10” kitchen knife. No forced entry, no robbery, no sexual assault, no defensive wounds. Her murder left her infant son with out a mother and her family in possible danger. Lacey has left us happy memories of her past, but there will never be any more joyful moments, nor hope and promise of a future.

She was not murdered for money, nor for sex, or passion, but in cold blood, calculated and premeditation the act of a killing machine - carrying out murder against someone's mother and family.

The police haven't been able to solve her case yet. They say they have a very strong suspect, someone she definitely knew. They say he had the opportunity and means but not yet enough evidence to convince a jury of guilt. You see they cannot convict merely on means, motive and opportunity, but must provide convincing proof of means used, and opportunity actually acted upon by the defendant(s) charged.

The secret to solving murder is in determining three things, the 'Holy Trinity' of detection: Means, motive and opportunity.

Means is the easiest of the three to determine. By 'means', I mean how the murder was carried out and usually an examination of the body will tell you this. According to the First Responders Report Lacey was strangled and stabbed.

How was it accomplished? Lacey was a fighter this was known to all who knew her but to a stranger she would appear to be shy and reserved. Why then no defensive wounds? Was she drugged or possibly surprised. This would mean premeditation. Was there more than one person? Did someone plan Lacey's murder and then carried it out carefully. Or was someone hired to kill her?

What tools were used and where did they come from? An extension cord and kitchen knife from Lacey's own home.

Why the overstatement of death by stranglation and stabbing (throat slashed). To be certain the job was complete? No question she was found dead, in her home, fully clothed, no forced entry, no defensive wounds, no theft or sexual assault.

Opportunity also means being in the right place and time to commit the murder. We know where and when the dirty deed was committed. You can eliminate anyone with an alibi. Unless, of course, it was a hired hit.

Motive' answers the 'why' question. Why was Lacey killed?

Motive can be both the easiest and hardest of the Holy Trinity to solve. Sometimes there are lots of people with a good motive to kill, and sometimes it can be hard to find anyone with any kind of motive at all.

So, the first thing you should ask is 'Who benefits?' Look very carefully. Who has the most to gain from the Lacey's death? And if it's not immediately obvious, then you’re going to have to talk to everyone.

Lacey was a treasured daughter, a close sister, a tender mother, an unforgetable niece, a generous cousin, and a forever friend. She was unique, full of life and laughter, she had a spirit which could not be broken, it was a light she let shine brightly. She still shines ever brighter in our hearts and in Heaven.

Don't be afraid to ask everyone you know ... Who do you think killed Lacey? Someone will have a clue as to the identity of the murderer, but without asking absolutely everyone, you might never know. Remember Lacey was a fighter and she is on the winning team. I want Lacey's cowardly murderer to know - you have not won. God keeps His promises.

"In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Lacey's confirmation verse. Psalm 56:11

What can you do to help? Visit with links to TIPLINE, updates, stories, a REWARD and please Sign the Petition seeking Justice for Lacey. Join one of her many Facebook pages; Help Find Lacey Gaines' Murderer page has more then 1000 fans. The number of those looking for her killer(s) is GROWING.

Lacey is not forgotten and neither are her killer(s).

This is a repost of Time's Up Post:
Let me begin with my prayers to your family. My questions are direct and not meant to hurt in anyway. I agree that your niece knew this person. It would have had to be someone that she was comfortable with walking around the apartment and kitchen. Am I correct that LE is sure that she was strangled first? If so, the killer may not have had the strength to kill your neice and then used the knife. I can understand being able to find a kitchen knife but where was the extention cord at. To me it sounds like the killer knew where objects were in the apartment. As far as the "gang theory".... wouldn't your niece have mentioned that to the family or police if the ex had gang associations? It seems that Lacey was very bright and it would seem odd for her to not mention that to someone especially having a child around. I also wonder how accurate a lie detector test is? Could the ex have fooled the test? Also, I think I read that a family member was getting ready to throw the current boyfriend out of Lacey's wake. Was that correct and do you know what that was about?
This does sound like a gang 'hit' to me.

I wonder if the ex-boyfriend may have called in a 'favor' from his gang. (In most Mexican gangs, wives and girlfriends are viewed as possessions of men).

If this was indeed a gang hit, there would have been two of them- one to commit the murder, the other to serve as back-up and look-out. Maybe another third person waiting in a car a block or so away.

Whomever killed her may have picked the lock (did Lacey have a sliding glass door? Very easy to pick a sliding glass door lock), and may have been waiting for her in the apartment when she arrived home.

Most likely scenario, is the killer(s) silently ambushed her as she was finding her key/putting key in the lock. They came up behind her while she was facing her front door, knife or wire to her throat, gloved hand over her mouth- quickly and almost silently. Then they would proceed into the apartment with her to commit the crime in privacy.

If it was a gang hit, the killers were more than likely in and out of the apartment in just a matter of minutes.

I have often wondered if gangs have some kind of code language that puts out a hit on someone. That way, ex truly did not commit the crime and truly does not know who did. Lie detector = passed.

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