Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - #155 *Richard Allen Arrested*

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Does anybody else think it odd that in the MS podcast when talking about the information that was looked at again that led to RA, that MS refers to the person who found that info as “someone connected to the investigation” and “someone affiliated with the investigation” and “someone associated with the investigation”. Why not just say it was an investigator…unless it wasn’t.
I don’t usually pay much attention to how things are worded but this jumped out at me and I thought it was weird.
Right. The stakes are higher than Monon Bridge. They reach the Blood Moon. Prosecution must be in tippy top shape.

Surely, RA is awarded a phone call per day or on weekends. I haven't taken the time to exam the jail/prison regulations and perks because we've had several suspects that didn't pan out over the past 5.5 years! Remember DanielNations? And JamesChadwell? Then, KAK. Now there's RA. He was in plain sight. Sheriff Tobe stated he visited the CVS and found RA to be so very helpful. Don't you know that felt amazing for the Sheriff after all of this time while knowing what he knew?

KA is the one who needs a lawyer and you're right. Get a divorce now. Sadly after 30 years. Crushing. Sell the house then purchase or lease a smaller place wherever she pleases. Legally, I'm not sure how much of their finances she can keep with these circumstances but with a lawyer working on her behalf, she'll be fine. She has skills for a job anywhere in the world.

I'd grab my daughter and go live off the grid in Hawaii at least for a couple of years or until this dark storm passes. Do some snorkeling, diving and dining.

If there are others arrested because of their participation in the brutal slaying of these lovely young children,then Stack em! Cuffem. Haul them all in. Carter said no one has been cleared. The Patty's (and sweet Anna) want everyone who may have contributed to their girls' deaths to be caught and placed behind bars. So do we.

Back to RA, he and his wife had 12 hours together while at their vehicle as their home was being searched. O, to be a fly. For all we know though, she and others may stand by his side until the end. Doubt it. Where's that Search Warrant? Authorities got some good stuff: Macy's bag - was this in the house or shed?, shoe box - was this in his closet?, what was buried in the soil? A CS Souvenir?, the stack of thin books - he reads but wonder why we're told such a specific size: thin books? and what else? He must collect thin books. Which books could those be?

Whew. When this is finished, we should all meet in Indiana and share a Cheers!

The contents of this post contains simple musings of my own and some opinions based on p experience and knowledge of this case.
Comic books? Graphic novels? His own journals or sketch books? Ledgers of accounts? We have no idea or if they’re even relevant.

When is the hearing on whether or not to make to PC public?
They've explained their process. Information that they have released from their unnamed sources is only released when they can confirm it with a second source. LE often is investigating more than one avenue at a time. And if KAK isn't connected, they still should eliminate him as the killer in order to do a full investigation- because no matter if there's a connection to the murder or not, he was in contact with LG under false pretenses around the time of the murders.

DC also told them in a brief interview they did with him after the announcement of the arrest "thank you for keeping your word." I know DC is a very outwardly seemingly nice guy, but I don't think he's going to thank anyone who's spreading misinformation.
Yes exactly and they also ask LEs approval before releasing anything, so LE knows what they know and are fine with it. Source seems legit imo.
I don’t understand how he would have come forward previously and not been connected. They had video and suspected BG, as the timing of approaching BG starts the crime. They would have connected him to the video and audio. Not discarded him without checking DNA, even if they had to get it from his household garbage. That doesn’t make sense to me. MOO
Maybe he came forward that day before they had the video and sound?
Does anybody else think it odd that in the MS podcast when talking about the information that was looked at again that led to RA, that MS refers to the person who found that info as “someone connected to the investigation” and “someone affiliated with the investigation” and “someone associated with the investigation”. Why not just say it was an investigator…unless it wasn’t.
I don’t usually pay much attention to how things are worded but this jumped out at me and I thought it was weird.
I think they do that so they don't give out too much information, staying vague.
AngTxGal, my impression of someone, or of an event, or of a thing can only be shaped by the information that has been presented. And, that information is presented within a context. Concerning this guy, he showed his wife one face, he showed his co-workers another face, and now he is working to present himself to the court (and to the public) with another face. He is crafty. I've dealt with shape-shifters in the past and they are hard to nail down.

*Crafty is different than smart. He may be intelligent to a level, but craftiness points to the ability to manipulate people and circumstances. People mix intelligence and craftiness together, but they are separate attributes. People can be smart in a healthy way without manipulation. In this context, we are watching criminality enabled by the characteristic of craftiness. Some people have a crafty personality, but work good with that same characteristic of bringing things together.

Crafty has a negative connotation. When someone is good and constructive with the same trait, we think of that as a skilled organizer, or other type of positively worded personality assessment.
Cunning, like a serpent comes to mind. JMHO
Does anybody else think it odd that in the MS podcast when talking about the information that was looked at again that led to RA, that MS refers to the person who found that info as “someone connected to the investigation” and “someone affiliated with the investigation” and “someone associated with the investigation”. Why not just say it was an investigator…unless it wasn’t.
I don’t usually pay much attention to how things are worded but this jumped out at me and I thought it was weird.

Yeah I caught that too!
Interesting! maybe … or maybe MS just has no idea of the identity of the person who made the connection, so doesn’t want to offer anything that sounds like info
I think they do that so they don't give out too much information, staying vague.

I understand their talking around things but I would think the assumption would be that an investigator found the info so why not just say that.
It just seemed they went out of their way to not say it was an investigator.
It’s just weird to me but maybe it’s nothing.

edit: typo
I'm still shocked that they, apparently, didn't take his DNA when he came forward to admit he was on the bridge that fatal day. I assumed they took DNA from all males who resembled BG and were known to be at the scene of the crime at the time it went down.
Do we know that they didn’t? or if they asked and he refused would his refusal be enough to get a warrant for it? If they didn’t ask for his dna, I wonder why they didn’t?
That’s actually a good point - how was reception on the bridge as I would have thought she would have dropped called one of her family?

Just call the number and stick the phone in her pocket and then whoever answered could hear what was going on. So that brings up reception in that area.
Her phone records may show she tried this. Perhaps that’s why the vide is as short as it is? Maybe she tried and it stopped the recording but didn’t connect a call? Police said they know this is about power to the killer. What about the scene or the killings made them think so? Maybe he ordered her to drop the phone? He may have if he didn’t know he was recorded on it. Moooooo!
I'm not sure CTV from last night was posted. Vinnie interviews Barbara Allen

plan shall include the applicable rules and procedures for the determination
of eligibility for the appointment of counsel at public expense, and shall
contain the following provisions:

1. Substantial Hardship. Counsel will be provided to all persons who are
financially unable to obtain adequate representation without substantial
hardship to themselves or their families.
a. Ability to Post Bail. Counsel will not be denied to any person
merely because the person is able to obtain pretrial release
through a surety bond, property bond, or a cash deposit.
b. Employment. Counsel will not be denied to any person merely
because the person is employed.
2. Determining Eligibility. The determination of eligibility for the
appointment of counsel will include an estimation as to the costs of
retaining private counsel and a determination as to whether the
person's disposable income and liquid assets are adequate to cover the
costs of retaining private counsel.
a. Costs of Private Counsel. The determination of the costs of
retaining private counsel shall be based upon the nature of the
criminal charge, the anticipated complexity of the defense, the
estimated cost of presenting a legal defense, and the fees
charged by lawyers in the community for providing defense
services in similar cases.
b. Income. Income shall include all salaries and wages after taxes,
including interest, dividends, social security, unemployment
compensation workers' compensation, pension, annuities, and
contributions from other family members.
c. Expenses. Expenses shall include, but are not limited to, all
living expenses, business or farm expenses, including food,
utilities, housing, child support and alimony obligations,
education or employment expenses, child care, medical
expenses, and transportation.
d. Disposable Income . Disposable income shall be determined by
assessing monthly income and subtracting monthly expenses.

e. Liquid Assets. Liquid assets shall include, but are not limited
to, cash, savings and checking accounts, stocks, bonds,
certificates of deposits, and equity in real and personal
property exceeding the statutory allowances in I.C. 34-2-28-1
that can be readily converted to cash.

from the IN Public Defender Commission site- eligibility for a public defender in non-capitol cases.
I think he could be made to sell things- just IMO.
I wonder if Paul Holes used the DNA from the case and had his people do a familial search, like they did with Golden State Killer case? It may have pointed to RA's family and they'd have recognised that he was at the bridge that day.
Probably, not. If RA was a local, his DNA second cousins were too abundant not to rapidly find one. There are Allen’s around, per MS, there were mom’s relatives around. There might be unusual situation when no one had runnings with the law, and no one was curious to do familial DNA, but the chance is slim.
I understand their talking around things but I would think the assumption would be that an investigator found the info so why not just say that.
It just seemed they went out of their way to not say it was an investigator.
It’s just weird to me but maybe it’s nothing.

edit: typo
Could it be they realized RA was on the trail that day per his own statement and had a witness in to show them his picture? Maybe one they found on social media? Too far fetched?
Would it be enough to tell a judge that he inserted himself into the investigation by reporting himself as being there that day? I'd love to see whatever LE wrote down about him being there that day!

Lots of experienced “criminologists” have been saying RMA inserting himself in this way is the most suspicious thing ever … I don’t quite get it!! I mean I take their word for it cuz these are people who know what they’re talking about way more than I do…

but what would he have done differently if he had been on the trails that day but NOT had anything to do with the crime??

If that were me, I’m pretty sure I’d do exactly what he did - go to LE & tell them I was there. even if I had no useful info in mind to give them, I wouldn’t know what they needed! So I’d want them to be able to ask me about anything i might’ve seen or known without realizing it was relevant … JMO this Q has nagged at me for days!
Could it be they realized RA was on the trail that day per his own statement and had a witness in to show them his picture? Maybe one they found on social media? Too far fetched?
I don't think we know the exact date that RA went to police to tell them he was on the trails, but the photo of BG was first released on Feb. 15, the day after the bodies were discovered. Unless he went to police on the afternoon of the 14th, or very early on the 15th, I feel fairly confident that RA did not think he had been seen by anyone who would recognize him, because they would have been able to tell LE that he was wearing the same clothes as the man in the bridge photo. And it really does make me wonder back to the early speculations that he might have had something covering his face (not a mask, but like a scarf or something). He had a hat on, his hood up, maybe sunglasses on...

Anyway, DC said in a recent interview with I-Team 8 that he does not regret their strategy of switching to the younger sketch. It's all so very odd. It was said again and again that the sketches were not of the same person, but that when you put them together, the killer might be combination of the two. Two related people are the only way that scenario works, in my mind, but ever since the a_shots release, I've wondered if that second sketch wasn't from something online (but NOT the a_shots male model, imo).
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Options I see IMO
- Attempt to flee knowing fleeing is temporary as I’m likely being watched.

- Take my own life, to avoid responsibility and scrutiny, and save face and control.

- Sit and wait, make up some story to the wife, she’s believed me all this time. I’m still the smartest sob in the area and the last five years shows that fact, and skeletons could be found in my closet and in other closets in other cities. Fight fight fight, I know nothing, never was there, am being framed, who are Libby and Abby? I’m not Richard Allen

- Sit and wait crapping in pants, confess to the wife because I need her support, the vultures circling and realize it is time to pay the piper, and skeletons will be found in closets. Give self up and seek mercy

1) try to be “out of sight, out of mind” for a while, like a 30-days rehab
2) never again wear clothes that cover my neck, I have a short neck and it is too obvious in that video
3) I don’t look like myself on that blob of a video, they are after younger, taller guys and if old, then RL. I should look shorter and put some weight on. Round people appear kinder. No mustache and look definitely older.
4) I have a job, I should hide behind it. I should wear a mask now. I should be the nicest one to the community. The locals didn’t recognize my voice. The people who visit this place might…never talk to them.

…luckily, the changes in my body don’t make me look like BG.

I should read more about familial DNA. What they could have on me. Maybe join CeCe Moore group…not these Delphi groups on FB.

With time, I should find a better-paying job and move to Illinois or so. Some big city.
I've spent a lot of time looking over that same pathway and also thinking about the possibility that RA may of been deer hunting across the creek from Libby's back yard. Human's a deer often follow the same pathways through the woods and creeks attract deer. I've got a creek on my property and it is a main attraction to the hunters I let hunt here. They may have met before.
Hunting Deer in Indiana

I think deer season was very likely over by the time of the murders.
I failed at inserting a link. In Kentucky the deer season is around the same times as these each year
I had no idea RA had said he was on MHB that day and had been interviewed? That is just another bizarre twist to this case. I mean, is there a record of how many men were on the bridge that day?? It looks rather deserted in the pics I've seen. If its true he had told LE he was on bridge that day, it seems almost inconceivable that he wouldnt be a top suspect long ago. Im floored. Im not sure how they knew each other, but i would bet money that KK, after sitting in jail for over a year, and set to go on trial, gave something up that led to RA. Immediately after they arrested RA, KK had many charges dropped and his trial postponed. Too much coincidence. I wonder if perhaps KK told RA he was planning to meet LG at bridge that day, and RA got there before him, and committed the crime. Maybe he was able to tell the girls he was leading them to AS, the fake profile, and this is how he got them off bridge. This would also explain KK using the AS profile to message an unknown (possibly RA?) later that day saying that LG never showed up?

Because it is obvious! Their suspects were some young people with history of meth addiction and an older alcoholic Ron Logan whose face does look look that of BG and who potentially could hunch! I blew up Libby’s photo of Abby and it seems there is an outline of a hunching guy coming up to the bridge, far away. I think it is the quality of the photos taken on an old iPhone, and there is no one there, but someone could think, Ron. Technically, if no one witnessed the murders themselves, anyone could suspect anyone else, and they first ruled out “respected citizens”.
I understand their talking around things but I would think the assumption would be that an investigator found the info so why not just say that.
It just seemed they went out of their way to not say it was an investigator.
It’s just weird to me but maybe it’s nothing.

edit: typo
It could be FBI, it could be ISP, it could be some other expert they hired and they don't want to say "who". They have said many times they are careful with their words specifically to not cause issues.
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