Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

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here is the court listener link to granting
#372 in United States v. Christensen (C.D. Ill., 2:17-cr-20037) –

DIRECTED to provide to defense counsel all records in its possession pertaining to recent mental health treatment provided to T.B., to wit, the receipts for payments to healthcare professionals and for prescription medications that the United States provided to defense counsel in chambers on June 11, 2019.

(uses the word 'recent')
I wonder how many and how detailed these records are. Hopefully, nothing more than payment receipts. Those would be bad enough.
Thank you for all the links and updates @kittythehare! I appreciate it. I'm not able to follow cases as closely as I would like, and everyone's links and updates are truly appreciated.
You are welcome, It has dragged on for so long now that I have probably forgotten more than I remember, it's been a stormy sea of outrage followed by greater outrage throughout and my brain freezes frequently.
I wonder how many and how detailed these records are. Hopefully, nothing more than payment receipts. Those would be bad enough.
Quite a few more than payment slips, sadly.
Full thingy posted yesterday so should be easy to find.
Quite a few more than payment slips, sadly.
Full thingy posted yesterday so should be easy to find.
I am crushed to read that. I understand about the outrage and brain freezes. Just when I think they are ready to settle down and actually get to the trial, something else comes up. I would hate for my personal history to be made available like that. No wonder people don't want to get involved when doing the right thing results in this.
I wonder how many and how detailed these records are. Hopefully, nothing more than payment receipts. Those would be bad enough.

My guess is that most of this pertains to treatment for her for issues that arose *after* she helped them -the stress and trauma derived from helping them nab a killer. I believe in one of the evidentiary hearings, FBI agents testified that the government had helped her seek counseling.
So long as the prosecution explains to the jury that she was struggling emotionally because of the stress of going undercover with a wire, then I dont think it will affect how they believe her.

At least I hope it doesnt.

The unfortunate thing that a Defense does during some trials is to attack the credibility of Prosecution witnesses.

Sadly that approach is already starting in this case.

The problem with this approach is that TEB isn't testifying about things BC told her -she is providing wire recordings of BC telling her things out of his own mouth. They aren't going to be relying on TEB telling investigators what BC said; BC is going to be heard saying it himself....
another document in from court listener
here's the link-Exclude – #373 in United States v. Christensen (C.D. Ill., 2:17-cr-20037) –
(R.317). In that Notice, the defendant expressly refused to be examined by the United States’ expert witnesses

On May 6, 2019, the defendant sent a letter to the United States, pursuant to the Court’s Order of April 8, 2019. The defendant’s letter did not follow the Court’s instruction to provide an amended disclosure of testimony for Dr. Zoline. Quite the contrary – the defendant reiterated his intent to call Dr. Zoline to testify with regard to the “standard of care,” notwithstanding the Court’s order precluding that testimony

At 9:50 pm on June 10, 2019, less than 12 hours before the parties were scheduled to exercise their preemptory strikes and complete jury selection, counsel for the defendant emailed undersigned counsel and stated that they intend to seekreconsideration of the Court’s order that “the Court’s prior ruling that the civil liability of the U of I is not relevant and therefore inadmissible[,]” and that they intend to ask for “a brief continuance to allow us to brief the issue.” Defense counsel’s email makes clear that they envision presenting extensive evidence of the Defendant’s mental health status in March 2017 during the penalty phase, in addition to the previously excluded evidence regarding the University of Illinois’ civil liability in this case.
There's lots, not got my head around it yet... but that civil case was rather coincidental, wasn't it?
Is it possible family were coerced?
what do you make of it @Hatfield ?
It was excluded, but it came on same day as civil announcement and this reponse actually kills the civil case , dead in the water.
We talked about that a little this morning...the timing and the wording looked like it had been taken directly from media reports in general circulation . Something weird going on here
All of the information provided by defense counsel relates to suicide. The defendant did not commit suicide
Exclude – #373 in United States v. Christensen (C.D. Ill., 2:17-cr-20037) –
2. Rule 12.2 Prohibits the Defendant From Presenting Expert Testimony with Regard to the Defendant’s Mental Health In addition to being irrelevant, the proffered evidence is barred under Rule 12.2(d). The defendant apparently seeks to argue that the University of Illinois Counseling Center’s failure to take affirmative steps to hospitalize him for suicidal ideations mitigates his affirmative decision in June 2017 to kidnap and murder Yingying Zhang. The defendant has forfeited the opportunity to raise this evidence in mitigation

The defendant’s attempt to divorce the “standard of care” with regard to the mental health care that he received from the diagnosis of a “mental disease or defect or any other mental condition” is logically flawed. His argument that Dr. Zoline will only testify about the “standard of care” that the defendant should have received presupposes that he was diagnosed as someone who required specific care for that, but such care was not provided. In reality, the defendant was not diagnosed with the condition. As such, Dr. Zoline is not being called to testify about the “standard of care,” she is being called to testify about a misdiagnosis. There can be no argument that such testimony is governed by Rule 12.2

the defendant who refuses to submit to a compelled examination is barred from introducing psychiatric testimony based on interviews with his own experts.”)

Well, we got this bit right, apparently-The defendant knowingly and voluntarily withdrew his Rule 12.2 notice, and he did so for tactical reasons – namely to avoid having to participate in a rebuttal examination. (R.317

I JUST went through that entire document again.. They're not taking prisoners seems to be the tone of it.
Well, finally, tomorrow it starts! Despite all the messiness I’m still not worried about BC getting off or being found innocent, BUT I am now concerned about the possibility of a mistrial being declared for some technical reason or convolution, and the process starting over.
If there are any experienced lawyers out there, am I worried for nuthin’ or do you see that as a possibility?
A civil case
Missing scholar's estate sues Christensen, two at UI Counseling Center

This is all very fuzzy... not sure it's the best plan or methodology.
Christensen has nothing.
Fox reporting it too
Yingying's estate suing U of I social workers, Christensen

(Just now catching up...)

**THANKS**, @kittythehare, for all of your amazing work, and for sharing your research skills with all of us here at WS! {kitty hugs:)}
2 quick questions:
1. Could YYZ's estate be suing more as a symbolic thing, i. e., a way of "making a statement" (since it has been stated here/there that BC has nothing)? Or...are they hoping that, at the very least, the U of I might end up on the hook for covering the damage$$$$$$, since the social workers were in the employ of the U of I? Also -- that, in lieu of recoving Ying Ying's physical body, at least the parents/YYZ's family would receive "suffering money" [don't know the Chinese, language, but am thinking that there's a term in Asian cultures for such a payment]? Thinking... JMOO

2. (Related to the jury, and to a previous post a few "scrolls" up...) Why would the jury not be sequestered for a week and a half-long trial? Huh??? I just don't get that. MOO (We already *know* that the media is surely "hovering", awaiting many "good stories". I feel sad even writing that, having followed this case from the very first day when YYZ was missing, and thinking of her family's deep, ongoing grief.) Why would the jury be subject to media "onslaught" before/after each session? TIA for whomever clarifies this.
n.b. An interesting parallel between this case and the JD case in CT: as of yet, no human body has been found in either situation. (Humanly speaking, that surely must multiply exponentially the grief/grieving for the victims' families/friends. Many prayers for them these days.)
Gonna throw my 2 cents in and maybe I've watched too many Perry Mason episodes once upon a time. Maybe BC's wife will throw the prosecution a big ol' curve ball , maybe once she's on the stand ..she shouts out..YES..HE DID IT !!
Also, as the to Zhang lawsuit, I'm betting some bottom dwelling, ambulance chaser has tricked them into this..
Tonight they uploaded an amended exhibit list.

A few things taken out (the planner seized from the office, fewer pictures of his car and from the interior of the apartment)

A couple of notable additions:

His passport. It appears it was taken from his safe deposit box. My guess is that they are going to make the case that he was getting ready to flee the country if necessary.

In addition to video from MLK school taken on the 9th, they also have video from another location, 501 E. University, Champaign. Not sure what the significance of this is. It is just a business/apartment building looking out on University, west of the University and Goodwin intersection.
Well, here we are, the day we never thought would arrive. I've slept badly, dreading the opening speeches from Defense. My prayers are with the family of YY. They have a good support team around them, friends they made in Urbana, to give emotional support and a translator. Yeah, I know they can't bring YY back but it's good to know they are not alone today.

BC had his Passport in the deposit box, how strange. Maybe he was going to flee the country. I wonder what else was in that box.
Wednesday, June 12th:
*Trial Begins (Day 1) (@ 9am ET) - IL - Yingying Zhang (26) (missing on June 9, 2017, Urbana; not found) - *Brendt A. Christensen (28) indicted (6/30/17) on kidnapping (Federal charge) resulting in death of Yingying & 2 counts of giving false statements to FBI. Plead not guilty. Held without bond. DA will seek DP. Trial started 6/3/19 with jury selection & took until 6/11/19 to pick a jury. Trial should last about a week & a half (was 5 weeks previously). Opening statements expected to start 6/12 Wednesday morning. 12 jurors & 6 alternates.
Jury selection Day 1 to 5 (6/3/19 to 6/7/19) reference post #742 here:
Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

6/10/19 Day 6: The morning group of 16 was still being questioned as of 1:30 p.m. Another group of 16 potential jurors was supposed to start being questioned in the afternoon. From the remaining 70, Shadid said there are five more who may have conflicts, and that fewer than six alternate jurors may be necessary, which lawyers for both side agreed to. They'll return tomorrow morning (6/11) to narrow the 70 to 12 jurors and 6 alternates. Opening statements will begin at 9am on 6/12.
6/11/19 Day 7: Each side will get to strike 20 jurors. The first 12 not stricken by either side will make up the jury. Six more will be chosen as alternates, who will listen to all the evidence presented during the trial, but will only deliberate if a regular juror is removed. Jurors will not be sequestered. If Christensen is found guilty, there will be a short break, followed by the sentencing phase, where the same jury decides whether he deserves the death penalty. To receive a death sentence, the jury must again agree to unanimously. If they don't, Christensen will be sentenced to life in prison without parole. Jury consists of: 7 men & 5 women. (1 white man in 80s, 1 white man 70s, 2 white men 60s, 2 white men 50s, 1 white man 40s. 1 Asian or white women 60s, 3 white woman in her 40s, 1 white woman 30s). Alternates: 4 men & 2 women. (2 white men 50s, 2 white men 60s, 2 white woman 50s).
Judge expects a verdict between June 21 and June 24. If there ends up being a sentencing phase, judge believes it would start on July 8 so the 4th of July wouldn't interfere with the process.
Judge grants defense's request, directs federal prosecutors to give defense "all records in its possession pertaining to recent mental health treatment" of Christensen's ex-girlfriend. Trial begins with opening statements at 9am on 6/12.
I am really busy with work this week, but on Friday or early next week, I will try to go over to the Urbana courthouse and watch some of the trial. I’m not sure if the just let you walk in and out as you please, or if you can only enter when they are in recess. Due to my morning schedule, it will be hard for me to get there and get in the building before 9:00 AM, but I can wait around for a break and enter then if necessary....
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