IL - Veterinarian distributed CSAM on social media; claimed he planned to sexually abuse baby after it was born - Mar 25, 2024

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So according to this article the husband has moved out of the King household, moved in with his parents and they are prepared to welcome the baby. Unsure if that is in process or not.

Chicago veterinarian charged with CSAM will remain in jail, judge rules

It's still unclear whether the adoption would move forward as planned. King is due back in court on April 1.
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I can't imagine being this baby and growing up in this family at all at this point, with all of this man's horrid secrets now out there for the world to see. At some point all of his friends and schoolmates will find out that his existence was planned by this man just for the purposes of abuse, whether or not that abuse ever ended up occurring. I just can't imagine what kind of teasing or bullying might stem from that kind of information getting around.
I assume the in-laws and husband were in court to provide support for AK? I will be horrified if the baby is allowed to be adopted by the husband.
I mean, the husband made statements that indicate he still wants the baby but I haven't heard anything about a divorce. Maybe he thinks AK's charges will go away or that he won't get much time behind bars. I sincerely hope that there is some sort of investigation in process that we won't /don't know about to protect the child.
According to previously linked articles, the husband and his family swore that they did not know of his activity. ASK's family also swore they knew nothing but were willing to have him at home is there was bail. At this point, I see the family as potential victims. This article states that ASK said his husband was not a "perv" (Dog show judge plotted to sexually assault adopted baby once it was born: Police). This article says they swore in court that they knew nothing (*-will-remain-in-jail-judge-rules/ar-BB1kAj5e).

ASK deserves what he gets based on his behavior. I don't think it is fair (yet) to look at his husband as a guilty party. I can't imagine my response if that kind of warrant was served in my house--- I might be incredulous at first but within an hour or so after seeing evidence, I would be all aboard for the person never seeing the light of day. I certainly would NEVER post bond for anyone who did what the affidavit says he did.

I assume the in-laws and husband were in court to provide support for AK? I will be horrified if the baby is allowed to be adopted by the husband.
And I thought I read in one of the links the husband is a pastor?
Oh please say it isn’t so.

I’m traumatized from this whole thing already.

I’m a member of the AKC and CKC. I got some strange emails from both organizations on Thursday last week alluding to criminal behaviour and “juniors”. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out what was going on. No names named, no context. I asked friends and nobody seemed to know.

Now I know.

How horrendously disgusting.

I hope the baby lands in a good home. This is beyond evil.

Makes me utterly sick.

What are the laws about surrogacy and custody? Does the surrogate mother have any legal standing to refuse to hand over the baby? I'm just wondering because, if I were her, I would be very uncomfortable handing that child over to the husband and his family. How could you ever be 100% sure he didn't know what his husband was involved in?
In most states including CA the norm for surrogacy is to use a donor egg, unless some type of shared parenting is planned. The birthing mother has no legal rights to the baby. This prevents the surrogate from changing her mind. The sperm donor is the legal parent to the baby, if there is a partner they would have to adopt the baby to be considered a legal parent.

There is always the possibility of something nobody in their right mind ever thought of (like this monster ASK) that causes changes to be made. This poor woman who gave the ultimate gift by growing this new life for them. I cannot imagine being in her shoes, having to hand over the baby. I think I would go to a state where surrogacy isn’t legal to give birth & get the birth certificate. IDK if that would help or not but no way I would want to hand over this poor baby to either of the fathers.
I mean, the husband made statements that indicate he still wants the baby but I haven't heard anything about a divorce. Maybe he thinks AK's charges will go away or that he won't get much time behind bars. I sincerely hope that there is some sort of investigation in process that we won't /don't know about to protect the child.

Another possibility, the husband didn't know and is not involved in what his spouse was doing. I think it is important to be skeptical of this situation but if the husband was involved, I am sure the police would be filing charges. If they do find him to be involved at some point, I am also sure he will face charges.

Another possibility, the husband didn't know and is not involved in what his spouse was doing. I think it is important to be skeptical of this situation but if the husband was involved, I am sure the police would be filing charges. If they do find him to be involved at some point, I am also sure he will face charges.

All I know is what has been posted in this thread. No charges against the husband that I have seen and there has been no evidence to my knowledge of his involvement in the CSAM activities.
Police did however show him the messages that King was intending to SA the new born on 4/5/2024. King was arrested on 4/22/2024. During his arrest the husband asked "You're doing this now so he can't get on the plane?"
All I know is what has been posted in this thread. No charges against the husband that I have seen and there has been no evidence to my knowledge of his involvement in the CSAM activities.
Police did however show him the messages that King was intending to SA the new born on 4/5/2024. King was arrested on 4/22/2024. During his arrest the husband asked "You're doing this now so he can't get on the plane?"

True. But, if that were me and I didn't know a thing, I might stick up for the person UNTIL it becomes crashing in that they had done something so vile.
All I know is what has been posted in this thread. No charges against the husband that I have seen and there has been no evidence to my knowledge of his involvement in the CSAM activities.
Police did however show him the messages that King was intending to SA the new born on 4/5/2024. King was arrested on 4/22/2024. During his arrest the husband asked "You're doing this now so he can't get on the plane?"
That utterance tells me that although he was shown the evidence he doesn’t seem to care. He wants the baby.

If I was shown that, I would be gone so fast it would make my husband’s head spin. I’d be at a lawyer, filing for divorce and filing for sole custody of the child.

This is just sick.

I hope the baby was apprehended at birth by ‘authorities’ until a court can take a cold, hard look at this mess.

ASKs parents seem to have been in court to ‘oversee’ his behaviour if released.

ASK has admitted to drugging and assaulting their other grandchildren!!!

Thankfully the baby was born in California, they have very strict rules about protecting/doing what is best for the children. MOO
True. But, if that were me and I didn't know a thing, I might stick up for the person UNTIL it becomes crashing in that they had done something so vile.
I agree if it came like a ton of bricks out of nowhere I would be so shocked! But there were investigations back in 2017 that apparently couldn't be charged because the age of the supposed minors couldn't be verified. I would think that would give me enough pause to walk away at that time if not now. JMOO
In most states including CA the norm for surrogacy is to use a donor egg, unless some type of shared parenting is planned. The birthing mother has no legal rights to the baby. This prevents the surrogate from changing her mind. The sperm donor is the legal parent to the baby, if there is a partner they would have to adopt the baby to be considered a legal parent.

There is always the possibility of something nobody in their right mind ever thought of (like this monster ASK) that causes changes to be made. This poor woman who gave the ultimate gift by growing this new life for them. I cannot imagine being in her shoes, having to hand over the baby. I think I would go to a state where surrogacy isn’t legal to give birth & get the birth certificate. IDK if that would help or not but no way I would want to hand over this poor baby to either of the fathers.

I hope the baby was apprehended at birth by ‘authorities’ until a court can take a cold, hard look at this mess.

ASKs parents seem to have been in court to ‘oversee’ his behaviour if released.

ASK has admitted to drugging and assaulting their other grandchildren!!!

Thankfully the baby was born in California, they have very strict rules about protecting/doing what is best for the children. MOO
Read what @abyquinn had to say about the surrogate's rights. It has me worried. I hope there is an appropriate authority looking into this, though I'm not sure that will/or should be public. Just concerned for the safety of this child.
If it is legally one of their children this is a complete mess!
Surrogates are compensated for their services. They aren't moms. So basically this baby is being created, born, and sold to a pervert's husband, who finds the apprehension of his husband to be inconvenient, and the baby has no right to safety. Awesome. Slow clap. Hope someone in the family is decent and looks out for him.
I hope the baby was apprehended at birth by ‘authorities’ until a court can take a cold, hard look at this mess.

ASKs parents seem to have been in court to ‘oversee’ his behaviour if released.

ASK has admitted to drugging and assaulting their other grandchildren!!!

Thankfully the baby was born in California, they have very strict rules about protecting/doing what is best for the children. MOO
Do we know if the nephews he mentioned are from his family or his husbands?

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