Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #11 *GUILTY*

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Yes. I am going to do some walkin videos. Prolly Monday. There are some different people to try n talk to then. Champaign Policr. Hopefully someone in this Chinese delegation ?
Brilliant news... look out for any old plces, disused or uninhabited.. I know there were searches already but did the searchers even use cadaver dogs in those searches then?
Chinese Consulate General in Chicago pledges continued help to Zhang Yingying's family in follow-up matters

CHICAGO -- The Chinese Consulate General in Chicago will continue to follow Chinese scholar Zhang Yingying's case and assist Zhang's family in handling follow-up matters in the United States, a consulate general spokesperson said on Friday.

Brendt Christensen, who kidnapped and killed the Chinese scholar in 2017, was sentenced on Thursday to life imprisonment without the possibility of release, because the jury failed to reach a unanimous decision to impose death.


Zhang Ronggao, father of Chinese graduate student Zhang Yingying, reads a statement on behalf of the family outside US District Courthouse, after Brendt Christensen was found guilty of kidnapping and murder in the student's 2017 death, in Peoria, Illinois, US, June 24, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

"Feeling deeply shocked and regrettable for Zhang Yingying's misfortune, we will once again express strong indignation and condemnation of the murderer's cruelty," said the spokesperson.

"It is the most serious crime to deliberately deprive the lives of others against the law. China has always upheld that justice should be done, the criminal should be punished by law, and the tragedy must not repeat itself," the spokesperson said.

The Chinese government attaches great importance to protecting the safety and lawful interests of its overseas citizens, the spokesperson said.

Chinese Consulate General in Chicago pledges continued help to Zhang Yingying's family in follow-up matters - World -
Brilliant news... look out for any old plces, disused or uninhabited.. I know there were searches already but did the searchers even use cadaver dogs in those searches then?

We just don't know. You woulda had to have been here during these so called " searches " there were no advanced announcements. When they searched Kaufman lake, the local paper had a single picture and a small blurb...after the fact. As to the JR search? Can't find anything. When I went in there the other day...the person I talked to said they had worked there for 6 years. When I asked if and when the building was searched they said they didn't know. But that it might have been done on a day when they weren't there. Omg.
It's almost a surreal experience whenever I talk to anyone about this case..and more specifically the search. I get the blankest stares. I feel like a Jehovah's Witness at times. It depresses me.
Here's an example..went into an office to speak with someone I feel could help with a search. The secretary lives and works in Champaign and had no knowledge of this case. At all. Sighhh
I know the request was denied, but did he really think they would put him in medium security? I believe that is what the Tucson fed prison is. Also, is there a possibility, and this is where the science background might come in, he could he have disposed of her body with any types of chemicals that at this late date may have completely disintegrated everything including bone? The longer he waited the less, if any, there would be. Just some thoughts. JMO
I know the request was denied, but did he really think they would put him in medium security? I believe that is what the Tucson fed prison is. Also, is there a possibility, and this is where the science background might come in, he could he have disposed of her body with any types of chemicals that at this late date may have completely disintegrated everything including bone? The longer he waited the less, if any, there would be. Just some thoughts. JMO
The judge said the decision will be made by BPO, it may well g in his favor.
There is no evidence that he dissolved her or purchased any materials that could be used to dissolve a corpse.
The focus is on locating retrievable remains if we are to continue searching.
His education was on psysics,not chemistry and not biology but that dissolved theory was fed to media sources again yesterday, unable to find source but it's not congruent with prosecution statement that search is continuing for her remains... I think they stopped searching a very long time ago..
I wonder whether Crimestoppers have any information about ongoing, future or past searches?
all he has to do is manifest symptoms of some terminal illness and we're off again....
This isn’t the UK. Compassionate release has historically been rarely used here, and not as often here in the US as many think it should be, especially in the case of convictions for non-violent crime.

I do feel sometimes that some of the comments in this thread that are aimed at the system here in the US do not closely line up with what happens in the majority of cases here. Perhaps they do elsewhere, but I truly do not have any concerns that this convicted torturer and murderer given LWOP will ever walk the streets as a free man again.
Hi All, I've been following this sad case off and on, mostly at the beginning and recently. I find it very unusual that BC decided to not reveal the location of her remains despite the death penalty being on the table. Given that he admitted to the murder, why do you guys think that is? Is it a last form of some sick control over YY? A bargaining chip for the future? I know you all don't have the answers but interested in your thoughts.
All of the above. We addressed this a couple of times earlier in the thread.
Can anyone explain how the civil case against BC proceeds…? Same lawyers involved or different lawyer teams? Similar to the guilt phase of the trial or a very different sort of proceeding? And will it be in Peoria or wherever he ends up incarcerated? Is it definitely a jury trial or possibly heard only by a judge? And I assume that now divulging YY’s whereabouts would have no effect on the civil case?
This isn’t the UK. Compassionate release has historically been rarely used here, and not as often here in the US as many think it should be, especially in the case of convictions for non-violent crime.

I do feel sometimes that some of the comments in this thread that are aimed at the system here in the US do not closely line up with what happens in the majority of cases here. Perhaps they do elsewhere, but I truly do not have any concerns that this convicted torturer and murderer given LWOP will ever walk the streets as a free man again.

I'm not in the UK FYO.

It is rare but it does happen, actually.
This Program Lets Sick, Old Prisoners Die At Home. Why Is It Rarely Used?

Frail, Old and Dying, but Their Only Way Out of Prison Is a Coffin
Can anyone explain how the civil case against BC proceeds…? Same lawyers involved or different lawyer teams? Similar to the guilt phase of the trial or a very different sort of proceeding? And will it be in Peoria or wherever he ends up incarcerated? Is it definitely a jury trial or possibly heard only by a judge? And I assume that now divulging YY’s whereabouts would have no effect on the civil case?
I tagged Gitana earlier on one of our other legal questions. Since we haven’t heard from her, perhaps we should try @PrairieWind , a verified attorney.
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Yesterday when I visited Becketts office ( no response yet ) I then swung by BC's apt to take videos. The route pretty much runs right thru campus and the abduction area. I drove slowly in both directions past that bus stop. I've commented on this before and you fellow locals will know what I mean here.
The amount of people milling about this area was staggering. As I drove I was further struck by the number of asian women. I know the original abduction video shows YY standing alone at that stop. But wow...he had to have been incredibly patient for this scenario to unfold. Now that I know how to post videos I will be doing many more so you guys further away can get some idea of just how things are laid out here. I'll get more of JR and Kaufman lake and the surrounding areas.
I'm going to give another of my opinions here. I asked the other day about the duffle bag time line etc.
Every single ...ahem... fact..we know about him leaving with the bag comes from Michelles mouth. Think on that..
I have absolutely NO solid proof..but my gut says she knows waayyy more than she lets on!!
Yes. How long was he gone? Why didnt she ask where's that brand new duffle bag? After all, she paid for it right?
This isn’t the UK. Compassionate release has historically been rarely used here, and not as often here in the US as many think it should be, especially in the case of convictions for non-violent crime.

I do feel sometimes that some of the comments in this thread that are aimed at the system here in the US do not closely line up with what happens in the majority of cases here. Perhaps they do elsewhere, but I truly do not have any concerns that this convicted torturer and murderer given LWOP will ever walk the streets as a free man again.

This. He will never get out. This fact is key to why the two gave him a pass. Read the two extra mitigating factors and the questions they asked Shadid about future dangerousness. They wanted to give him a pass because of drugs and alcohol, mom being a drunk, etc.... but they were worried that he might be dangerous still. They didnt want their mercy leading to a situation where he, or someone on his behalf, would kill again. They didn't want that on their conscience. Once they were assured that he would never get out and that future dangerousness applied to prison only, they felt assured their compassion wouldn't get anyone killed. They were free to show their mercy, and not risk any price for it.....
Another legal question: IF BC’s Defense team knows what he did with the remains (and I think it highly likely they do), now that the trial and sentencing is over, could they divulge that (without his consent) as a humane gesture, or is that a breach of some sort of legalistic ethics?
for people with experience in court system or Pacer, please?

When are the Grand Jury proceedings likely to become unsealed in this case?

Is there any way to obtain the sealed plea negotiations or any sound legal reason to keep them sealed now that sentence has been passed?

Are either or both of the above available through FOI made by a US citizen?
In the US, Grand Jury testemony and proceedings remain sealed except in very, very rare cases (the Colorado Rocky Flats nuke weapons plutonium contamination Grand Jury findings were leaked and finally partially redacted publically released after 20 years or so after intense media and political pressure).

The plea deal negotiations are likely protected by attorney client priviledge of the defendant and by law cannot be devulged unless the attorney wants to be disbarred and sued by the defendant. Sadly.
In the US, Grand Jury testemony and proceedings remain sealed except in very, very rare cases (the Colorado Rocky Flats nuke weapons plutonium contamination Grand Jury findings were leaked and finally partially redacted publically released after 20 years or so after intense media and political pressure).

The plea deal negotiations are likely protected by attorney client priviledge of the defendant and by law cannot be devulged unless the attorney wants to be disbarred and sued by the defendant. Sadly.

Wow, thanks for taking the time to answer that re Grand Jury.
I had not known.
Re plea-
In this case it appears as though the prosecution were more desperate to keep them sealed.
Defense leaked/accidentally filed them open just after the guilty phase.
Prosecution took some pains to ensure defense would not refer to them again during the sentencing phase, particularly the final 'speech' by defense to the jury.

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