Found Deceased IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #159

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Your analysis is fine however in this case there was no grand jury presentation. The prosecutors issued an arrest warrant approved by Judge Deimer and a trial was then scheduled based on Judge Deimer's authorization. My opinion only.
I absolutely agree! The PCA was only to secure the search warrant. I'm not sure what threshold Indiana judges use for probable cause, but on the face of it, I don't see it. Judges are rarely reprimanded, imo. Their behavior has to be outrageously egregious to warrant any disciplinary action. So, I'm certain all of the evidence will come in, but I don't think RA has been granted due process from the get. And now he sits in prison "for his own safety"?!
OK - but remember I opened my post saying the following (my emphasis).

While counsel push the boundaries when it comes to speculation, they are simply not allowed to sock puppet a version for the accused which is not in evidence. They are stuck with what he said in his interview.

So while I agree Bridge Guy could have come from the other end of the bridge, there is simply no way for the girls to get past RA on the trail, without them or him leaving the trail, based on his own version

The problem for RA, is he didn't know what the other moving parts were, so he wasn't able to invent a version to fit with them. And I guarantee you, following selective reveals, he will have tailored or altered his account.

It is much too late in the day to speculate that RA was asleep, or left the trail for a comfort break or whatever.

He'll need to testify to that.
The defense could call park rangers to testify as to the many different unmarked paths one could take at any given time, once off of the bridge. He doesn't have to testify necessarily to get that across.
I wonder if RA knew RL was dead. If he had known, then he could have said, "I don't know. I've practice fired my gun a couple times down there, with the owner's permission." Or something along those lines. It's not like RL was alive to contest it. I think RA just didn't know what to say...
So they have his DNA on the round?
No weathering. Brass is very reactive, oxydozies in the elements, bullet discovered on top of leaves.
Do you have a link? All the more reason this makes no sense to me. He's rummaging around stealing one or more articles of clothing, posing bodies, and he doesn't notice a shiny new round sitting on top of leaves between the bodies?
As has already been discussed, it's impossible for RA to have been on the bridge when Trail Woman saw him, and then have headed back on the trail to a bench without seeing L and A, since we know Trail Woman saw them on her way back while RA was still on the bridge. This is not a lot of distance that we're talking. RA had to have left the north end of the bridge shortly after Trail Woman was gone and waited around hidden until the girls were halfway across the bridge. Or, he was on the bridge and they passed him, but he left and hid at the north end before L took her first photo. Or, he had walked to the south end and was hidden from her second photo, then did the whole u-turn scenario. Or, possibly, the girls and RA did see each other on the trail after Trail Woman passed, but before the girls got to the bridge. The latter could explain why L began filming him...because he had already come from the bridge, so why was he walking back?

This is why i wonder what the defence strategy will be on Trail Woman

A) She saw RA
B) She saw BG
C) It's a big mystery!

Option C is full chaos - no one can ever know what happened! But I feel it is risky if they need to explain how this can possibly fit. So i at this early stage, I feel they will say Trail Woman saw RA - as that then confirms his story - but the problem is, how did he not see the victims

I wonder if the defence will claim the victims must have left the trail somehow, for RA to get past them.

It's the best i can come up with.
This is why i wonder what the defence strategy will be on Trail Woman

A) She saw RA
B) She saw BG
C) It's a big mystery!

Option C is full chaos - no one can ever know what happened! But I feel it is risky if they need to explain how this can possibly fit. So i at this early stage, I feel they will say Trail Woman saw RA - as that then confirms his story - but the problem is, how did he not see the victims

I wonder if the defence will claim the victims must have left the trail somehow, for RA to get past them.

It's the best i can come up with.
I would agree. That's the best idea for defense i can come up with, too.
I just wanted to clarify - when I noted the kids did not fight, and I asked why not - I was NOT implying that they should have! I was not placing ANY blame on them AT ALL!

Context is everything, and I should have mentioned (again) that the RL warrant stated there were no signs of a fight on the girls. I was only wondering with that in mind, if perhaps he drugged them. Of course if they were controlled via a gun or otherwise scared stiff, I totally understand that! I cannot imagine the terror they felt, nor how I'd have reacted as an adult faced with the same circumstances.

I wonder too if we're yet to find out that actually, there were signs of a struggle of some sort. Maybe when they wrote no signs of a struggle they meant no visible bruises or scratches on the kids?
Maybe after the girls were forced across the creek to the kill site they were restrained with flex cuffs so they were unable to fight back? No link. It was just a theory I have always had
I am very familiar with firearms, but thank you for dumbing it down in an interesting way. I was trying to understand the context of your quote. Obviously terms aren't interchangeable, but also could be viewed as semantics for layman. My understanding now is different. You were asking if it matters to anyone but you that the technical term is incorrect.

And my understanding has also been that this was not fired from a gun. It was an unspent round. I have not seen any reports/indication shots were fired that day. It could have even been in his pocket from a different time and fell out during the situation.
Oh, my. That is true.
Do you have a link? All the more reason this makes no sense to me. He's rummaging around stealing one or more articles of clothing, posing bodies, and he doesn't notice a shiny new round sitting on top of leaves between the bodies?
MOO. The difference between a round ejecting on 2/13/17 and one some time prior will be a knowable, testable difference.

A the brass of a round buried in tannic leaf litter will show having been in that environment almost immediately.

Only one leaf has to cover a bullet to make it invisible.
Position and level of oxidation lead to a very solid timing.
Your analysis is fine however in this case there was no grand jury presentation. The prosecutors issued an arrest warrant approved by Judge Deimer and a trial was then scheduled based on Judge Deimer's authorization. My opinion only.
Grand jury presentations aren't all that much more difficult since only side presents a case.
By February 15th they knew.
The first plea was they were looking for the man on the bridge as a witness.
RA would have known that was he, as well as his family and/or friends/coworkers. LE couldn't do anything with it until they had the true and accurate details/evidence to go forward with confidence. They were sweating him and patiently waiting.
I think he left that bullet as a little calling card and he left it on purpose..stupidly thinking it would be untraceable because he didn't shoot it out of the gun. it was part of the scene he left and I'm sure there is plenty other evidence. From the total lack of anything once again, I think we can surmise the case is moving forward and no one is concerned about the PC or what it doesn't say..or page 8 that is just poof..gone. mOO
I'm only going off of evidence that is available to us. He may be guilty as sin; I don't know. But based on the evidence currently available to us, I'm not seeing anything. They've said that the unspent round cycled through his gun. There's no mention of DNA evidence, his or either girls', being on it. Also, he admitted in 2017 to being there, not in response to being identified and questioned in 2022.

Again, he may be 100% guilty, and they may have him dead to rights, but I'm not seeing it based on the evidence we've been privy to, to date.
It could end like Barry Morphew if they don’t have it together in court.
It's entirely possible RA never even knew that bullet was missing or at the crime scene, until LE told him.
If that's the case, he was probably feeling pretty dang sure of himself all this time, living right there, essentially invisible.

I can only imagine that with every year that passed with no follow-up to his original statement, his confidence grew.
I can only imagine that with every year that passed with no follow-up to his original statement, his confidence grew.
For sure. I bet he was sweating when they did the change of direction Presser a few years into the case though. He must have been worried they would pull him back in for an interview. But again with them revealing a younger sketch and reducing the suspects possible age down to 18 he musta became confident they were never going to get him
For sure. I bet he was sweating when they did the change of direction Presser a few years into the case though. He must have been worried they would pull him back in for an interview. But again with them revealing a younger sketch and reducing the suspects possible age down to 18 he musta became confident they were never going to get him
Still LE did ask for information about a car parked at the old CPS building.
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