Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - #154 *Richard Allen Arrested*

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Here it is

Delphi suspect Allen to be moved to state facility; judge decries ‘blood lust’ for information

Thanks for this -- read it earlier.

Agree about the boundary issues of some reporting on / monetizing these crimes but not sure that a judge's order is the best medium for this critique.

I am expecting that RA's trial, should it occur, will take place in a different venue under the auspices of another judge.


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Here it is

Delphi suspect Allen to be moved to state facility; judge decries ‘blood lust’ for information

Interesting that he (RA) indicated in his initial hearing he's going to "hire private counsel"
I agree, tips received after someone is charged have to dealt with cautiously.

I would guess what LE is looking for goes back to the “somebody knows something” involving hold back information never publicly released. Such as details RA might’ve shared during casual interactions with others about the murders that can be proven to be actual knowledge as opposed to speculation.

ETA: After crime scene details are publicly released, the opportunity to seek inside knowledge tips is lost.

Maybe they are looking for girls who interacted with A_S and could testify to conversations or requests for pictures about specific sexual interest or a particular fetish that RA had. Maybe it was very specific and it would tie RA to the girls. It could be they already have RA using A_S profile and are looking to prove that this is his particular kink.
I do feel for the guy. I'm sure hundreds of media outlets and podcasters are flooding his office with e-mails and calls when they're just trying to do their job. I wonder if they can just issue a blanket public statement that says all requests will be put on hold for the time being pending the outcome of the hearing. We will not respond to any requests until then.

I get the public's desire for this info - I really do. Heck, I want to know just as bad as anyone. But I also want all those responsible for this atrocity to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and if that means keeping the probable cause statement under seal for now, so be it.

Also have the strong sense that many requesting this info are doing so for personal gain to get clickbait for their podcasts, sites, etc. and report on true crime as a profit generator, not out of care for victims or their families. While I wish all those jackals would just go away, I've been around this long enough to know how it works.

This is how I feel about it too. I understand that so many people have been invested in this for so long and want the relief of knowing the cops really have RA nailed. But it's not about what the public wants. All these people saying they care so much about Libby and Abby and then trying to force the hand of the court just because they want details is gross imo.

This is about real people, not some scoop for a podcast or a reddit post. It's really upsetting. Jmo
Any speculation on what five charges they want dropped?
FROSTEDGLASS, I'm going to 'bet the farm" on the ones that would have given KAK the most severe penalties and longest prison term. Ya' know he has been exploring his legal options. In my book (speculation of course, wink, wink) "Let Me Squeal for a Deal!" Just look at the "house cleaning" that has occurred with the involvement of NCMEC & ICAC collaboration. I have found over a dozen Indiana counties in my research and curiously Miami, with the exception of KAK and Carroll County have not come up on any since 2019. Don't know if intentional or coincidental, but why show your cards prematurely? Maybe the "new direction" was simply looking inward, back to the people the girls had been in contact with and people who lived in the area.
Marshal County, Plymouth Jan.28, 2021
Adams County, Decatur Sept. 19, 2022
Morgan County, Paragon Feb. 17, 2022
Clark County, Clarksville Aug. 11, 2021
Clark County, Clarksville Feb. 25, 2021
Scott County, Austin Sept. 3 2022
Michigan City, LaPorte June, 23, 2022
Whilley County, Columbia City Oct. 6, 2022
Morgan County, Mooresville Jan. 13, 2022
Harrison County, DePauw Sept. 20, 2022
Steuben County, Angola Feb. 14, 2022
This is why you don't seal post charge probable cause docs without a darn good reason! That's such a strange thing that yes the public is going have issues with it. Not for blood lust but there's a REASON judicial documents are for the most part, PUBLIC.
I dont doubt some of the public is acting unsavory but I'm not sure what he thinks he's accomplishing by this tantrum. Wow. Wonder what the IN Supreme court will say now?
People are ruthless, tactless and gross. As extended family of victims I am thankful for Websleuths being basically the one place that's properly moderated and even then it's been hard to stay because of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion... but sometimes you just wish they would keep it to themselves, lol.
I was curious, so I did a little bit of digging. Judge is absolutely correct. Wife, father, all being posted around with wild conspiracy theories. Seems like the transfer was both for the safety of RA as much as the "public servants" that are handling the case or him.
If it amounts to threat then they should be arrested.
Thanks for this -- read it earlier.

Agree about the boundary issues of some reporting on / monetizing these crimes but not sure that a judge's order is the best medium for this critique.

I am expecting that RA's trial, should it occur, will take place in a different venue under the auspices of another judge.

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jmo but: people acting like vultures about this case are just going to make the Court and law enforcement hold their ground even further. The behavior of people online is literally proving the point that this information can't be released like it would be in a much lower-profile case.
jmo but: people acting like vultures about this case are just going to make the Court and law enforcement hold their ground even further. The behavior of people online is literally proving the point that this information can't be released like it would be in a much lower-profile case.
I'm not sure that would stand constitutional muster though.
I don't think it's crazy to prioritize a murder defendant hiring counsel and that counsel being entitled to review the charges and information justifying the charges before random busybodies make YouTube videos dramatically reading every word.

The point here is to prosecute the person responsible for a horrific crime and ensure justice is served while respecting the Constitutional protections given to all defendants. No one is going to die waiting two weeks to read an affidavit. Get it together, folks.
I’m curious what the attorneys here on WS think about the judge’s written language in the past few days. I wonder if the Judge speaks like that in court as well.

I think he's way out of his depth and I am shocked this court does not seem to have a clerk that handles administrative matters for the judge. I live in smaller county than this one and each of our local courts has a full time clerk (and staff).

I also am shocked that the state, ISP, prosecutor, etc. did not seem to prepare the judge for this possibility since the crime occurred in this county and was always going to be handled by this court? Like it shouldn't be a surprise to this judge that he is initially overseeing the Delphi murder case. Why didn't anyone plan for this?
I think he's way out of his depth and I am shocked this court does not seem to have a clerk that handles administrative matters for the judge. I live in smaller county than this one and each of our local courts has a full time clerk (and staff).

I also am shocked that the state, ISP, prosecutor, etc. did not seem to prepare the judge for this possibility since the crime occurred in this county and was always going to be handled by this court? Like it shouldn't be a surprise to this judge that he is initially overseeing the Delphi murder case. Why didn't anyone plan for this?
I absolutely agree. This floors me.

Makes me really concerned about the future proceedings also.
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