Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #9 *Arrest*

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This is from Eaded’s writeup. I’m having trouble with my iPad getting it to copy and paste text, and it’s 1AM and I need to go, but I’ll paste this little tidbit from recorded text I hadn’t seen before... This is from Huckstadt’s testimony while wire recordings were being played:

Yet another recorded conversation played in court is an exchange between him and Bullis. “I don’t want you caught up in this more than you have to be,” he tells her.

Bullis says, “Michelle mentioned some sort of bag last night and I don’t know what she was even talking about.”

Christensen tells her it was a cat tower, a present for her. “That’s so random,” Bullis says. Christensen tells her he left it outside somewhere, and has no idea where it was.

“[Michelle] told [the FBI] everything about me,” he told her, “And that scares me, too.”

He later is recorded saying “They don’t have a damn thing…they’re searching for something that doesn’t exist.”

At that point, he tells Bullis he was just trying to “Help us, help Michelle, and help find this girl.”

Another recording is played in court. Christensen says Michelle read a news article and frantically started texting him, wondering if something happened to him. Christensen later told Bullis the car was a “false lead.”

“Michelle thinks they’re trying to turn us against one another,” one of them says.

The parts in bold highlight what I didn’t have any idea about. Bullis and BC’s wife seem to get along ok, and all three seem to communicate. Also, though she was cooperative with the FBI, Michelle seems to be supporting her husband till the end. I am reminded now that I think FBI agent Katie Tenaglia was quoted in an article as saying that Michelle was very cooperative at first, but became less so as the investigation dragged on.

I think both Michelle and Terra really believed that BC didn’t do anything, and that Bullis must have been shocked and terrified when BC started revealing what he did. It’s a wonder she managed to keep her composure. I believe it was Manganaro that stated she was crying and totally distraught when she brought the tape in that night.

I’ll try to post more from it tomorrow
Thanks for doing that. I appreciate it.
Other nugget from Gazette article yesterday was that tB's flatmates would not allow him inside their place.
Other nugget from march was he trying to persuade Tb to allow him to stay with her 'family' the night of the march.
Wheels within wheels here.
Both women have now, apparetly gone in different directions, Michelle protecting him by scrubbing his internet rubbish etc, changing tack with FBI, unable to admit she still loves him when asked.
I wonder whether their testimonies will conflict in court?
What would possess Michelle to continue supporting him at this point?
Is it because she hasn't heard the tapes yet? As a witness she likely has not.
I mean WOW. That's just unbelievable.
I have had many different views throughout the case...
I saw her as one of his victims for a long time, stuck in a hopelessly codependent relationship with him. Putting up with his infidelities, possibly a submissive.
I also see her as his mother figure.
Maybe she has a new man now, maybe not.
Maybe now she can reclaim her power and feels compassion for him instead of ire, because she has gained a little distance.
But she has been working with his defense lawyers for a year and tried to pull her agreement to search in her last court appearance.
I think she's quite conflicted.
But she was with him for a very long time, possibly enabled his moral disintegration without knowing what she was doing...
She worked, he played, she earned money, he spent it.
A slave?
BC's internet searches- Ex 40-B.pdf

Dated June 8.. cleaning things and their properties
June 12- i phone tracking info sought
June 17 and 18, searching updates including reward site and gofundm e for YY

Internet and Schnuks purchase list Ex 43A.pdf

here he is looking at a bottle of rum Ex 46A-4.pdf

There were other photos on list @Dm put up yesterday or day before?
Looked like photographs of the office in his apartment
With all the evidence it's almost like he wanted to be caught. Internet searches, abduction caught on CCTV, killing her in the apartment, the purchases caught on camera, attending the vigil, on camera again, confessing everything to his girlfriend. The only thing he has knowledge of that no-one else has is the location of YY's remains and he does not want to give that up. Now pleading not guilty but stating he's guilty. Why? All for show and notoriety maybe? Why the claim of 13 victims total? This guy is a fantasist but where does the reality begin? Just this one murder hopefully. This is all so sick and depraved it is beyond belief.
That’s the result they displayed for us. I wonder how far back they were able to search........

So he searched on the 8th for cleaning products. Then no searches till the 12th - just a couple. Then daily searches following the investigation from 17th till the 30th. I tried to copy and paste some of the info into here but found it impossible.

So far nothing mentioned about Fetlife and abduction 101 then?
My greatest hope is that YY's remains are found and her loving family can take her back home. It may not be this year but I hope that it happens eventually (remember the car that was accidentially driven into the strip mine lake at Kickapoo SP that took 10 years for LE to find).

I'm just throwing out ideas. Yes, it seems he was lazy, depressed, and lacked motivation to go to great effort or distance to put YY's body "where it would never be found". But BC was no criminal mastermind, as evidence has shown, and he was no Ted Bundy.

I wish I could help search for her but I now live 1000 miles away and go back just to visit my parents.

As the recent Woodland Park, CO murder has shown there are many ways to get rid of a body.

So just trying to think outside the box when I wonder what happened to the half tank of gas that was used that weekend that "shocked" Michelle since BC rarely left the apartment and didn't travel far outside town as she told investigators early on in the investigation.

From 12/18/2018 Champaign News- Gazette article:
"Before Michelle Christensen left for the weekend, she had filled up their black Saturn Astra with a full tank of gas, agent Katherine Tenaglia said at a pretrial hearing at the federal courthouse in Urbana.

So Michelle Christensen was "shocked" when she returned to find a half-tank had already been used, given that her husband usually doesn't leave the apartment or travel that far outside of Champaign, Tenaglia said while recalling a conversation with Michelle Christensen."

So I was kind of wondering, like Michelle wondered, why did he use so much gas over the weekend when that was shockingly out of character for him??

My understanding is she made these statements early in the investigation long before she decided to testify for the defense.

BC, do the right thing, man up, and give YY's family what they desperately want and deserve before you are murdered in prison or put to death.[/QUOTE
My greatest hope is that YY's remains are found and her loving family can take her back home. It may not be this year but I hope that it happens eventually (remember the car that was accidentially driven into the strip mine lake at Kickapoo SP that took 10 years for LE to find).

I'm just throwing out ideas. Yes, it seems he was lazy, depressed, and lacked motivation to go to great effort or distance to put YY's body "where it would never be found". But BC was no criminal mastermind, as evidence has shown, and he was no Ted Bundy.

I wish I could help search for her but I now live 1000 miles away and go back just to visit my parents.

As the recent Woodland Park, CO murder has shown there are many ways to get rid of a body.

So just trying to think outside the box when I wonder what happened to the half tank of gas that was used that weekend that "shocked" Michelle since BC rarely left the apartment and didn't travel far outside town as she told investigators early on in the investigation.

From 12/18/2018 Champaign News- Gazette article:
"Before Michelle Christensen left for the weekend, she had filled up their black Saturn Astra with a full tank of gas, agent Katherine Tenaglia said at a pretrial hearing at the federal courthouse in Urbana.

So Michelle Christensen was "shocked" when she returned to find a half-tank had already been used, given that her husband usually doesn't leave the apartment or travel that far outside of Champaign, Tenaglia said while recalling a conversation with Michelle Christensen."

So I was kind of wondering, like Michelle wondered, why did he use so much gas over the weekend when that was shockingly out of character for him??

My understanding is she made these statements early in the investigation long before she decided to testify for the defense.

BC, do the right thing, man up, and give YY's family what they desperately want and deserve before you are murdered in prison or put to
We know he picked her up.
We know he killed her
We do not know what time he brought her back to his apartment.
He may have taken her for a long ride first.

He may have siphoned the petrol from the car and used it to dispose of her or her belongings.
Without a corresponding milage count and in the absence of GPS tracking, there is no way to know without a witness or evidence.
Question- how much petrol or gas is contained in a full tank in that make and model?
2008 Opel Astra 4 door hatchback

He was driving around all morning so that uses gas. How much money did he have to gas up ?

Yyz should have money, so he coulda use hers (robbery as well?). I doubt that yyz carries a lot of money. But in this case, the apartment might ask her to put cash deposit. The amount of money can be tabulated because she gets her money overseas and her two months work at the University.

Just some thoughts.
I wonder what searches he did prior to 8th? We know he had ideas of what he was going to do from here, there and everywhere.

Had he been searching 6 months before 8th? 12 months before?

When did he join fetlife and the other sites? Prior to knowing TB? Yet he said that she introduced him to BDSM.
Thanks for doing that. I appreciate it.
Other nugget from Gazette article yesterday was that tB's flatmates would not allow him inside their place.
Other nugget from march was he trying to persuade Tb to allow him to stay with her 'family' the night of the march.
Wheels within wheels here.
Both women have now, apparetly gone in different directions, Michelle protecting him by scrubbing his internet rubbish etc, changing tack with FBI, unable to admit she still loves him when asked.
I wonder whether their testimonies will conflict in court?

Maybe he got something on her ? Ie. She was involved in the other murders he mentioned? Like murder team of some sort ?

It doesn't make financial sense for Michelle to support him.

Just some thoughts.
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Everyone assumes michelle is innocent, but I have seen the homalka case where the female ( Karla I think) was involved. Tag team murderers. Might want to ask Michelle about that the other 12 murders. She might not be involved in this one, but might be the others.

Just some thoughts.
I wonder what searches he did prior to 8th? We know he had ideas of what he was going to do from here, there and everywhere.

Had he been searching 6 months before 8th? 12 months before?

When did he join fetlife and the other sites? Prior to knowing TB? Yet he said that she introduced him to BDSM.

What searches were found on University computers left open???

Walk by a work station, user hasn't logged out, casually type "dispose of a body," print 3 pages on that user's account, complete Log Out sequence, pick up pages, keep moving....


And, JMHO, someone might not mind LWOP if their attempts at adult life were unsuccessful. If indeed MZC functioned as his Mom & he was loosing that function in his life, maybe this:


Room & board provided
Weight room provided
Books,TV, media provided
Medical, dental, behavioral health care provided

BC can fantasize all day & most of the night with essentially no responsibilities.

Kinda like the life MZC was enabling him to live?


Justice, or something close, for Ms. Zhang & her loved ones!
Regarding Michelle, I can understand her being conflicted at first. But after having two years to think about how horrifying this is? I would be sickened to think I ever laid with this man.

At first, totally understandable. It's NOW I'm confused by.

I would also be terrified that by supporting him I would be implicated. It would be one thing if he was innocent. I would probably still not have the balls to publicly support him. But with him confessing on tape? Oh hell nah. :eek:
At first, totally understandable. It's NOW I'm confused by.

I would also be terrified that by supporting him I would be implicated. It would be one thing if he was innocent. I would probably still not have the balls to publicly support him. But with him confessing on tape? Oh hell nah. :eek:
This is just a guess and not even really an opinion.

The only reason I can guess that Michelle is testifying for the defense is to try to help get LWOP instead of the DP. Not because she feels sorry for him or still loves him, but to seperate herself from this case ASAP.

Defense may have approached her and said something like...LE knows he did it, he confessed in an undercover recording, BC told us he did it, he also told us he doesn't care whether he lives or dies but just wants to be infamous, but our DUTY as defense is to put our best case forward and at this point try to get him LWOP. If he gets the DP there will be multiple appeals and you will be called to testify over and over for years. Do you really want to put you and your family through this for years to come? Help us as a witness and there is a chance we can get LWOP and you can wash your hands of your exhusband for life.

I could see that approach to her by the defense. They DO have a Duty, no matter how disgusting it seems to us, to attempt to provide the best possible defense they can and get LWOP instead of the DP.
I wonder what searches he did prior to 8th? We know he had ideas of what he was going to do from here, there and everywhere.

Had he been searching 6 months before 8th? 12 months before?

When did he join fetlife and the other sites? Prior to knowing TB? Yet he said that she introduced him to BDSM.
It's on @mrsobrien's original post.
I highly recommend everybody reads that.
She had to copy/paste it a few threads back because I dont know how to pull it up. Does anybody?
It's an important post!
I know he definitely logged on.
I think they're just streamlining everything, as they tend to do in fed cases.
It's annoying.
They had ONE job- #FindYY.
From what I see presented already by them, though it's early days, we did a much better job searching while not being physically present.
They're throwing out a few crumbs, piecemeal, omitting most...
Transcripts will not be on Pacer for 90 days because it is a federal case.
He's guilty.
I don't believe they tried hard enough to locate her remains. I never did.
Wasn’t the first attempted abduction a few hours before Yyz? That would have him driving around quite a bit and using some of the gas. I think he had the dump site already picked out and it was likely a burial. That rum was for his little celebration afterwards, I just don’t believe he was that drunk driving around and being that active to abduct, rape, murder and drive again to dispose. He disposed of her in the dead of night.
Michelle and Terra....both low self esteem, both codependent, prob both suffer from depression and anxiety...they were his victims as well...wrapped up in this dark man and his dark fantasies that made them feel so needed, so important...
Michelle probably could guess where she is, maybe a drive they took a few years back, a trip to a lake or a picnic or a campground in happier times, a place that BC remembered well and thought of as perfect for his crime. She should be questioned more...
This was his first. As a grad student, especially in the sciences, there is very little time off. Women being abducted in broad daylight once a year around here would be very hard to miss.
This is just a guess and not even really an opinion.

The only reason I can guess that Michelle is testifying for the defense is to try to help get LWOP instead of the DP. Not because she feels sorry for him or still loves him, but to seperate herself from this case ASAP.

Defense may have approached her and said something like...LE knows he did it, he confessed in an undercover recording, BC told us he did it, he also told us he doesn't care whether he lives or dies but just wants to be infamous, but our DUTY as defense is to put our best case forward and at this point try to get him LWOP. If he gets the DP there will be multiple appeals and you will be called to testify over and over for years. Do you really want to put you and your family through this for years to come? Help us as a witness and there is a chance we can get LWOP and you can wash your hands of your exhusband for life.

I could see that approach to her by the defense. They DO have a Duty, no matter how disgusting it seems to us, to attempt to provide the best possible defense they can and get LWOP instead of the DP.

She also scraped his reddit comments, possibly other social media comments too following his arrest. The police were able to get them, I believe.
She was asked during her last appearance whether she still loved him.
She looked straight into his eyes and asked 'is that relevant'?
What searches were found on University computers left open???

Walk by a work station, user hasn't logged out, casually type "dispose of a body," print 3 pages on that user's account, complete Log Out sequence, pick up pages, keep moving....


And, JMHO, someone might not mind LWOP if their attempts at adult life were unsuccessful. If indeed MZC functioned as his Mom & he was loosing that function in his life, maybe this:


Room & board provided
Weight room provided
Books,TV, media provided
Medical, dental, behavioral health care provided

BC can fantasize all day & most of the night with essentially no responsibilities.

Kinda like the life MZC was enabling him to live?

View attachment 189102

Justice, or something close, for Ms. Zhang & her loved ones!

I'd never thought of him using comps in Uni for a search or two, nice thinking.

MZC supporting him these last few years, must have grated on her somewhat having to keep him. Paying for his booze and a leg over here and there. (Sorry about that! I'll delete that bit if anyone wants me to)

At first, totally understandable. It's NOW I'm confused by.

I would also be terrified that by supporting him I would be implicated. It would be one thing if he was innocent. I would probably still not have the balls to publicly support him. But with him confessing on tape? Oh hell nah. :eek:

Yes, I would say supporting him must make her think folk will think she's involved, but we don't know that. There hasn't been any mention of her being involved at this stage.

No way would he get a penny from me. It would haunt me especially as he confessed on tape.
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