Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - #154 *Richard Allen Arrested*

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Respectfully SBM:

I am a domestic violence and abuse survivor.
Just because his wife drove him to the hospital does not, at all mean that he was not violent with her.
And if she is a warrior of DV she will certainly NOT allow others on the outside know because it would only make it worse for her.

DV/DA takes on many forms.

Perhaps it may be a good idea to educate and enlighten oneself with what DV, as a whole looks like:

Identify Abuse

And if you’re a CliffsNotes type of person, just click on my profile pic and tell me if I look like I was (am) a victim of domestic violence. It was taken 3 years ago while I was in a marriage full of many forms of DV. It doesn’t look like though.
But you know the ole saying ‘looks can be deceiving’.

I’ve been told by many medical professionals, and all trauma therapists that emotional abuse is far worse than physical abuse. I say that one should never be compared to the other as they are both equal. Leaving the victim traumatized for life.

Edit to add: Please, no pity. Just educate yourselves and spread awareness.
Very sorry it happened to you. Virtual hugs.
<modsnip - speculation and discussion about a family member and stating opinion as fact>
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I think it's much more benign. Not much the FBI could provide anymore except helping to follow up on some tips. This is very much a local/state case with FBI providing support for things beyond ISP/CC's ability. Sounds like maybe once the Marshals stepped in with their additional capabilities, FBI stepped back.
Not much more the FBI could provide?
Please explain this to me with specific regaurds to this case.
It has been my understanding that Quantico is one of the world leaders in forensics.

At least better than an State Police or county investigators. Especially in a rural area where the court barely has enough staff for the case.
Please explain. I would just like to understand your thought on this.
I could do without reading that. Makes me sick for the sheriff to say something nice about a suspected child killer. JMO
Absolutely - there is something odd in the sight of LE agents gushing about this case. Like the ISP Superintendent on FOX59 yesterday, with that presenter basically saying she loved him. Gross, IMO.
"In response to an Indiana Access to Public Records Act request from 13News, Diener sent an email Wednesday morning to WTHR and state court officials granting several of 13News’ requests for case information. Among the details released:
  • Allen's initial bail was set at $20 million following his arrest. (The prosecutor said several days later that Allen is now being held with "no bond.")
  • Case summary information showing Allen's past and upcoming court dates
  • A case number so the public can follow new details and events in the case
  • A notice setting a Nov. 22 date for a public hearing for Diener to determine whether important records in the case will remain under seal"
"Just so the world knows. The Carroll Circuit Court consists of me, Benjamin A. Diener, the judge.
My court reporter was hired Friday and began Monday.
My bailiff answers the phone, has no experience and no knowledge about legal process.
Thankfully, there is a Court Administrator that has experience, but she has duties regarding Carroll Circuit and Carroll Superior Courts.
That is it.
So. I am begging for some assistance to shield me, the Court, from this storm so that I, the Court, can keep running the Court.
Otherwise, I’ll do what? Read to everyone Rule 6A of Indiana Rules of Court: Rules on Access to Court Records and explain to everyone that the Supreme Court and statute allows for this precise relief. "

Based on the information that Judge Diener wrote for this article the fact that we didn't learn about this is likely stemming from the fact that the court is so small. They didn't have a court reporter until this week and looks like right now he is the one sorting through all the request and documents.
Per information the population of Carroll County is a mear 20,000 people. Went to school at Purdue which is close and it's a very rural area
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"In response to an Indiana Access to Public Records Act request from 13News, Diener sent an email Wednesday morning to WTHR and state court officials granting several of 13News’ requests for case information. Among the details released:
  • Allen's initial bail was set at $20 million following his arrest. (The prosecutor said several days later that Allen is now being held with "no bond.")
  • Case summary information showing Allen's past and upcoming court dates
  • A case number so the public can follow new details and events in the case
  • A notice setting a Nov. 22 date for a public hearing for Diener to determine whether important records in the case will remain under seal"
"Just so the world knows. The Carroll Circuit Court consists of me, Benjamin A. Diener, the judge.
My court reporter was hired Friday and began Monday.
My bailiff answers the phone, has no experience and no knowledge about legal process.
Thankfully, there is a Court Administrator that has experience, but she has duties regarding Carroll Circuit and Carroll Superior Courts.
That is it.
So. I am begging for some assistance to shield me, the Court, from this storm so that I, the Court, can keep running the Court.
Otherwise, I’ll do what? Read to everyone Rule 6A of Indiana Rules of Court: Rules on Access to Court Records and explain to everyone that the Supreme Court and statute allows for this precise relief. "
Isn't the FBI involved? ISP can help too, right?
The other bit of nonsense. This "It's not about us it's about them." Wrong. Obviously they are the victims in this window, with this horrific event. However, "this" is about how we protect our children and prosecute acts of murder against those children. "This" is about every town and city in the civilised world, where we expect that our children will come home every time they leave the house. It's not just "about them."
If RA is convicted of this, he would face a mandatory minimum sentence of 45 to 65 years for each offense as outlined in the Indiana Penal Code. Indiana does not appear to have different variants of murder (murder one, murder two, etc.) and from what I've read, the prosecution decides if they are seeking the death penalty and the jury recommends the sentence.

If a jury is going to recommend death, that verdict must be unanimous. If the jury cannot reach a unanimous verdict, then the judge imposes the sentence during the penalty phase. However, if the jury does not recommend death, then it's highly likely the judge would impose life without parole.

Judges used to be able to override the sentence the jury recommended but that was abolished in 2002 so like the Nikolas Cruz case in Florida, if the jury recommends LWOP, the judge cannot override it.

The three possible levels of sentence for a murder conviction in Indiana are:
  1. 45 to 65 years imprisonment and up to a $10,000 fine
  2. Life without parole
  3. Death
However, Indiana death row only currently has 8 people on death row and has not executed an inmate since 2009 so capital convictions are rare. A few of the criteria that allow a jury to consider a death sentence that might apply in this case are:
  • The murder was especially heinous, depraved or involved torture
  • The defendant committed the murder after lying in wait (i.e. - BG waiting for A&L on the bridge)
  • The offense was committed during the commission of or attempt of sexual assault or related crimes
I believe the State will definitely seek the DP in this case.

In retrospect maybe instead of the sketches they should’ve hung the BG photos everywhere. It’s not that hard to see RMA in those IMO, especially from a distance. The height, the frame … maybe eventually someone would’ve caught sight of it & suddenly seen him! If nothing else, I bet he sees himself in those pics & maybe he could’ve been sweated out sooner.
Gray Hughes has much improved since the beginning.

It is true, he has logic and many of his ideas are interesting, not to say, brilliant. For example, trying to gage the height of BG given the time (the height of the sun - the shadow) and simple geometry. He came very close.

Another good idea, when he tried to buy some satellite images of the area on that day to look at cars. Not his fault it did not work (I suspect RA went on feet), but criminology-wise, it was a good thought.

My main issue with him is how long his shows are. (Gray Hughes, no one can follow a show for 3 hours! Break it into two a day, more ads for you, perhaps. Also, trolls create free advertisement for you, in your shoes I’d feed your trolls, not bark at them).

Maybe Gray should take a second person who is also logical, but a little bit less boring? Someone with slightly better sense of humor. He and Ives could work well. Both have innate capacity not to say nonsense, it is a gift.

Wanted to add - Gray is not a freak, no matter how he defines himself. His shows are way less freakish than some ISP PCs, he formulates phrases well and unambiguously, and except for his interaction with his own followers, nothing else was ever off.

Since the arrest and finding Gray's channel, I have watched as many shows as possible to get up to speed on certain case aspects, he is well informed and presents good, solid information IMO. I don't mind that the shows are long, I can skip through when he goes off topic or just let it play in the background and read other stuff. His personality comes across as one I personally may not like all that much at times, but I actually do like when he blasts trolls and I really appreciate that he donates to the causes.
Here it is

Delphi suspect Allen to be moved to state facility; judge decries ‘blood lust’ for information

I think he's way out of his depth and I am shocked this court does not seem to have a clerk that handles administrative matters for the judge. I live in smaller county than this one and each of our local courts has a full time clerk (and staff).

I also am shocked that the state, ISP, prosecutor, etc. did not seem to prepare the judge for this possibility since the crime occurred in this county and was always going to be handled by this court? Like it shouldn't be a surprise to this judge that he is initially overseeing the Delphi murder case. Why didn't anyone plan for this?
I was wondering that too. They should have known someday this would come to trial.

I do however feel bad for them all, they’re just trying to do their jobs and while I appreciate podcasters and journalists it would be awful being bombarded by them all day.
I believe the State will definitely seek the DP in this case.

I sure hope so!! Snippets from the first link:

In Indiana, the death penalty is available only for the crime of murder and is available for murder only if the prosecution can prove the existence of at least one of 18 “aggravating circumstances” identified by the Indiana General Assembly.

The prosecution is not required to seek the death penalty in every case in which an aggravating circumstance might exist, and the defendant is eligible for death. The determination whether to seek the death penalty against a defendant on a particular murder charge is left to the discretion of the prosecuting attorney for each Indiana county.


Aggravating Factors by State​

Indiana: IC 35-50-2-9
(1) The defendant committed the murder by intentionally killing the victim while committing or attempting to commit any of the following:

(A) Arson (IC 35-43-1-1).
(B) Burglary (IC 35-43-2-1).
(C) Child molesting (IC 35-42-4-3).
(D) Criminal deviate conduct (IC 35-42-4-2) (before its repeal).
(E) Kidnapping (IC 35-42-3-2).
(F) Rape (IC 35-42-4-1).
(G) Robbery (IC 35-42-5-1).
(H) Carjacking (IC 35-42-5-2) (before its repeal).
(I) Criminal gang activity (IC 35-45-9-3).
(J) Dealing in cocaine or a narcotic drug (IC 35-48-4-1).
(K) Criminal confinement (IC 35-42-3-3).

(2) The defendant committed the murder by the unlawful detonation of an explosive with intent to injure a person or damage property.
(3) The defendant committed the murder by lying in wait.
(4) The defendant who committed the murder was hired to kill.
(5) The defendant committed the murder by hiring another person to kill.
(6) The victim of the murder was a corrections employee, probation officer, parole officer, community corrections worker, home detention officer, fireman, judge, or law enforcement officer, and either:

(A) the victim was acting in the course of duty; or
(B) the murder was motivated by an act the victim performed while acting in the course of duty.

(7) The defendant has been convicted of another murder.
(8) The defendant has committed another murder, at any time, regardless of whether the defendant has been convicted of that other murder.
(9) The defendant was:

(A) under the custody of the department of correction;
(B) under the custody of a county sheriff;
(C) on probation after receiving a sentence for the commission of a felony; or
(D) on parole; at the time the murder was committed.

(10) The defendant dismembered the victim.
(11) The defendant burned, mutilated, or tortured the victim while the victim was alive.
(12) The victim of the murder was less than twelve (12) years of age.
(13) The victim was a victim of any of the following offenses for which the defendant was convicted:

(A) Battery committed before July 1, 2014, as a Class D felony or as a Class C felony under IC 35-42-2-1 or battery committed after June 30, 2014, as a Level 6 felony, a Level 5 felony, a Level 4 felony, or a Level 3 felony.
(B) Kidnapping (IC 35-42-3-2).
(C) Criminal confinement (IC 35-42-3-3).
(D) A sex crime under IC 35-42-4.

I'm not sure it will be enough, but the sooner they can redact and release the PC, the better. That could help build public trust.

It is unlikely to stop the incessant requests by those seeking to profit in some way on social media channels so the state may need to control that.

I'm not understanding the motivation of threats against public officials and their families, which is disturbing. Maybe someone here can set me straight on that.

It seems to me that the county does not have resources or expertise to manage the consequences of intense public interest.

They would do well to look at it from a PR standpoint & hire someone as the public face who is not personally involved behind the scenes to manage & handle communications with the media & public.

The upside is the passion for justice for these girls and their families. But it must be managed and managed well.
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