Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - #152 *ARREST - Richard Allen*

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I am in France . I can't hear The Murder Sheet

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I am sad . Because I think it would be very useful to share all the information about such murders. Friends from all countries , share your information .
Not in Apple Podcasts?
Does anyone think they had enough DNA to test from the scene? I wonder if they ever considered pretty much testing the adult males of the town. Cost?

In years past on the Delphi threads, this suggestion of a "DNA dragnet" has come up many times. Yes, there are a few other cases where it has been done by LE. But this investigative tactic has also been legally challenged in the US where we have constitutional protections over being compelled or, if "voluntarily asked," coerced to give DNA. I believe that investigators in the Delphi case, where they appear to have been so careful to do things strictly by the book (legally speaking), they were not willing to risk getting a lead this way that could ultimate jeopardize their case. I mean, there's a reason that these dragnets are rare and police don't do them for every single older or cold case. Just my opinion.
My opinion only. I think KK rolled on RA, now it's RA's turn to put the heat on KK.
I agree with is statement and they will hopefully sing like canaries about a host of others. LEA wants to wrap this up with a big tight bow! Not releasing anymore info and stating they will find everyone involved sends a huge message. I hope they are all sh****** in their pants.
His attorney can make a statement unless or until the Judge issues a gag order. It'll be interesting.

I'm wondering why he doesn't already have an attorney. I thought that he would be asked at the initial plea hearing if he needed one appointed. He'd have to show he's indigent, and that might take some time. Or maybe the initial hearing was just to enter a plea, and the next hearing will discuss representation.
He has a nice home - does that come into consideration in determining if someone qualifies for being appointed an attorney vs if he has to pay? Could they force him to sell assets to pay for representation? idk

Based on the original height estimate (5'6" to 5''9"(?) RA did not fit the description. He's shorter (one report was 5'4" IIRC, although booking records subsequently removed that. In March 2022, the height (and weight) estimates were removed from the official profile.

Maybe that's when one or more folks started looking at him as a potential suspect.

What was he arrested for previously
I just want to say that I commend LE for not giving up on this case because for so long it felt like the odds had been stacked against them. Every time they seemed to believe they were one step closer to solving the crime they’d end up back at square one. A less committed (or perhaps just frustrated) agency might’ve thrown in the towel on these girls but LE stayed the course and were relentless in their pursuit for justice. JMO.
His attorney can make a statement unless or until the Judge issues a gag order. It'll be interesting.

I'm wondering why he doesn't already have an attorney. I thought that he would be asked at the initial plea hearing if he needed one appointed. He'd have to show he's indigent, and that might take some time. Or maybe the initial hearing was just to enter a plea, and the next hearing will discuss representation.
At an initial appearance (usually within 24 hours of arrest) is when you can first request a court appointed attorney. A defendant is given an application to fill out. I'm not sure he would qualify, at least not yet. Also, he would not enter a plea at an initial appearance. He is just advised of the charges, and initial bond issues discussed. The court will then set an arraignment date or pretrial hearing.
Watched the press conference this morning - feels like a lot of conclusions are being jumped to. Of course LE can't say "we're closing down the tip line, we're 100% sure no one else is involved, etc." I'm not reading much into anything that was or wasn't said this morning.
He has a nice home - does that come into consideration in determining if someone qualifies for being appointed an attorney vs if he has to pay? Could they force him to sell assets to pay for representation? idk

It does, <modsnip - no link> but his wife likely owns it too. That's going to complicate the calculations. And this will likely be a very expensive case if it proceeds to trial. We're talking about over a hundred thousand in legal expenses and expert fees.
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He has a nice home - does that come into consideration in determining if someone qualifies for being appointed an attorney vs if he has to pay? Could they force him to sell assets to pay for representation? idk

He was a manager at CVS from some accounts, although maybe just a shift supervisor. Still, if he was full time, it is possible he enrolled in a 401K as well. CVS does offer a 401K. Link.
In years past on the Delphi threads, this suggestion of a "DNA dragnet" has come up many times. Yes, there are a few other cases where it has been done by LE. But this investigative tactic has also been legally challenged in the US where we have constitutional protections over being compelled or, if "voluntarily asked," coerced to give DNA. I believe that investigators in the Delphi case, where they appear to have been so careful to do things strictly by the book (legally speaking), they were not willing to risk getting a lead this way that could ultimate jeopardize their case. I mean, there's a reason that these dragnets are rare and police don't do them for every single older or cold case. Just my opinion.
It's really not necessary now anyway, thanks to genetic genealogy. They can find just about anyone based on that.
Would Libby and Abby's families be told any more info than the details that were given to the general public at the press conference?
No. not very much more.

A lot of the conversation would be about maybe how strong their case was and to thank the family for having faith in LE, etc. And that they would do everything possible for evidence for a conviction.
Perhaps hair found on one of the victims that was not connected to any of their family or pets, if the pet thing is relevant. I still think the small hole was a core sample of contents burned in the pit. Since @MassGuy stated it was thought to be the size of a bottle cap. This is moving so fast I apologize @MassGuy if it was not you that reported that.

I'm thinking more along the lines of an SD card in that tiny hole. Maybe they don't have DNA, but they have photos, or maybe both.
This must be so tough on the family finding out he lived right there among them. Wondering if he had help avoiding detection. Questioning his possible connections to their lives through family or friends. And happening now with so many holidays just ahead of us. I’m just hoping they can sustain themselves through this.
Fully agree!! They are still doing it and I hope that net catches as many B*s*t*ar*s as possible!!
What else could jeopardize the investigation? If the probable cause for the arrest was a DNA match either by a covert sample LE obtained, and/or familial DNA match, then announcing that doesn't jeopardize anything. These events, the catfishing account users, the partial interview transcript, and the arrest Friday have to be related.
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