Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

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on the jury
Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief – #301 in United States v. Christensen (C.D. Ill., 2:17-cr-20037) –

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. Twelve regular and six alternate jurors will be selected for trial. 2. The Court will send the completed unredacted juror questionnaires to both parties by April 24, 2019. Prior to that date, the Court may excuse potential jurors who are exempt, ineligible to serve, or who have requested excusal and are eligible for such. To date, 1001 questionnaires have been sent out, and the Court has excused 168 potential jurors (for circumstances such as pregnancy, hearing loss, prepaid travel, and economic hardship, etc.), disqualified 48 potential jurors, deferred 39 potential jurors, and transferred 1 potential juror. Of the remaining 745 potential jurors, 614 have responded to the questionnaire. 3. Upon receipt of the questionnaires, the parties shall confer with each other in a goodfaith attempt to reach agreement as to which potential jurors should be struck for

Okay - update in red since last hearing on 4/8. I'll post this now, so I can shorten it up a bit. :)

Monday, April 8th:
*Status Conference Hearing (@ 1:30pm ET) - IL - Yingying Zhang (26) (missing on June 9, 2017, Urbana; not found) - *Brendt A. Christensen (28) indicted (6/30/17) on kidnapping (Federal charge) resulting in death of Yingying and 2 counts of giving false statements to FBI. Plead not guilty; DA will seek DP.
4/8: Status Conf.; 5/13: Final Pretrial Conference; 6/3: Trial begins with jury selection; trial should last about 5 weeks.
Court hearing from 1/11/19 t 3/29/19 reference post #338 here:
Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

4/5/19: filed Motion #264: Gov't's reply to Defendant's response to its Motion to Preclude the testimony of Dr. Susan Zoline. Motion 265: USA reply to Defendant's response to Exclude the Testimony of Dr. Jonathan Sorensen. On Monday the attorneys argued their point, Judge has not ruled on this yet.
4/8/19 Update: Court GRANTS Sealed Motion for Leave to File 295. By agreement of counsel, Court UNSEALS documents 264, 289 & 294 (related to Dr. Zoline), but ORDERS that the exhibits contained in d/e 289 are to remain SEALED. Court also UNSEALS document 263 (related to Dr. Vos), and ORDERS the Motion MOOT given the representations of the Defense in open court that Dr. Vos would not be called. ARGUMENTS HEARD re Motion 265 (re: Dr. Sorensen). Defense is ORDERED to disclose Dr. Sorensen's report by 5/6/2019. Court orders that MOTION 265 is DENIED with leave to renew within 7 days of May 6, 2019. Arguments heard re Motion 264 (re: Dr. Zoline). Defendant to provide an amended disclosure re Dr. Zoline by May 6, 2019. The Motion 264 is GRANTED as to the current disclosure (standard of care). Govt shall have to May 13, 2019 to file additional motions as to Dr. Zoline. In-Camera session held re: documents 251, 278, 289, & 296 . Court RESERVES ruling as to those motions.

4/10/19: AFFIDAVIT by USA as to Brendt A Christensen (Morrissey, Kit) (Entered: 04/10/2019) & NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE Kit R Morrissey appearing for USA. (Morrissey, Kit) (Entered: 04/10/2019)
4/11/19: ORDER AND OPINION entered by Judge James E. Shadid on 4/11/2019 granting in part & denying in part 258 Motion for Reconsideration as to Christensen. Order on Motion for Reconsideration
4/12/19: TEXT ONLY ORDER re: Defendant's Objections 267 to Government's Motion to Select & Empanel an Anonymous Jury & the U.S.'s Response 291 . As stated in the Court's Order 301 Establishing Juror Selection Procedures, the juror questionnaires will be provided to the parties without redaction. ORDERED THAT: 1. 12 regular & 6 alternate jurors will be selected for trial. 2. The Court will send the completed unredacted juror questionnaires to both parties by April 24, 2019. Prior to that date, the Court may excuse potential jurors who are exempt, ineligible to serve, or who have requested excusal & are eligible for such. To date, 1001 questionnaires have been sent out, & the Court has excused 168 potential jurors (for circumstances such as pregnancy, hearing loss, prepaid travel, & economic hardship, etc.), disqualified 48 potential jurors, deferred 39 potential jurors, & transferred 1 potential juror. Of the remaining 745 potential jurors, 614 have responded to the questionnaire. 3. Upon receipt of the questionnaires, the parties shall confer with each other in a goodfaith attempt to reach agreement as to which potential jurors should be struck for cause. Final Pretrial Conference set 5/13/19 at 11:00am.

Judge OKs streaming video of Stevens Point native's trial in Chinese scholar death

Video of the trial will be streamed from a federal courthouse to a viewing room near campus.

Brendt Christensen's trial is scheduled to begin June 3.
The (Champaign) News-Gazette reports U.S. District Judge James Shadid on Tuesday approved the request "to accommodate members of the public and the victim's family."

Does that mean it will not be livestreamed Internationally? Just to the invited audience?

I don't think I can handle this via media reports alone.
June 3- several weeks away.. what a long journey this has been, a long fruitless journey. We never found her and it is unlikely we ever will.
The (Champaign) News-Gazette reports U.S. District Judge James Shadid on Tuesday approved the request "to accommodate members of the public and the victim's family."

Does that mean it will not be livestreamed Internationally? Just to the invited audience?

I don't think I can handle this via media reports alone.
June 3- several weeks away.. what a long journey this has been, a long fruitless journey. We never found her and it is unlikely we ever will.

It will be shown closed circuit TV in the federal courthouse in Urbana only.

I would consider trying to go for some sessions, my schedule allowing, but I bet it will be difficult to get a seat
Judge OKs streaming video of Stevens Point native's trial in Chinese scholar death
Video of the trial will be streamed from a federal courthouse to a viewing room near campus.
Brendt Christensen's trial is scheduled to begin June 3.

I understand the family feels compelled to return for the trial, but I fear what watching disclosures at the trial may do to their mental and physical well-being -- assume a support team is in place to prepare them for ghastly details that will likely come out.
Still won't be surprised if there is a last minute plea deal, where BC pleads guilty to all major counts and discloses where body remnants are in exchange for taking death penalty off table.
I understand the family feels compelled to return for the trial, but I fear what watching disclosures at the trial may do to their mental and physical well-being -- assume a support team is in place to prepare them for ghastly details that will likely come out.
Still won't be surprised if there is a last minute plea deal, where BC pleads guilty to all major counts and discloses where body remnants are in exchange for taking death penalty off table.
I think there will be a deal, but not until very late in the trial.
Reason being, the ballerina wants this audience, craves it at a level, enjoys his delusion of superior intellect, beating the system- several FBI interviews later, and they got nothing from him Remember the 'smirk' reported in court?
His crime is ongoing, in a sense... he continues to manipulate, to demand private 'sex-phonecalls' etc, he continues to withhold information on how he disposed of YY, a human girl. He intends to enjoy this. #Masterbrain.
The prosecution will need to slash his very core, break him in fragments first. I am disappointed we will not witness this
He will agree to nothing until someone shows him, beyond any shadow of a doubt that the location of her remains is a thing of no consequence to anybody anymore.
All value of his secret needs to depreciate to less than nothing.
Then he will 'talk'.
That's what I think will happen.
His join date was on my super long post ages ago...
His join date was on my super long post ages ago...
I know it was, but I cannot locate the posts from the original thread here. I do want another read of that post, badly. I'd also be really interested in any ideas you might have as to her location-?
We have a few weeks, still, there's a few people on the ground as well....I know if I was there I'd be digging up every rose-bush in the place in search of her body right now....think there is any chance she is in the Johnson building?
It is even possible, if not likely that the FBI at this stage would be open to any ideas at all.
Anyway, if we find her it 'll spare us his prima donna act in court.
....he could easily have just driven round the block, dark street, hopped in his own special hole in the fence, or brought a wire-cutters... below ground or above ground or sealed into a wall in an unknown or unpatrolled section of that site, somewhere he had been in the past, but had not completed full excavation, could have taken a few hours... just sayin'
The Johnson building kitty, that's where we should be! YY is in there waiting to be found. Alone and all broken up but I'm sure she's there, hidden in disused pipework, or like you say, behind a wall. He could have taken her there under darkness perhaps, smirking no doubt, the swine that he is.

I'm so disappointed that we mere mortals kitty, you and I won't get a chance to see his reactions in court. Boy, what I'd give to sit there and watch his every facial movement. What am I saying? Hell, he'll have that poker face on him then a stupid little smirk. You've no idea how much I'd like to knock that smirk from his face, satisfaction and frustration at what he's put her dear mother and father through.

Hmmmmm. Just wondering about the cost of flights from UK, maybe I could .............
The Johnson building kitty, that's where we should be! YY is in there waiting to be found. Alone and all broken up but I'm sure she's there, hidden in disused pipework, or like you say, behind a wall. He could have taken her there under darkness perhaps, smirking no doubt, the swine that he is.

I'm so disappointed that we mere mortals kitty, you and I won't get a chance to see his reactions in court. Boy, what I'd give to sit there and watch his every facial movement. What am I saying? Hell, he'll have that poker face on him then a stupid little smirk. You've no idea how much I'd like to knock that smirk from his face, satisfaction and frustration at what he's put her dear mother and father through.

Hmmmmm. Just wondering about the cost of flights from UK, maybe I could .............
I have thought about that, I have!. We shall enter via the ethers.
watched about 15 minutes of that and I had enough.
I am surprised that document was unsealed if BC is not meant to know who is to be assessing him.
Any of his visitors or 'minions can easily give him the information, in person or via telephone.

It was a good analysis of his , probably own invention, diagnoses. They read like he picked them from a book or had someone research them. Outrageous nonsense, really.
I'm innocent and sane but if you find me guilty I'm not actually sane, I'm any number of these states and they are all vague and include thousands of symptoms...'
It reminds me of his fetweb choices, he wanted them all, or did he? Did he really just want one or two and picked the entire list in order to obscure his true leanings? Had he planned it, even then?
If so, why did he need to read about abduction fantasy or techniques? It's quite simple to overpower a small person in a strange country and kill her, isn't it?
The prosecution filed details on their mental health rebuttal exam.

Pay attention to the name Park Dietz. He is a very big gun in the field of forensic psychiatry and has done a lot of work with the FBI, including examining some very infamous killers. Here's a youtube vid of him interviewing Richard Kuklinski.

Great watch on RK and Park Dietz.
It is very unfortunate that they are requesting BC not be recorded.
The facial expressions and the eyes are always very telling.

IMO. I would like to watch Richard Kuklinski ask BC where she is.
I spent half of last night poring over architectural historical biographies of every Johnson in the galaxy, I studied old maps but I could not, for the life of me, identify one as the old Johnson building, Even if I had found lots of secret places within that building, how useful would it really have been in relation to finding her?
I don't really mind giving myself this kind of mental torture, because I still want to try to find her, quite badly. Sometimes, I do it because I need to know that no stone was left unturned, and that I made an effort, even though it came to nothing, I at least tried and the magnitude of this desecration of innocence warrants my effort. and I should try harder.
It's not over until it's over.
***Copy and paste of my Fetlife summary from last year***

Personal disclaimer: I am a sex positive person with no issues with fetish communities. I also defend art and music like no other... in this context though, no beuno.

The following details are from Brendt Christensen’s Fetlife profile, username Akuma689. I believe this gives much insight into his interests and possible motive for the kidnapping and probable murder of Yingying. Of particular interest is the themed groups (abduction, ropes/chains bondage, fear, domination, BDSM, etc) he was a member of. I did not enter the vast majority of these groups. I also did not find any posts made by BC, but it's possible that the search function doesn't allow to search by user or that he was a lurker. I did see some social interaction between he and other members local to him, I've redacted that content from my screen shots for their privacy.

I viewed this site in the wee hours (PST) of July 1st, so keep that in mind when reading “24 days ago” and other time references. Given that I don't know what time zone Fetlife is in, the dates could be +/- 1 day as I was there between midnight and 1 am.

You can see the shots here:Brendt Christensen Fetlife NSFW - Google Drive

I think that BC was on this site to network with folks with similar interests, though I bet he's among the very few that took his fantasy to a real life level. I have to wonder used the fantasy groups to inspire his crimes or if any of this content can provide insight into what he did to Yingying. Could he have filmed any part of the crime? Was she bound?

June 9: Yingying disappears

June 7: Date of last activity on Fetlife

Info on Fetlife:*
Akuma689, 28M Champaign, Ill
Married, dating
Is looking for a relationship, and mentor/teacher, and play partner, princess by day, s**t by night, friendship, and mistress, a sub, a slave.

24 days prior to July 1st, approximately June 7, two days before Yingying disappears. BC updates his profile and engages in social activity that I won't detail out of respect for the other parties’ privacy.

2 months prior to July 1: Active on Fetlife
****** Updates profile several times
**** Changes role to Dominant
***** Changes his role to Hedonist
****** Lists himself as married
****** Lists himself as being interested in (this list is snipped for focus)
Watching others wear shackles
Sex with strangers
Giving sensual domination
Sensory deprivation
Everything to do with sadomasochism
Outdoor sex
Giving Objectification
Making home movies
Giving fear
Face slapping
Emotional sadism
Watching others wear chains
Giving belt whippings
Giving behavior modification
Receiving begging
Giving bare bottom spanking
Everything to do with: Anonymous encounters
Everything to do with Abduction play
Everything to do with Consensual nonconsent play
Giving Domination
Giving humiliation
Giving Pain
Giving sadism
Giving discipline
Giving Master/slave
Giving Mind *advertiser censored**ks
Everything to do with Predator/Prey
Giving bondage

Also two months prior to July 1st, joined groups (snipped)
5 different local BDSM groups
Domestic discipline
Fear play
Mental BDSM, verbal humiliation, & mind f’s
Practicing polyamory
Primal, all types
Male owner, female property
Consensual nonconsent, blackmail, and slavery
Rope bondage
Predicament bondage
Behavior modification
Anonymous encounters
Abduction 101

Three months prior to July 1st
·******** Joined Fetlife
·******** Changed nickname from Buck_Dich689 to Akuma689
(Buck Dich is a song with very strong lyrics describing abuse and degradation Rammstein - Buck Dich (Bend Down) (English) lyrics | LyricsFreak)

Eta: why I'm so sure it's him:
He uses the prefix Akuma in other SM handles (Steam for example), 689 refers to his month and year of birth and is also used in other SM (Okcupid). The age, sex, and specific location are correct. There were pics including him in friends' profiles, I did not screen shot those as they were not his profile.

Fetlife management has apparently confirmed his identity as well, there was a thread in Abduction 101 that bore his full real name shortly before the group disappeared from view. I didnt get to read it before it poofed. Not sure if the group has been deleted or is in some sort of invisible mode or something, I didn't officially join the group, I just lurked around. All his friends have removed references to relationships with him.

I'm a skeptic by nature, but given all this...I'm 100% confident this is BC

I know it was, but I cannot locate the posts from the original thread here. I do want another read of that post, badly. I'd also be really interested in any ideas you might have as to her location-?
We have a few weeks, still, there's a few people on the ground as well....I know if I was there I'd be digging up every rose-bush in the place in search of her body right now....think there is any chance she is in the Johnson building?
It is even possible, if not likely that the FBI at this stage would be open to any ideas at all.
Anyway, if we find her it 'll spare us his prima donna act in court.
I spent half of last night poring over architectural historical biographies of every Johnson in the galaxy, I studied old maps but I could not, for the life of me, identify one as the old Johnson building, Even if I had found lots of secret places within that building, how useful would it really have been in relation to finding her?
I don't really mind giving myself this kind of mental torture, because I still want to try to find her, quite badly. Sometimes, I do it because I need to know that no stone was left unturned, and that I made an effort, even though it came to nothing, I at least tried and the magnitude of this desecration of innocence warrants my effort. and I should try harder.
It's not over until it's over.

Type in Johnson- Ross.
***Copy and paste of my Fetlife summary from last year***

Personal disclaimer: I am a sex positive person with no issues with fetish communities. I also defend art and music like no other... in this context though, no beuno.

The following details are from Brendt Christensen’s Fetlife profile, username Akuma689. I believe this gives much insight into his interests and possible motive for the kidnapping and probable murder of Yingying. Of particular interest is the themed groups (abduction, ropes/chains bondage, fear, domination, BDSM, etc) he was a member of. I did not enter the vast majority of these groups. I also did not find any posts made by BC, but it's possible that the search function doesn't allow to search by user or that he was a lurker. I did see some social interaction between he and other members local to him, I've redacted that content from my screen shots for their privacy.

I viewed this site in the wee hours (PST) of July 1st, so keep that in mind when reading “24 days ago” and other time references. Given that I don't know what time zone Fetlife is in, the dates could be +/- 1 day as I was there between midnight and 1 am.

You can see the shots here:Brendt Christensen Fetlife NSFW - Google Drive

I think that BC was on this site to network with folks with similar interests, though I bet he's among the very few that took his fantasy to a real life level. I have to wonder used the fantasy groups to inspire his crimes or if any of this content can provide insight into what he did to Yingying. Could he have filmed any part of the crime? Was she bound?

June 9: Yingying disappears

June 7: Date of last activity on Fetlife

Info on Fetlife:*
Akuma689, 28M Champaign, Ill
Married, dating
Is looking for a relationship, and mentor/teacher, and play partner, princess by day, s**t by night, friendship, and mistress, a sub, a slave.

24 days prior to July 1st, approximately June 7, two days before Yingying disappears. BC updates his profile and engages in social activity that I won't detail out of respect for the other parties’ privacy.

2 months prior to July 1: Active on Fetlife
****** Updates profile several times
**** Changes role to Dominant
***** Changes his role to Hedonist
****** Lists himself as married
****** Lists himself as being interested in (this list is snipped for focus)
Watching others wear shackles
Sex with strangers
Giving sensual domination
Sensory deprivation
Everything to do with sadomasochism
Outdoor sex
Giving Objectification
Making home movies
Giving fear
Face slapping
Emotional sadism
Watching others wear chains
Giving belt whippings
Giving behavior modification
Receiving begging
Giving bare bottom spanking
Everything to do with: Anonymous encounters
Everything to do with Abduction play
Everything to do with Consensual nonconsent play
Giving Domination
Giving humiliation
Giving Pain
Giving sadism
Giving discipline
Giving Master/slave
Giving Mind *advertiser censored**ks
Everything to do with Predator/Prey
Giving bondage

Also two months prior to July 1st, joined groups (snipped)
5 different local BDSM groups
Domestic discipline
Fear play
Mental BDSM, verbal humiliation, & mind f’s
Practicing polyamory
Primal, all types
Male owner, female property
Consensual nonconsent, blackmail, and slavery
Rope bondage
Predicament bondage
Behavior modification
Anonymous encounters
Abduction 101

Three months prior to July 1st
·******** Joined Fetlife
·******** Changed nickname from Buck_Dich689 to Akuma689
(Buck Dich is a song with very strong lyrics describing abuse and degradation Rammstein - Buck Dich (Bend Down) (English) lyrics | LyricsFreak)

Eta: why I'm so sure it's him:
He uses the prefix Akuma in other SM handles (Steam for example), 689 refers to his month and year of birth and is also used in other SM (Okcupid). The age, sex, and specific location are correct. There were pics including him in friends' profiles, I did not screen shot those as they were not his profile.

Fetlife management has apparently confirmed his identity as well, there was a thread in Abduction 101 that bore his full real name shortly before the group disappeared from view. I didnt get to read it before it poofed. Not sure if the group has been deleted or is in some sort of invisible mode or something, I didn't officially join the group, I just lurked around. All his friends have removed references to relationships with him.

I'm a skeptic by nature, but given all this...I'm 100% confident this is BC
Thank you a lot! There's bells going off all over my head now, some notions are coming to more prominence, particularly video. I'm not sure what they mean, yet. I'm going to read over it a few times more.
This is the post that brought me to this thread a long time ago.
Do you think it is possible her body is intact and interred somewhere safe?
The prosecution filed details on their mental health rebuttal exam.


This is meant as a lighthearted aside. Behavioral health, mental health, and physical health are not treated equally (or treated very effectively, often) in our nation. Those who honestly struggle with these issues have my respect.


Oh hey I like the sound of this one:

i.Malingering and Factitious Disorders (Id. at 96);

We're all about facts -- maybe we all have a Factitious Disorder??? Malingering from our housecleaning here, enjoying our WS Factitious Disorder Support Group?

Much, much more seriously, for some of those listed: if his public school record doesn't include it I don't believe it.

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