Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #10 *Still Missing*

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I can believe it all, but lo-and-behold, with all their troubles not a single one of them (as far as we know) ever kidnapped and brutally murdered another human being.
No matter how many causative agents one can find for another human being’s wretched, egregious behavior, in the end, once you cross a certain threshold, adults who know right from wrong have to take responsibility for their own actions, and suffer the consequences. (JMO)

I wasn't referring to this crime but about his juvenile years. I was stating that if he had issues back then had he had treatment.
What he is in court for is his own responsibility, his own doing.
The defense must have shot the entire justice system's budget to pluto throughout this trial.
Yet, their star witness, BC's father gets to stay in a camp-site.
This will impress the jury?
Appalling outrageous and blatant manipulation.
Does not cost much to put somebody up in a motel..
And it's ok for all the professional defence lawyers to bawl their eyes out in court but not one juror huh? How absolutely pathetic of them - no tears for Ying Ying from them. I hope the jury notice the theatrics. So how will Dad afford to visit him on death row when he couldn't afford it before? I don't believe the hypocrisy of this.
here comes mental health which cannot stand up to govt scrutiny for some strange reason

His mom's brother, Robert Lahmann, testified about some of the mental health issues on his side of the family.

Said his grandpa shot himself at 73, his father stopped eating at 92 and was depressed. (2
(I'm not making this up)

His father was a painter, didn't sell much, had his kids pose for paintings. The uncle said he once posed for a painting where he was on a cross with arrows in him. (3/17)(quite a circus, eh?)

Said Christensen was "very polite. A nice young man. Very quiet." (4

Called his crime "awful, heartbreaking." "I can't reconcile it. For that to occur, there had to have been something that was wrong." (5

Said a death sentence would devastate Brendt's mother. "It would just destroy her. She's not a strong person." (6

Christensen's third and fourth grade teacher, Jeanette Handrich, testified. (7

Had pictures of Christensen in a scrapbook she made in 2011. (8 (treacle)

He loved math, she said, and was a good reader. Asked good questions, loved to play outside. He was "a person that if you gave him an idea, he would run with hit and put his heart into it." (9/

Her reaction to Christensen's crime: "disbelief." "The young man I knew was brought up well, had his head on straight. He had passion." "I just couldn't understand what had happened." (10/

"I wish

I could give him a hug," she said while crying. (11 (go right ahead sister, go right ahead, there's a pair of you in it!!!)

Then his mother's best friend, Deborah Mitchell, testified. Her son, Tom, was born on the same day as Christensen, and they were childhood friends. (12/( quickly followed by the milkman, the postman and santa claus , no doubt!!!)

"He was a good kid. He did everything he was asked to and didn't cause any problems," she said. (13

Said she noticed Christensen's mom struggle with alcohol after her third child, tried to get her help. (14

Showed FB messages between Mitchell and Christensen, of her reminding him to call his mom on Mother's Day. (15/

Said she loved Christensen like her own children. (16

That doesn't go away," she said. "I love the boy that he was. That doesn't stop." (17/17) (nostalgia)


All of above courtesy of BZ.. a great journalist but I'll have nightmares tonight
She loved the boy that he was. But not the man he is now presumably.

None of them are stating why he should live though.
Christensen's 3rd and 4th grade teacher describes he was in the gifted program. "I just couldn't understand," she says of his crime, choking up. "I wish I could give him a hug if it would help him." @WCIA3

Eades contd
Christensen's uncle (mom's side) testifies about her alcoholism struggle. About Brendt, he says, "There had to be something that was wrong. People just don't do this." With regard to how BC's mother would handle a death sentence, he said "It would absolutely destroy her." @WCIA3


  1. When Debbie Mitchell, the long time best friend of Chistensen's mom ended her time on the stand she said she loved him like her own son. Christensen wiped tears. #YingyingZhang @willpublicmedia

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  2. Tanya Koonce‏ @tkoonce 2h2 hours ago
    Afternoon break in the sentencing phase of the Christensen trial. Hisl uncle, Rober Lahmann, 3rd & 4th grade teacher Jeanette Handrich and mother's best friend, Debra Mitchell have taken the stand since lunch. Defendan's showing more emotion. #YingyingZhang @willpublicmedi
Christensen's childhood friend, Tom Mitchell, testified. Born the same day in same hospital as Christensen. (1/

Said they'd have birthday parties together, would go trick or treating together. (2/17)

Said Christensen would be interested in the mechanics of his toys and break them. Mitchell said he'd hit Christensen, but "he never hit me back." (3

Said they would have sleepovers, and he observed Christensen sleep walking and making noises in his sleep. (4

Said Christensen's mom was clearly lonely and an alcoholic. Seemed desperate for anyone to talk to when he would come over. His mom told him not to let Christensen's mom drive him places if she appeared drunk. (5/1

They gradually drifted apart in junior high as they had different interests and friend groups. (6

His high school best friend, Andrew Kieper, testified. Kieper put $50 on his jail telephone account so he could make calls a few days after he was arrested. (7

Said the last time they had been in touch was at a going away dinner in 2013 when Christensen was about to leave for the University of Illinois (8/1

"He was on the rise," Kieper said. "I always knew he would be good at whatever he dedicated himself to." (9/(deep insight)

Said they were on the football and track & field teams together, did a light saber duel in German class. He was a "goofy, fun-loving teenager," Kieper said. "Nothing outside the usual." (10

Was Christensen's best man at his small wedding at a hotel in Madison. (11

Talked with Christensen less once he moved to Champaign. (12

On July 2, 2017, his partner woke him up and told him, "you're not going to believe this, Brendt got arrested." (13

"I was completely and absolutely taken aback. 100% shocked." There was "never an indicator" this could've happened. Said he kept expecting it to pass and investigators would find someone else responsible (14

Said he gave Christensen call money "because he's my friend, and he needed me." (15(he also needed to do some fast witness tampering, but never mind all that)

Christensen said he'd pay him back the $50, but Kieper told him that wasn't necessary. (16/

Christensen told him he's innocent on a call. Asked how he felt about being lied to, Kieper said, "it hurts deeply," but still considers him a friend that he loves. (17/17)

(how is any of this even remotely relevant to the slaying of a tiny girl?)
.. this bit from link and previous reports has me baffled!
Michael Christensen said that when Brendt was 15 he once jumped 12 feet off a deck, threw himself down some stairs and ran into the street into an oncoming car.
Was this all one pirouette or cartwheels does anybody know?
One little point I want to put out there. Multiple people testified how Brendt’s execution would “devastate” his relatives. I’m sure it would. I feel badly for his family; none of them wanted this, none of them did this or promoted it, or had anything to do with it in any way, shape or form. It’s awful for them, and I don’t envy them. Their suffering is real, but they get much less sympathy for it, even though none of it is their fault.

However, should he be executed, there is one thing that will help them. There is one small mercy that will be afforded them; one small island of peace in an otherwise vast ocean of sadness:

They’ll get his body back........
One little point I want to put out there. Multiple people testified how Brendt’s execution would “devastate” his relatives. I’m sure it would. I feel badly for his family; none of them wanted this, none of them did this or promoted it, or had anything to do with it in any way, shape or form. It’s awful for them, and I don’t envy them. Their suffering is real, but they get much less sympathy for it, even though none of it is their fault.

However, should he be executed, there is one thing that will help them. There is one small mercy that will be afforded them; one small island of peace in an otherwise vast ocean of sadness:

They’ll get his body back........

How can it be even remotely devastating for any that testified, they never saw him or missed him or vice versa.. see facebook convo evidence...??

they are just a bunch of ghosts dragged in, like an audience for a very bad talk=show with zero ratings..
-he slept-walked Duh!
-he once did a weird pirouette. Duh!
-he was a nice small child. Duh!
- somebody put him in a scrap-book. Duh!
None of those people or the next 36 we'll be subjected to will be even remotely affected by his death in 20 yrs time...

I bit back a vicious comment on the state of his post execution body but it cost me a lot....
just bury or burn him, easy-peasy.
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