IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #164

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Unlikely or he’d have taken it with him or disposed of it, no? I’d have loved to have seen his reaction upon seeing his own image walking across the bridge in tbe released footage from Libby’s phone!

If they call his wife or daughter to the stand, I actually hope they ask them what his reaction and or response was to this!!
Idk about that. My adult son is short in stature like RA and wears a size 8. His dad is 2.5 inches taller but wears a smaller size shoe like RA.
RA may have not been wearing his own footwear at the time of the crime. He may have worn a bigger or more tight size. Coulda been from a thrift shop or from his selection at home. We don’t know. But I’d we find out he wore a size diff to his usual, I won’t be shocked - and it may speak to premeditation as well.
Sounds like she believed his confession. I mean, you know, even though the defense says that the confession couldn’t be trusted.
Or, she knew it would tank his case and took proactive steps to protect the case and her husband. Even if she didn’t believe it, the correct response from her was to shut him up for his own good by ending the call!
Now we know the video Libby captured is 43 seconds long. I just used a stopwatch to get a sense of how long that feels. Try it - 43 seconds is quite a long time.

I wonder how close he got before the recording stopped?

Did he ever see the phone?
Did the phone lens see him!! Or his gun? Or anything that ties directly and clearly to him?
Did the phone lens see him!! Or his gun? Or anything that ties directly and clearly to him?

Looks to me that according to the document drop, the identity of the handgun is per what LE believes he used. Key word here is "believes", detective Liggett refers to it in one of the documents, and the word used is "believes".

So LE did not have a confirmed model type for the Sig, if I'm reading the document right. They refer to the handgun type and model after the warrant was served.

Now we know the video Libby captured is 43 seconds long. I just used a stopwatch to get a sense of how long that feels. Try it - 43 seconds is quite a long time.

I wonder how close he got before the recording stopped?

Did he ever see the phone?

Did the phone lens see him!! Or his gun? Or anything that ties directly and clearly to him?

Wondering about this as well. I would think if they had a closer or clearer image of BG from the cell that that would have been released, and RA perhaps identified.

If the gun was visible in the video, I would think maybe they would release that image too, “have you seen this gun”, but maybe not, who knows. They kept everything about the bullet private.

I’ve given up on trying to understand LE’s strategies in this case...The Shack...sketch 2 mixed with sketch 1....

I do salute LE for keeping the details close to the vest, as far as details only the killer would know and confessions. I saw on Paula Zahn the other day a case of an abducted and murdered girl where two different perps confessed. LE was able to rule them out because one was on duty on a military base during the killing, and the other guy said he used a “rope” to strangle the victim, when in fact it was something else used that was not released in the media. LE said they can’t fathom why these men would want to confess to something as horrendous as raping and murdering a child.
If Richard Allen confessed to his wife, then it is probably him.

I still cannot see him in the video from Liberty German's phone though. That looks like someone else who may be taller and left-handed.

In the PCA, Richard Allen never states seeing the woman who saw him on platform 1 of the Monon High Bridge. He could be lying that he never saw her or maybe he never saw her and she only saw him? The point is that when he encountered Abby and Libby he still decided to wait at least 8 minutes before going through with the abduction even though no one was around.

It takes 5 and a half minutes to walk back from the Monon High Bridge to the bench to sit down. He must have been out of view watching Abby and Libby from a distance and waiting for at least 8 minutes, or longer if the photos of the entire bridge and Abigail Williams were taken earlier, before he decided to go through with it.

The only thing I can think of is that he must have passed them on his walk back as Abby and Libby were already over halfway down the trail to the bridge, then turned around and watched them out of view for over 8 minutes. Then maybe he waited until they got closer to the other side of the Monon High Bridge before he went across and directed them down the hill. He wanted them to get closer to the other side(southeast side).

I do not think he was on the southeast side because if Abby and Libby were already over halfway to the bridge when they passed the witness and every moment Richard Allen spends on platform 1 watching fish lets Abby and Libby get closer to him, then that would only give Richard Allen approximately 2 and a half minutes to get from platform 1 to the southeast side of the bridge at the time the witness passes Abby and Libby and before Liberty German takes her photo of the entire bridge. Could you make it across the bridge in 2 1/2 minutes from platform 1 and get off it without being seen?

Somebody stopped moving or has their timing off. Like a photograph, somebody was stopped in time. I know now it might not matter.
The carpet cut out of the trunk makes me also think they had a "hit" with luminol or blue star. I wonder if he wore shorts or another pair of pants under his jeans and then put the jeans and jacket and shoes in his trunk because they were bloody and/or muddy after the crime. He could have rinsed off his hands or arms or face in the creek.
I've been thinking about the trunk carpet too. The place they took it from, under the spare, just doesn't seem like somewhere likely for blood to get to unless it was really heavy, or the spare was not in at the time, or something bloody was hidden there. All are possible.

I've also kind of wondered if maybe that location would have been the in the best condition and least contaminated from dirt and other use. It's a 2016, and in Feb 2017, the car was still pretty new, so maybe they wanted fibers from the newest condition carpeting to compare to fibers found at the CS. Idk, just another guess.
If Richard Allen confessed to his wife, then it is probably him.

I still cannot see him in the video from Liberty German's phone though. That looks like someone else who may be taller and left-handed.

In the PCA, Richard Allen never states seeing the woman who saw him on platform 1 of the Monon High Bridge. He could be lying that he never saw her or maybe he never saw her and she only saw him? The point is that when he encountered Abby and Libby he still decided to wait at least 8 minutes before going through with the abduction even though no one was around.

It takes 5 and a half minutes to walk back from the Monon High Bridge to the bench to sit down. He must have been out of view watching Abby and Libby from a distance and waiting for at least 8 minutes, or longer if the photos of the entire bridge and Abigail Williams were taken earlier, before he decided to go through with it.

The only thing I can think of is that he must have passed them on his walk back as Abby and Libby were already over halfway down the trail to the bridge, then turned around and watched them out of view for over 8 minutes. Then maybe he waited until they got closer to the other side of the Monon High Bridge before he went across and directed them down the hill. He wanted them to get closer to the other side(southeast side).

I do not think he was on the southeast side because if Abby and Libby were already over halfway to the bridge when they passed the witness and every moment Richard Allen spends on platform 1 watching fish lets Abby and Libby get closer to him, then that would only give Richard Allen approximately 2 and a half minutes to get from platform 1 to the southeast side of the bridge at the time the witness passes Abby and Libby and before Liberty German takes her photo of the entire bridge. Could you make it across the bridge in 2 1/2 minutes from platform 1 and get off it without being seen?

Somebody stopped moving or has their timing off. Like a photograph, somebody was stopped in time. I know now it might not matter.
I wonder if BG didn't get on the bridge sooner because L had her phone out taking pictures on top the bridge and he didn't want to be in her pictures (ironic). He had to have gotten on very soon after the 2:07 time, though.
The fact that L's phone was found under her body, while the clothing was in the creek, is curious. It makes me wonder if he undressed them as part of the staging, in which case the recovered clothing would have been bloody (the creek couldn't have just washed them totally clean) and likely cut in matching areas where the girls had wounds

Or the clothing was removed before death and the phone fell, and everything occurred right in place. Then he gathered the clothing and threw them into the creek afterward, missing the phone because it was under her.

Our maybe L tried to hang on to the phone through everything, because it would have been the only way to try to get help. But wouldn't the killer have noticed?

It's placement in relation to the clothing is "odd."

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Dude, I farking KNEW it was a brown cap!

Sorry… MOO.
He had a lot of hats/caps in his possession, for all occasions likely. :(

A lot of gloves - 10 pairs - stand out to me as well.

And his many multi-tools .....

What I missed within the listing, is something fitting a "white thing", we saw underneath BG's chin in the neckline of his jacket.

As you here on WS can imagine, I immediately searched for the "(dirty) Thorogood boots size 7.5 mens", but didn't find a pair, which looked like the black/white (?) shoes on BG. Disappointment on my part. More boots for selection would be: "timberland boots size 8" and "(dirty) black boots size 6.5 reg.". Probably the dirty black boots are the ones, I search for - and actually I ask myself, for what I'm doing that. RA confessed; it's sort of over now.
I did imagine the water bottle might be for easy access to his DNA but they'd just get a warrant for collection of it anyhow, so they didn't *need* it really, did they? I wonder if there is more to it? Some odd thing about it? DNA from the kids on it? Something he KEPT from the Crime Scene maybe??? Oye
I think, the bottle wasn't clean enough to be only a harmless water bottle or it was stored at an unusual place (in a wardrobe/dresser) or it was the same brand of a similar bottle/lid, left at the CS.
I am still torn on if this was premeditated as he made so many mistakes I’m like this surely had to be a spur of the moment ambushing.

I am wondering if he just saw a opportunity when they passed and he watched them and realized nobody was around and could put into action a sick idea he had for years.

Oh my gosh - 10 pages - 200 posts to read.... and my sister & her Dh arrive today - and I am going to be really behind here. Oh no!! I will try & come back & take notes.
We know the male suspect isn’t in either of the two Snapchat 2:07pm pics. I’ve always been curious if there’s other pics on Libby’s cellphone because I can imagine a scenario where Abby is still on the bridge deck posing for other pics as he walks onto the bridge. I wonder, would that be enough to set him off into a rage, if the girls didn’t immediately get out of his path once they noticed him beginning to cross the bridge?
I still firmly believe RA targeted Abby & Libby that day. What are the odds he arrives at MHB minutes before them being dropped off, passes the 3 other teen girls who said he was walking with a 'purpose'? The other witness (lady walking) saw him out on the first deck, I think he was stalling there in order to give the girls time to cross the bridge before he set off behind them, basically trapping them towards the end.

My gut says it wasn't a kidnapping attempt, I think it was a cold, premeditated, murder. If those girls were posed, as stated in the released docs, I wonder if he took pictures or videos? I hate to even type that, but it could be possible. He spent quite a bit of time at the CS.

Deep depravity going on here, no wonder he lost so much weight in jail. He did relatively fine in Westerville until the Defense dumped all that discovery on him, and he confessed to his wife and to his mother. Here's a man who knows what is about to come to light. I hope they can keep him alive until trial.

From my count (and it could very well be wrong--math's not my strong suit :p), 12 knives were collected. If I was ever accused of a crime and the results of the search warrant were released, I would be crucified in the court of public opinion. By a quick count around my apartment, I have 9 knives (that I could immediately locate; I know I have more). I'm not the violent type. I just 1) enjoy camping and have long collected knives over the years and 2) proud of family heritage. My grandpa once told me that I shared his dad's love of collecting knives (sadly, mostly Old Timer Knives, which the defendant apparently had).

I also have several thumb drives/SD cards for digital backup. I've carefully cultivated a digital music library since I was in college and I am constantly making backups as well as others for backing up things such as resume, cover letters, and former course work.

Like I said, I'd probably be publicly crucified if any crime happened around me.
Not unless you were self admittedly at the crime scene of a brutal murder, wearing similar clothing, and captured on video by one of the victims, and owning a firearm that has identical ejector markings on an unfired round found between the two victims. :)

I’m 6’2” in a size 13 so my perspective is obviously skewed. But I quickly looked up the average size of men in the U.S. and both of RAs sizes are below average. The 6.5 considerably so.

But I don’t remember hearing anything about footprints in any of the evidence thus far so all likely moot.
We talked a lot about footprints in the beginning, until the other story about how the bodies were found came out. Considering all the footwear they took from RA, I'm giving the footprint story serious thought.
The article below is dated Feb 15, 2017.

Sources tell Call 6 Investigates that a set of footprints are what led volunteers to the area the bodies were found.

My thoughts

1. No wonder "ricks" bail hearing got deep sixed

2. There is no sex ring.

Normally this case gets solved within a few weeks and there is no big mystery. The guy who said he was on the trails at the time and was caught on video is the guy who did it. Police messed up.
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