Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

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Edit= Jonathan Sorensen - Wikipedia

I'm assuming that the insanity bit for the penalty phase is back on the table because the evidence they possess is so graphic that it will lead to no other conclusion during the trial- only a madman could have done this.
Thus it rolls int0 penalty phase.
Therefore it's on and our boy has successfully avoided Govt shrink who would have blown his cover apart in 5 minutes flat.

Document is highly loaded with sarcasm. Judge cannot miss it.
Are they attempting to get themselves disbarred as someone else asked recently?

No. Sorensen's testimony will have to do with the aggravator of "future dangerousness;" Basically if I understand it, he will argue that the BOP has guidelines and procedures in place that will adequately control him and monitor his behavior such that he won't represent a threat to fellow inmates, and that escape is unlikely, so he won't represent a future danger to the community at large. Basically, life imprisonment and the functionality of the prison system will mitigate any aggravation of future dangerousness.

Zoline's testimony is more of an issue in regard to mental illness and putting it back on the table. My guess is that they will argue that Zoline's testimony won't be about BC's mental health, but will be that the UIUC Counseling Center dropped the ball when evaluating him, and that BC seeking their help will be an indication that he was worried about what he might do and was trying to do the right thing to make sure he didn't do something bad; and that by seeking help, it will show that he did not want to hurt anyone and was trying to do the right thing -and as such this should be mitigating evidence in his favor.
No. Sorensen's testimony will have to do with the aggravator of "future dangerousness;" Basically if I understand it, he will argue that the BOP has guidelines and procedures in place that will adequately control him and monitor his behavior such that he won't represent a threat to fellow inmates, and that escape is unlikely, so he won't represent a future danger to the community at large. Basically, life imprisonment and the functionality of the prison system will mitigate any aggravation of future dangerousness.

Zoline's testimony is more of an issue in regard to mental illness and putting it back on the table. My guess is that they will argue that Zoline's testimony won't be about BC's mental health, but will be that the UIUC Counseling Center dropped the ball when evaluating him, and that BC seeking their help will be an indication that he was worried about what he might do and was trying to do the right thing to make sure he didn't do something bad; and that by seeking help, it will show that he did not want to hurt anyone and was trying to do the right thing -and as such this should be mitigating evidence in his favor.


We know he's dangerous.

Counseling Center: this may turn out to be a problem for UIUC. Not adding a link, but the Virginia Tech shooter, Cho, utilized the V-Tech counseling center prior to his 2007 rampage. Procedures should have been updated, JMHO.

Perhaps the UIUC staff can show that up-to-date policies & procedures where in place and followed in BC's situation.

Again JMHO BC presented himself very specifically to avoid checking too many boxes & giving up his freedom.

No. Sorensen's testimony will have to do with the aggravator of "future dangerousness;" Basically if I understand it, he will argue that the BOP has guidelines and procedures in place that will adequately control him and monitor his behavior such that he won't represent a threat to fellow inmates, and that escape is unlikely, so he won't represent a future danger to the community at large. Basically, life imprisonment and the functionality of the prison system will mitigate any aggravation of future dangerousness.

Zoline's testimony is more of an issue in regard to mental illness and putting it back on the table. My guess is that they will argue that Zoline's testimony won't be about BC's mental health, but will be that the UIUC Counseling Center dropped the ball when evaluating him, and that BC seeking their help will be an indication that he was worried about what he might do and was trying to do the right thing to make sure he didn't do something bad; and that by seeking help, it will show that he did not want to hurt anyone and was trying to do the right thing -and as such this should be mitigating evidence in his favor.
I was referring to the slides- (and god knows whatever else the prosecution has n evidence that attest to his insanity rather than his clarity) which I presume will push the insanity agenda to the fore even if everybody else is trying to ignore it- see the court listener document referenced.

Wow, looks like we now have a name for TEB, Terra Bullis (or had it been mentioned before?), and plenty of other names here to wonder about; (not sure how much, if at all, we're allowed to research them on the forum, but guess we’ll find out about them soon enough with trial).
And still looks to me like the Defense is just bringing up mitigating factors, not claiming BC is innocent of the crime???
Replying to self, this bothers me. They appear to have blown Teb's cover wide open and got hold of her cellphone- unless it's part of the evidence the FBI gave them? Maybe it is.

17. Emails with Elaine Schulte 18. Emails with Nadya Mason 19. Text Messages from Brendt Christensen’s cellular telephone 20. Text Messages from Terra Bulllis’s cellular telephone 21. Brendt Christensen’s employment applications from Spring 2017 22. Brendt Christensen’s Macon County Jail Inmate file 23. Brendt Christensen’s Livingston County Jail Inmate file 24. messages of Brendt Christensen 25. records of Terra Bullis 26. Web Browsing History extracted from Brendt Christensen’s computers and cellular telephones

11. OK Cupid records of Brendt Christensen 12. OK Cupid records of Miranda Downer
They just blew her cover too. Was that necessary? Are they attempting to cause a distraction pre-trial? Media will be all over these girls in the morning!

Looks as though their defence will be built on mitigation from that list. Mitigate their client and discredit and publicly humiliate co-operative witnessed and former, hopefully, victims.
I feel sick.
They did not name the inmates.
They named the women.
They're going to humiliate them further if either of them testify, and even if they do not. Those women are victims now too.
Predators will stalk them and make their lives hell.

Who will protect them?
Replying to self, this bothers me.

They just blew her cover too. Was that necessary? Are they attempting to cause a distraction pre-trial? Media will be all over these girls in the morning!

Looks as though their defence will be built on mitigation from that list. Mitigate their client and discredit and publicly humiliate co-operative witnessed and former, hopefully, victims.
I feel sick.
They did not name the inmates.
They named the women.
They're going to humiliate them further if either of them testify, and even if they do not. Those women are victims now too.
Predators will stalk them and make their lives hell.

Who will protect them?


Yeah, me too, all that.

Yeah, me too, all that.
Prosecution should have prevented the release of their names.
two main witnesses, without TEB, there would be no case.
Did she do it all for nothing except more destruction for herself?
Sure their names may have been exposed at trial, but the trial has not started yet.
Dirty Tricks from defense will not add credence to anything they say or do on behalf of their , probably one and only and final client, after this fiasco!!!
Prosecution should have prevented the release of their names.
two main witnesses, without TEB, there would be no case.
Did she do it all for nothing except more destruction for herself?
Sure their names may have been exposed at trial, but the trial has not started yet.
Dirty Tricks from defense will not add credence to anything they say or do on behalf of their , probably one and only and final client, after this fiasco!!!

The trial is a matter of public record, and the names of these witnesses would be coming out anyway, so I don't think this is an issue. The name of EH came out during the pretrial hearings on the admissibility of the the identification of BC in the photo lineup. I've seen nothing in the press about her and her background other than what was mentioned in the initial reports on that hearing, so I don't expect widespread press harassment of either Bullis or Downer -or anyone else on that list. However, since Bullis and Downer are more central to the case against BC, the press might do some snooping. My guess is that they are getting help from the prosecution (ad perhaps their own lawyers) on how to avoid any potential harassment by the press. I remember that BC's lawyers wanted to subpoena Bullis to testify at one of the pretrial hearings, which the government tried to quash. It ended up being moot, IIRC, because the defense couldn't find her and serve her with the subpoena.

FWIW, Nadya Mason is BC's former PhD advisor, I believe. I don't recognize any other names on the list, other than BC's wife.
I was referring to the slides- (and god knows whatever else the prosecution has n evidence that attest to his insanity rather than his clarity) which I presume will push the insanity agenda to the fore even if everybody else is trying to ignore it- see the court listener document referenced.

I see.

Remember though, since he voluntarily directed his lawyers to withdraw the mental health defense for the penalty phase, he *can't* bring it back up as a mitigating factor. They had a hearing on this and before the Judge allowed it to be withdrawn, they had a conference in his chambers where the Judge told BC he couldn't bring it back up if he withdrew it, and had BC state that he understood this and agreed to it.
I was referring to the slides- (and god knows whatever else the prosecution has n evidence that attest to his insanity rather than his clarity) which I presume will push the insanity agenda to the fore even if everybody else is trying to ignore it- see the court listener document referenced.

Jumping from your post-- but can anyone answer..

Are the referenced slides actual photographs of something Brendt did to YingYing that he made into a presentation to be viewed later? Or are the slides samples of body fluids/ tissue samples to be examined? . I'm lost . Obviously . Thanks in advance.
Jumping from your post-- but can anyone answer..

Are the referenced slides actual photographs of something Brendt did to YingYing that he made into a presentation to be viewed later? Or are the slides samples of body fluids to be examined. I'm lost . Obviously . Thanks in advance.

I think the slides at issue were slides prepared by Dr. Sorensen for his expected testimony

Both sides were to submit their witness lists (and exhibit lists?) to the court today. I am assuming that the prosecution submitted theirs as a sealed document as I see sealed documents listed for today and the past couple of days -or it could just be that they have not been uploaded to CourtListener yet.
I think the slides at issue were slides prepared by Dr. Sorensen for his expected testimony

Both sides were to submit their witness lists (and exhibit lists?) to the court today. I am assuming that the prosecution submitted theirs as a sealed document as I see sealed documents listed for today and the past couple of days -or it could just be that they have not been uploaded to CourtListener yet.
Thank You! Much less graphic than what my simple mind wandered into.
They just uploaded the exhibit list, and the Government's proposed Jury Instructions...

I don't see any mention of video from his cellphone (as some of us expected), but there are heartbreaking pictures 36C, 36D, 36E, 36F -- hate to say it, but I honestly don't see how YY's parents will get through this without damaging their own health : (((
And again, I don't get at all what the Defense is doing: they can't argue he didn't do it, and they've taken 'mental health' off the table -- doesn't make sense!??? (...and the business of asking for "mercy" just seems lame).

EDIT: just realized from the dates given, those photographs I mentioned are likely NOT YY, but just some fave pics BC downloaded from 'net.
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