Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #110

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they don't have emotions outside of outrage, envy, resentment, and anger. They fake the rest.


Hi sunshineray,

Dennis Radar (BTK) was active in his church and president of the church council, as well as being a Cub Scout leader.
(Found on Wikipedia)

I can’t wrap my head around how some people compartmentalize their lives and turn their emotions on and off like a water faucet.

Watching the slow motion video and listening to the audio just creeps me out. He definitely made a turn toward Libby (you can see his left foot turn outward) toward the end of the video released by LE. His right hand is kept a lot higher than his left hand (unless the video is reversed imaged?), as if he has his hand on something, waiting to pull it out. His jacket definitely seems bulky, like he is carrying extra items in it. It almost appears as if he has a tool belt or some kind of brown pouch on the right hand side below his jacket.
I think he came down this path with a purpose and was prepared. In the slow motion video, it almost appeared as if he glanced slightly back to his left as he turned toward Libby.
I should know better than to watch these videos before bed. It does not induce sweet dreams :(
Watching the slow motion video and listening to the audio just creeps me out. He definitely made a turn toward Libby (you can see his left foot turn outward) toward the end of the video released by LE. His right hand is kept a lot higher than his left hand (unless the video is reversed imaged?), as if he has his hand on something, waiting to pull it out. His jacket definitely seems bulky, like he is carrying extra items in it. It almost appears as if he has a tool belt or some kind of brown pouch on the right hand side below his jacket.
I think he came down this path with a purpose and was prepared. In the slow motion video, it almost appeared as if he glanced slightly back to his left as he turned toward Libby.
I should know better than to watch these videos before bed. It does not induce sweet dreams :(
Glad I'm not the only one investigating before bed! The audio is so haunting to me. I noticed those things as well in the video, the slight head tick to his left and the sudden jutting of his foot placement toward the girls just as the clip ends as well as the extra bulk he appears to be carrying. IMO.
Okay, so I'll throw out something different (and probably extremely implausible).

So let's say BG was parked at the CPS lot, which LE has put a vehicle there as late as 5pm. If we say the girls were killed around 2:30-3pm (which could be wrong), then what was BG doing for 2 hours? There could be countless things, but here's just one thought. I'm going on the idea he didn't cross the creek, and didn't want to. Being wet would only make him uncomfortable and noticeable.

So LE initially was asking if anyone had been seen walking Hoosier Heartland hwy. What if BG took a roundabout way to get to the highway, with the least chance of being seen until he was on the highway itself. Then it could look like he was coming from the exact opposite direction of the crime when he headed back towards the parking lot.

I mapped out different routes through the woods and fields and came up with between 3 and a half to 4 miles, which comes out to be 2 hours or less. If he went south, he also could have followed a route through the woods and come up with the same, but I'll only post the north route because I'm probably insanely incorrect and nobody will care, anyway. :)
As I had always surmised, perhaps helping with the search? MOO
I see a lot "different" here.

- He managed to corner and gain control of 2 young women while on a high and dangerous bridge.

- He managed to control and kill 2 young women and somehow herd/lead/command them quite a distance away from the bridge.

- He was giving off enough bad vibes that one victim has him on video and audio.

- Despite audio and video, he's still not apprehended.
What about a person of authority? Moo
As I had always surmised, perhaps helping with the search? MOO
I don't feel he probably helped with the search. That's just my opinion, but whether or not he helped would really depend on the type of killer he is, I think.
Does anyone really think a scarf is going to be what identifies the perp at this point?
No. Obviously.

As far as the quoted post is concerned, it was part of a wider, partly sparring, partly tongue-in-cheek, exchange about sources, relevance and the inevitably cyclical nature of the thread at this point.

Watching the slow motion video and listening to the audio just creeps me out. He definitely made a turn toward Libby (you can see his left foot turn outward) toward the end of the video released by LE. His right hand is kept a lot higher than his left hand (unless the video is reversed imaged?), as if he has his hand on something, waiting to pull it out. His jacket definitely seems bulky, like he is carrying extra items in it. It almost appears as if he has a tool belt or some kind of brown pouch on the right hand side below his jacket.
I think he came down this path with a purpose and was prepared. In the slow motion video, it almost appeared as if he glanced slightly back to his left as he turned toward Libby.
I should know better than to watch these videos before bed. It does not induce sweet dreams :(
We only see footage of him taking a step or two towards them, but I wonder if he was actually pacing or otherwise loitering around that end of the bridge, which got the girls creeped enough to film?
I think LE mentioned the shack to play upon the serial killer connection. In the book the child was killed by a specific serial killer who left marks in nature to indicate the trail leading to where he left the bodies. The trail marks were for his own use so he could revisit them when he needs a "fix". This to me says the killer is definitely a narcissist who preys for a supply. It would be a cerebral type narcissist which would indicate a certain manner of personal success in the community. My feeling is that BG is a pastor, minister etc. The saddest part of my theory is that BG killed the girls with their love and loyalty to each other. It's the only explanation I can come up with as to how one man could control and kill two able bodied teens.
Only if it was left or dropped at crime scene. LE know he has reddish brown hair. How do they know that?

If I remember correctly the reddish-brown hair thing came from the witnesses that helped put the first sketch together in July 2017.
Of course that’s the sketch we now are told is secondary...and then told that’s not him in the first sketch so just ignore it...and then told well maybe just a little it’s him, sorta....and then told well kinda blend it, in your mind, together with the new one. So who knows how important the reddish-brown information is now. Crazy.
Only if it was left or dropped at crime scene. LE know he has reddish brown hair. How do they know that?

I'm not following you. So what if a scarf was dropped? How are internet sluethers debating whether he wore a scarf or what color it was going to help solve the case?
I'm not following you. So what if a scarf was dropped? How are internet sluethers debating whether he wore a scarf or what color it was going to help solve the case?
I wasn't aware we were debating the colour. At least one of the witnesses saw him wearing a scarf. The white thing at his neck could be a scarf. That's all.
If a scarf was dropped (LE said he left something behind) it would have his dNA and/or a reddish brown hair. How else would LE know he has reddish brown hair? The colour of his hair is the only thing that hasn't changed in 2.5 years. Hope this helps explain my post.
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I think LE mentioned the shack to play upon the serial killer connection. In the book the child was killed by a specific serial killer who left marks in nature to indicate the trail leading to where he left the bodies. The trail marks were for his own use so he could revisit them when he needs a "fix". This to me says the killer is definitely a narcissist who preys for a supply. It would be a cerebral type narcissist which would indicate a certain manner of personal success in the community. My feeling is that BG is a pastor, minister etc. The saddest part of my theory is that BG killed the girls with their love and loyalty to each other. It's the only explanation I can come up with as to how one man could control and kill two able bodied teens.

All I can see is that this person, whoever he is, is not a total loser in the community, but his view of the community is very condescending.

The girls themselves were successful and smart, but as the BG thought, might have some been of a lesser social standing than himself. (Both came from incomplete families, for example). To some, the fact that the girls were “good girls”, athletic, had good grades, tried so hard to succeed, would have been the reason for personal respect. This perp respects people for their standing, not the job done to achieve. He is a total misfit for the role he performs, but this is not noticeable because outwardly he is humble.

I think that this person, BG, deep inside, holds a very rigid view of how the community works. Where a local doctor, lawyer, minister, as well as municipal bodies and to the extent, the police, are on top, and the rest are necessary for their existence, but ...expendable?

MOO - it shows in conversations, in some primitive way, like “a doctor’s wife should wear pearls”, or something equally archaic (our society is moving to influential people dressing down, not up). It must, the way I imagine him. And - he came to attack the community he knows. Because he knows the way out, but also, he knows “who is who” there.

And if he is a person of some standing, there should be a disconnect between what he is doing and how he speaks. If a priest, he’d speak only about Jesus, if a doctor, about his last golf score, etc, etc. He is not able to talk to people about their personal issues. MOO

I don’t view someone special in mind, I am wondering how he thinks. MOO

Another feeling - he may be having occasional psychosis, some violent thoughts and he doesn’t know where they come from.
If I remember correctly the reddish-brown hair thing came from the witnesses that helped put the first sketch together in July 2017.
Of course that’s the sketch we now are told is secondary...and then told that’s not him in the first sketch so just ignore it...and then told well maybe just a little it’s him, sorta....and then told well kinda blend it, in your mind, together with the new one. So who knows how important the reddish-brown information is now. Crazy.
So you think all the witnesses agree he has reddish brown hair even though they can't agree on age? What do you think it is that BG possibly left behind?
I wasn't aware we were debating the colour. At least one of the witnesses saw him wearing a scarf. The white thing at his neck could be a scarf. That's all.
If a scarf was dropped (LE said he left something behind) it would have his dNA and/or a reddish brown hair. How else would LE know he has reddish brown hair? The colour of his hair is the only thing that hasn't changed in 2.5 years. Hope this helps explain my post.

No it doesn't. For pages people were debating whether he was wearing a scarf and specifically discussing whether a witness would be able to identify him based on a scarf he wore.

That's the context of my initial statement to which you responded.
All I can see is that this person, whoever he is, is not a total loser in the community, but his view of the community is very condescending.

The girls themselves were successful and smart, but as the BG thought, might have some been of a lesser social standing than himself. (Both came from incomplete families, for example). To some, the fact that the girls were “good girls”, athletic, had good grades, tried so hard to succeed, would have been the reason for personal respect. This perp respects people for their standing, not the job done to achieve. He is a total misfit for the role he performs, but this is not noticeable because outwardly he is humble.

I think that this person, BG, deep inside, holds a very rigid view of how the community works. Where a local doctor, lawyer, minister, as well as municipal bodies and to the extent, the police, are on top, and the rest are necessary for their existence, but ...expendable?

MOO - it shows in conversations, in some primitive way, like “a doctor’s wife should wear pearls”, or something equally archaic (our society is moving to influential people dressing down, not up). It must, the way I imagine him. And - he came to attack the community he knows. Because he knows the way out, but also, he knows “who is who” there.

And if he is a person of some standing, there should be a disconnect between what he is doing and how he speaks. If a priest, he’d speak only about Jesus, if a doctor, about his last golf score, etc, etc. He is not able to talk to people about their personal issues. MOO

I don’t view someone special in mind, I am wondering how he thinks. MOO

Another feeling - he may be having occasional psychosis, some violent thoughts and he doesn’t know where they come from.
I have to part disagree. I think he is a loser. Agree he has mental issues but doesn't know it, also maybe takes drugs, has a record, hides by being available to help search, may even be a volunteer of some sort for fire, rescue, medic, trails, canal, ex LE, scout. I don't think he is high up in the community or people would recognise him for sure either from the video or from the trails. He definitely knows the trails, the locations, the back roads, the private roads, the cemetery, quick ways to leave, probably familiar with the highway junctions, the Old state road, the freight tracks, abandoned buildings, farms and barns in the area. MOO.
No it doesn't. For pages people were debating whether he was wearing a scarf and specifically discussing whether a witness would be able to identify him based on a scarf he wore.

That's the context of my initial statement to which you responded.
So what is your point then? We shouldn't be debating the scarf? You said you didn't follow me. What exactly don't you follow about what I have said? Not being rude but I can't answer or explain any more than I have, I'm afraid. We have threads and threads about the hat/hair/hoodie/jacket/boots/fanny pack/jeans/footwear/white thing so why not the scarf too?
All I can see is that this person, whoever he is, is not a total loser in the community, but his view of the community is very condescending.

The girls themselves were successful and smart, but as the BG thought, might have some been of a lesser social standing than himself. (Both came from incomplete families, for example). To some, the fact that the girls were “good girls”, athletic, had good grades, tried so hard to succeed, would have been the reason for personal respect. This perp respects people for their standing, not the job done to achieve. He is a total misfit for the role he performs, but this is not noticeable because outwardly he is humble.

I think that this person, BG, deep inside, holds a very rigid view of how the community works. Where a local doctor, lawyer, minister, as well as municipal bodies and to the extent, the police, are on top, and the rest are necessary for their existence, but ...expendable?

MOO - it shows in conversations, in some primitive way, like “a doctor’s wife should wear pearls”, or something equally archaic (our society is moving to influential people dressing down, not up). It must, the way I imagine him. And - he came to attack the community he knows. Because he knows the way out, but also, he knows “who is who” there.

And if he is a person of some standing, there should be a disconnect between what he is doing and how he speaks. If a priest, he’d speak only about Jesus, if a doctor, about his last golf score, etc, etc. He is not able to talk to people about their personal issues. MOO

I don’t view someone special in mind, I am wondering how he thinks. MOO

Another feeling - he may be having occasional psychosis, some violent thoughts and he doesn’t know where they come from.

100% right in my eyes, good post!!
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