Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #111

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There were a few seasons still going on, rabbit, fox, coyote, and crow, AFAIK.

Landowners and lessees are not allowed to hunt year round, only during designated hunting seasons. However, landowners and lessees may kill nuisance animals year round. Fishing is a year round thing and a license isn't required for fishing on private land.

Seeing someone decked out in full camo, even carrying a weapon wouldn't seem out of the ordinary to me and likely any LE in the state of Indiana. Even after seasons end, people are still out putting up and taking down trail cameras, moving hunting blinds and stands, and scouting hunting areas. I generally carry a weapon when I'm out in the woods as a general precaution. I've never run into any aggressive predators, but I've known people who have. Also it's not uncommon to run into trespassers and you just never know their intentions.

I don't think he has to be a local and I don't think it would have required a lot of planning. Aside from showing up in a fairly unknown area, it doesn't take a real genius to get around in the woods. I do it all the time in places I've never been without prior knowledge in some huge wilderness areas without landmarks where everything looks the same. One walk to and across the bridge would be able to show most people what areas were visible from the trail and bridge and what areas were not and the fastest and/or easiest route to get from one to the other. It's not hard to see whether a creek is deep or shallow or if the terrain is too steep. I think all he needed was decent situational awareness and a vague sense of direction, although under that limited amount of area, it's not really required as your main landmark (the bridge) would be visible for quite some time. If he walks too far, he's going to be able to see houses/structures.

Anyone who has spent time in the woods would be at an advantage in that situation, not just limited to hunters.

How many cameras were in the area? I've never heard anything that would point to anyone avoiding them because they knew they were there, rather than there just weren't any around. Some of the businesses may have had them, but they were likely focused on the parking lot and/or around the business itself. I doubt there were many trail or traffic cameras around. Not very many people would be willing to leave a trail camera in a public area just because of the risk of theft. We've lost enough of them on private property.

I will not speculate on the reasoning or motive for the murders. People murder for all sorts of reasons and sometimes no apparent reason at all.

I'm not sure exactly what you're implying re: Libby running into something near the bridge and being persuaded to return it.
Firstly, I'm from the area, and I can say without a doubt no one stumbles on that place. It's not marked, it's between 2 private properties, and you have to know how to get there to get there.
There were zero cameras. That video was taken from the victims cell phones.
We are an extremely small very rural community. The mind set here is different. You don't trespass, you know absolutely everyone, and we literally have less than 5 full time officers. Up until this happened, the worst we had encountered in generations was an occasional hunting or kayaking accident. This town is so small you can walk from one end to the other at a leisurely pace in less than 15- 20 minutes. I know. I do it daily with my dog. I came from a bigger city years ago, and it seemed surreal to me for the longest time. It's a homeowner community, with our property having one of a very few rentals, and it's just a little house across our driveway.
The reason they are so sure he was from this area is no one just stumbles upon high bridge. You have to know it to get there, and you have to purposely get there. It's not even an official park.
WELCOME to WS, momma_k.
It is great to hear from the locals. Thank You for chiming in and helping light the way. We need justice for those families and your entire town.

SBM to show what I think LE may possibly have and they need some corroborating evidence from friends or family. I also think the perp may be in jail or accused of another crime ATM. MOO.

I don't think anyone was lying. In these parts it's not unusual to see someone on a solo hike. More than likely they saw someone in that area that they didn't think anything of t the time causing them to be vague on details but just generally wanting to help. The mindset is way different here. And I can't remember where I saw it, but someone said that a person in camo out of season might be afraid of law enforcement. Camo here is considered daily attire, and we have less than 5 cops. So that's just silly. Indiana is a concealed carry state, so it's perfectly legal to hike in camo with a weapon. The DNR officer locally covers several counties. We are a very very tiny community. Literally a 15 minute walk from one end to the other. With a dog who has to pee on every other bush. Out here it's different. We are surrounded by woods, 2 creeks, a river. Being outdoors is a way of life. I live on the creek and it's not uncommon to have someone kayak by and end up joining us in the woods to sit and have a chat.
I don't think anyone was lying. In these parts it's not unusual to see someone on a solo hike. More than likely they saw someone in that area that they didn't think anything of t the time causing them to be vague on details but just generally wanting to help. The mindset is way different here. And I can't remember where I saw it, but someone said that a person in camo out of season might be afraid of law enforcement. Camo here is considered daily attire, and we have less than 5 cops. So that's just silly. Indiana is a concealed carry state, so it's perfectly legal to hike in camo with a weapon. The DNR officer locally covers several counties. We are a very very tiny community. Literally a 15 minute walk from one end to the other. With a dog who has to pee on every other bush. Out here it's different. We are surrounded by woods, 2 creeks, a river. Being outdoors is a way of life. I live on the creek and it's not uncommon to have someone kayak by and end up joining us in the woods to sit and have a chat.

They also have DNA, so the perp being incarcerated is out. Every person jailed here for whatever reason gives prints and a DNA swab.
A witness. MOO

I am a local, and I think everyone is getting too worked up over the "witness". No one witnessed the crime. It was recorded on the girls' cell phones. The " witnesses" were locals who also were enjoying the very uncharacteristically warm day, and saw a man alone. However they would have no reason to take note. Around here that is so common. Everyone just wants to help, so they gave what little they could about who they saw when they realized he was there around the time the crime happened. It's that simple.
They also have DNA, so the perp being incarcerated is out. Every person jailed here for whatever reason gives prints and a DNA swab.
Thank you for the local perspective.

They did collect dna from the crime scene but we don’t know if it’s the killers dna correct? And if it is, we don’t know if it’s enough to be useful as far as I know. Unless I’m misunderstood.
I remember in another case, the Rhoden family murders, LE saying the four accused had lied time and again to them. They knew they weren't being truthful but couldn't start the process of justice until they had the information needed that would sealed the deal and assure conviction, in their minds. We know who they are, lets watch, follow them, see what else we can find, who else might we talk to about them who could have info. I think it may be quite the simular situation here with the Delphi killer. JMO

I don't think they were misleading. I'm a local. A man walking the trails alone on that rare warm day in February would not have alarmed anyone or caused them to take notice. Only after the girls were found, they wanted to help, and gave the best info they had. Probably kicking themselves for not paying better attention, but having no reason at the time to take notice. The video is from the victims cell.
I think they must have OBG sketch from multiple people who saw a man that day in the area but they have finally identified that man and ruled him out. Back to square one and NBG sketch. I think they have zero idea of who it is. I don’t for one second believe they have a specific suspect in mind. Moo
Thank you for the local perspective.

They did collect dna from the crime scene but we don’t know if it’s the killers dna correct? And if it is, we don’t know if it’s enough to be useful as far as I know. Unless I’m misunderstood.

Well it doesn't belong to the girls, and bring from here I know things I cannot disclose. The only person it could belong to is the perp. Plain and simple. And it will prove useful eventually. Especially with everyone doing that ancestory stuff. Our hope is a family member will get a kit, not knowing they are going to expose the killer once it's loaded into a searchable database in these circumstances.
Well it doesn't belong to the girls, and bring from here I know things I cannot disclose. The only person it could belong to is the perp. Plain and simple. And it will prove useful eventually. Especially with everyone doing that ancestory stuff. Our hope is a family member will get a kit, not knowing they are going to expose the killer once it's loaded into a searchable database in these circumstances.
I will also add that due to the nature of the crime there had to be an smoke sample.
I think they must have OBG sketch from multiple people who saw a man that day in the area but they have finally identified that man and ruled him out. Back to square one and NBG sketch. I think they have zero idea of who it is. I don’t for one second believe they have a specific suspect in mind. Moo

IMO opinion they have a person of interest and are being extremely cautious as to not spook them until they can build a solid case. They have SO much more information than they are willing to release for that very reason. Due to the age of the girls, even after they catch him, some things will never be released for privacy/ family wishes.
IMO opinion they have a person of interest and are being extremely cautious as to not spook them until they can build a solid case. They have SO much more information than they are willing to release for that very reason. Due to the age of the girls, even after they catch him, some things will never be released for privacy/ family wishes.
What do you think they could be waiting on to build the case?
I am a local, and I think everyone is getting too worked up over the "witness". No one witnessed the crime. It was recorded on the girls' cell phones. The " witnesses" were locals who also were enjoying the very uncharacteristically warm day, and saw a man alone. However they would have no reason to take note. Around here that is so common. Everyone just wants to help, so they gave what little they could about who they saw when they realized he was there around the time the crime happened. It's that simple.

@momma_k , thank you for your perspective.

So if the man alone is a local, given that the city is tiny, someone might have recognized him. Not asking you to answer, just pointing out the obvious. Or, sadly, he was a stranger to Delphi. In the first case, at least, there is some hope.
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WELCOME to WS, momma_k.
It is great to hear from the locals. Thank You for chiming in and helping light the way. We need justice for those families and your entire town.


Thank you for your welcome. I'm just doing all I can to help clear up misconceptions, so all of these great minds can focus on the right things. My heart aches for justice for those beautiful girls. They would be the same age as my oldest now, and I cannot even fathom the pain the family endured.
Our lifestyle here is one many posters don't understand. I think that perspective was needed to help steer minds in a more productive direction. I appreciate all of you for your thoughts, input and concern.
More was taken from us that day than 2 precious lives. Our nearly extinct way of life was also taken. But we are fighting back in the only way we can. Going back to the way we live. The way we love, and the way we know to be. Bless you all for your concern and efforts. I have every faith this will be solved. Our police department is doing amazing considering we were nowhere near equipped to handle this. The discovery of the scene still makes the grown men cry who found it. Keep up the good fight, and I am happy to help in anyway I can.
To be completely honest, I have a gut feeling the perp may be a poster on here. I have no evidence, but I'm going to comb this thread to see if anything sticks out. I would encourage you all to do the same. I will answer any questions that I can without going against LE wishes as to what info can be public.
Thank you again!
@MommaK , thank you for your perspective.

So if the man alone is a local, given that the city is tiny, someone might have recognized him. Not asking you to answer, just pointing out the obvious. Or, sadly, he was a stranger to Delphi. In the first case, at least, there is some hope.

I really truly believe someone has. I think they are building a solid case as no one wants to see this guy walk. I think that is the reason for some of the more frustrating LE practices and press releases. No one wants whoever came forward to be silenced.
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