Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #4 *Arrest*

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Is there any way BC could have driven back to Winsconsin between June 9-June11 (prior to being under surveillence) to hide the body? He grew up in Wisconsin so he is very familar with the area. How far is Champaign from his hometown? Did LE check cameras at toll booths to see if his plates matched any cars that may have crossed into neighboring towns or states?

I do not think he took ZYY back his apt, it would have been too risky. And putting her in a body bag would mean he had to render her unconcious in order to stuff her in a body bag and not have her scream or struggle.

Does he have an alibi for June 9-11? And was his roommate at home between June 9-11?

Sorry for all the questions. Not sure if some had already been answered. Just wanted to put out some idea and possibilities.
In his recorded "confession", did he mention his kidnapping victim by name i.e. ZYY? If he didnt he could try to weasle his way out by saying he was discussing fantasy kidnapping scenarios to the informant or whoever.
Not sure why we're even spending so much time on BC's monetary status, but since we are, I'll just say that good (and experienced) TAs can be hard to come by on short notice, so I would think he was definitely kept on stipend from the University until his May graduation, and then became unemployed. I don't imagine the couple lived for 6 mos. on the wife's salary alone.
And since folks are thinking up all sorts of wild scenarios, here's another one I'll throw out (which I DON'T believe): maybe he kidnapped YZ planning to ask for a ransom, but when he discovered her family was in China and not very wealthy the plan fell apart!
To add onto your wild scenario, last year a Chinese student wrecked their Ferrari. It was headline news around here because there aren't a lot of $250,000 cars being driven around, let alone by someone in their early 20s. So, then this article came to light and now a lot of people have generalized it to mean that all Chinese students are super rich.

So, was ransom ever part of BC's plan... probably not, but it's plausible.

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Is there any way BC could have driven back to Winsconsin between June 9-June11 (prior to being under surveillence) to hide the body? He grew up in Wisconsin so he is very familar with the area. How far is Champaign from his hometown? Did LE check cameras at toll booths to see if his plates matched any cars that may have crossed into neighboring towns or states?

I do not think he took ZYY back his apt, it would have been too risky. And putting her in a body bag would mean he had to render her unconcious in order to stuff her in a body bag and not have her scream or struggle.

Does he have an alibi for June 9-11? And was his roommate at home between June 9-11?

Sorry for all the questions. Not sure if some had already been answered. Just wanted to put out some idea and possibilities.

I think LorenIpsum saw BC at the gym the next morning as usual nothing different.

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I think LorenIpsum saw BC at the gym the next morning as usual nothing different.

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IIRC that poster said BC went Monday-Friday, and since she was kidnapped on a Friday, they didn't see BC until that Monday, per usual. So BC had Friday, Saturday and Sunday
BC did not live alone, right? IF YZ was at his apartment, it was either only for a short time, or someone else participated. Especially if someone saw him at the gym June 10.

Lorenlspum, do you have to sign in or badge in at the gym every time?

I'm sure the FBI has interviewed all the persons who shared an apartment with him. Their timeline needs to make sense to his timeline. They know a LOT more than they are saying, so we just have to wait for a new report, or a leak.
BC did not live alone, right? IF YZ was at his apartment, it was either only for a short time, or someone else participated. Especially if someone saw him at the gym June 10.

Lorenlspum, do you have to sign in or badge in at the gym every time?

I'm sure the FBI has interviewed all the persons who shared an apartment with him. Their timeline needs to make sense to his timeline. They know a LOT more than they are saying, so we just have to wait for a new report, or a leak.
You get plastic keychain tag that has a barcode associated with your account which you are suppose to swipe as you come in. There is a surveillance camera pointed at the cash register near where you swipe in. So as far as gym attendance, FBI should have solid evidence he was or wasn't there on any particular day.

I personally go to the gym later in the day on the weekends and do not see the typical weekday morning people.

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You get plastic keychain tag that has a barcode associated with your account which you are suppose to swipe as you come in. There is a surveillance camera pointed at the cash register near where you swipe in. So as far as gym attendance, FBI should have solid evidence he was or wasn't there on any particular day.

I personally go to the gym later in the day on the weekends and do not see the typical weekday morning people.
Oh! So you did not see him at the gym again until the following Monday, June 12? Got it.

I wonder if he was seen at his apartment over the weekend. We'll have to wait for the reports.....
I'm a research prof at a U15 school -- and most of our 1st and 2nd year classes are taught by grad students, with a sprinkling of instructors (and the occasional junior faculty member). RA- and TA-ships are part of the funding package given to preferred grad students, and these are competitive, though we try to share them around. A student who leaves the PhD for a terminal degree like an MA/MSC is unlikely to be kept on an as instructor or TA upon graduation, though s/he might get an extra semester in a lab if they've established relationships with faculty. Outstanding teaching evaluations don't tend to trump credentials or program needs. It's pretty cutthroat.

I'd agree that his possible familiarity to YY as a fellow campus member and grad student might have helped him with his initial approach, but it's a big school, and grad students tend to orbit round programs and departments, and it's just as likely they'd never encountered each other previously. She is clearly well-loved; what a terrible, clumsy, cruel crime this is.

I was a grad student at a big ten and a faculty member at one of the ivys, and at both places we had so many students on fellowships and grants that TAships were a last resort for funding and were easy to come by, especially because our courses were popular with undergrads and tended to be large. Ph.D. students who were still in the program after 7 years could still get TAships, especially if their English was good, even when people were pretty sure they weren't ever going to finish. I guess this varies a lot from school to school and program to program, with the availability of NSF and other fellowships, and grant-supported RAships, having a huge impact on the competitiveness of TAships.
BC did not live alone, right? IF YZ was at his apartment, it was either only for a short time, or someone else participated. Especially if someone saw him at the gym June 10.

Lorenlspum, do you have to sign in or badge in at the gym every time?

I'm sure the FBI has interviewed all the persons who shared an apartment with him. Their timeline needs to make sense to his timeline. They know a LOT more than they are saying, so we just have to wait for a new report, or a leak.

Also, if they believe she may have been in the apartment, they would have a good search for any DNA or other evidence. We, the public, just might not have been given that info.
Many criminals carry handcuffs, gag tools and other restraining devices in their cars, so a stun gun or beating her unconscious is not the only way to 'smuggle' her into his apartment. As one of the pictures on his Facebook shows, the car can be very close to the apartment building complex entrance (that said, it would still be very risky as he couldn't be sure if anyone would see and have suspicion):


P.S. Since it seems he could be used to being home 24/7, he may be very aware if there was almost always nobody around in the building, despite the laundry and mailboxes being near his apartment.


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From what I've seen it's typical drainage ditch depth... around or less than knee high for the most part with some areas possibly being deeper. Heavy rainfall would dramatically increase the depth but we haven't had rain like that for a month or more.

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The west side of Champaign is the source of the Kaskaskia River, it has only the most minor tributaries ankle deep. There are no rivers in Champaign, it was founded as a whistle stop for the Chicago-New Orleans railroad line in a wide open prairie area several miles to the west of the swampy Big Grove where Urbana and the University were located to avoid more difficult terrain to construct the railroad through. The only really remote private areas to dump comparable to where the Green River killer went are the wooded bottomlands of the Sangamon River Valley just to the west of town, or the Salt Fork valley of the Vermillion River to the East. If you take I-74 east, the last 10 miles of Illinois change dramatically in scenery from industrial Corn-Soybean farms to rolling forested hills. The city of Danville is sort of a semi-abandoned post industrial wasteland similar to Flint Michigan. But the student community generally does not go there very much, the Sangamon River Valley with it's University of Illinois owned "Robert Allerton Park" is the popular nature haunt for University students. If she was dumped in the woods, the Allerton area would be my first thought. The south side of the park around the Lost Garden usually has no more than one or two cars at a time parked in it's lot with Hikers spread out on it's 5 miles of trails. He could park there, open his trunk, and within 60 seconds head into the underbrush and be completely out of site and have the privacy to spend several hours digging a grave and covering it up. Unlike some country road where a local farmer might question a car parked for half a day on the shoulder next to the woods, no one would have any issue with a car parked at one of the trail heads during hours the park is open. No one is also going to get off the Allerton Trail system and walk through the Poison Ivy infested undergrowth. As a matter of fact all woodlands in Central Illinois are absolutely infested with Poison Ivy and it takes weeks for the rash to go away. Does BC have any Poison Ivy symptoms right now? If so it would definitely point to a wooded dump site.
LoremIpsum, I know just a little over a week ago your world got rocked and became a bit surreal. This must feel very personal to you because you are literally acquainted with BC, at whatever level, and he's proving to be very scary and not at all what people see on the outside. I can't imagine the many different emotions you must have had, trying to wrap your head around it. I imagine a prominent feeling is one of betrayal.

:grouphug: We all appreciate your insight, pictures, and stamina on this case. Thank you for being here, and I hope that your active participation on this thread is helping you make sense of things and is therapeutic for you. You are a valuable asset to WS.
The west side of Champaign is the source of the Kaskaskia River, it has only the most minor tributaries ankle deep. There are no rivers in Champaign, it was founded as a whistle stop for the Chicago-New Orleans railroad line in a wide open prairie area several miles to the west of the swampy Big Grove where Urbana and the University were located to avoid more difficult terrain to construct the railroad through. The only really remote private areas to dump comparable to where the Green River killer went are the wooded bottomlands of the Sangamon River Valley just to the west of town, or the Salt Fork valley of the Vermillion River to the East. If you take I-74 east, the last 10 miles of Illinois change dramatically in scenery from industrial Corn-Soybean farms to rolling forested hills. The city of Danville is sort of a semi-abandoned post industrial wasteland similar to Flint Michigan. But the student community generally does not go there very much, the Sangamon River Valley with it's University of Illinois owned "Robert Allerton Park" is the popular nature haunt for University students. If she was dumped in the woods, the Allerton area would be my first thought. The south side of the park around the Lost Garden usually has no more than one or two cars at a time parked in it's lot with Hikers spread out on it's 5 miles of trails. He could park there, open his trunk, and within 60 seconds head into the underbrush and be completely out of site and have the privacy to spend several hours digging a grave and covering it up. Unlike some country road where a local farmer might question a car parked for half a day on the shoulder next to the woods, no one would have any issue with a car parked at one of the trail heads during hours the park is open. No one is also going to get off the Allerton Trail system and walk through the Poison Ivy infested undergrowth. As a matter of fact all woodlands in Central Illinois are absolutely infested with Poison Ivy and it takes weeks for the rash to go away. Does BC have any Poison Ivy symptoms right now? If so it would definitely point to a wooded dump site.
Allerton is and has been swarmed with overnight 4H camps and the local nature hikers this summer. Possible, but unlikely. Too populated.

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The west side of Champaign is the source of the Kaskaskia River, it has only the most minor tributaries ankle deep. There are no rivers in Champaign, it was founded as a whistle stop for the Chicago-New Orleans railroad line in a wide open prairie area several miles to the west of the swampy Big Grove where Urbana and the University were located to avoid more difficult terrain to construct the railroad through. The only really remote private areas to dump comparable to where the Green River killer went are the wooded bottomlands of the Sangamon River Valley just to the west of town, or the Salt Fork valley of the Vermillion River to the East. If you take I-74 east, the last 10 miles of Illinois change dramatically in scenery from industrial Corn-Soybean farms to rolling forested hills. The city of Danville is sort of a semi-abandoned post industrial wasteland similar to Flint Michigan. But the student community generally does not go there very much, the Sangamon River Valley with it's University of Illinois owned "Robert Allerton Park" is the popular nature haunt for University students. If she was dumped in the woods, the Allerton area would be my first thought. The south side of the park around the Lost Garden usually has no more than one or two cars at a time parked in it's lot with Hikers spread out on it's 5 miles of trails. He could park there, open his trunk, and within 60 seconds head into the underbrush and be completely out of site and have the privacy to spend several hours digging a grave and covering it up. Unlike some country road where a local farmer might question a car parked for half a day on the shoulder next to the woods, no one would have any issue with a car parked at one of the trail heads during hours the park is open. No one is also going to get off the Allerton Trail system and walk through the Poison Ivy infested undergrowth. As a matter of fact all woodlands in Central Illinois are absolutely infested with Poison Ivy and it takes weeks for the rash to go away. Does BC have any Poison Ivy symptoms right now? If so it would definitely point to a wooded dump site.
CAPTAINKIRK4(You must be a distant relative of the one who lives near me, in Calif!) BBM Does RobAllPrk have a guard post at entry & picnic facilities? I can tell you have been thinking this out. But, I was wondering why you think he would suddenly be so clever as to "drive way out of town' OR even to another abandoned industrial post. I think he had a very short corridor of time, and I think the LAST thing he would do is bring attention to himself. If his life revolved around his "computer gaming", 2 hour morning workouts at the gym, driving to the campus, etc. it would be incredibly easy to know if he was gone for a long time....the FBI can figure that out just from his computer log ins. And tracking via cell phone towers & GPS in vehicle. (Which ultimately will prove his undoing, I believe. He lied about his location before, and then when presented with TrafficCamVideo, changed his story.)
And even though there is a lot of traffic in town (going by your observations) it didn't stop him from taking a woman off the street, or others (possibly him) approaching women in broad day light.
Can you think of places, really close to town, that could fit a narrow time line? Can you tell me about the abandoned gas station just NW of the apartments? Are there cement bricks or pavers used to cover up the
openings of below ground fuel containers? Hmmm, and as far as "digging" I don't have any college students with shovels in their apts....but I guess he could have borrowed/purchased one? Nah, I feel he wouldn't risk doing anything out of town.
I know it's so cliché but LE should check the Walmarts nearby and hardware stores for footage of BC for that morning or the day before. He probably went shopping for kidnapping supplies. Rope, rip-ties, tarp, heavy duty garbage bags, extra large sports equipment bag, etc etc.

Problem is those CCTV systems work just like a black box in an aircraft, constantly recording over the oldest footage and usually don't go back much over 14-20 days. And the higher the resolution, the shorter the period the hard drive can hold. I certainly hope they started this search the first week of the investigation when the zeroed in on BC and would assume they did and aren't going to tell us until they have to in court. Of course BC may have already had his rape kit for some time now as he's been active since April on that site and probably thinking about this stuff long before that.
Perhaps she went willingly into his apartment with reservations and hesitation, but was too afraid of not being seen as polite. I actually got robbed moving into my dorm in Urbana when there was an adult black man lurking in the corridor watching us move in and my mom started throwing a very public loud, "Lock the doors" in front of him which I had intended to do, but she put me on the spot and I felt it would be too rude and racist to do it, so I didn't to be polite as I thought I would be insulting the man by doing so. Came back two minutes later and my stuff was gone along with the guy lurking in the hallway. Yingying could well have let her unwillingness to seem rude to overrule her instincts.

It's possible right up until the point he got her in his apartment the entire thing was a confidence game. If so, had she gone off running and screaming in the apartment parking lot what could they have charged him with? He could have simply said he was trying to pick up a girl.
MrsObrien Hiya:seeya:..wanted to ask if in the "fake abduction scenarios" (oh brother:blushing:) do they take place on public roads, store parking lots, mall exits, etc. What happens to an innocent member of the public who "sees this occurring and thinks it is real"?? And SHE/ME uses her pepper spray on the guy? Obviously members of this group do more than just talk about it online, right?
Oh well, I worry about people using "on line sites" and then falling into seems so many lose their moral compass and social filters after being exposed to too much of it. (Thinking of clients who have NEVER been to a race track or casino....and yet get addicted to on-line gambling. etc.) Regardless, I think the defense will blame it on computers, not on the actions of BC, alone.
(Right now, your work is one of the most read "items" in China.....go figure!)
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