IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #165

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Jail phone call recording are frequently used in trial. We don't know the procedures as far as i know of the jail here, but I also haven't seen anything yet that would lead me to believe the calls wouldn't be admissible. It actually never ceases to amaze me the things a person will say on a jail call, knowing there is a good chance it is being monitored.
Agree, especially when it says that in a recorded statement before each call is accepted by the person(s). Many criminals have been brought down by this very stupid mistake. :eek:
Actually, it looks to me like his beard. Prior, I suspect he'd taken effort to conceal his beard. No witnesses described one IIRC.

I think this image was released because it shows him at the closest point for maximum clarity of features without capturing the weapon and abduction. And that's why it was truncated.

Yeah, I thought "blurry mustache" or similar myself.
Jail phone call recording are frequently used in trial. We don't know the procedures as far as i know of the jail here, but I also haven't seen anything yet that would lead me to believe the calls wouldn't be admissible. It actually never ceases to amaze me the things a person will say on a jail call, knowing there is a good chance it is being monitored.
I recently watched a series on quest red called "calls from the inside", it's crazy how forgetful the prisoners are about the fact their calls are being recorded.
Two things are nagging me. JH said the reenactments are inaccurate, and L's phone was under her body while her clothing was in the creek.

I think RA took them into the woods below the bridge on the south side of the creek, and that's where they spent nearly an hour, where he made them undress, etc. Then at 3:11, L's dad called, and whether or not the phone was on silent, maybe the phone lit up and L said her dad was there looking for them. With this, RA wanted to get away from the bridge and trails, so he made the girls gather their things and cross the creek. At 3:14, they might have been around the north bank when L's dad called the second time. I think the clothing was dropped and L maybe tried to get up the bank and answer the call. Maybe RA scrambled up behind her, getting muddy, they got about 50 feet from the bank before he chambered a second round to threaten her (or misfired and tried again), which ejected the round. Then he grabbed his knife and got to L, who fell on top of her phone. Or, alternatively, he killed L and while standing by her, chambered the round to threaten A to keep her from trying to run. JMO.

My thought was that the killer was the one who removed the clothing from the victim that the missing sock and panties belong to, and that as to the rest of the clothing that he decided not to take as a trophy....he sunk those items in the river in an attempt to erode any DNA he might have left on the items when he removed them from the victim.

My thought was that the killer was the one who removed the clothing from the victim that the missing sock and panties belong to, and that as to the rest of the clothing that he decided not to take as a trophy....he sunk those items in the river in an attempt to erode any DNA he might have left on the items when he removed them from the victim.


Was it confirmed that the sock and panties were missing? Or just found later but in the river?
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Was it confirmed that the sock and panties were missing? Or just found later but in the river?

From an article I linked on the previous page:

The victims, according to the warrant, didn’t have any defense wounds, but some articles of clothing were taken from them and removed from the scene, while the killer placed the victims’ bodies in what investigators called a staged manner.
From an article I linked on the previous page:

The victims, according to the warrant, didn’t have any defense wounds, but some articles of clothing were taken from them and removed from the scene, while the killer placed the victims’ bodies in what investigators called a staged manner.
Wouldn't those have been listed in the search warrant?

Bridge photo is not a strict ID picture. The reason he looks.justnlike I thought he would is about the jist of his expression, face and athletic aggressive walk.

My earlier theorizing had 3 main professions.
Retail mid-level supervisor, Machinist, Printer.

I discounted truck driver as he seemed to be too fit to be a worker that sat all day.

What I saw in common was a man of middle age that worked in blue collar at something that paid pretty well but required extensive training or that has authority that was acquired by promotion.

I really thought mid level supervisor at something like a
4 Wheel Parts. I searched that extensively. I thought BG drove a motorbike up from Indianapolis area. In any case the sharp look he has is a mannerism and characteristic, he does not display it in photos where he knows he he is being photographed, only in shots where he is unaware of the camera, which I think is interesting
What is his 'sharp look'?
Yes, the multiple confessions was a surprising detail in the recent document release.

“Investigators had the phone call transcribed and the transcription confirms that Richard Allen admits that he committed the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German," reads a motion filed April 20 by Carroll County prosecutor Nicholas McLeland. "He admits several times within the phone call that he committed the offenses as charged. His wife, Kathy Allen, ends the phone call abruptly."

Idk, if the photo is the same we know already or a second one. I rather think, it is the same photo, but without the outer edge of one sleeve now.
The sleeve-photo is gone; I can't prove it.
It was there. We all saw it here on WS.
Oh FrostedGlass, you ask some of the toughest questions :). Thanks for keeping us on our toes.

IDK honestly. Maybe it is something the police would have decided to hold back from the public SW? Is that possible?
IDK either. Your guess is as good as mine. lol...

I give much more weight to the filed docs than I do to the ones that don't have a file date. The search warrant on page 109 and the affidavit for the search warrant on page 110 have no file dates. The return on the warrant has been filed but not until May 1, 2023. Remember the murder charges... the ones that were missing the file date were also missing information.

Whew! That was a long way of saying maybe that info is in the filed docs. However there may be filed ones among that huge doc dump that I missed. If anyone finds them, please post them.
Doubling down, I'm convinced he had a mask of sorts to hide his notable beard. He no longer needed to hide it as he approached A and L because he intended to leave no witnesses.

we can see a scarf covering his lower face...the young witness might have said the same thing
that his face was semi covered
The white thing seemed to change shape as he walked, giving me the impression that it was "loose." It also seems to come from inside his jacket. I'm beginning to think it's something that only the killer knows.

They took some seemingly extra items, imo. I suspect that pair of size 6.5 boots belonged to his wife.
The 3 coats they took... they were specifically looking for a BG wearing a blue coat; so why take the
Black & gray North End coat and the Blue with red stripes Adidas jacket?

They took 12 of his sweatshirts, 9 of his hats.

Of course, there's that strange water bottle. Apparently bagged first by Steve Mullin and then bagged again by somebody. Of all the items taken, that was the only one that noted who bagged it.
Maybe they think he wore some smaller boots on the trek out that day for whatever reason? Disguise his footprints to appear to belong to a female? Just a thought.

Regarding the coats: they probably took anything the *could* be the coat that BG wore?

The water bottle is the most strange thing in my view - why take that? Was one of the kids drinking it at the time of the abduction? Do they think it somehow ties into the murder or crime scene?
Maybe they think he wore some smaller boots on the trek out that day for whatever reason? Disguise his footprints to appear to belong to a female? Just a thought.

Regarding the coats: they probably took anything the *could* be the coat that BG wore?

The water bottle is the most strange thing in my view - why take that? Was one of the kids drinking it at the time of the abduction? Do they think it somehow ties into the murder or crime scene?
The size 6.5 boots and 7.5 boots were both dirty, like he and she were hiking together? Or, maybe she had bigger feet than he did and the clean size 8 were hers?

The jackets... all we ever saw or heard about was a blue one or a black one. He said his coat was hooded.
Blue with red stripes Addidas jacket
Black, and gray North End coat
Blue Carhartt coat

That bottle is strange. I wonder where Mullin found it that he bagged it first and then someone else bagged it again. Have we ever heard who was doing the actual searches, besides Vido and Liggett? How about Harper and Clemens?
Maybe there are more pictures of Abby and the trails, etc, but not anything that has to do with the bridge guy and the crime that is closer than 70 feet away.

The video we saw released to the public is the closest picture/video from 70 feet away. There are no other videos or pictures after the one Liberty German got from 70 feet away because the bridge guy is walking towards Liberty German in the video that was released to the public.

My point about why Liberty German may have taken the video of bridge guy was to show that based on the timing and distance there really are only 2 ways she could have seen the gun(if that was the reason she took the video):

A. When her and Abby passed the bridge guy on the trail as he was walking back towards the Mears parking lot area(before bridge guy then turned around to follow them back to the bridge).

or B. The bridge guy was waiting on the southeast side of the bridge and started going across the bridge past Abby who moved to her left as did Libby move to her right to take photos, but then the bridge guy turned around. Libby noticed it and got the video she did from 70 feet away because she saw a strange person with what looked like a gun in their jacket(in my opinion, windbreaker).

Whatever the scenario, this bridge guy was on some sort of a delay where he waited approximately 5-8 minutes(based on his bridge walking speed) before he approached Abigail Williams and Liberty German in order to abduct them. The video was taken at 2:13 pm, but the photos of the entire bridge and of Abby were taken at 2:05 and 2:07pm.

But Richard Allen confessed and there is ballistic toolmark evidence and eyewitness testimony, so the case is solved. I still wonder about the answers to the questions I have in this case.
BG must have really hustled across the bridge UNLESS he did come from DTH, passed Libby, then passed Abby and then turned around. I'm still not sure that RA actually confessed outright to the crime. He might have been under so much stress and he blurted something out. Some under pressure would do this. " MAKE IT STOP! "
BG must have really hustled across the bridge UNLESS he did come from DTH, passed Libby, then passed Abby and then turned around. I'm still not sure that RA actually confessed outright to the crime. He might have been under so much stress and he blurted something out. Some under pressure would do this. " MAKE IT STOP! "

Could he have been running? That'd be a thing I'd videotape....
And how about Abby's shoes behind BG's left foot. Does no one see this?
You've brought this up before. There are a number of people on other websites, that claim "seeing" shoes and it's tied to some wacky conspiracy theory. Those aren't Abby's shoes.
But you think white spots are shoes and it means what? Others don't see shoes and what does that mean?
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